Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 460 This is my statement!

"Tao gives rise to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and there is a missing 'three gives rise to all things'? It seems a bit fairy-tale!"

"Based on the existence of reality, we can deduce basic things or laws..."

"Relying on the existence of reality? Does reality already exist? That is, things or laws that already exist? Things and rules cover a wide range. Does it also include various sciences and technologies?"

Zhao Yi checked the newly acquired "Derivation Rate" and carefully considered the function of "Derivation Rate".

The introduction of the system's capabilities is quite simple. It only ends in one or two sentences. It is not easy to fully understand. The specific functions need to be used to know the specific functions.

Zhao Yi looked around, picked up the record book on the table, and tried to use the "Derivation Rate" ability.

[What is the material of this record book? 】

【"Derivative Rate"! 】

The system immediately gave a reminder.

【not available! (Tip: "Derivation Rate" cannot be deduced in reverse.)]

It's not surprising that the ability fails to be used. The problem is that he has set it himself, and it may not necessarily be within the scope of his abilities. However, he can increase his understanding of the new abilities through the system's failure reminders.

"Can't do reverse deduction?"

Zhao Yi thought about the meaning of "reverse" and suddenly understood, "Tao creates one, creates two, and two creates three. It is a forward process, which means there is no way to deduce from three to one?"

"try again!"

He immediately picked up a pen, asked the same question, and got the same result.

[Use failed! 】

【not available! (Tip: "Derivation Rate" cannot be deduced in reverse.)]

"If it is forward derivation, how should we ask the question?" Zhao Yi thought carefully, and simply asked several questions in a row, "What is the next generation product of this record book?" 】

[Unable to answer. 】

[What higher-end technology does the next-generation product of this record book have? 】

[Unable to answer. 】

[What is a higher-end technology than the printing of this record book? 】

[Insufficient conditions to answer! 】


"Finally something different!"

Zhao Yi looked at the question carefully and had a little understanding of the ability of "Derivation Rate". The questions he wanted to ask must be specific to technology, which is the so-called 'things and rules' in the ability description, and technology must also be realistic. exists, otherwise there would be no effect.

For example, the question about 'next-generation products' is probably because there is no next-generation product, or there is no substantial breakthrough in the manufacturing technology of next-generation products. Of course, it cannot be answered if it does not exist, and there are more technologies in the 'printing' field. The printing technology is more advanced than the record book, and it is specific to a unique field, and the ability to use it can be deduced.

Of course, the premise is that you have enough conditions and the learning coins that must be consumed.

Looking at the remaining, pitiful learning coin, Zhao Yi felt that it was better to put aside research for the time being, otherwise he would definitely be very depressed if he knew how to use it but couldn't use it.

Next to him, Qiu Chengwen suddenly came over and pointed towards Zhao Yi. He saw Lu Yuanhua, an information professor at Shuimu University, nodding towards the table, once, once, once...


Qiu Chengwen couldn't help laughing, turned around and said, "Zhao Yi, call him." He and Lu Yuanhua were colleagues at Shuimu University and very familiar friends.

Zhao Yi went to Shuimu University several times and met Lu Yuanhua. The impression he had was that he was a very honest scholar with a bit of a nerdy air. He was also very productive in the field of academic research and development. He was not only a professor of information science and an electronics expert, but also published in the field of mathematics. Very influential research paper.

Just as he was about to reach out and tap Lu Yuanhua's back, his movement suddenly stopped, and then he immediately used "Derivation Rate".

[If I tap Lu Yuanhua’s back with this movement, how will he react? 】

【"Derivative Rate"! 】

[Successfully used, learning coin -1. 】

The moment after asking the question, Zhao Yi roughly knew Lu Yuanhua's reaction.

"Derivative Rate" conducts a deductive analysis of the upcoming events based on the real environment, the character's state, and the conditions for understanding the character, and concluded that "Lu Yuanhua will tremble all over and panic instantly."

Zhao Yi immediately stopped moving.

In such a large and important meeting, it is not fun to be noticed by a group of people for "little tricks". If it interrupts the normal progress of the meeting, it will definitely be more embarrassing.

Zhao Yi turned his head and said to Qiu Chengwen, "I'm afraid of scaring him!"


Qiu Chengwen was a little puzzled. His position was diagonally opposite Lu Yuanhua. He simply stood up and reached out to pat Lu Yuanhua's shoulder. Lu Yuanhua shook his whole body so hard that he hit the table with a soft "bang" sound. He looked left and right before turning around.

The noise here caused a moment of waiting and watching. The Deputy Minister of Finance who was making a report on the podium paused for a moment before he pursed his lips and continued reading.

Qiu Chengwen was immediately embarrassed, but Lu Yuanhua looked at Zhao Yi, as if asking, "Why are you filming me?"

