Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 462 I really don’t have that many in my hands!

Zhou Haoren and Zhao Yi did not know each other. The reason why they came to Zhao Yi for support was because they heard that Zhao Yi stated at the meeting that more funds should be invested in high-end manufacturing, precision craftsmanship and material research and development.

Hongfeng Industry is a heavy industry group that integrates heavy manufacturing, precision manufacturing, and alloy material production. They are a very important domestic military industry enterprise and a listed military-industrial company.

As a military-industrial listed company, Hongfeng Industry is a semi-autonomous enterprise, that is, it has most of the autonomy, but it involves some general directions, research and development, production, etc., and will be restricted by superiors and policies. It seems a bit embarrassing.

If it is a completely independent enterprise, it can decide on its own investment in all aspects and its development direction. Facing the competition of the market economy, it has a higher degree of freedom and freer development.

Semi-autonomous products will be subject to many restrictions, but the advantage is that there are policies to take care of them. There is no need to worry about order issues. Products can be manufactured directly for state departments. There is almost no worry about large losses and no worries about corporate profit margins.

However, it is very difficult for Hongfeng Industry to achieve large profits, because orders from state departments can almost only maintain costs, and there is not much profit for scientific research.

If you want to achieve profitability, you must consider the 'independent half', that is, facing competition at the market economy level, domestic companies are subject to external pressure and restrictions in terms of high-end manufacturing, precision work, materials, etc., and most of them can only be independent. It is impossible to conduct research and development, purchase patents, or import high-end equipment, let alone compete with similar foreign companies.

Zhou Haoren is the general manager of Hongfeng Industry. He hopes that when he takes office, the company's technical strength can be improved. Not to mention how much profit it will create, at least it can develop, instead of continuing to be restricted by internal and external restrictions.

Therefore, he hopes to have more funds to invest in technology research and development. As long as the technical strength is improved, it will be more competitive in the market and profits will naturally increase accordingly.

Hongfeng Industry has a small share of the market competition, and its annual profits cannot be said to be completely fixed, but it is not too different. It is a very stable state-owned enterprise, and it has limited funds to invest in research and development. To have more funds and put them into research and development, we must get policy inclination and support from senior leaders.

With Zhao Yi expressing support, Zhou Haoren felt more confident.

Zhao Yi is the most influential academician in China. He has made amazing achievements in basic subjects such as mathematics and physics, as well as in fields such as biomedicine and materials.

No matter in any research and development field, Zhao Yi's attitude will be taken seriously.


The meeting begins.

This conference is a seminar on the direction of industrial development. All attendees are representatives of national defense, military industry, large enterprise groups, and related very influential scientific researchers.

For example, the aviation group sent a team of more than a dozen people to participate.

Zhao Yizheng was working on the aviation group's project and also established the War Eagle Group. However, he was not included in the aviation group. Instead, he participated in the meeting as an independent scholar. Moreover, he sat very close to the front, which was enough to show that the senior leaders valued him.

However, most of the topics at the meeting had little to do with Zhao Yi.

When faced with these issues, Zhao Yi just listened and did not vote. He only needed to know a little bit about them. It felt good to be a qualified listener.

Zhao Yi took a stand on some issues.

For example, an issue that is of greater concern to him is the ‘fifth-generation aircraft design, manufacturing and service plan’.

This topic is relatively forward-looking. It is just a representative of the aviation group. He took the stage and explained some definitions of fifth-generation aircraft, the development level of international fifth-generation aircraft, and the design and manufacturing of fifth-generation aircraft of the aviation group. Then he explained the design and manufacturing of fifth-generation aircraft. , Service Plan Timetable'.

The purpose of similar advance reports is to let the leadership understand and record them, so that when it comes time to invest in research and development, it will be easier to obtain approval and funding support.

The report produced by the aviation group said, "The fifth-generation aircraft is planned to be designed within two years, officially tested within six years, and mass production will begin in ten to fifteen years." The 'fifth-generation aircraft' in the report undoubtedly refers to the J-31 .

When asked if he had any other opinions, Zhao Yi directly raised his hand, "I think at least in the design stage, the time can be shortened."

"Can the design time be shortened further? Two years is already a short time, right?" Sun Qi, an old academician at the Wucheng Aircraft Research Institute, couldn't help but ask directly without raising his hand.

