Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 503 Li Ning: That’s my theory! mine! mine!

The news of the successful superconducting antigravity experiment came from the physics laboratory of the School of Science.

Several professors from the School of Science completed the experiment and couldn't help but share their joy with others when they came out. There were not many people on campus at night, but the news was really shocking because it involved the issue of anti-gravity, which sounded very sci-fi. , there are still many people who know about it.

Fan Lei knew it earlier, when he met Gao Yihua on the road.

Others got the news later.

When the news spread, not many people knew exactly how the experiment was successful, because the details changed once they were uploaded.

For example, news on the Internet.

A graduate student from the School of Science at Yanhua University sent a message in the early morning saying that the physics laboratory of the School of Science had completed a major experiment and successfully used superconducting anti-gravity technology to make people float as if they were in space.

After the news spread, it immediately aroused widespread discussion.

At first, many people didn't believe it. They thought it was too exaggerated. Later, when they learned that the person in charge of the experiment was Zhao Yi, their disbelief suddenly turned into belief. "I believe in Zhao Dashen's research, no matter how science fiction it is!"

"That is, Master Zhao, who can complete such a shocking experiment!"

"The training of astronauts will become simpler in the future, and they will be able to experience the feeling of space on earth!"

“Ordinary people can experience it too!”

"I'm already looking forward to it. When will it be commercialized? When will it be commercialized? There will definitely be space walking projects in the amusement park in the future!"


"I also want to experience it, I also want to try it, I also want to be an astronaut!"


The news on the Internet spread like wildfire, and the very few comments that were thought to be impossible were quickly drowned out by the "army of imagination."

As a result, the relevant departments noticed it and came early in the morning to ask the School of Science of Yanhua University whether it had completed the experiment of making humans float.

Several professors from the School of Science were a little stunned when they heard this. Gao Yihua asked repeatedly, "Are you sure you mean... making people levitate?"

"How is that possible!"

"Don't say it makes people float, even cotton threads can't float it!"

Several professors from the School of Science were originally excited to get up and prepare to continue the experiment, but they became less excited after hearing the inquiry.

What are you excited about?

The superconducting anti-gravity experiment only makes smoke float. It is thousands of miles away, so what else is there to be excited about?


Yanhua University officially released news to refute the rumors, and relevant departments and various media immediately reprinted the news.

Zhao Yi also posted a message on Weibo. What he said was, "It is still far away from making humans levitate, but I believe that it will be possible in the near future!"

“Everyone can look forward to it!”

"I believe it won't be too long..."

This post on Weibo immediately became popular and quickly topped the list of trending searches. People who knew the details looked a little embarrassed.

Make people float?

It has just been achieved to reduce the gravity by a few percent. To allow humans to float, the minimum requirement is to reduce the gravity by more than 80%, and humans need to jump with force themselves.

By then, he will probably be able to jump more than ten meters high at once?

Barely floating?

Qiu Chengwen was also looking at the news sent by Zhao Yi. He was quite surprised by the success of the superconducting antigravity experiment.

He didn't expect to succeed.

Now I can only sigh, "As expected of Zhao Yi! It's amazing! Under those experimental conditions, the experiment can be successful..."

"Physics from Shuimu University..."

Qiu Chengwen thought and shook his head. Most people were surprised when they heard the news and were looking forward to the official release of the experiment. The only one who was under pressure was the physics laboratory of Shuimu University.

The conductivity laboratory of Shuimu University is the best in the country in related fields and has always been supported by superior departments.

Funds are allocated in large quantities!

Equipment, latest!

Talents are also supported by Shuimu University. There are seven professors with world-class achievements, including an academician of the Academy of Sciences.

This scientific research lineup is very gorgeous.

The professors in the laboratory of Shuimu University are all full-time researchers, and even the students they teach are graduate students and Ph.D.s. The physics laboratory of Yanhua University is just an on-campus 'learning' laboratory, and most of the time it is students. Several of the physics professors used are physics teachers at the same level, and there is no scientific research at all.

The results of it?

The physics laboratory of Yanhua University relied on "obsolete equipment" and a small amount of financial support to verify the superconducting antigravity theory.

What do higher-level scientific research appropriators think?

When he saw the comments from netizens and the news released by Zhao Yi, Qiu Chengwen also felt a little funny, "Can people float in the future?"

"It's impossible in a short time. This is not something superconducting or anti-gravity can do."

It was easy for him to judge, "Superconductivity, the anti-gravity effect produced by the maximum rotation of the ion lattice, no matter what the principle is, there must be an upper limit!"

"Maybe it's ten percent, maybe it's twenty percent, but it definitely won't exceed fifty percent. No matter how high the power is, it's impossible."

"It is impossible to use the anti-gravity effect of superconductivity to make humans levitate."

"Zhao Yi was probably too excited, and what he said was a bit loud..."

the other side.

The physics laboratory of Yanhua University is still carrying out experimental work normally.

Zhao Yi is here too.

He was not as excited as Qiu Chengwen imagined. He even said that he didn't seem excited at all, as if the experiment had nothing to do with him. He was just checking the experiment and data to make sure there were no problems with the experimental design and process.

