Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 505 The Password of the Gods

When Zhao Yi expressed his disappointment with the progress of the research, Gao Yihua was stunned. He did not expect to hear such remarks at all.

"The successful superconducting antigravity experiment is just the beginning of research?"

"Research and analyze anti-gravity?"

"And... we've achieved a little bit of results? Even if it's just a little bit of results, it's quite remarkable!"

Gao Yihua knows exactly what antigravity research means.

That is research that exists in science fiction. Even the top physicist in history, Sir Isaac Newton who discovered universal gravity, only discovered gravity instead of analyzing "why gravity exists."

Zhao Yi’s so-called ‘anti-gravity research’ is obviously directly related to analytical gravity. Only by fully analyzing gravity can we achieve analytical anti-gravity.

The two are equal to the same thing.

Although Zhao Yi's particle boundary theory contains an analysis of gravity, it is particle physics and theoretical physics after all. To put it bluntly, it is a 'doctrine', just like string theory.

Countless mathematicians and physicists have devoted themselves to the research of string theory. Some of them have achieved high achievements, but no one has won awards for it.

Edward Witten is an obvious example. He is considered a core figure in the development of string theory and has been engaged in related research. However, he received the Fields Award for the mathematics in the process of studying string theory, not for the results of string theory itself. .

Much of theoretical physics is like this.

Another typical figure is Hawking. His black hole theory has spread all over the world. Even children know what a black hole means. However, Hawking did not win the Nobel Prize because so far, the existence of black holes has not been confirmed. Most astronomical discoveries only rely on black hole theory to explain the findings, rather than confirming the existence of black holes in a true sense.

What Zhao Yi is doing now is to rely on the support of his particle boundary theory to conduct a detailed analysis of gravity, or anti-gravity, and space blocking methods.

If the analysis can be successful and another "anti-gravity" method can be derived from this, it can in turn prove that a large part of the boundary theory of particles is correct.

This is absolutely amazing.

Antigravity research is only one aspect. The particle boundary theory created by Zhao Yi will become the only complete set of proven physical theories in history. It will also promote physics and achieve the largest leap forward in a century.

Gao Yihua thought about a lot of things in his mind, and many of them were directly reflected in his mind. He suppressed the shock in his heart and asked, "Do you still want to continue research? Until the anti-gravity problem is analyzed?"

Zhao Yi hesitated for a moment and said, "I can only say, work hard! If you can complete it, complete it. If you encounter problems that cannot be completed temporarily, you can also study it later."

Gao Yihua nodded vigorously.

Zhao Yi continued to run forward, and occasionally went out for a run. It felt good to do some exercise.

Gao Yihua did not continue to follow. Firstly, he could not run. Secondly, he could not help but share the news with others.

This is big news and big gossip!


Several professors in the School of Science all knew about Zhao Yi's ongoing research. They thought it was very impressive and kept discussing it, "Do you think it can be successful?"

"Zhao Yi will definitely achieve results. I have too much confidence in him. Anyway, I am more confident than myself. The only difference is what kind of results, Lao Gao, you mean Zhao Yi said that he has made some progress?"


"This is amazing! I don't know what the progress is. I guess it's just mathematical operations."

Zhou Li also added, "Zhao Yi is very powerful in mathematical structures. I guess there is no one better than him in the world."

"That's for sure!"

"Do you think you can really find other methods of anti-gravity?"

"I think it's possible. It's just a matter of time. Anti-gravity is difficult to study. I estimate that Zhao Yi's level will be about the same in ten years."

"Ten years? A bit short, right?"

"I think it's a long time. Maybe Zhao Yi can complete it in just five years."

"Five years? Let me say, three years is enough!"


The professors at the School of Science have great confidence in Zhao Yi and believe that he can achieve results on the anti-gravity issue. The only difference is the size of the results and the time it takes.

In fact, Zhao Yi had a completely different idea. Unlike Gao Yihua, he hoped to prove his particle boundary theory because he knew that the possibility was very small.

The boundary theory of particles may be partially correct, but it is unlikely to be 100% correct.

If the study of antigravity is based on particle boundary theory, mathematical errors may occur in the process, and a small error will cause a large deviation.

The risks in this research direction are too great.

