Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 448 Is it necessary for a group to exist?

"Is the design of Kunlun Group 2 completed?"


"The second team has just been formed, and there are only a few people. I looked at several of them, but none of them are professional in R\u0026D. How could their design be completed?"

"Academician Zhao has developed cutting-edge technology, right? For example, K03B. By the way, I also know that the partition plate of the combustion chamber is also the latest design. Our group also did the demonstration and calculation of the new partition plate."

"Those are just two technologies."

"But the second group was originally developed on the basis of the Kunlun engine. A few cutting-edge technologies and a few improvements are enough."

"Could it be that the design finalization that Yuan Haitao said is just adding two technologies and making simple modifications on the basis of Kunlun? Wouldn't it still be Kunlun?"

"It was originally the 'Kunlun' Team 2!"



Hearing Yuan Haitao say that the second group was preparing to apply for design finalization and even prepare to manufacture prototypes, people nearby quickly spread the news, and many people couldn't help but discuss it.

In most people's minds, the Kunlun Group 2 has just been formed. The purpose of forming the review team is to take a look at the R\u0026D environment of Group 2. The leadership also wants to know about the engine developed by Group 2 or Zhao Yi. ideas, and at the same time see if the second group has any needs in terms of technology, talents, R\u0026D environment, and funding.


Are the designs of the second group ready to be finalized?



While others were discussing in surprise, Yuan Haitao was also questioned continuously. Liu Jiankun asked continuously, "What kind of finalization? Design finalization? Are you sure? All designs?"

Zhang Gangchuan said, "Captain Yuan, are you sure you're not joking? It's really not a joke? Today is not April Fool's Day, right? Have you misunderstood the design stereotype? Or do you have a new design that needs to be reviewed?"

Liu Zecheng, Gao Mingfu and others all watched in silence, their moods obviously similar to those of Zhang Gangchuan and Liu Jiankun.

Yuan Haitao was a little irritated when he was questioned. He said simply, "Manager Liu and Director Zhang, I am very sure that the design is finalized as you understand it. Only when the design is finalized can you apply for building a prototype. I know this better than anyone else. I am originally Responsible for the Kunlun-2 prototype."


Everyone else was doing better. Zhang Gangchuan was silenced. Of course he knew that Yuan Haitao understood the rules, but he still couldn't believe that the second group was actually preparing to finalize the design.

"What new designs have you made?"

"Compared to the Kunlun machine?"

"Is there any improvement? Is there any latest research and development? Or the latest design, Captain Yuan, please tell me..."

Liu Jiankun and Zhang Gangchuan no longer asked about the finalization of the design, but asked about the latest design and what improvements there were compared to the Kunlun engine.

Yuan Haitao could answer the last one, "The new design of the air release valve seems to have a hole or something like that, which leads directly to the jet port. It is said that it can increase the propulsion force..."

Then, no more.

Yuan Haitao is not a professional R\u0026D person. He only knows some new designs. He doesn't know what other specific changes have been made. Several people asked Yuan Haitao one after another, and Yuan Haitao didn't know how to answer. He hesitated in place, very embarrassed. It feels a little awkward.

At this time Zhao Yi came over.

Yuan Haitao breathed a sigh of relief and quickly said to Zhao Yi, "Academician Zhao, you are here. It is up to you to talk about these professional things."


Zhao Yi still didn’t know what was going on.

A large group of people gathered around, but still no one spoke. After waiting for a long time, Liu Jiankun finally asked, "Academician Zhao, I just heard Captain Yuan say that your design is ready to be finalized?"


Zhao Yi nodded directly and admitted, but Liu Jiankun didn't know how to continue. He thought for a while and asked, "So, are there any changes in the design of your second team compared with the original Kunlun?"

"Revise...a lot."

"A lot?" Zhang Gangchuan subconsciously questioned forcefully.


Zhao Yi still nodded calmly, "We have made overall revisions in all aspects, and some have made completely new designs." After he finished speaking, he explained, "Because when the Kunlun Group 2 applied, there was no targeted fighter aircraft, and now it is just After the main design is made, only when the target fighter is determined can parameters, materials and design changes be made to meet the needs of the specific fighter."


