Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 429 It’s too early to get excited now!

The maximum temperature that a turbine blade can withstand is an important indicator of turbine engine technology.

Ordinary turbine engine blades also need to withstand high temperatures of more than 700 degrees, and most turbine blades are made of nickel-iron alloy. Depending on the alloy formula, the melting point of nickel-iron alloy will fluctuate to a certain extent, and the fluctuation will be about 950 degrees Celsius.

Aviation turbine engines have higher requirements. The higher the temperature that the turbine blades can withstand, the better. The temperature that the turbine blades can withstand is directly related to the maximum thrust that the engine can produce.

For example, the F119 engine of the M country's F22 fighter jet has a temperature in front of the turbine of about 1,700 degrees Celsius, and the engine thrust is as high as 15.6 tons.

The E-country AL31F engine has a vortex front temperature of 1,400 degrees Celsius and a thrust of 12.5 tons.

The 99M1 engine installed in domestic high-end fighter aircraft is the second batch of imported AL31F series engines. The temperature before the vortex is 1420 degrees Celsius and the maximum thrust is 13.5 tons.

According to international empirical formulas, under the premise that the design level of the engine turbine and fan is the same, for every 100 degrees Celsius increase in the turbine front temperature, the maximum thrust can increase by 15%.

The original K03A can withstand up to 1250 degrees Celsius, and the melting point has increased by 100 degrees Celsius, reaching 1350 degrees Celsius.

This value cannot be said to catch up with the international advanced level, at least it is not far different from imported high-end turbine engines.

He Guilin and the entire R\u0026D team were very excited after confirming the data. They talked excitedly, "It will be improved by a hundred degrees! It will soon catch up with high-end engine blades!"

"It's not much different!"

"I never expected that a change in one process would have such a good effect. K03A has not made progress for more than ten years, but now it is a big step forward! With this data, it is estimated that the Kunlun and Wangwu engine projects will not have blade problems. Come on, let’s cultivate it directly!”

"By the way, write a report, write a report!"

"Do you want to make it public?"

"Of course, this is a major achievement and must be made public, but I'll ask the leaders first..."

There is nothing to keep secret about the progress of K03A, because it does not really catch up with the international level, but it is still inferior to imported high-end engine blade materials.

The R\u0026D team of 307 Steel Plant is excited that K03A has made such great progress all of a sudden, and it is estimated that it can already meet the needs of domestic engines. This is not only a matter of patriotism, but also the pressure from superiors.

The performance of K03A has always been a problem, and there has been no improvement.

The Metal Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences and the Capital Aviation Materials Research Institute are both developing the latest single crystal nickel alloys, and are constantly producing results, such as DD5 and DD6. The melting points have exceeded 1100 degrees Celsius, and the strength of the materials is also very good. We will continue to develop them. Going on, it seems that it will soon replace K03A.

In this way, it feels like the R\u0026D team has no meaning in existence.

Although they did not have any relevant results, everyone was still holding back their breath.

Now that they have discovered that the performance of K03A has been improved, and the melting point has been increased by a leap to 100 degrees Celsius, they all feel very relaxed, because in a short time, they will no longer be under pressure, and they don't have to worry about 'outside research results' Will replace K03A.

The members of the R\u0026D team of the steel plant returned to the office. He Guilin explained some of the report matters, and then immediately held an internal meeting to talk about the K03A manufacturing process improvement suggestions submitted by Zhao Yi, "From now on, everyone is busy Get up and I will assign the task."

"We must verify the improvement issues raised by Academician Zhao as soon as possible. Each item must be verified, and everything must be verified together."

"This is the most important job right now!"

"do you understand!"

at the same time.

Institute of Metal Research, Academy of Sciences.

The team led by Academician Peng Engui also discussed the latest achievements in turbine blades. They developed a high-strength hot-corrosion-resistant nickel-based single-crystal superalloy, which not only has excellent hot-corrosion resistance, but also has high high-temperature mechanical properties and good organizational stability.

The team published the results in the domestic magazine "Materials and Alloys". Peng Engui accepted an exclusive interview with an academic reporter. Several researchers and Peng Engui's students were sitting next to him.

Peng Engui sat in the middle and introduced the nickel-based single crystal superalloy, "This new nickel-based alloy material has a melting point of about 1150 degrees Celsius, which is fifty degrees higher than DD5. It has very good corrosion resistance and strength. Similar to DD5, it can be used for high-temperature components of ground and naval gas turbines, as well as high-temperature components of aerospace and aerospace engines."

The reporter asked, "As far as I know, the ultimate goal of the research and development of single crystal nickel alloys is aviation turbine blades. Will the new alloy materials be used in aviation turbine blades?"

Peng Engui thought for a moment and used one word, "Infinitely close!"

He explained, "Now, for example, the Kunlun engine uses K03A nickel-iron alloy. That was a technology more than ten years ago, and there is little potential for continued research and development."

"The strength of K03A is pretty good and it can withstand high temperatures up to 1,250 degrees Celsius."

