Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 444 Super Genius, Extreme Genius!

Sun Lei is the protagonist at the beginning of the online novel. One of the major characteristics of his life is--

Got kicked by my wife!

Sun Lei and his wife were high school classmates. They were not childhood sweethearts. His wife had always liked another male classmate, but that male classmate finally chose her best friend.

So she turned around and chose Sun Lei.

Sun Lei had been married for five years when he discovered that his wife and the male classmate were inseparable. One time, they were finally blocked at home. In the end, his wife had a big fight with him, and then decisively decided to divorce him and marry the male classmate. classmates together.

This family matter was such a big deal that everyone in the Wangwu Engine Group knew about it, and many people kept gossiping about it in private.

Sun Lei's situation can be imagined. He has long wanted to change his environment.

Another characteristic of him is that he is ‘unappreciated’.

Sun Lei's ideas on design in related fields were very 'advanced' and very innovative, but he came up with several plans that were never adopted and were rejected every time.

Of course.

That's not how Wangwu Engine Group sees it. Most people don't deny Sun Lei's talent, but they think his ideas are 'unrealistic', or to put it bluntly, 'unrealistic'. Many of his design ideas sound very high-end. , but during the actual discussion, it was full of mistakes and omissions. It was originally an ordinary design, but in Sun Lei's hands, the design problems were more complicated than the design's effect.

This is why Sun Lei's design was never adopted.

So when he heard Sun Lei say that he wanted to visit the capital, Zhang Shuqing agreed without much thought. Others in the mechanical team also felt that it was a good thing to have less Sun Lei in the team. Maybe there would be less controversy during research and development. , as to whether Sun Lei’s trip to the capital is useful for him to adjust his mentality personally...

Who cares?

Zhang Shuqing only said polite words. He had promised Zhao Yi to let one person go. If Sun Lei didn't go, he would have to appoint someone else. Comparatively speaking, Sun Lei going voluntarily was the best result.


Zhao Yi received a call back from Zhang Shuqing, saying that they had sent the "most innovative" young experts to the capital to help Kunlun Group 2 design the high-pressure compressor.

"The most innovative"

Zhao Yi felt like he was being deceived when he heard this description. He looked at the information sent by Zhang Shuqing and asked, "Your name is Sun Lei? It turns out that he is an associate researcher at the Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the Academy of Sciences. He is only thirty-five years old, which is indeed quite young." "Being able to serve as an associate researcher in an institution under the Academy of Sciences, there is no need to question the basic level, but the description of 'the most innovative' is still a bit confusing.

Zhang Shuqing immediately said, "Don't worry! Sun Lei is the most talented person here. He always has some very creative designs. I heard that you were short of people, so I immediately decided to let Sun Lei come over."

"I did a lot of work to get him to agree to go there. Sun Lei's family is here and he goes to work in the capital..."

He didn't continue, but his meaning was made very clear.

After hearing this, Zhao Yi didn't think there was any problem. Being creative or not is not a problem. Sun Lei was originally an associate researcher at an institution affiliated with the Academy of Sciences. He was promoted to associate researcher at a young age. He also worked in the Wangwu engine unit and had technical expertise. There is no doubt about the level.

He had reservations about the so-called ‘innovation power’, mainly because he felt that Wangwu Engine Group could not send the best young talents. He and Zhang Shuqing were not familiar with each other, so it was impossible for the other party to give such strong support.

However, after talking to Zhang Shuqing, Zhao Yi was looking forward to Sun Lei's arrival. No matter what his innovation or genius, meeting and talking would help him to understand him better.

Sun Lei came quickly.

Originally, Zhao Yi thought that it would take at least more than a week to wait for someone. After all, coming to the capital may mean joining the Kunlun Second Team, which requires working here for a long time. The specific time has not been determined yet. Unexpectedly, he only waited for two days. Met Sun Lei himself.

"Unshaven and unkempt..."

"I can smell the smell of sweat from a distance. Have you worn your clothes for several days in a row? Why don't you take a shower and change your clothes before coming here..."

"The eyes are dull, as if they don't care about anything."

"What's going on with this guy?"

Zhao Yi was really surprised to see Sun Lei. He knew many scholars in their thirties. Most of them dressed casually and didn't pay much attention to the details of life. Even he himself was the same. He would wear sportswear instead of casual clothes. , I always have a pair of sneakers under my feet, but no matter how casual I am, I still have to pay attention to hygiene, especially when I come to the Kunlun Second Team. When meeting for the first time, I should always pay attention to my appearance and be a little more energetic, right?

If you go to an interview like this, the probability of failure is really infinite.

Fortunately, Sun Lei didn't come for an interview, because his level and resume were strong enough, and Kunlun Team Two needed relevant talents, so he came directly to join the job.


There are still appropriate tests.

Zhao Yi and Yuan Haitao acted as "interviewers" together and casually talked about a few compressor design issues. Sun Lei answered them without even thinking, and his performance was quite satisfactory.

"This is enough."

Zhao Yi gave Yuan Haitao a signal with his eyes and looked at Sun Lei much more cordially. He pulled Sun Lei to sit on the sofa without any disdain and said, "It was Mr. Zhang and I who asked your group to send someone here." , Mr. Zhang strongly recommended you to me, saying that you are the most innovative young expert in the Wangwu Group."

Sun Lei was a little surprised, "Designer Zhang said that I am the most innovative?"


Zhao Yi nodded vigorously.