Everyone around nodded.

They understood what Zhao Yi meant. For example, the Kunlun engine was aimed at the domestic J-20 fighter. The design was determined based on the domestic J-20 fighter's demand for the engine, and then the corresponding accessories were produced to create the corresponding engine. Because the design of the prototype has an uncertain upper limit, such as combustion chamber performance and turbine performance, higher is not always better. The higher the performance to a certain extent, the higher the manufacturing cost. It is necessary to ensure that the performance of each component is within Within a certain range, an engine that meets the parameter range can be installed on a specific fighter aircraft.

The design of Kunlun Group 2 is the same.

The performance of each component is not directly matched, and will be affected by design, materials, precision workmanship, etc., and there will be considerable differences. At the same time, the performance of each component must have an upper limit of parameters, but the performance parameters of some components If the performance parameters of some parts are high and low, a suitable design must be determined so that the various parts can be matched reasonably.

After hearing what Zhao Yi said, the others had no reaction, but Zhang Gangchuan laughed angrily.

Zhang Gangchuan is the person in charge of the Kunlun engine unit. He feels that it is impossible for the second team to complete the design so quickly. In particular, he said that "a lot of corrections and some new designs have been made." The second team has completed a lot of corrections in a short time. , and some new designs have been made. Doesn’t it mean that the development progress of Kunlun engine unit is slow?

The comparison is extremely harmful!

Zhang Gangchuan nodded and asked vigorously, "Well, Academician Zhao, please tell me in detail, what new designs did the second group make? What modifications were made to Kunlun?"


Zhao Yi didn't mind talking, but the surrounding environment was not very good, with dozens of people surrounding him, and the design must involve confidentiality.


Liu Zecheng coughed lightly and said, "Let's go to the conference room."

A group of people left the operation room of the Power Engineering Laboratory and went to the small conference room in the mechanical building. Half of the people stayed outside. Those who entered were the leadership and elites in related fields.

Everyone from Kunlun Group 2 also came over.

When everyone was seated in the conference room, Liu Zecheng said to Zhao Yi, "I am a layman here. There are also some people like me who don't understand too professional things. Academician Zhao, don't talk too deeply, just Let’s talk about the innovations and improvements in general, and we’ll listen to them, and we’ll treat them as understanding before acceptance of the design.”

Zhao Yi nodded and said, "I'll just tell you briefly."

The two were talking.

Yuan Haitao found the final design documents from the team and placed a large pile in front of Zhao Yi. Zhao Yi flipped through it and suddenly didn't know where to start.

There are so many changes and new designs!

They have almost changed the Kunlun engine from the inside out. When comparing the two designs together, it is difficult to tell that the design of the second group is based on the Kunlun engine.

Where to start?

Zhang Gangchuan seemed to see Zhao Yi's hesitation. He reminded, "I only mentioned the changes and the new design."

Zhao Yi pursed his lips and said nothing. He continued to think about it and said, "Let's start with the main axis."

He raised his head.

Everyone in the conference room looked over.

If there is anything about the design of the second group that is most similar to the original design of the Kunlun engine unit, it is the shape of the main shaft turbine blades, the mentality of the compressor booster blades, and the design of the main shaft itself.

The spindle itself is unchanged.

This is also the only completely consistent point. The shape of the turbine blades and the compressor booster blades are all modifications and adjustments made based on the original design of the Kunlun engine. They are technical corrections and the addition of hollow channel designs so that the blades can Get higher performance.

However, whether the new design can achieve higher performance than the original design cannot be understood by listening. It still requires very professional calculations.

Zhao Yi said this part, "We have made certain changes to the turbine blades and supercharger blades. The turbine blades were originally hollow, which is a good design, but there are still some minor problems..."

"The modified turbine blades, with the same material properties, weigh the same as the original design, and their performance will increase by 13 to 15 percent."

"The supercharging blades are changed to a multi-arc and hole-connected design, which can increase the supercharging effect under strong winds, and cooperate with the stator..."

"With the modified supercharging blades, the supercharging efficiency is between nine and 11 percent."