"As you said, our ultimate goal in studying single crystal nickel alloys is to develop alloys that can withstand higher temperatures and have higher strength, that is, they can be used in aerospace engine blades. Now the new nickel-based alloys can withstand 1,150 degrees Celsius, just a hundred degrees Celsius short.”

“In terms of the material properties of aero-engine turbine blades, the difference at 100 degrees Celsius is still huge, but you need to know one thing…”

Peng Engui paused while speaking, "The materials we develop have not added metallic rhenium. And many sources show that the top engine turbine blades of countries M and E contain rhenium, and the melting point of metallic rhenium exceeds 3,000 degrees. , which can greatly improve the ability to withstand high temperatures.”

Peng Engui said it very seriously, and it felt like it was true. But in fact, even the students next to him couldn't help but lower their heads, because Peng Engui's statement could only deceive laymen, and insiders would know there was something wrong as soon as they heard it. There is no technology in China on how to add rhenium metal to alloys.

Add rhenium?

How to add?

How much to add?

Without solving these problems, directly saying that adding them has good effects is purely tantamount to being a rogue.

The good news is that the reporter is a layman and has no understanding at all. Naturally, he will not trouble Peng Engui.

Peng Engui continued to seriously conclude, "So, it is only a matter of time before the single crystal nickel alloy developed by our group can replace K03A."

At this time, a shout suddenly came from the side, "Academician Peng, Academician Peng! Pause for a moment, pause for a moment."

It was a young researcher who spoke.

Peng Engui frowned and looked over, "Xiao Li, what's wrong? It's an interview. If you have anything to say, just tell me."

The interviewer also looked over.

The researcher known as Xiao Li looked at the reporter and then at Peng Engui. Thinking that he had nothing to say, he picked up the small laptop next to him, handed it to Peng Engui and said, "Academician Peng, the latest version released by the 307 R\u0026D team According to the news, based on the suggestions of Academician Zhao Yi, they improved the K03A production process and created an alloy material that can withstand 1350 degrees Celsius and has higher strength."


Peng Engui's eyes widened immediately after hearing this, and he looked at the computer screen seriously with his mouth half open.

News released by the R\u0026D team of 307 Steel Plant!

Academician Zhao Yi Zhao’s suggestion? Improve the production process? Create K03A nickel-iron alloy that can withstand high temperatures of 1,350 degrees Celsius?


Peng Engui gasped in shock.

The reporter who was interviewing next to him knew that something big had happened. He quickly asked Xiao Li in a low voice. Xiao Li didn't bother the reporter just now and simply explained to him directly.

After hearing this, the reporter asked with confusion, "Academician Peng, didn't you just say that K03A has no improvement potential? Now that K03A has been improved again, how long do you think it will take to develop a new alloy to replace K03A?"

Peng Engui raised his head and looked at the reporter, not knowing what to say. It was true that he was elected as an academician of the Academy of Engineering and had made many achievements in alloy materials. However, the number of interviews he had given was very limited. He was faced with "tricky" questions. He held it in and his face turned red.

After waiting for a long time, Peng Engui said, "I don't know, I can't say for sure about research and development. That's it for today."

"Xiao Li!"

Peng Engui stood up, his tone immediately rising, "And you," he pointed at other researchers and students, "Go back to the laboratory, we have to work overtime to continue our research and development!"

Aeronautical University, Metal Composites Laboratory.

Wang Zhifang and Zhang Hongtao also saw the news. They were both surprised by K03A. The 307 Steel Plant R\u0026D team only said, 'Under Zhao Yi's suggestion', as if Zhao Yi only provided suggestions, and R\u0026D was the real study of how to improve it. Yes, in fact, they knew very well that "Zhao Yi's suggestions were very clear". The 307 Steel Plant R\u0026D team just followed the suggestions. The performance improvement of K03A can be said to be Zhao Yi's credit.


"Zhao Yi really wasn't talking nonsense. He said there was a big problem at that time, and it was indeed a big problem!"

Wang Zhifang said with a sigh.

Zhang Hongtao was not so surprised. Instead, he thought it was normal. "Teacher Wang, I have said it a long time ago. Zhao Yi must be right. He is a genius, and we are ordinary people. We rely on experience, and he relies on his talent. But in research, talent is more important.”

Wang Zhifang nodded with deep understanding.

Zhang Hongtao continued, "I have done research and development of satellite shell materials with Academician Zhao before. His suggestions were really... just listen. The final results were the same as what he said. As well as the deck steel, Academician Zhao also provided My suggestions are all right."

Wang Zhifang was so surprised that she ran out of ideas and asked, "What should we do now? Do research on K03A? But we know how to start!"



Zhang Hongtao said, "I have communicated with Academician Zhao. He said that he is waiting for news from 307 and will do research and development based on the improved K03A, but I feel it is still early."

"Is this still early?"

Zhang Hongtao shook his head, "It's not time yet. As far as I know, Academician Zhao's suggestion report has just been submitted a few days ago. The 307 side must not have made improvements based on the suggestions. After a while, let's see, there will definitely be improvements."

