Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 501 Anti-gravity experiment, successful!

Faculty of Science, Physics Laboratory.

Several professors gathered around a large oval-shaped experimental equipment on the left side of the room.

There are circuits everywhere, and the oval-shaped equipment is composed of several cold covers, a lot of circuits, and instruments, and there are various instruments around the cold cover.

The whole thing is very messy.

The elliptical experimental equipment is the assembled superconducting anti-gravity device.

Li Ning was also standing aside. He looked no different from other professors, but in fact, he was much more nervous than the others. The experiment that was about to be conducted was to test his theory.

According to Zhao Yi, "The probability of success this time is very high."

“If you fail, you have to redo the mathematical argument.”

Li Ning didn't know why Zhao Yi could directly conclude the results with just one experiment, but he could only choose to believe Zhao Yi.

The main core of the superconducting anti-gravity device currently being designed was also designed by Zhao Yi. He was responsible for the design, while others were responsible for the layout.

That's the problem.

Zhao Yi designed the anti-gravity experimental device, but no one else could fully understand it. They only knew that the 'elliptical' design was based on the 'tangential space barrier generated by the spin of the ion lattice'.

This is Zhao Yi’s explanation.

Others can only understand it superficially, but the oval-shaped device is not a flat surface, but an uneven corrugated structure.

Some people asked Li Ning.

Li Ning really didn't want to answer, because he didn't know any more about the design of the experimental device than others.

The mathematical theory of superconducting anti-gravity constructed by Zhao Yi covers completely more content than his theory. It can be understood that he only theorized that superconducting has an anti-gravity effect. The specific effect cannot be explained, and Zhao Yi Yi Ze did the theoretical basic mathematical construction work, and then used the constructed mathematics to back-derive the experimental method.

These are two dimensions.

After waiting for a short time, there was finally a knock on the door.

Li Ning was the first to rush over and open the door. When he saw Zhao Yi at the door, he breathed softly, "Academician Zhao, you are here."


Zhao Yi nodded slightly, looked at his watch and asked doubtfully, "I shouldn't be late, right?"


Li Ning smiled bitterly and said, "We came too early."

The experiment was originally scheduled to be conducted at nine in the morning, but Li Ning came to the laboratory at around six o'clock, and the others came a little later, and also arrived at early seven o'clock.

It's half past eight now.

Zhao Yi came half an hour early, thinking that half an hour would be enough to prepare. When he arrived, he found that everyone was ready, and even the experimental equipment had been assembled.

He walked to the oval device, took a closer look, and then adjusted a few lines.

Others looked confused, but immediately understood that Zhao Yi was making corrections. His adjustments were all minor problems in the device. For example, several lines were connected to the low-voltage power supply, and an instrument meter was not completely connected. .

At the same time, they were also shocked.

Zhao Yi didn't participate in the installation of the device at all. How come he walked in to take a look and then directly started to improve the device?

Isn’t this too awesome?

Seeing the scene in front of him, Li Ning suddenly became confident. He had always thought that Zhao Yi was a 'theoretical physicist', but now it seems that he is definitely the top 'experimental physicist' in the world. In a short time, he The deficiencies in the equipment were identified and corrected quickly.

Zhao Yi ignored the reactions of others. He just continued to look at the entire device. After finding that there was no major problem, he lowered his head and looked at the time.

The originally planned experiment time was nine o'clock, but it was still a bit early now.

"It's better to wait."

Zhao Yi said, "The plan is to carry out the experiment at nine o'clock. I still attach great importance to this experiment."


Several people nodded together.

In fact, they couldn't wait for a long time and could only continue to wait patiently.

Zhao Yi looked at the experimental device and used the "Law of Supervision" to make judgments. He found that there were no obvious problems, but it looked a little unsightly, but he couldn't ask for too much. After all, the physics professors in the School of Science were not specialized in conducting research on experiments. A physicist, not a professional circuit engineer, is already worthy of recognition if he can put the device together, but it is a bit difficult to ask for it to be beautiful.

After all, the device is indeed very complex, and the large number of line interfaces can make people dizzy.

Fortunately, the main core is assembled well.

The core of the superconducting anti-gravity device in front of us is the metal niobium ring distributed in a corrugated shape under the cold cover of the oval device.