"Both of these conclusions were obtained through repeated calculations."

After Zhao Yi finished speaking, he looked at everyone.

Several people looked at Zhang Gangchuan. Zhang Gangchuan must have an understanding of the shape of the spindle blades and must have conducted in-depth research on it.

Zhang Gangchuan frowned and thought carefully. What Zhao Yi explained just now was not detailed. He just talked about how to improve it, but the overall idea and direction were still stated. After thinking for a long time, he still couldn't be sure. Zhao Yi said Whether this method can increase performance requires very professional calculations to know.

Some people focus on different things.

For example, Liu Zecheng and Liu Jiankun noticed that Zhang Gangchuan was silent, and they looked at each other and confirmed one thing.

Now the second group's design of the spindle blade shape cannot be said to be 100% able to improve performance, but it must have a certain reference and value. Otherwise, Zhang Gangchuan would have noticed it immediately, and taking into account Zhao Yi's own mathematics level, the improvement Performance should be no problem.

Talk about computing?

Who can compare to Zhao Yi!

Yuan Haitao, Sun Lei, Wang Zhiguo and others were all sitting on the side, and their focus was also different.

Sun Lei looked around and asked, "Academician Zhao designed this himself, right? When did we calculate and demonstrate this?"

Wang Zhiguo grinned and said, "I didn't know at all that we have completed the improvement of turbine blades and supercharger blades..."

Yuan Haitao said, "This is all done by Academician Zhao. Of course you don't know, and he can't use it for other people. Academician Zhao is the top mathematician. Do you need to ask others about this?"


"However, blade design is not just about mathematics..."

While several people were talking, Zhao Yi talked about the latest design, which was the compressor stability solution. He opened the design document and felt a little thirsty. He immediately looked over and said, "Sun Lei, you are responsible for this piece of content, please explain it."


Sun Lei pointed at himself and was a little surprised.

"Of course, you are responsible for this part." Zhao Yi said seriously, "Let's talk about the deflation valve."


Sun Lei stood up and looked around, still looking a little nervous. He walked over to Zhao Yi, took the document and began to explain, "We made a new deflation valve design for stability, which completely changed the original simple The piston design adopts a multi-hole pressure relief method.”

"The inner openings of the engine body's ducts correspond to each stage of the compressor, and the outer openings of each duct correspond to the final exhaust port..."

"We designed the final exhaust port outside the jet port, and at the same time changed the outer shape of the compressor..."

Sun Lei was a little nervous at first, and even said the wrong content twice. Later, he seemed to have found his groove and started talking continuously for more than ten minutes, from the design of the bore piston to the design of the outer layer of the compressor. Including the second air duct is equivalent to changing the shape of the inner and outer layers of the engine.

This design is very novel. The core lies in the outer shape of the tunnel piston and the compressor wrapping the combustion chamber. Sun Lei simply drew it and it made several people in the conference room shine. Even Zhang Gangchuan exclaimed, "What a unique idea!" "

“This design is not easy to think of!”

"Is it Academician Zhao?"

After Sun Lei finished introducing, Zhang Gangchuan couldn't help but ask. Zhao Yi shook his head and said, "It was Zhou Qing who suggested it in the first place."

"Who is Zhou Qing?"

"I do not know?"

Not to mention anyone else, not even Zhang Gangchuan knew Zhou Qing. Zhou Qing was just a small engineer who maintained the prototype. He could be said to be a technical blue-collar member of the R\u0026D team. It was not easy to be remembered by his name.

Zhou Qing was a little excited when his name was mentioned. He raised his hand high, "Me! Me!"

Everyone else looked over.

At this moment, Zhou Qing reached the pinnacle of his life. All the leaders and elite R\u0026D personnel in the conference room turned their attention to him. He even cleared his throat, thinking about what to say.

Liu Jiankun asked with interest, "This design is very innovative, are there any others?"

Everyone's attention immediately turned to the next technical issue.

Zhou Qing held back his words.