This is a bit like a 'daily inspection'. After reading it, I walked away calmly.

There is a lot of follow-up work in the physics laboratory. The superconducting anti-gravity experiment is successful, and data will be continuously measured in the future.

In addition, relevant experiments must also be designed to verify from other directions.

This is the end of the experiment.

Now Li Ning's job is mainly to summarize and write thesis, record the experimental process and results, make a detailed report, add it to the content of the paper, and then submit it.

Li Ning hopes to apply for the top international physics journal. The magazine he is optimistic about is "Journal of Applied Physics". On the one hand, it is professionally relevant. "Journal of Applied Physics" is also one of the most authoritative magazines in the international physics community, and its impact factor has long been ranked among the top three. .

When the idea was presented to Zhao Yi, Zhao Yi had no objections and just made a side request, "The Chinese version will be submitted to the domestic Journal of Mathematical Physics."

"Journal of Mathematical Physics? A domestic journal?" Li Ning did not understand, "But, Chinese and English cannot be separated, right? If you submit the Chinese version, the English version cannot be submitted to other magazines."

"Acta Physica Sinica's review is very strict, and it takes a month just to review the manuscript. If another Chinese manuscript is submitted, I don't think they will agree."

"That's almost impossible."

Li Ning shook his head as he spoke. After submitting a manuscript to a magazine, the magazine has the copyright of the manuscript.

All magazines have the same rules.

That's why it is said that "one manuscript cannot be submitted to multiple submissions." Once a magazine publishes it, it owns the copyright by default, and the copyright for translation into Chinese is also there, and other magazines cannot publish it again.

Li Ning continued, "The last time I had a paper, I submitted it to Journal of Applied Physics. It was a paper about superconducting material experiments. I studied a latest superconducting material and obtained specific values. It is ready for review. It took two months and three revisions, but it was still rejected." He shook his head depressedly as he spoke.

Zhao Yidao, "Professor Li, I understand your worries, but it should be possible to separate Chinese and English... right?"

"Impossible!" Li Ning was very sure.

"I think it's okay."

"Impossible, Academician Zhao, you probably don't know Acta Physica Sinica..."

"Bala, bala..."

Li Ning talked a lot in succession, which was about how high the world ranking of "Journal of Applied Physics" was and how big the impact factor was.

Zhao Yi's head was pounding after hearing this, and he simply said, "I'll make a call and ask."

It is true that he has not contributed to the Journal of Applied Physics, but he knows Professor Ledley from the California Institute of Technology.

If the memory is correct, Ledley worked part-time as an editor for Journal of Applied Physics, and also asked Zhao Yi to submit articles to Journal of Applied Physics, but he finally chose another magazine.

Zhao Yi made an international long distance call. After getting through, he found Ladley and asked directly, "Professor Ladley, this is Zhao Yi."

"I recently did a superconducting anti-gravity experiment, and it was successful. I still remember the last time you invited me to contribute to your magazine, and now I'm here."

Ridley on the opposite side immediately said excitedly, "Really? Zhao Yi, congratulations! I remember that was... Li what...'s theory? Anyway, congratulations! You are welcome to contribute to "Journal of Applied Physics", If it’s fast, it can be arranged in the next issue.”

"I have a request!" Zhao Yi said, "I want the Chinese and English manuscripts to be separated. Because of the Chinese language, I want to submit it to a familiar magazine."

Ledley immediately said, "Of course no problem!"

"It's a small thing!"

"I think, at least in country M and Europe, no one cares about the Chinese version. If you are a scientist in your country, of course you will want to see the Chinese version. This is a win-win situation, so that everyone can enjoy the text that is most suitable for them!"

"Yes, it's a win-win situation!" Ledley emphasized.

Zhao Yidao, "Okay then, it's settled. I will send the manuscript within one or two days."

"OK, looking forward to it very much!"

Zhao Yi put down the phone calmly, looked at Li Ning and said, "You heard it. I didn't ask for this unilaterally. This is a win-win situation!"

“It’s good for readers around the world, who can choose the text that suits them.”


Li Ning twitched the corners of his mouth. He didn't know what to say. What was happening in front of him was beyond his comprehension.

Submitting articles in Chinese and English separately... is it a win-win situation?

How is it a win-win situation?

The magazine with the fewest submissions in English is not the winner, right? However, since they can publish high-quality papers, they are probably also winners?

Contributors, two magazines, readers...

Four wins?

Li Ning suddenly felt a little confused. He thought he would give it a try next time he had a chance?

Submitting articles in Chinese and English separately will definitely be beneficial to the contributors!

"Journal of Applied Physics" is very fast in review and typesetting.

After the manuscripts of Zhao Yi and Li Ning were sent, it took less than two days for the editorial department of "Acta Physica Sinica" to send a reply, confirming that the paper would be published in the next issue.

The next issue is one week later...

This publication speed must be a result of "jumping the queue", maybe it squeezes out other manuscripts, but in any case, it is definitely good news if it is published earlier.

The work in the physics laboratory has come to an end.