Niobium is a widely used superconducting material.

When the temperature approaches absolute zero, the chemical properties of some substances will suddenly change and become a superconductor with almost no resistance. The temperature at which a substance begins to have this strange "superconducting" property is called the critical temperature.

It is obvious that the critical temperatures of various substances will not be exactly the same.

Ultra-low temperatures are not easy to obtain, and creating ultra-low temperatures requires a huge price. The closer you get to absolute zero, the greater the price you have to pay.

Therefore, whether it is industry or experiment, the requirement for superconducting materials is of course that the higher the critical temperature, the better.

It has now been discovered that many elements have superconducting properties, and niobium has the highest critical temperature among them. The critical temperature of alloys made of niobium is as high as 18.5 to 21 degrees absolute temperature, which is currently the most important of superconducting materials.

This superconducting antigravity experiment also used a niobium alloy material.

When initially preparing for the experiment, others also suggested using pure metallic niobium, which would have better superconducting properties. However, considering the cost of manufacturing ultra-low temperatures, niobium alloy was ultimately chosen.

In fact, for Zhao Yi, the difference between what kind of superconducting material is used is not very big, because the performance difference of superconducting materials is very small. Perhaps in the eyes of others, better superconducting materials will make it easier for experiments to succeed. , but Zhao Yi does not use his eyes to observe whether the experiment is successful. A single consumption of the "Law of Cause and Effect" is enough.

Therefore, save money if you can, and avoid unnecessary expenses.


The time came to nine o'clock.

Li Ning couldn't wait to remind, "It's almost nine o'clock, Academician Zhao."

Zhao Yi agreed and stood up, then put on the protective clothing. The protective clothing was mainly used for electrical isolation to avoid accidents due to leakage during the experiment.

After everything was ready, he noticed that everyone else was looking at him. Zhao Yi nodded and said, "Is everyone ready? Is the power on?"


"Power up! Power up!"

The professors were not professional in conducting experiments and seemed a little in a hurry, but they still turned on all the switches and then returned to the side to watch.

Power, all connected.

Everyone looked at the elliptical experimental device. They were looking at several white cotton threads placed at the top of the center.

The weight of cotton thread is very light. When the anti-gravity device takes effect, the cotton thread may float directly.

But nothing happened.

In the entire device, only numbers appear on the detection instrument and the light used for high-voltage detection lights up, and there are no other physical phenomena.


"It must have failed, the cotton thread didn't even float!"


"It probably won't work. We need to try a few more times, or..."

No one else said it.

When they found out that the experiment failed, their first reaction was, "Li Ning's theory is wrong."

The professors in the School of Science have great trust in Zhao Yi, but the superconducting antigravity theory was proposed by Li Ning, so they don't have much trust in Li Ning.

Li Ning continued to stare at the cotton thread, but no matter how hard he looked, nothing changed. He was confused for a moment. He took a deep breath, and his breathing became trembling.

"Don't move, don't talk!"


Zhao Yi suddenly stood up and asked, "Who has a cigarette?"


Several professors were shocked.

Among them was a little man named Professor Tian Dahai, who said, "Academician Zhao, wait a minute."

He turned back to his briefcase, found a box of cigarettes, walked over and took out one and handed it to Zhao Yi. He also put one in his mouth, pointed at the door and said, "Academician Zhao? Smoke outside. ?Together?"

"Lighter!" Zhao Yi put the cigarette in his mouth and picked it up.

Tian Dahai took out the lighter, and when he was about to say something, Zhao Yi took it away, started a fire, lit the cigarette in his mouth, and returned the lighter.

He muttered, "It's not good to smoke in the laboratory!"

He said that he was also going to order some for himself.

Zhao Yi immediately reminded, "No smoking in the laboratory, Professor Tian, ​​you still have to pay attention!" He pointed to the warning sign in the corner, which had four big characters written on it - No Smoking.

Tian Dahai half-opened his mouth in a daze, not knowing what to say for a moment. He was smoking, but asked others not to smoke?

Be strict with others and be lenient with yourself?

oppressive rule?