Zhao Yi nodded and said, "There is more than one fifth-generation aircraft. I think we should spend a lot of energy on the fifth-generation aircraft. If we can quickly enter the mass production stage, our fighters can be quickly updated and the air force can be greatly improved. Strength."

of course.

But how can the design of fifth-generation aircraft be advanced? Many people had doubts in their minds. Some people immediately thought of Zhao Yi's War Eagle Group and understood the reason for Zhao Yi's statement.

The purpose of the issue of fifth-generation aircraft is to influence the leadership and tell everyone that with the "most advanced fighter" project, it will be easier to obtain large amounts of financial support when investing in technology research and development and manufacturing in the future.

The same is true now that Zhao Yi is talking about it. His War Eagle team is developing fighter jets. It is unclear what they are developing specifically, but it seems that it is also a fifth-generation aircraft?

Can the design of fifth-generation aircraft be shortened?

This is definitely not confidence in the J-31 design, but confidence in the design of his own War Eagle group, right?

The topic of the fifth-generation aircraft did not last long. It was just over to give everyone an impression. However, many people couldn't help but become curious about the fighter aircraft designed by the Warhawk Group. At the same time, some professional people felt disdainful, precisely because they were all 'professionals' , know the entire process and difficulty of fighter aircraft design...

Want to quickly complete the design of the fifth-generation aircraft?


"Is it okay for Academician Zhao to do other research, such as fighter aircraft design? He thinks it's just playing house, right?"

"Fighter design must consider all aspects. With such a complex system, how many people does his War Eagle team have?"

"It is said that it has just been formed..."

"I guess you're just trying to cheer yourself up, right? Shouting to cheer yourself up..."


Zhao Yi ignored other people's opinions. He just talked about the design of the War Eagle Group in advance and asked senior leaders and others to make it. After the design is submitted, the review speed will definitely be faster, and then the engine targeting decision will be made. , prototypes can be produced by then.

Now he is a little indifferent to the design stage and really wants his designs to become real things.

The War Eagle-1 cannot be expected in a short time. It will take at least two or three years to design and manufacture the first one, because the manufacturing process will definitely encounter many problems, and the engine prototype has been demonstrated in detail, so there are not many technical obstacles. Now, maybe we can see the first one in a few months.

Next, there will be many issues related to manufacturing, involving high-end manufacturing, precision work, materials and other issues. Zhao Yi will focus on listening, and then vote, raise hands, etc. to express his opinions, but he does not speak directly.

This has shown his attitude.

When Zhou Haoren made a report on the R\u0026D needs of Hongfeng Industry, Zhao Yi was the first to raise his hand in support and said with certainty, "I agree with Manager Zhou's issue. Companies similar to Hongfeng Industry have We should increase investment in research and development and strive to gain advantages in market competition."

This one sentence of support is enough.

Although the meeting did not finalize any policy support, as long as it is recorded, there is a high probability that relevant policies will be issued in the future, and the funds invested in research and development by Hongfeng Industry will also receive some additional care.

Zhou Haoren did not expect Zhao Yi to give such strong support. After the meeting, he immediately came over to express his gratitude to Zhao Yi, "Thank you! Thank you so much, Academician Zhao."

"Your support is so important to us! Even though it's just a word from you, it may give us hundreds of millions or even hundreds of millions more R\u0026D funds!"

"You're welcome."

Zhao Yidao said, "I have always supported the development of high-end manufacturing. Our country's manufacturing industry is the backbone. High-end manufacturing cannot always be monopolized by foreign countries."

"Yes!" Zhou Haoren sighed, "Our country talks about manufacturing, manufacturing, but there is still a gap between high-end manufacturing and foreign countries. Technology research and development requires large investments. Some key component cores cannot always be relied on. Imported, some are not available at all.”

The two exchanged a few words.

Zhao Yi suddenly changed the topic and asked, "By the way, I thought about what you said before the meeting, about the technical issues of the spindle."


"Your industrial spindle manufacturing technology is several generations behind foreign countries, right? But you also have complete spindle manufacturing technology and processes."

"That's for sure."

Zhou Haoren nodded and said, "Domestic tanks, ships, mechanical vehicles, and other independent equipment all use bearings produced by us. It is enough to be used in large mechanical equipment, but it is not used in high-end engines and precision machinery. In terms of manufacturing..."

He said and shook his head.

