Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 440 You can definitely do it, come on!


“This time it’s really a great achievement!”

"If it is announced to the public, it will definitely cause a sensation in the world!"

"Don't think about announcing it to the outside world for now. At least we can submit a report now. By then everyone will know internally that for the research of nickel alloys, no metal research institute or materials research institute can do it. We still have to count on our metal materials laboratory..."

"And our metal composite materials laboratory..."

"It's all the same! It's all the same!"

When Zhao Yi confirmed the results, everyone cheered excitedly and started discussing crazily.

Shen Binghe and Li Rongmao were both proud of the Metal Materials Laboratory, but at the same time they made Wang Zhifang and Zhang Hongtao depressed. They discovered a very big crisis -

The laboratory has the same name!

If the laboratory is led by the Metal Composite Materials Laboratory, people outside will definitely say that the Aerospace Metal Composite Materials Laboratory is powerful, but the leader is Zhao Yi, and everyone will say, "Zhao Yi is a genius, Zhao Yi is at his level" "High", it is also said that "Yanhua University Metal Materials Laboratory" has strength.

"Metal Composites Laboratory?"

"Isn't that the Metal Materials Laboratory? What, the Aeronautical and Astronautical University? That's a mistake!"

"Maybe the Metal Composite Materials Laboratory is a branch of the Metal Materials Laboratory?"


Zhang Hongtao didn't think that deeply.

Wang Zhifang thought about it carefully, and suddenly he couldn't be happy anymore. He suddenly asked Zhang Hongtao, "Hong Tao, do you think Zhao Yi...ahem, Academician Zhao, did he deliberately choose a name similar to that of our laboratory?" ?”

"……I don't know either."

Zhang Hongtao did not give an exact answer, which made Wang Zhifang feel even more depressed. He felt that everything was planned. Zhao Yi deliberately chose a similar name. After this great achievement, who knew about the metal composite material experiment? room?

Irrelevant people will not be able to distinguish it so clearly. When the Metal Composite Materials Laboratory is mentioned in the future, other people will also think of Yanhua University.

Perhaps also include previous results?

For example, everyone knows that the satellite skin research and development done by Zhang Hongtao is the Metal Composite Materials Laboratory. When it is mentioned again in the future, other people’s first reaction will be, "Metal Composite Materials Laboratory? I know, it is from Yanhua University! Zhang Hongtao is Be the leader of the younger generation in alloy research and development at Yanhua University!"

Now even the talented people are 'poached' away.

"Zhao Yi, this kid, has such a dark heart!" The more Wang Zhifang thought about it, the more depressed he became. In the end, he was gritting his teeth, but there was nothing he could do to give up the big results in front of him?

What a joke!

In the end, he could only think, "Forget it, as long as I have the results. I am already old, and the future development of the laboratory can only rely on other people."

Zhao Yi didn't know Wang Zhifang's complicated ideas. He named it 'Metal Materials Laboratory' at that time just to make it simple and no-brainer.

This is the case with research institutions in various universities and across the country. Searching for "materials laboratories" on the Internet will turn up many of them. Only those in the professional field will know which name corresponds to which institution.

A phased summary meeting was held that day. Zhao Yi summarized the next few design, demonstration, and experiment processes, expressed his affirmation of everyone's efforts, and then continued to talk about the next stage of work.

The two most important points are to record and improve the experimental manufacturing process and to shift the focus of research and development in the future.

The purpose of the former is to connect experiments with production, record all processes in detail, and then conduct more complete experiments to ensure the rigor of the process, so as to continue to improve the performance of the finished product.

The previous experiments were not rigorous, and the process was only formulated in the simplest way according to the design. Many experimental steps and equipment were very simple, and it was enough to ensure that they could be completed.

Whether it is temperature control or experimental environment, there is a gap between it and real standard production.

Wang Zhifang said, "Based on my experience, if the manufacturing process is made more rigorous, the performance of the finished product will definitely continue to improve, and the melting point can increase by another 20 to 40 degrees."

This improvement is still huge.

