Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 495 ‘Benben’ is really great!

It is not an easy task to solve it mathematically and confirm whether the energy composition of photons is a kind of 'camouflage' used to repel space extrusion.

Even within the framework of particle boundary theory, there is no way to complete it, because there is an unavoidable problem -


Among Zhao Yi's current research, those related to space and mass are the "space's repulsion of 2 to the Nth power source". In addition, it is the analysis of gravity and strong force.

Both are just a mathematical discovery, rather than a mathematical explanation of "why the Nth power source of 2 is repelled by space."

In other words, since he has not completed the analysis of space, he naturally cannot find a way to shield or reduce spatial repulsion.

In fact, what is directly related to space is the Higgs field. Zhao Yi’s initial research ideas also started from the Higgs field. His agreement with Edward Witten was that he would analyze three-dimensional particles, and Edward Witten would Teng does multi-dimensional space analysis.

Now he has almost opened the path from the three-dimensional particles to the Higgs field, but there has been no progress on the other side. It is like digging a hole from both sides at the same time. He has finished one side, but has just started on the other side. He has been unable to dig. moving' state.

In this case, it is naturally impossible to complete the analysis of space.

Zhao Yi thought about it for a while, then simply crumpled the tissue paper into a ball and threw it into the trash can accurately. Then he complained depressedly, "It's all Edward's fault, this guy is so stupid!"

"I can't bring him up at all! It's really unlucky to do research with him!"

The other side of the world.

Edward Witten was in the office, thinking about the shape of multi-dimensional space. Naturally, imagining it out of thin air was fruitless. He could only rub his forehead with his hands, and finally picked up a pen and wrote a series of columns that he had written countless times. Mode.


He let out a long sigh, "Mass is repelled by space, but mass may be the most basic component element of multi-dimensional space."

"So multi-dimensional space can be understood as... a black hole?"

"Or something?"

"If black holes are multi-dimensional space, and multi-dimensional space is everywhere, then black holes in the universe are just a corner of the projection of multi-dimensional space?"

Edward thought and thought, and finally sighed, knowing that he didn't have a good idea for the time being. He suddenly sneezed out of thin air, frowned and said strangely, "You don't have a cold, right? It's not an irritated sneeze..."

"Is it God who is reminding me that what I just thought was correct?"

Edward's eyes suddenly lit up and he immediately devoted himself to research seriously.

In the next few days, Zhao Yi searched for a lot of relevant information and read more than a dozen papers on space and particles.

He found a related paper that was published in "Physical Reviews" twenty years ago. The publisher was Professor Li Ning from the University of Alabama. The content was related to superconducting antigravity.

The explanation of 'superconducting antigravity' in the paper is very clear. It means that the lattice ions in the superconducting material, after absorbing the energy of the external electromagnetic field, will be in the same quantum state and rotate rapidly, which will produce a random A time-varying gravitational field. If an object that is not subject to electromagnetic influence is placed in this gravitational field, the earth's gravity it experiences will change.

In the published paper, Professor Li Ning predicted that this superconducting gravitational field can offset the original weight of the object.

Zhao Yi read the argument carefully. Because it was published in "Physical Reviews", it can be equivalent to just expressing an opinion. Maybe Li Ning has studied it for a long time, but his opinion has not been recognized.

Zhao Yi was very interested in the content of the paper, "How about talking to Professor Li?"

The reason why I want to communicate with Li Ning is because he has almost no research on superconducting materials, electromagnetic fields, and conductive ions.

You definitely need to find a professional in this area.

Li Ning can express his views on the special state of superconducting materials that are anti-gravity, and he will definitely conduct in-depth research on the relevant content.

Zhao Yi knew Professor Englis from the University of Alabama, so he sent Englis an email, hoping that he could help introduce Professor Li Ning.

Englis's intermediary did a good job, and he quickly got Li Ning's contact information.

Li Ning is an overseas Chinese who was born in China. He graduated from the Department of Physics of Capital University in the 1970s and later went to Country M to pursue a doctorate. After graduation, he engaged in superconducting gravity research.

Although he has obtained a full professorship at the University of Alabama, Professor Li Ning is not very famous around the world because his superconducting antigravity theory has not been proven and is not recognized by the mainstream physics community.

Li Ning is almost sixty years old. He has done theoretical research all his life, but the results have not been proven. At least so far, his scientific research career has been somewhat unsuccessful.

Of course.

This is true for most scientific researchers, especially those engaged in physics and theoretical research. They are often top geniuses, but it is difficult to achieve any results after a lifetime of research.

Now Li Ning is beginning to doubt whether his theory is correct, because the theory of 'superconducting gravity' is not difficult to prove experimentally. Compared to theories that require particle collisions to prove, his theory is much easier.

However, no matter how the experiment was designed, the decrease in gravity could not be detected.

"The theory is wrong?"

"A lifetime of research is a mistake..." Just thinking about this possibility makes Li Ning feel discouraged. More than thirty years ago, he came to Country M for the dream of scientific research, but a lifetime of research turned out to be just a mistake. Without any tangible results, life is really a failure.

In this state of mind, Li Ning looked a little decadent.

When Englis told him that Zhao Yi was interested in his theory, Li Ning's eyes widened and he looked like he couldn't believe it. "You're not lying to me, are you? Man?"

Englis asked, "Do you mind if I give him your contact information?"


Li Ning said, "I can't wait to contact him right away."

Then Englis gave Zhao Yi’s contact information to Li Ning.