However, Zhao Yi still hopes to analyze anti-gravity, just like what he said to Gao Yihua. He told netizens on Weibo that people will be able to levitate in the near future. He means what he says and studies it. The goal is simple: find a way to defy gravity, preferably one that makes people levitate.

The small results Zhao Yi mentioned are relative to this goal.

The success of the superconducting antigravity experiment is of great significance, as it opens the door to mathematical connection space.

There has been no real-life experiment that can connect space. The squeezing of space causes objects with mass to generate gravity, but what people can detect is only the gravitational force, rather than the squeezing of space through gravity, which means it is not. direct contact with space.

Therefore, any mathematical analysis of gravity is superficial. It can only analyze the gravity generated by the mass of an object, but not the space squeeze behind the gravity.

Now Zhao Yi can use the mathematical logic of superconducting anti-gravity structures to connect "the aspect of ion lattice spin that produces isolated gravity" and find out what they have in common, which is equivalent to opening the key to space analysis.

Zhao Yi has been working on this work recently, and has completed more than half of it. What supports the rapid progress of his research is "Correlation Rate".

Zhao Yi has been using mathematics and experimental data to improve the conditions for the use of "Correlation Rate" to obtain mathematics related to space.

This part of mathematics is obscure and difficult to understand, just like the words of a heavenly book. It is not easy to fully understand each equation that represents a basic connection point. However, he has completed a total of eighty-one equations like this. .

If you want to describe it, Zhao Yi thinks that they are the "passwords of the gods".

After possessing the password of the gods, finding another way to achieve anti-gravity seems to have become much simpler.

As long as we can find all the mathematical logic that conforms to the eighty-one equations, we can achieve complete anti-gravity, that is, it is completely independent of the gravity of the earth, allowing people to float directly.

But here's the rub.

In reality, the macroscopic substances and modes of movement do not conform to any formula of the divine code, and microscopic mathematical analysis is often not necessarily correct.

Zhao Yi found a particle that might fit most of the formulas——


But neutrinos are uncontrollable. Neutrinos are a type of leptons and one of the most basic particles that make up nature.

Neutrinos are small, uncharged, and can freely pass through the earth. They are very light in mass (some are less than one millionth of an electron), move at close to the speed of light, and interact very weakly with other matter. They are considered to be the most powerful particles in the universe. The "Invisible Man".

The international physics community has long predicted the existence of neutrinos, but it took 20 years to confirm that neutrinos were captured last year. They used a particle detector buried under the Antarctic ice to capture particles originating from outside the solar system. High-energy neutrinos.

Neutrinos are so difficult to detect that they cannot be controlled.

If neutrinos are to produce anti-gravity effects, a large number of neutrinos must be allowed to rotate in the same direction in a small range.

Of course this is impossible.

That's why Zhao Yi said that the research has just begun and there is only a little progress.

His next research direction is photons. The mathematical structure of photons also conforms to some of the formulas of the gods' codes. However, it is more difficult to control photons, because light only propagates in straight lines and will dissipate when encountering obstacles, and new ones will be created through collisions. Photons.

Zhao Yi studies photons in the hope of using them to explore the characteristics of divine codes and to connect them with 'large particles' that can be controlled.

For example, electrons.

It is much easier to make electrons rotate within a certain range than small particles.

The anti-gravity effect produced by large particles is definitely not as good as that of small particles, but it is much better than the effect of the 'ion lattice'.

Then the anti-gravity effect can be improved by dozens of percentage points.

Although it cannot reach the level of allowing humans to float directly, if it is properly controlled, it may reduce the gravity by more than 50%. To a certain extent, can it be considered to experience the feeling of floating?

Of course.

These are just ideas for controlling the spin of electrons to produce anti-gravity effects.

There is still a lot of research that needs to be done. Just the research on the relationship between photons and divine codes is a bit overwhelming.

This is not just a mathematical problem, but also an experimental problem.

Zhao Yi needs to use a large optical laboratory, and some equipment needs to be specially built, which cannot be completed by existing equipment.

"Just the core equipment to be built will require hundreds of millions of funds, right?"


"The core equipment created can be used repeatedly and may be used to study the antigravity properties of other particles in the future."