Li Ning booked a flight for next week, and two days before he left, "Journal of Applied Physics" published a new issue, and the news was immediately uploaded to China.

The response on the Internet is the fastest.

Various media outlets published news saying, "Academician Zhao Yi and Professor Li Ning cooperated to complete the superconducting antigravity verification test!"


Some media made detailed reports, reprinting foreign analysis reports, and also interpreted the content of the paper, "The superconducting anti-gravity experiment completed by the Physics Laboratory of Yanhua University successfully caused the material above the anti-gravity device to be affected by gravity. Seven percent lighter.”

"Academician Zhao believes that the fulcrum of the superconducting antigravity principle lies in the ion lattice spin generated after the superconducting material is energized, forming a section that isolates the gravitational field."

"In his brief description of the paper, he called the isolation method 'aspect theory'..."


"In addition, the Chinese version of the experimental research by Academician Zhao and Professor Li Ning will be published in the domestic Journal of Mathematical Physics..."

When the media made a lot of reports, the Internet once again started a heated discussion.

More than a week ago, rumors spread on the Internet that Zhao Yi had completed a superconducting anti-gravity experiment and said he had successfully made people levitate.

That news has been debunked!

Now that the news of the confirmed experiment has come out, it has also attracted the attention of countless people. It is a pity that it did not float, but it can truly reduce the gravity on the object, which is worth looking forward to.

Many people participated in the discussion, discussing the research itself, the theory itself, and thinking about future progress.

Zhao Yi’s Weibo message was discussed again——

"Master Zhao has said that it will be possible to make humans levitate soon."

"It's not far away, not right away!"

"Research must be carried out step by step. Now it is to reduce a small part of the gravity, and in the future it may be a large part."

"How long do you think it will take?"

"Ten years, right? At least ten years. I estimate it will be twenty years. Thirty years is also possible. Master Zhao said it's not far away. He is still very young. He will have no problem living for another sixty years."

"So...I can't wait any longer?"


With so many people discussing it online, it's obvious how fascinating research can be.

Li Ning felt that he had become "successful and famous". A large number of people discussed it on the Internet. In reality, many relatives, friends, colleagues and students called him, as well as the leaders of the university. His tone of voice became unusually good.

In addition, ‘poaching’ has also come.

In the past, Li Ning received a subsidy for "anti-gravity research" from Stanford University. Now, the personnel of Stamford Bridge University called and asked Li Ning if he would consider working at Stamford Bridge University.

Although Li Ning is approaching the age of retirement, being able to serve as a full professor at Stanford University and being entrusted with important scientific research responsibilities is also a career improvement.

Li Ning just said to think about it. After all, he is a bit old and is not free to go wherever he wants. It is unlikely that he will go to Stanford.


Li Ning experienced another 'life peak' when the most influential media reporter in the country brought a full set of equipment to conduct an exclusive interview with him.

"Interviewing me? Will it be for domestic news? Maybe a TV report?"

Li Ning couldn't wait. He quickly walked to the small conference room and saw the reporter and Zhao Yi sitting together. They were conducting interviews, but the atmosphere was not so serious.

The reporter asked: "Academician Zhao, can you explain the superconducting antigravity experiment?"

Zhao Yidao, "Superconducting antigravity was proposed by Professor Li Ning. I conducted it based on his theory..."

At this time, Li Ning was arranged by the staff to sit next to Zhao Yi.

The reporter asked, "How did you decide to do this experiment?"

Zhao Yidao, "While I was studying the mathematical structure of particles, I was wondering whether I could make the particles form a new field, or..."

The reporter was about to ask.

Li Ning coughed slightly, as if he was about to say something.

The reporter gave him a confused look, and then continued to ask Zhao Yi, "What do you think of the future of superconducting antigravity research?"

Zhao Yidao said, "I think there is an upper limit to the anti-gravity effect determined by the characteristics of superconductivity. Now we don't know what the upper limit is, but it is very simple to test, it just costs money..."

After Zhao Yi finished speaking, the reporter was about to ask another question. Li Ning couldn't help but move again, as if to remind the reporter that it was time to ask him if he had any questions.

Only then did the reporter realize, thought for a moment and asked, "Professor Li, how do you feel about your theory being confirmed?"

"I am very excited!"

Li Ning took a deep breath and was about to continue to express his feelings when he found that the reporter turned to Zhao Yi again and said, "We can all understand Professor Li Ning's excitement. Academician Zhao, can you tell us about your cooperation with Professor Li?" ? How is the experiment divided? How is it specifically designed? You can tell me casually."

Zhao Yi continued to answer.

Li Ning sat next to him with a sad expression on his face. He always wanted to remind him, "Superconducting anti-gravity is my theory!"

However, no one seems to care.

The reporter must have known about it, but she obviously just wanted to interview Zhao Yi.

Is he just incidental?

Finally, Li Ning sighed, "Maybe it's because I'm not from China, right? It will definitely be different when I go back!"

"Everyone will cheer for me!"


"There must be no more Academician Zhao! Academician Zhao is indeed excellent, but... he is just too outstanding! Alas~~~"

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