Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 474 Qiu Chengwen wants to recruit Fan Lei


"A report on proving a mathematical conjecture on your behalf? What is the NP problem? Are you kidding me?"

"I do not understand!"

"Not to mention those complicated mathematical proofs, even the advanced mathematics we learned, I have forgotten all about it!"

"Are you sure it's me?"

"Zhao Yi, Academician Zhao, Master Zhao... I... can't handle this!"

Fan Lei thinks that he has never been afraid of anything, but his understanding of mathematics is still at the high school level. He can barely pass 60% in advanced mathematics at the undergraduate level. He was asked to go to the International Congress of Mathematicians to make world mathematical conjectures. Certification report?

He stretched out his index finger and pointed hard at his face, looking at Zhao Yi seriously, "Are-you-kidding-me?"


Zhao Yi kicked him directly, "I said you can do it, you can do it, don't mess with those useless things."


"I have already thought about it. When the time comes, you will..." Zhao Yi said carefully.

Fan Lei nodded repeatedly as he listened, and finally asked with a grimace, "Is this really okay?"

"Do not worry!"

Zhao Yi patted his shoulder hard, "It's no problem."

Just as Fan Lei took a breath, he heard the following addition, "Anyway, it won't be me who will be embarrassed."

After Zhao Yi decided to ask Fan Lei to help with the mathematics report, he sent an email to the International Mathematical Union, and soon he received a call from the Union Committee.

He discussed his arrangements with the caller and asked Fan Lei, who led Fields, to help make a proof report of the Millennium Conjecture, but he did not specify what conjecture it was.

This news made the other party overjoyed.

After the International Mathematical Union repeatedly confirmed the news to Zhao Yi, an emergency meeting was held internally and the news was announced. Everyone, including the organizers, felt very surprised.

It was a pity that Zhao Yi did not come to attend the award ceremony, but it was already a surprise that the person receiving the award on Zhao Yi’s behalf also gave an academic report on Zhao Yi’s behalf, and the report was on Millennium Mathematics Materials?

Those are the seven major conjectures of millennium mathematics!

No matter which conjecture is proven, it will definitely become major news that shakes the world.

If someone else proposes to give a report proving the world's mathematical conjectures at the International Congress of Mathematicians, the International Mathematical Union will definitely not agree, because most of the proofs of the world's mathematical conjectures are wrong. It is still necessary to give an important report at the International Congress of Mathematicians. It is better to be more rigorous.

Zhao Yi is different.

He has proved the Kakutani conjecture, Goldbach's conjecture, Fermat's conjecture, etc. He is recognized as the world's top mathematician and has absolute influence in the mathematics community.

Even if he made a wrong report at the International Congress of Mathematicians, the International Congress of Mathematicians and the International Mathematical Union would not suffer any loss.

What if it is correct?

Since the International Congress of Mathematicians, there has been no presentation of important latest results at the conference. Most of them are mainly work reports and achievement reports. The achievement reports are only published results. Few mathematicians will choose to announce them at the conference. Showing the latest results proves that the main reason is too much pressure.

Before a mathematical result is perfected, it may encounter various problems when it is presented in front of so many top mathematicians. Even if the result is correct, there may be some minor mistakes in the reporting process. It would be very embarrassing.

In short, Zhao Yi decided to show his latest proof of the Millennium Mathematics Conjecture at the International Congress of Mathematicians, which is absolutely shocking news.

This news was enough for the International Mathematical Union to make many concessions for this purpose.

For example, a venue for giving reports.

In the central venue of the conference, reports and speeches have already been arranged. Now some adjustments need to be made. The day before the awards are announced, which is also the most important time point, the best time in the morning is allocated to Zhao Yi's agent to give a report.

A "relatively unimportant" report that day could only be squeezed into after the award ceremony.

After the meeting of the International Mathematical Union was completed, the decision was notified. The person who was squeezed out of the report time was Takagi Kenkichi, a mathematician from country R. Takagi Kenkichi was very dissatisfied when he heard the news. He immediately asked sternly that the report was postponed until after the award. s reason.

"It's Zhao Yi who wants to make a report!"

"A very important math achievement report!"

The staff of the International Mathematical Union who notified the news did not explain in detail. Mentioning the name of 'Zhao Yi' was enough. Takagi Kenji still felt very angry, but knew that he could not compare with Zhao Yi, so he could only keep silent. Thinking, "Zhao Yi?"

"What report is he going to make? He suddenly decided...that's not right! Why did I hear that Zhao Yi will not attend the conference?"

Takagi Kenyoshi was a little confused, but he knew that he was squeezed to the back, and there was nothing he could do. The International Mathematical Union had absolute rights in arranging reports in the center hall of the conference.