Another issue is 'shifting the focus of R\u0026D in the future', which also talks about the end of R\u0026D. Because the phased goals have been achieved and the performance of the finished product is sufficient, there is little point in continuing R\u0026D. There is no need to continue to concentrate on R\u0026D. You can Transfer the technology to 307 Steel Plant and let them cooperate with the Metal Materials Laboratory and Metal Composite Materials Laboratory for subsequent research and development. The specific transfer issues need to be discussed by 307 Steel Plant, the two laboratories and their superiors. What is certain is that both laboratories will receive additional funding, and those in the R\u0026D team will receive substantial bonuses.

After the meeting was over, everyone held a celebration party and went to a restaurant to have a big meal.

When he came back, Zhao Yi was still thinking about the report, so he simply reported it directly, explained the performance of the finished product, and then fell asleep directly.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the Materials Department of the Science and Technology Department.

Li Zhenlai is a junior clerk in the Materials Department. He is on duty in the office at night. The branches under the Science and Technology Department do not have much business, and the duty is only routine work. Information received is usually processed during the day.

Li Zhenlai had extensive experience on duty, and because it was stipulated that he had to be in the office, he pulled two chairs together, lay on them and covered them with a sheet, and prepared to take a short nap.

If there were no special circumstances, it would be no problem if he could sleep for three or four hours, and sometimes he could even sleep until the next morning. But today's situation was obviously different. Li Zhenlai had just closed his eyes when he heard the message.


Li Zhenlai sat up depressedly, looked at the computer on the table, and found a message, "Zhao Yi...academician?"

He stood up in surprise.

After reading the information carefully, Li Zhenlai immediately became energetic. He worked in the Materials Department and knew about nickel alloy research and development. Almost everyone working in the Materials Department knew about Zhao Yi's application for nickel alloy research and development more than three months ago. Also discuss a few words in private.

Are there results now?

Li Zhenlai looked at the results carefully and opened his mouth in surprise, "The new material with a melting point exceeding 1700 degrees is temporarily named K03B? Is it the second generation of the K03 series?"

"The melting point exceeds 1700 degrees?"

"How can it be!"

Li Zhenlai rubbed his eyes vigorously and read it carefully several times before confirming it. Then he immediately continued to report the news.

Such results are no longer decided by the Materials Department and must be reported to the higher-level leaders.

Zhao Yi's reporting means reporting the results to his superiors and applying for internal disclosure of the results. In addition, it is equivalent to announcing in advance, "We have completed the research and development and can conduct a phased summary."

The phased summary of the project involves various issues such as the announcement of results, product submission for production, collaboration with other departments, etc. In terms of funding, phased settlements can be made, how much funds have been consumed, and whether to increase R\u0026D investment in the later period. All are needed. Make a plan to apply.

Li Zhenlai continued to report the news and went to the affairs group of the Science and Technology Department. The affairs group was composed of leaders of various departments. The group was responsible for discussing major scientific research projects and results.

The person on duty in the affairs team that day was Ying Sheng.

After Ying Sheng received the news, he immediately called the Materials Department and asked, "Is the news just now true?"

"Yes, Academician Zhao reported it." Li Zhenlai answered in the affirmative.

"It will be lively tomorrow!"

Ying Sheng sighed and continued to report the news.

The next morning, Liu Zecheng, deputy director of the Science and Technology Department, learned the news as soon as he arrived. He was as surprised as everyone else. He was not responsible for the affairs of the Materials Department, but he still knew about related research. Generally speaking, top alloy materials The time required for research and development is measured in 'years'.

The project funding Zhao Yi applied for was 20 million. Compared to the project itself, the funding was far from high. Liu Zecheng felt that more funding would need to be invested in the future, and the research and development time would take at least two or three years, or even longer. time, it turned out that only three months had passed...

Has it produced results?

It wouldn’t be surprising if there was a small result, but...

"The melting point is above 1700 degrees? Nickel alloy? Doesn't this reach the top international level?" Liu Zecheng looked at the report in surprise, which contained specific parameters of the finished product.