In fact, the new design and improvements are almost here, which is enough to surprise everyone. Even Zhang Gangchuan can't say anything. He thinks that these plus the performance of K03B are enough to apply for design finalization. The design can be said to be similar to the Kunlun engine. There has been a very big difference. What is uncertain is whether the design and improvement are correct. When it comes to the stage of design acceptance, detailed demonstration will definitely be done.

But what no one in the review team expected was that the Kunlun Team 2 report only mentioned the main changes, and there were some incidental changes that had not yet been completed. Next, Zhao Yi asked Yuan Haitao and Li Rongmao to discuss the design of the combustion chamber partitions and the compressor respectively. He explained the new materials for the machine bore piston and blades, and then he himself talked about the changes to the fan blades and fan parts in the front section of the main shaft.

The front blades of the main shaft and the fan part are integrated, but they are not within the scope of "design acceptance". There is no target aircraft model, that is, the engine requirements are determined. The front blades and fans are very uncertain. For turbofan engines, it is different. The front fan blades and fan drive the same main core components and can be used for two purposes.

For example, if the front fan blades and fans are designed to be very large, they will generate a lot of resistance, which will greatly reduce the thrust-to-weight ratio of the engine and at the same time greatly reduce fuel consumption. It can be used on civil aviation aircraft.

on the contrary.

Fighter aircraft's demand for turbofan engines is that the smaller the front blades and fans, the better. The smaller the fan blades, the smaller the resistance. It is best not to use the second and third air ducts, so that huge thrust can be generated. Supports fighter planes flying at supersonic speeds or even several times the speed of sound.

The difference lies here.

Zhao Yi still made changes to the front fan blades and the fan. He mainly adjusted the shape and deflection angle of the fan blades. He also added a thinner small fan behind the large fan, and the front fan blades at the back were correspondingly reduced. Two pieces, "This matching design can produce greater forward pulling force without increasing weight, because the front fan blades have less material requirements. I have discussed with the people in the materials team that it is possible to use some new materials. reduce weight."

Performance improvements are key.

No matter what aircraft the engine is used on, designs that can directly improve performance can definitely be used.

The fan improvement issue mentioned by Zhao Yi did not cause much reaction, because the people in the review team were surprised enough.

"it's over?"

"there is none left?"

Liu Zecheng reacted somewhat dullly. He was probably the one who felt the most uncomfortable in the conference room, because he was the only one who knew very little about aero-engines. In some places, it was like listening to a book from heaven, but he also knew that the design of the second group would bring great benefits to everyone. of shock.

He knows better--

Zhao Yi led the second team to make huge changes to the Kunlun engine, even completely changing it from the inside out, including the core turbine group, combustion chamber, and compressor, as well as the two-layer engine outer skin and the front fan. Wait, it's not easy to find a place on the engine that hasn't been modified.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about the problem of few design changes. On the contrary, if there are more designs, it will be more troublesome to make prototypes.

Liu Zecheng still knows this.

If you want to make fewer changes and have experience in manufacturing Kunlun engines, some parts can be used directly. They are all brand-new designs, and it will be many times more difficult to manufacture them.

"No wonder Academician Zhao first asked about Seiko technology. That's it!" Liu Zecheng completely understood.

At this time, Zhang Gangchuan was the most embarrassed.

When listening to the design introduction of the Kunlun Group 2, he listened with interest and praised some of the designs. But now he realized a problem. The Kunlun Group 2 only took a short time, not even three. Within a month, all the design work was completed, and the process of applying for manufacturing prototypes was directly entered. Isn't the progress almost catching up with the Kunlun group?

In addition, the design of the second group is also very high-end.

If their designs pass during subsequent design acceptance, corresponding prototypes will be manufactured...

"Is it still necessary for our group to exist?"

Zhang Gangchuan suddenly felt a little confused. He was in danger of losing his job. He even couldn't help but think, "How about...merging with Kunlun Group 2 and developing the design of Group 2 together?"


He immediately shook his head.

The Kunlun engine unit has been persisting for so many years, and finally has a prototype. The progress in fighting failures is also very gratifying. It is really unacceptable to give up directly.

"Maybe the second group's prototype has more faults than Kunlun!" After thinking about it, he calmed down.

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