The aviation group quickly passed the design acceptance of the Warhawk-1, which also means that the design of the Warhawk-1 has been officially finalized. The design finalization is a landmark node, which means that it can enter the stage of producing prototypes.

To this end, the group held a large-scale internal meeting, mainly discussing the WZ-A1 engine targeting the Warhawk-1, and the prototype manufacturing of the WZ-A1 engine and Warhawk-1.

In addition, another very important thing is to finalize the model of War Eagle-1.

This is a bit embarrassing question.

The Warhawk special research team was initially established just because Zhao Yi made an application. The group was specially approved to set up a team to develop the Warhawk-1 fighter. However, the specific type of fighter was only vaguely defined as a 'fifth generation aircraft'. What are the specifics? Design requirements, that is, what functions the designed fighter aircraft needs to have, have not been discussed at all.

The most important thing is...

Most people within the group are not optimistic that Zhao Yi's team can quickly design and complete the Warhawk-1 fighter jet. Even if it can be completed in the future, it will take at least a few years. It is not too late to discuss the design once relevant progress is made, but the result is that the Warhawk-1 1 The rapid design was completed and the acceptance inspection was successfully passed. The acceptance team could not even find the problem. The simplest correction to the original design felt like a stain on the design.

Just like the comments of several aircraft designers, "This is a perfect solution that transcends the times!"

Now that the design of the War Eagle-1 is finalized, it is about to enter the prototype manufacturing stage. The issue of the model must be discussed. Mainly within the aviation group, and even in the domestic Air Force sequence, there is no code name of 'War Eagle'. According to the War Eagle-1 In terms of the design of 1, it must be a conventional fighter, that is, in the J-series fighter series.

This meeting was discussed for a long time, and it was finally decided that the War Eagle-1 would be called the J-40 to the outside world.

The integer sequence of the J-series fighter jets generally represents "cross-era" products for which great hopes are given, such as the J-10, J-20, and even the J-30, which is still under design.

The J-10 will become the main fighter in the future, and the J-20 is considered to be the domestic fighter closest to the fifth-generation aircraft. It has also completed its first test flight and has been widely reported at home and abroad.

The J-30 is a reduced version of the J-20. Its initial positioning was to achieve most of the J-20's functions while reducing its weight to the level of a medium-sized fighter jet, and to be able to become a carrier-based aircraft in the future.

Now that the War Eagle-1 is assigned the serial number J-40, it also shows the high expectations within the group for the War Eagle-1, and the serial number of '40' can also be said to be a 'leapfrog', because the J-31 with the largest serial number is still Just in the design stage.

While the group internally determined the J-40 code name, it also decided to retain the name of the ‘War Eagle Series’ internally, which is to say that it is called J-40 externally and continues to be called War Eagle-1 internally.

In the future, if there are other War Eagle series, they can be represented by J-40 plus letters externally, and internally they can be named War Eagle-2, War Eagle-3 and other model names.

At the same time, the meeting also determined the issue of confidentiality. After the Warhawk-1 is designed and manufactured and before the first prototype test flight is completed, whether it is the design appearance or other related content, all are classified as top secrets and are not allowed to appear in the media. , in online public opinion.

The next focus is on prototype manufacturing.

The senior management of the aviation group are feeling the pressure, because the Air Force and senior management all know about the War Eagle-1 and have high expectations for the War Eagle-1. They must improve the manufacturing, production and subsequent manufacturing of the War Eagle-1. , as the first important task.

Regardless of whether it can be mass-produced in the future, we must seize the time to carry out initial manufacturing preparations. At the same time, the production of the WZ-A1 engine prototype must be carried out quickly.

Normally, the WZ-A1 engine will enter the prototype debugging stage before the production of a new fighter jet will start. Especially for a high-end fighter like the Warhawk-1, the design without engine support is a joke. Now it is completely different.

During the production process of the WZ-A1 engine prototype, other parts of the War Eagle-1 must also be demonstrated. It is best to finalize the manufacturing plan and make other preparations. When formal production can be carried out, production can be carried out quickly.

The two cannot be said to be completely in sync, but they cannot lag too far behind either.

When the WZ-A1 engine officially entered the prototype production stage, Zhao Yi also increased his workload. He needed to make small adjustments to the design plan based on manufacturing feedback, and decide on some issues related to manufacturing plans and material selection.

There are many tasks that are not the responsibility of the designer, but Zhao Yi must be more rigorous.

Design and manufacturing are related to each other, but what is designed may not necessarily be manufactured. When theory is translated into reality, there will definitely be some deviations. For example, some blade parts inside the engine have very complex structures, with multiple holes within a few centimeters. In theory, it is best to have a mold come out directly, but this requires very high manufacturing technology. If the technology cannot keep up, it can only be manufactured by splicing parts.