Alloy code: K03B

Melting point: 1708 degrees Celsius (fluctuation does not exceed 2 degrees Celsius)

Rhenium element content: 6.7%~~6.8%

Other parameters include strength and corrosion resistance. The data is somewhat difficult to understand, but it is marked with 'Basically equivalent to K03A' next to it, which can make people understand directly.

Liu Zecheng immediately found the parameters of K03A for comparison, and then asked related professionals from the Materials Department. He couldn't help but take a deep breath, "This is the world's top nickel alloy! The parameters have exceeded those released by the top fighters of the M country." The data."

The parameters he mentioned are comprehensive.

The turbine engine blade parameters of M country's top fighter jet have a slightly higher melting point, but the rhenium content is as high as 8%, and the strength and corrosion resistance are similar.

The professional explained, "This is just the initial experimental result. Because it is an experiment, the process is not rigorous. In theory, if the environment and temperature can be controlled well, the performance of K03B can continue to improve, and it will definitely surpass the top fighter turbine of Country M." Blade performance.”

Liu Zecheng was marveling.

The Materials Department reported two more result information, again reported by Zhao Yi, both of which were related to nickel alloys. One was named KK031, with a melting point of 1550 degrees Celsius and a rhenium content of about 2.5%. The other was named It is KK032, with a melting point of 1650 degrees Celsius and a rhenium content of about 4.3%.

The performance of K03B is definitely the best, but the performance of KK031 and KK032 is not bad either, with melting points above 1550 degrees Celsius.

Three alloy materials, three grades.

The higher the performance of alloy materials, the better. We still need to consider manufacturing costs and usage issues. If materials with good performance are placed in a low-end environment, they will not be able to fully exert their effect, and will instead waste costs.

After receiving all the reported results, Liu Zecheng immediately held a leadership group meeting to discuss issues related to the nickel alloy results. Then he personally called Zhao Yi to communicate with Zhao Yi about the results and subsequent research and development issues.

Zhao Yi's idea is very simple. Whether the results will be made public depends on the Science and Technology Department, but he himself doesn't care.

The research and development is also ready to be handed over to the 307 Steel Factory.

It is impossible for him to keep researching and developing alloy materials and produce the world's top alloys that are sufficient for use and have already achieved his research and development goals.

As the leader of the R\u0026D team, he still has to fight for the benefits of the R\u0026D team members. He hopes that everyone’s name will be recorded in the results, and he also wants to win bonuses for everyone.

In addition, development funding also needs to be secured.

The metal materials laboratory was established by Zhao Yi. The funding of several hundred or tens of millions is still a little too little compared to an alloy materials laboratory. He hopes to get more funding to conduct experiments on metal materials. When the office is really developed, it is best to have more complete equipment. In terms of talents, it depends on future development.

When Liu Zecheng heard the first few points, he immediately nodded in agreement. He thought about the last one, "If you continue to cooperate with Factory 307 for R\u0026D, the development of the laboratory will not be a problem."

There is a difference between superior funding and cooperative independent development.

Expanding the laboratory only through higher-level funding is definitely the worst option. More funds should come from cooperative enterprises. 307 Steel Plant is undoubtedly a good choice. Because there are enough results and benefits, they will definitely be willing to allocate part of the funds. , for collaborative laboratory development.

Zhao Yi also understood.

It is not Liu Zecheng’s decision to allocate funds from the Science and Technology Department to support the development of the laboratory.

If you cooperate with 307 Steel Plant, development becomes very free, just like a medical science center. If a company is willing to spend money to sponsor it, you can build it any way you want, because it involves all aspects, and the superiors will not allocate large sums of money. Simply support a lab expansion.

After Zhao Yi and Liu Zecheng talked on the phone, the matter was almost finalized, and the Science and Technology Department agreed to disclose the results internally.

The R\u0026D team released the results immediately.


Other relevant departments saw the news of the results.

Institute of Metal Research, Academy of Sciences, Capital Aviation Materials Research Institute, Aviation Group, Kunlun Engine Unit, Wangwu Engine Unit...