Tian Dahai came up with a lot of idioms at once, but before he had time to react, he saw Zhao Yi walking into the anti-gravity device with a cigarette in his mouth, then he took a strong puff of the cigarette, and blew it out gently towards the top of the elliptical device. One mouthful.

At this time, something magical happened.

Originally, the smoke should have spread normally, but when it flew above the elliptical device, it was obviously rising vertically.

The smoke above all the elliptical devices flew vertically upward toward the roof, as if under traction.



"Is this a success? A success? This is a success!"


Everyone in the laboratory couldn't help but exclaimed.

Zhao Yi took another puff of smoke and blew it. The smoke that flew above the elliptical device was still rising vertically.

He smiled slightly, turned around and said, "Next, do you know what to do?"

"Keep experimenting."

"Test and record all the data, and find a way to calculate how much smaller the gravity is."

Zhao Yi gave a brief explanation, took off his protective clothing at the door, and then left the laboratory.

In the laboratory.

The professors' exclamations did not end, and voices could still be heard outside, "Try again, try again!"

"Tian Dahai, you want one too!"

"But Academician Zhao said that smoking is not allowed..."

"Idiot! You don't smoke when you should. Hurry up and check it. If it doesn't work, I'll do it!"

"I'll try!"

Everyone in the laboratory understood that the reason why the cotton thread did not float was because of the high density of the cotton thread. The smoke would have been able to float, and the gravity would slightly weaken and it would rise.

This shows that the effect of gravity reduction is not that obvious.

However, relief is success.

Zhao Yi listened to the sounds in the laboratory and walked out calmly. He wanted to go to the Medical Science Center to see the condition of the chimpanzees.

Recently, he has been studying the problem of superconducting antigravity, but he occasionally goes to the medical center, mainly because he is worried about the health of the chimpanzees.

Whether Deng Bingcheng’s research has made any progress is one thing.

Chimpanzees are indeed very pitiful.

If something goes wrong because of the experiment, I still feel very heartbroken.

On the way, Zhao Yi met Dai Tianqing.

Dai Tianqing was confused when he saw Zhao Yi, and asked, "Zhao Yi, why are you here? I heard, aren't you going to do an experiment? It seems like today?"


Zhao Yidao, "It's done."


Dai Tianqing looked at the time and found that it was less than nine-thirty. He asked in confusion, "Why is it so..." Halfway through, he realized that the experiment must have failed.

"It must have failed!"

"If there are results, it can't be so fast. If it fails, there is no other way, so I come here."

Dai Tianqing was about to comfort Zhao Yi when he suddenly saw Yan Xuelin coming out and immediately waved, "Old Yan! Old Yan!"

Yan Xuelin came over.

Dai Tianqing leaned into Yan Xuelin's ear and whispered, "The physics laboratory failed." He pointed at Zhao Yi gently.

Zhao Yi was a little confused.

Yan Xuelin nodded in understanding, immediately smiled and said, "Zhao Yi, it doesn't matter. Failure is the mother of success. Everyone fails sometimes. You see, it's like..."

"Lao Dai!"

"This guy has been around until now, but he has no reputation. Many projects have failed. When you first came to the institute, many of the unfinished projects at the institute were from his laboratory."

"You said he failed or not? What's the big deal? We're not optimistic and cheerful right now. So, it doesn't matter if you fail. If there's no light in the east, there's light in the west. If physical experiments fail, just do more medical experiments. I believe you, the neural transmission project will definitely work. success!"

Dai Tianqing's face turned dark when he was told this, but thinking of Zhao Yigang's failure, he still refrained from refuting.

"How about this!"

Yan Xuelin comforted him and said, "Tonight, I will pay for the treat at Swan Lake Restaurant. Let's have a good meal!"

"Is there such a good thing?"

Zhao Yi was stunned when he heard this, then nodded without explaining at all, "Then it's settled! Director Yan, you can't break the appointment!"

"Of course, I, Yan Xuelin, stick to my words and do what I say!"

"I'll reserve a seat in advance and call your lab, as well as Dr. Deng."

"Lao Dai, come too!"

Yan Xuelin patted his chest generously. He felt that Zhao Yi should be comforted.

In addition, the failure of the physics experiment is also a good thing for them. Can Zhao Yi put more energy on the research institute?

It’s worth it!

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