When Zhao Yi hadn't contacted Li Ning, Li Ning called his assistant Qian Hong directly. After hearing the call, Qian Hong came to Country M and was an old professor who could speak Chinese. He asked the other party to wait and call immediately. Tell Zhao Yi the news.

The call was quickly transferred.

Zhao Yi said bluntly, "Hello, Professor Li, I am Zhao Yi. I am very interested in your superconducting anti-gravity theory after reading it."

"Recently, I have also been doing related research. If I have time, can we have some exchanges in related fields?"


Li Ning couldn't wait to say, "That's my honor. I'll buy a ticket and go there right away!"


Zhao Yi couldn't help but raise his lips when he heard the phone was hung up.

Professor Li Ning is so enthusiastic!


Li Ning did as he said, and went straight to buy a plane ticket, and then went to the embassy to apply for a visa non-stop. Later, he thought that he should explain it to the school. He still had a few classes to attend every week.

Of course, the school management does not agree with him leaving directly because students' classes will be delayed.

Li Ning didn't care at all, "I'm leaving anyway. I want to discuss the superconducting issue with Zhao Yi. I think this reason is enough."

"If you want to fire me based on this, no problem, I'm retiring soon anyway!"

There is nothing the school management can do.

The reason why Li Ning couldn't wait was because of his obsession. He didn't know whether his theory was correct.

If the theory is wrong, he has wasted his life, but he always hopes to get results, even if they are disappointing results.

This has become his obsession.

Zhao Yi, the world's top mathematician and physicist, is recognized as a once-in-a-century genius, and may be the one who can give results.

the other side.

Zhao Yi is also waiting for Li Ning to come over. He is looking forward to talking with Li Ning about superconducting anti-gravity, and maybe he can get inspiration from it.

Taking advantage of his free time, he finally remembered the laboratory project.

Zhao Yi went to the laboratory.

After entering the laboratory, he saw Fan Lei walking into the cubicle in the adjacent passage and asked quickly, "What are you doing there?"

"A gorilla!"

Fan Lei explained, "Zhao Yi, you are here. The orangutan has been transported here. We just did an experiment this morning. Let me take a look."

"I'll take a look too."

Zhao Yi followed and walked over.

It was a large compartment where animals could be kept. Deng Bingcheng was sitting in front of the glass partition and kept saying, "Benben, you can understand me, right?"

"I am your friend, a true friend. In this place, I am the only one who treats you sincerely. Others don't care about you."

"I can teach you a lot of things, such as arithmetic. Maybe you can know how many bananas you want to eat at one time?"

"Don't be afraid of what happened in the morning. I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just doing a small test. You shouldn't be scared, right?"

"Stupid? I believe in your bravery!"

Deng Bingcheng kept talking, as if educating his children.

Zhao Yi looked over suspiciously and found the chimpanzee hiding in the corner. It was huddled in the corner, eating a banana in its hand without raising its head at all.

He asked strangely, "Are you talking to it? Doctor Deng?"


Deng Bingcheng nodded and said, "I have always believed that only by treating animals as friends can they treat humans as friends."

"We will be together for a long time in the future. I hope we can get along better. Chimpanzees are very smart and they can understand simple meanings."


Zhao Yi nodded after thinking, "What you said makes sense, but it's just your test subject."

"So, I have to be more sincere." Deng Bingcheng said with certainty. He was indeed very serious because it was the first time for him to have a chimpanzee as a test subject.

This opportunity is so rare.

In the morning, he couldn't help but conduct a brain-repairing neurological test on the chimpanzee, and got a lot of relevant data.

Those data were not of great significance, but they were enough to make him very excited. He hoped to get along better with Benben, and also hoped that Benben would actively cooperate with the experiment instead of taking coercive measures.

Zhao Yi felt that what Deng Bingcheng said made sense until Fan Lei showed him a photo.

'Benben' in the photo has his upper body surrounded by wires, sensors and other equipment, and his eyes are obviously a little divergent. He may have been injected with anesthesia.

Deng Bingcheng was doing the test with great interest, controlling the equipment to function while checking the changing data on the computer.


"I guess after this experiment, 'Benben' will only be afraid of him and treat him as a friend?"

"Do not make jokes!"

Zhao Yi twitched the corner of his mouth.

In fact, the chimpanzee Benben in the corner feels that he has experienced a cruel and inhumane life. He originally lived a free life with a limited range of activities but had no worries about eating and drinking, and he kept himself fat and white.

This kind of life is so unrestrained.

Until more than a week ago, when several humans transported him to this place, he had not fully adapted to it, so he fell asleep for some reason.

When it woke up again, it found that it was unable to move. There were all kinds of wires and other things all over its upper body. There was also a scary human being who kept moving those wires and had a 'gorilla-eating' sign on the corner of his mouth. smile.

It's so scared!

So after returning to the cage, it simply huddled in the corner. Unexpectedly, the terrible human sat outside and kept watching, chattering incessantly, as if he was studying how to make it. A taste?

Outside the cage.

Deng Bingcheng was still talking, "'Benben' is really great. I think we can become friends very quickly."

"I just talked to him for a long time. I believe that we already have a very close relationship and will become even closer in the future."

Zhao Yi looked at Fan Lei in confusion and asked in a low voice, "Mother's?"

Fan Lei shook his head silently.


The two of them gave a thumbs up to Deng Bingcheng, as if they agreed with what he said.

Deng Bingcheng nodded happily.

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