Everyone who saw the news was shocked, "Zhao Yi's R\u0026D team developed a nickel alloy with a melting point of over 1,700 degrees?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"Are you sure it's above 1,700 degrees? Has the strength not decreased? How is it possible that... the rhenium element has been added, and the melting point has increased by more than 200 degrees?"

"So fast?"

"It's just a nickel-iron alloy without using single crystal technology? This result... So, our single crystal nickel alloy project does not need to continue?"

Other departments were doing better, but were overwhelmed by the news.

The Institute of Metal Research of the Academy of Sciences and the Capital Institute of Aeronautical Materials are different. They both have single crystal nickel alloy research and development projects. After seeing the news of this result, the first reaction was, "Our research will be interrupted!"

"No need to continue!"

"With this new type of material, what's the point of studying single crystal nickel? A nickel alloy with a melting point of over 1,700 degrees, high strength, and high corrosion resistance is enough to equip high-performance engines of fifth-generation aircraft!"

"We can start thinking about other projects..."

What kind of mood will you feel when you have done research and development on a year-by-year basis and achieved two or three small results, only to find that all your efforts have been meaningless:?

Peng Engui, can you explain.

Recently, he and his R\u0026D team have been working very hard on research and development, hoping to make a breakthrough in the research of single crystal nickel alloys, so that those who are not optimistic about themselves can really see who is the master of alloy materials. .


All your efforts seem to be in vain?

"It's over!"

"It's all over!"

"The project funds will be interrupted, and several years of hard work will become useless." Peng Engui sat in a chair blankly. Thinking about it carefully, he felt that he was a joke. He was afraid to go out, "Maybe others are laughing at me? Even people in the group.”

In fact, no one said anything about Peng Engui.

People in the R\u0026D team are talking about Li Rongmao. They are envious of Li Rongmao for being able to do research with Zhao Yi and achieve great results so quickly. As long as he has a little bit of similar great results, it will be of huge benefit to his personal future development, and Li Rongmao's name was directly listed in the results news, affirming his contribution to research and development.

Not to mention the students, interns, and associate researchers at the bottom, even a few researchers are envious of it. The results have been truly released. Unsurprisingly, Li Rongmao will be considered a "new star of alloy materials", and he will be promoted to professor and researcher. It’s just a matter of time. In the future, I will be trusted by higher-level departments, and it will become much easier for individuals to apply for large projects.

This is what many researchers pursue.

As long as you can apply for a big project and have enough financial support, you will have the opportunity to produce great results. Your future development will definitely get better. With enough support from results, you may be able to be elected as an academician in the future.

Achievements are achieved, fame is achieved, money is achieved, and status is achieved!

A virtuous circle!

Peng Engui continued to sit blankly. He became much more awake, but he was afraid to go out for fear of seeing other people's eyes, whether it was disappointment, panic, ridicule, etc., it would always be negative.

Then the phone rang.

Peng Engui took out his mobile phone and found that it was an unfamiliar number. "You won't be told to stop the project so soon, right?"

He smiled bitterly in his mind and pressed the answer button.

A familiar voice rang on the other side of the phone, "Teacher Peng, this is Xiao Li. Have you seen the results news?"

"I'm not calling to show off, but I want to say I'm sorry and... thank you!"

"Teacher Peng, I am able to achieve my current ability and level all because of your teachings. No matter what happened in the past, you taught me how to do research and development, how to do experiments, and even the use of basic equipment. It was all with your hands. Taught. So, no matter what happens in the future, you will always be my teacher."

"thank you!"

The words were choked up at the end.

Peng Engui also couldn't help but shed tears. He took a deep breath with red eyes, and after a long time he still sighed and said, "Xiao Li, I heard it. No need to apologize, I don't blame you. Because I thought about it, If I were you, I'd go too."

"Over there in the capital, work hard and study more with Academician Zhao. You are my best student. I hope you can surpass me in the future."

"No, you can definitely do it!"

"come on!"

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