"In other words, it is almost like building a multi-functional large-scale anti-gravity equipment. It is initially used to study photons. After the results are obtained, it can be subsequently manufactured into an anti-gravity equipment."

Zhao Yi thought carefully and simply wrote a detailed report and applied to his superiors for a project to build a 'large anti-gravity device'.

Early morning, the main building of the Science and Technology Department.

Vice Minister Liu Zecheng is sitting leisurely in the office drinking tea. Morning is a rare time to relax. He always sets aside half an hour so that he can have a relaxing cup of tea to relieve work pressure.

It’s not easy to be a leader!

The leaders of the Science and Technology Department have to review various projects and make various decisions. Liu Zecheng is in charge of this aspect and his work is very busy.

It would be fine if he just reviewed the projects normally, but what worries him the most is reviewing those 'incomprehensible projects'. He is the deputy minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology, an official in the political system. He is not a top mathematician or chemist. The lower departments have encountered high-end When applying for a project, I always come to him for review.


He can’t understand it either!

Therefore, similar projects can only be based on feelings. The scientific research institutions and researchers applying for the project are trustworthy, so they can be approved directly. Otherwise, they need to be seriously considered.

This is just an ordinary project.

Applications involving large-scale projects require careful review, and sometimes he has to go there in person to see and listen to the application before he can decide whether it is approved.

"It's difficult!"

"It's difficult to do anything, and it's not easy to be a leader." Liu Zecheng shook his head. The most frustrating thing for him was that he was from a scientific research background, which led many people in the Science and Technology Department to treat him as omniscient and omnipotent, but in fact, he was more Others are not much better.

"Minister Liu! Minister Liu!"

Liu Zecheng's mood improved a little when the assistant's shout came out. The assistant always called him 'minister', which made him feel like he was the minister.

Although the level is not much different, it is really hard to say whether there will be a chance to move up in this life.

Liu Zecheng shook his head, waved and shouted, "Come in!"

Then he frowned and reprimanded, "I told you not to disturb me in the morning!"

"Minister, I'm sorry, that's it." The assistant reported, "It's Academician Zhao's application, and it's still a big project. Others can't decide."

"Big project, how big is it?"

Liu Zecheng said nonchalantly, "Since it is a project that Academician Zhao applied for, it will be directly approved if the funding does not exceed 10 million."


"Exceeded? How much?" Liu Zecheng still didn't care. He thought that 'tens of millions' was a small number because it was Zhao Yi who applied.

"Upfront, two hundred million."


"Initial funding is 200 million. The project application states that there will be additional applications in the future, and the total budget may exceed 1 billion."


Liu Zecheng spit out a mouthful of tea and shouted, "How much did you say? One billion?"


The assistant nodded affirmatively.

Liu Zecheng grinned bitterly. Major projects that required so much funding were no longer something he could decide.

The Science and Technology Department is indeed the project appropriator and supports research that is beneficial to the development of science and technology. However, the Science and Technology Department is not a 'rich person'. Every year's project funds are allocated by the state, which means that scientific research funds are limited.

When it comes to outside companies, it doesn't seem to matter how many billions they invest in R\u0026D every year. However, they only invest in research in fixed fields, and the Science and Technology Department is responsible for too many. If you just calculate, it can easily exceed tens of billions. , and what they support are projects that are beneficial to the country's scientific and technological development and require subsidies, rather than research and development with commercial value. Project subsidy funds are "unearned", and each project can be said to be a "net cost."

Major projects with a budget of more than 100 million can be said to be national-level projects, and they must be reported to the highest level, that is, the top leaders must make decisions.

After listening to the assistant's report, Liu Zecheng was not in the mood to continue drinking tea. He quickly followed over to take a look at the project application.

Then, he's just like everyone else...


"What is written in this application? Did you discover the divine code for analyzing space?"

"It is necessary to study the code of the gods and build large-scale equipment..."

"Anti-gravity device?"

"Photon research?"

"What the hell is this!"

Liu Zecheng's eyes were full of confusion. He felt that he was not reading a project application, but a "secret book" that introduced how to become a god.

Finally, he sighed and decided to go to Yanhua University to talk to Zhao Yi face to face and see the situation before talking about it.

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