Zhao Yi pointed at Qiu Chengwen with his thumb and decisively sold the guy who cheated his teammates, "It's Professor Qiu. He wants to refresh you."


He looked to the left and right and said seriously, "That's right. This meeting is very important, so you must listen carefully."

Only then did Lu Yuanhua notice the attention salutes coming from the left and right. He blushed slightly in embarrassment and quickly turned around to pretend to be serious.

Zhao Yi also listened carefully for a few minutes, but he found that he really couldn't listen anymore. The leaders, academicians, and scholars who came on stage were all reading very long 'papers', and the content they said had nothing to do with him.

He noticed that the amount of learning coins had reached zero, and decisively decided to continue taking a rest.

There are also two learning coins for extra rest!

Better than nothing!

Zhao Yi looked around, then simply supported his chin with his hand and slowly closed his eyes.

Lu Yuanhua turned around to say something to Qiu Chengwen, and saw Zhao Yi sleeping soundly. His face suddenly darkened, and he immediately stared at Qiu Chengwen with a scrutinizing gaze, as if to say, "Why don't you let me Is he spiritual?"

Qiu Chengwen spread his hands to express his helplessness.

Zhao Yi had just had a long sleep, and the eyes of senior leaders paying attention seemed to say, "Academician Zhao must be tired and take advantage of irrelevant topics to rest."

Can this be the same?

Zhao Yi didn't rest for long either.

After about half an hour, the plenary meeting in the main venue, which was similar to the 'opening ceremony', came to an end.

Afterwards, the discussions are held separately.

Zhao Yi mainly participated in the issue of collider. He, Qiu Chengwen, Lu Yuanhua and others went to a small conference room next to them. Thirty to forty people came in.

Zhan Gang, the director of the Science and Technology Department, sat in the center, and the others lined up on both sides.

Zhao Yi was placed very forward, with only one person on the left side of Zhan Gang. Qiu Chengwen's position was relatively far back, but it was also very far forward compared to others.

Zhan just chaired the meeting and went directly to the topic. He asked the secretary on the left to talk about the research and development of international microphysics. He also said that the domestic economy continues to take off and has played a greater role internationally. The meaning is pretty much the same. The understanding is that as the domestic economy has kept up, the scientific research field must also keep pace. It is very difficult for the scientific research field to catch up for a while. They need to find some scientific research fields and focus on key research.

The collider is one of them.

There are many voices of support from domestic scholars, and there are also many voices of opposition. The Science and Technology Department was unable to make a decision for a while.

Those present were all the top scholars in mathematical physics in the country, and some were leaders of physics-related research institutions. They sat together to discuss this decision-making issue before making the final decision.

Next, supporters make presentations.

The main supporter of the collider is the Department of Physics of the Academy of Sciences. The person who stood up to give the report was also an old acquaintance, Director Zhang Hongzhi of the Department of Physics. Putting aside the issue of the construction of the collider, he and Zhao Yi are also friends.

For example, Zhang Hongzhi was the reviewer for Zhao Yi’s ‘supersymmetry’ argument, but it was very embarrassing that time. It was revealed that Zhang Hongzhi was suspected of ‘making comments without reviewing the manuscript at all’.

Later, in order to restore his reputation, Zhang Hongzhi directly told reporters, "Because I trust Zhao Yi, he is the top mathematician and physicist. My own level is far behind, so I will not review it and just pass it." alright."

He added a very classic saying, "With Zhao Yi's level, if he writes a paper and submits it to a domestic magazine, does it still need to be reviewed? For me, just give it a pass."

This sentence has touched the hearts of many people.

Even now, there are still people in academic circles who despise Zhang Hongzhi as a person, but they cannot deny his achievements in academic research, his contribution to the academic development of domestic physics, and his popularity in domestic physics circles, even the Academy of Sciences and even Influence at the national level.

At the decision-making meeting hosted by the Science and Technology Department, Zhang Hongzhi was also the first to speak. He elaborated on the current status of international physics academic development, emphasizing that domestic scientific research facilities and environment have fallen far behind international development, "For example, Ruan Wenye and Ruan Professor, the study of microphysics can only rely on data from Europe, but Europe is not friendly to us, and the data our team can obtain and the experimental projects we can participate in are restricted."

"If we can have our own large collider, we can conduct experiments and research and development on our own. Our microphysics research may catch up with the world, and at the same time, we can attract top physicists from all over the world."

"It goes without saying that the collider project and its construction can bring economic and peripheral benefits. The large collider itself can play a foundational role in the research and development of domestic microphysics."

Zhang Hongzhi said a lot in one breath, and what he meant was that as long as a large collider is built, domestic microphysics research will take off, and domestic microphysics will easily catch up with the world.