Wang Zhifang opened her mouth and dared to refute.

If it were before, he kept saying "You are dreaming". After seeing the news, he found that there was nothing he could say. The "big problem" Zhao Yi said really existed. After the improvement, the performance of K03A was greatly improved. Once all his suggestions are adopted, will K03A be improved?

But if the performance of K03A is improved, it will almost catch up with the international level. It seems that there is no need to improve it, right? Even if you want to continue improving, is there still room for improvement?

Wang Zhifang was suddenly confused.

Yanhua University, Power Engineering Laboratory.

The work of the Kunlun engine prototype unit is very leisurely, just maintaining parts.

Team leader Yuan Haitao and two engineers Zhou Qing and Xue Fengge spent most of their time sitting in the office, discussing Zhao Yi's improvements to the engine. By now they all knew that Zhao Yi was determined to make a major transformation of the prototype. Go outside and renovate it again.

Before coming to the capital, they must not have believed that one person's ability is limited, and the structure of an aero engine is too complex. It is already amazing to be able to design just one component. How can it be possible to achieve improvements from the inside out?

Now they believe that Zhao Yi can do it, but it is difficult to say how effective it will be.

Zhao Yi's ability is quite worthy of recognition, but it is not only the design that limits engine performance, but also some hard technologies, such as the material of the turbine blades.

Zhao Yi had previously improved the combustion chamber. Due to the limitations of the turbine blades, the improvement in the efficiency of the combustion chamber did not mean much. Even if there was an improvement, it would not be fully utilized, otherwise the turbine blades would not be able to withstand the high temperature and rapid speed. damage.

So the problem lies with the turbine blades.

"It's difficult!"

Xue Fengge sighed and said, "Academician Zhao is indeed very powerful, but there are technical difficulties with the materials..."

He shook his head as he spoke.

"Yeah, there's nothing we can do about it. Because of these restrictions, our team's design has ignored the power system. We have to wait for the results of alloy materials."

Yuan Haitao also said.

"It's working!"

Zhou Qing suddenly exclaimed, "Look! There are results. 307 said that the melting point of K03A has increased by one hundred degrees Celsius!"

"real or fake?"

Yuan Haitao said very calmly, walked slowly over to look at Zhou Qing's computer, and immediately his eyes widened, "It's really..."

"What is it really?" Xue Fengge also came over, and the three of them looked at the news released by the 307 Steel Plant R\u0026D team, and they were all shocked.

It took a long time.

Yuan Haitao sighed, "Academician Zhao, it's true! That's great! Research and development of alloy materials is so fast!"

Zhou Qingdao, "He just said he was going to study the materials of turbine blades. I thought it would take half a year or a year even if there were any results."

"Let's go!" Xue Fengge stood up directly.

"What to do?"

"Congratulations to Academician Zhao, we are idle anyway."

"That makes sense!"


The three of them walked out of the room together and walked towards the farthest end of the corridor, which was the office designated for the metal materials laboratory in the mechanical building.

Zhao Yizheng and Shen Binghe looked at the list of applicants together. It was easy to compete for other positions in the laboratory, but researchers in the laboratory must be chosen carefully. Ability is very important.

Shen Binghe believes that an international student should be selected. Dr. Turtle, who has studied abroad, has relatively better abilities. He also has another reason: "English must be good. If there are results in the future, he must publish an English version of the paper."

"That doesn't matter."

Zhao Yidao said, "It's enough to speak English, but not necessarily to use it. We are looking for people who can do research and development, not translators. Ph.D.s in materials from our top domestic universities are also acceptable."

Although English is indeed very important, it is not necessarily so important. You have to find an international student whose level is enough to write a professional paper.

The two were talking.

Yuan Haitao and the other three came over and received a large number of congratulations upon entering. Zhou Qing and Xue Fengge kept talking about the news about 307.

Zhao Yi understood after listening to a few words, "Are you saying that there are results from 307? The melting point of K03A has increased?"

"Increased by a hundred degrees!" Yuan Haitao said very forcefully, showing his excitement.

Shen Binghe also became excited, "This is so awesome! Just adding a hundred degrees directly will definitely greatly improve the performance."

Zhao Yi frowned and asked, "Only one hundred degrees?"

Yuan Haitao, Zhou Qing and others looked at each other and didn't quite understand what Zhao Yi meant. What does "only" one hundred degrees mean?

Isn’t one hundred degrees enough?

Zhao Yi muttered to himself depressedly, "I said, it shouldn't be so fast. It only raised a hundred degrees. It seems that only the mixing and deoxidation problems have been solved, and nothing else has been solved."

He calmly told several people, "Don't get excited, it's too early now."

"307 will have new results soon. I estimate that the melting point of K03A can be increased by another 50 to 100 degrees, and the strength will also be improved."

After Zhao Yi finished speaking, he ignored Yuan Haitao and the others, looked at Shen Binghe again and said, "Let's continue!"

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