Sun Lei said with some confusion, "I've always felt over there that they don't seem to be optimistic about my design. Last week, I came up with a design plan for a bleed valve that I had been studying for a while, but the chief designer rejected it directly. , saying that I create more problems than effectiveness, how could he say that I am innovative?"


Zhao Yi sounded a little embarrassed. He actually wanted to ask tentatively. Even if most people realize that something is wrong, they will definitely smile and nod, or make other reactions. The purpose is to acquiesce to what he said, that is, 'being Zhang Shuqing is optimistic about it.

The engine in Wangwu is favored, and the new engine unit will also be taken seriously.

But what I didn't expect was that Sun Lei didn't seem to be very understanding of people. He directly said that his design had been criticized, and what he meant was 'I am not favored at all'.

"All right!"

"Low emotional intelligence and honesty are also advantages!"

Zhao Yi could only think so.

His enthusiasm for Sun Lei did not change, but he did not continue to test it, but directly talked about the problem of the compressor.

Now that Zhao Yizheng is planning to solve the problem of compressor stability, he asked Wang Wu’s engine unit what he did and Sun Lei’s own thoughts.

Sun Lei said, "Our team's solution is similar to that of the Kunlun engine unit, which is to start from two aspects: the bleed valve and the stator blade. Because your team has developed the latest turbine blade materials, we have been doing compressor-related design recently. , hoping to make a compressor with a higher thrust-to-weight ratio, but the stability design is the most difficult.”

After talking about the problem with the Wangwu engine unit, he continued, "Personally... I just said that I designed a bleed valve plan some time ago, but it was rejected."

"Recently, I've just been doing calculations and other work with the team." Sun Lei said and shook his head, which basically meant that he had no relevant important work in the recent period.

Zhao Yi asked with interest, "What kind of design is the deflation valve that was rejected? Can you tell me about it?"


Sun Lei nodded and said 'ok', then looked around.

Like an assistant, Yuan Haitao took the paper and pen with a wink and placed them in front of Sun Lei.

"That's right."

Sun Lei made a simple drawing on paper, which showed the overall structure of the engine. He highlighted the outline of the compressor, then pointed out the location of a line on the outside, and drew a design sketch below.

This design is still quite complex.

But Sun Lei got to the point directly, "The most important thing about my design is to add two bleed valves, that is, there are three bleed valves in total, which are at the penultimate, third and fourth stages of the compressor."

“The exhaust outlets of the three bleed valves are not at the edges of the engine, but a separate channel is opened so that the exhaust outlets and the injection ports are in the same direction. That is, the exhaust valves also allow the engine to generate forward motion. driving force."

"This increases the effectiveness of the bleed valve, rather than making it just an internal pressure relief device, and eliminates the need to design a complex movable stator."

"Because deflating the valve will generate propulsion, the deceleration process of the fighter will greatly reduce fuel consumption..."

Sun Lei spoke in detail.

During his explanation, even Yuan Haitao was attracted. His explanation was really attractive. Only three deflation valves were designed, eliminating the need to design complicated movable and stator blades. At the same time, deflation can also increase the propulsion force. , effectively reduce fuel consumption during deceleration?


"He seems to be a genius!"

Zhao Yi listened and thought carefully, "Placing the air outlet of the exhaust valve and the jet port side by side can also generate thrust by directly releasing high-pressure gas, but will the exhaust duct be too long?"

"It is also difficult to control the deflation valve, and the seal may be easily damaged..."

"But the faults do not hide the faults!"

“These problems are easy to solve!”

The more Zhao Yi listened, the more he felt that Sun Lei's design was genius. The core of his design was to allow the bleed valve to control the stability of the compressor while providing additional power to the engine.

This design will bring about many problems at the same time, but they are only minor design problems and can be solved.

While Sun Lei was explaining the design, Zhao Yi subconsciously used the "Law of Supervision" to find and solve two small problems.

There are problems in any design. Problems that can be directly solved are not problems at all.

“What a genius design!”

"Sun Lei, this guy is indeed a genius and very innovative. Zhang Shuqing didn't lie to me!"

"If designed in this way, the stability problem can be solved without reducing the overall performance of the engine, and it can even reduce fuel consumption..."


Zhao Yi looked at Sun Lei as if he were looking at a treasure, and was a little surprised why the Wangwu engine unit didn't adopt Sun Lei's design.


In fact, because he is a 'layman', his judgment of difficulty is based on system capabilities. Some problems are simple under causal thinking, but difficult to design through logical thinking.

One problem is this: when a large group of problems are piled together, the gap is really too big.

Therefore, Zhao Yi's judgment of difficulty is inaccurate. Problems that he thinks are easy to solve cannot be solved by others.

Sun Lei's design created a lot of problems. For the people of Wangwu Engine Group, solving these problems is even more difficult than redesigning the compressor.

So his design was directly rejected.

Zhao Yi didn't know this.

After listening to Sun Lei's design, Zhao Yi immediately found someone to arrange a dormitory for Sun Lei, and quickly asked Yuan Haitao to sign an internal contract for him. When he returned to the office, he called Zhang Shuqing.

"Designed by Mr. Zhang!"

He said excitedly, "Thank you. I just met Sun Lei. He is indeed a genius, a super genius, a top genius. He has amazing innovation in compressor design!"

"Sun Lei's ability is too strong!"

"To be honest, when I heard you say it before, I still didn't believe it. Now, I apologize, Mr. Zhang. Although we have never met, I will always remember your support for our Kunlun Team 2! "


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