To a certain extent, what Zhang Hongzhi said is very reasonable. With the large collider as the foundation, every experiment can make many discoveries. At least the participants can write many papers and make discoveries in the research. , the large collider is of great significance in terms of the quantity and quality of papers.

In addition, large-scale collisions will bring many professional physics academic jobs, and will definitely allow more physics department talents to develop in the direction of physical theoretical research instead of transferring to applied physics or other fields.

After Zhang Hongzhi gave his speech, two more supporters talked about the benefits of building a collider.

Afterwards, Zhan Gang asked everyone to show their hands.

There were thirty-seven people present, and seventeen raised their hands in support. The number was relatively large, because those who did not raise their hands did not mean they were opposed. Most of them were "neutral."

For example, some people from non-microphysics research institutions have little to do with the construction of the collider. In terms of policy formulation, they can only be regarded as small figures and cannot influence the final decision, so they will definitely remain neutral.

This kind of decision-making is not about the majority obeying the majority. The final decision still depends on the thoughts of senior leaders.

Zhan Gang glanced at the number of supports in the venue, then waved for everyone to put down, and looked at Zhao Yi with surprise, "Academician Zhao, don't you support it?" He felt that the person in the venue who had the most reason to support was Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi's theoretical physics research has already reached the top international level. The 'particle boundary theory' he pioneered is considered to be on par with 'string theory' and is recognized by many top international universities and theoretical physics research institutions. Many physicists have simply switched to By studying particle boundary theory, he can be said to have created a discipline and a school of theoretical physics.

As a top theoretical physicist, you will definitely want to have a better microphysics experimental environment so that you can find inspiration in particle physics experiments, or verify your own research and pioneering theories.

Zhao Yi shook his head slightly and said to others in the venue, "I remember talking to Academician Zhang Hongzhi. I have supported the construction of a large collider in China, but not now."

"Why?" Zhan Gang asked with interest.

Everyone looked over.

Zhao Yidao, "Because it's not yet time. If the investment in building a collider is small, of course it doesn't matter, but we have to consider the cost."

“When the costs are very high, you have to be cautious and cautious, and you have to build with a purpose.”

"Now is not the time. One is the problem of construction itself. I have recently learned about materials, precision work, and high-end manufacturing industries. I am sure that if we build a large collider, we will have a large number of high-end equipment and materials that we need to rely on. Imported, these are still key materials.”

"I know the specific data, but if 10 billion is invested, maybe 3 or 4 billion will be spent on imported equipment and materials."

Zhan Gang nodded solemnly.

Zhao Yi said with self-mockery, "So when we build a collider, it is almost equivalent to creating a large number of orders and profits for foreign companies, and creating GDP for other countries. What we invest in ourselves is only based on the underlying technical needs." , basic needs and labor needs.”

"It's the economic aspect."

Zhao Yi continued, "From a talent perspective, there are currently not so many high-end physicists in China. Even if the collider is built, it will still have to rely on a large number of foreign physicists in the early stage. This part can be regarded as attracting talents, but They may not necessarily work here for a long time, they may just participate in an expensive experiment and then leave. Really top physicists cannot be tied down by an experimental machine."

"Besides, it's the target."

"I think we don't need to invest huge sums of money to use the collider for major research and development for the time being, right?" Zhao Yi said and looked at everyone. What he meant was, does anyone have anything worth using? Billion' projects or directions in which the unit invests in research and development.

of course not.

Even the top physicists in the country dare not say that their research and development direction is worth investing hundreds of millions of dollars. The reason why most people support the construction of the collider is because they have not lost anything and have nothing to lose. Gained a very good scientific research environment.

"I do not have either."

Zhao Yi nodded affirmatively, "My theoretical research does need experimental verification, but even I have not thought about what kind of experiments are needed. Maybe the collider does not meet the requirements."

"No one has ever said that the only way to conduct experiments in microphysics is particle collision. Now, we know that this is a good method, but maybe in a few years, there will be a new method, but by then, we don't have There is no way to go back.”

Zhao Yi said it in a relaxed tone, but it aroused the thoughts of everyone in the venue, even Qiu Chengwen. There were some things that Zhao Yi said that he had not thought of.

For example, the last point.

Are particle collisions the best way to study microscopic physics? Not necessarily, no one can give a definite answer. Maybe in five or ten years, a good method will be found again, and the construction cycle of the large collider will definitely exceed five years, and it is impossible to go back. .

Zhao Yi finally concluded, “So, I support building a collider, but not now.”

"I believe that the same investment can be spent on research and development in fields such as precision craftsmanship and high-end manufacturing, or on material research and development. This is the basic technology for us to catch up with the world."

He finished speaking and sat down.

The venue immediately burst into loud applause.

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