High-end engines can also be considered large-scale machinery, but they have very high tolerance requirements.

Not to mention the precision manufacturing.

Seiko can be simply understood as 'precision machining'. The most high-end Seiko in the world is in the field of chip manufacturing. The size of each node is measured in nanometers.

If there is even a slight error in the spindle of the chip manufacturing equipment, the errors of the linked components will be amplified, and it will be impossible to manufacture chips in nanometers. The precision research and development of the spindle can be said to be the core of precision machining.

Zhao Yi kept nodding while listening and said, "I was very interested when I heard you talk before the meeting. Is your spindle information confidential? Can you let me have a look? Maybe I can make some comments?"

"Technology must be confidential, but Academician Zhao, look, you can just apply." After Zhou Haoren finished speaking, he asked doubtfully, "Academician Zhao, why are you interested in these industrial things?" ’

Zhao Yi thought for a moment and found a reason, and said seriously, "Is it because it's more important?"

"So that's it!"

Zhou Haoren was immediately in awe. When he saw the more important technology, he wanted to see if he could help with research and development. He was really dedicated to scientific research and the development of science and technology.

In fact, Zhao Yi didn't think that much. The dedication and the like were just incidental. He just wanted to try the effect of "Derivation Rate". When he heard Zhou Haoren talk about it before the meeting, he suddenly realized that "Derivation Rate" When used in the research and development of backward technologies, the effect will be very good, because reality already has higher-end technologies and sufficient environmental conditions.

"As long as we know the detailed manufacturing information, wouldn't we be able to deduce higher-end manufacturing methods?"

Zhao Yi thought.

At the same time, he also thought of an investment issue.

Public opinion has talked about his shares in Yutu Robot Company before, but that is only one of his assets. In fact, he also has a lot of cash, which comes from the sale and transfer of domestic patents, copyright fees for writing books, and project bonuses. After slowly earning money, part of it was used to buy domestic stocks and Bitcoin, and most of it was always kept in bank cards.

If public opinion hadn't talked about assets, he would have almost forgotten how much money he had. The money in the bank was really just a number to him.

Think about it…

If you put a large amount of cash in the bank, you will only get current interest. Doesn't it make the bank cheaper?

Zhao Yi immediately asked, "Manager Zhou, Hongfeng Industry is a listed company, right? If I buy your stocks, can I directly conduct share transactions within your company?"

"Our stocks?"

Zhou Haoren was moved by Zhao Yi's topic and almost bumped into the table. It took him a long time to realize, "Academician Zhao, you want to buy our stocks, but..."

He looked around, leaned over and whispered, "If you want to invest, I suggest you buy something else, such as Hongfeng Industry, or even the entire military industry. Anyway, I think it is not easy to make money by investing. I don’t even have confidence in myself.”

Zhao Yi frowned slightly and said, "Didn't we agree that you would show me the technical information on spindle manufacturing?"


"If there is progress in research and development, won't the stocks rise as soon as the news breaks out?" Zhao Yi said, his eyes glowing red, and then he explained, "I don't know much about stocks, but that's what I feel anyway. There is good news. Rise immediately.”


Zhou Haoren was a little confused by Zhao Yi's logic, "But... but..."

He said several 'buts' in a row, but in the end he didn't say it out loud, so he simply said, "Academician Zhao, you are optimistic about Hongfeng Industry. Of course, thank you very much. Let's do this. I personally have a certain share in my hands. If you want How much, I will transfer it to you at a price that is 20% lower than the market price. Even if the market share price drops, you will definitely not suffer a loss."


"Really!" Zhou Haoren nodded firmly.

Zhao Yi immediately took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to the bank to check the liquidity of his account, and then said, "Then it's settled. I'll buy the first batch of 100 million first, and we'll see what happens next."


Zhou Haoren opened his mouth wide and thought he heard wrongly, "How much do you want?"

"One hundred million."

Zhao Yi thought he had been misunderstood, so he quickly explained, "It's not 100 million shares. I don't have that much money, so I'll buy 100 million yuan first. Look, count how many shares..."


Zhou Haoren gasped and waved his hands hurriedly, "No, Academician Zhao, are you kidding me? It's not that I look down on you, no, this... I really don't have that much in my hand!"

He said with a sad face, "For 100 million, let's do the transfer directly within the group! The scale is too large, and it will be inconvenient for us to do the transaction privately!"

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