This aspect is lacking in domestic manufacturing.

In fact, currently, only a handful of European and American countries have mastered the one-step molding technology of turbofan engine blades and turbine components. They can even achieve mass production of high-end engine components. Other countries, including the military power E, are unable to It is impossible to achieve mass production with our one-step molding technology.

When manufacturing technology cannot keep up, there will be deviations between manufactured products and theoretical designs.

What Zhao Yi has to do is to revise the design and use existing manufacturing technology as a basis to minimize deviations in product and design performance.

This job is not complicated. If you often find him with problems, they can be solved quickly. The most important thing is that it is quite complicated. There is more than one problem in the manufacturing process. Many problems must be solved one by one, and sometimes you have to follow up with the factory. , go and find out on site to find the best solution.

While Zhao Yi was busy working on prototype manufacturing, the International Congress of Mathematicians was about to be held in Hyderabad, Country Y.

Many participating mathematicians went early.

Zhou Li and Fan Lei went together with the Shuimu University team. Because Qiu Chengwen also wanted to attend the meeting, Zhao Yi specially asked a few acquaintances to help take care of Fan Lei.

Along the way.

Zhou Li disliked Fan Lei no matter how he looked at him. He felt that Fan Lei attending the Mathematicians Conference and delivering a report on behalf of Zhao Yi was simply a disgrace to the mathematics community.

Of course.

He would definitely not admit that it was because Fan Lei took his job, a very high-profile job.

Because of the need for confidentiality, Zhou Li only told Qiu Chengwen and others that Fan Lei would make a report on behalf of Zhao Yi, and the specific report would be kept confidential.

Everyone else was very interested, but it seemed to be confidential, so they didn't ask any more questions.

Fan Lei behaved very calmly. When he stayed with a bunch of mathematicians, he became the 'most talkative' person. He didn't know much about mathematics, but he could talk about Zhao Yi's affairs. Regarding life and work, he also shows curiosity about the research done by everyone. Every time he listens to others explaining mathematical research, he listens attentively and nods frequently, as if he fully understands. And he showed some admiration, and the expression on his face said, "That's awesome!"

In fact, he felt as if he was listening to the Bodhisattva reciting the Tightening Mantra, and the discomfort was not that uncomfortable. It was just that he heard it in his left ear and felt it in his right ear.

Others are also very curious about Fan Lei.

In the eyes of most people, even Qiu Chengwen, to be able to represent Zhao Yi at the International Congress of Mathematicians as a report, he must have some skills, right? And at such a young age, could he be a mathematical genius?

Of course, it is impossible to catch up with Zhao Yi, but compared with ordinary young mathematics geniuses, he is definitely very extraordinary.

Fan Lei also showed a great interest in mathematics. He seemed to be unable to say anything, but in fact it was normal. He was at most just a college graduate. He was a mathematical genius at the undergraduate level, but was limited by basic knowledge and vision. It is very normal to understand advanced mathematical research, but that kind of interest is also very rare.

Qiu Chengwen even thought of poaching. He thought that if he couldn't poach Zhao Yi, it would be good to poach other mathematical geniuses.

While on the plane, Qiu Chengwen turned back to Fan Lei and said, "You just graduated from college, right? Are you interested in coming to Shuimu University? Our Mathematical Science Center has the world's top teaching and teacher system..."

"Bala, bala..."

Qiu Chengwen's statement even included the "scholarship" part, saying that Fan Lei could get the highest scholarship in the first year.

Fan Lei really listened attentively this time, but then his mind was a little confused and he couldn't speak properly, " want me to go to the Mathematical Science Center? Me?"

He pointed hard at himself.

"Right?" Qiu Chengwen felt a little confused.

Fan Lei took a deep breath, suppressed the restlessness in his heart, and said with regret, "But, I still want to stay at Yanhua University. I have always been with Zhao Yi..."

He means working at the Institute of Medicine, and Zhao Yi is also a researcher at the institute.

Qiu Chengwen’s understanding was, ‘Learn mathematics with Zhao Yi’, and some could only shake their heads regretfully, “What a pity. But working with Zhao Yi is indeed a rare opportunity!”

Fan Lei nodded sympathetically.

Zhou Li was sitting next to him and was a little confused. He felt that he could understand every word, but why couldn't he understand it when they were connected together?

Fan Lei......

Isn't this brat doing logistical work at a biomedical research institute?

Why did Qiu Chengwen still want to recruit him to the Mathematical Science Center? Does the Mathematical Science Center of Shuimu University also have auxiliary logistics positions?

It’s the last day of this month, so I’d better update as soon as possible.

Dear friends who have monthly votes, please hurry up and vote at the last moment. It will be a pity if it expires if you don’t vote!

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