Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 513 Ten Billion Privileges

Tornadoes are accidents.

This was not expected.

The control center was built underground in a place that was not affected. It relied on a screen to observe the conditions of the experimental device. It initially discovered the surrounding air flow, which meant that the experiment was a success. The personnel in the control room were too late to cheer and did not realize that it would change. into a tornado.

When the tornado got bigger and bigger, the control center discovered the problem and immediately turned off the high-energy beam, and the tornado slowly became smaller.

There are no conditions for the formation of tornadoes for dozens of kilometers around the experimental device. Because it is not a plain area, there are many mountains blocking it, and the plants are very luxuriant. Even if a tornado is formed, it cannot spread too far.

Tornadoes are not planned and will not be thought of.

After all the equipment was shut down, the personnel in the control center began to report test data. Unfortunately, because the duration was not long, the test data was not accurate.

After more than ten minutes, the calculation results were available. It was roughly estimated that the anti-gravity effect was between 30% and 40%.

The reason why there is a deviation of ten points is because the anti-gravity effect formed by the anti-gravity device is different in intensity. Coupled with the influence of the tornado, the test data is also inaccurate.

But no matter what, the most important thing is that the experiment was successful, and it was very successful, more successful than planned.

When Zhao Yi heard the data reported by the testers, his expression was very indifferent, not as exciting as he imagined.

Because he already knew it.

At the beginning of the experiment, he got the results through his ability, but the results he got were wider -

Zero to 38 percent.

The accuracy of the data lies in the highest 38%, because the edge data is zero, and the highest anti-gravity effect is 38%, so we get such a value.

Thirty-eight percent, amazing!

Although Zhao Yi acted very calmly, he was actually a little excited. What he cared about most was the success of the experiment, not the specific anti-gravity effect. The quality of the anti-gravity effect was incidental.

After the experiment, Zhao Yi was bored in the studio, using the arrangement of high-energy beam equipment and experimental result data to compare the principle of photon anti-gravity with the code of the gods, and at the same time gained a deeper understanding of the latter two.

This is the biggest gain.

Everyone else was pleasantly surprised by the success of the photon antigravity experiment, and for Zhao Yi, the experiment was just a progress in the research process.

His main research is the code of the gods, which is the analysis of space.

The analysis of space is very difficult. It is definitely a brand-new research. Every progress will lead to unimaginable scientific and technological progress.

It can only be said that the research on the code of gods has made a good start, and there is still a lot of room for follow-up.

control center.

Everyone was discussing enthusiastically, with cheers and excitement being the main theme.

Minister Zheng and his party came back. He immediately found Zhao Yi and asked, "What happened just now? A tornado appeared? Is this experiment a tornado control device?"

Zhao Yidao, "That was just an accident, not part of the plan."

"Can you control it?"

Minister Zheng asked carefully, what he meant was whether the tornado could be controlled.

Zhao Yi twitched his lips and said, "It's difficult to control. It was an accident. We knew there would be airflow, but we didn't expect the impact to be so big. Our experiment did not consider controlling tornadoes, and it is meaningless."

Minister Zheng nodded and continued to ask, "What is the specific reason?"

This one is quite simple.

Zhao Yi did not answer directly, but left the 'opportunity' to Zhang Qican next to him. Zhang Qican stood up and explained, "The anti-gravity device will reduce the gravity of the air in the center, and it will naturally rise, and the surrounding air will replenish it." Come in."

"Because the experimental equipment is not perfect, the anti-gravity effect is good in some places, and the anti-gravity effect is poor in other places, which will form a difference. The air flow intensity around it will be uneven, and a tornado will appear."

Zhao Yi added, "This was not considered before the experiment, and it was a planning error."

This was indeed a small mistake, but it had no impact, because the place where the experimental device was set up was surrounded by mountains in three directions. In addition, before the experiment started, we didn’t even know whether the experiment was successful, and of course we didn’t consider tornadoes.

If the anti-gravity effect was not so good, it would be impossible to form a large tornado.

The principle of tornado formation is very simple. If you listen to it, you will almost understand it.

Minister Zheng also understood and was immediately very surprised. He realized the impact of the successful experiment and immediately said excitedly, "Congratulations on your success!"

"This is a major success, and a success that can change the world!"

When you think carefully about the impact of anti-gravity experiments, you will know that the impact on the world is not an exaggeration at all. Anti-gravity technology generally only appears in movies and does not exist in reality.

Everyone will think that anti-gravity is a future technology that cannot be mastered by current humans.

Now that the experiment has been successful, it means that they have mastered anti-gravity technology. If you think about it carefully, you will be surprised. They actually relied on technology to defeat gravity.

Isn’t this a victory over nature and the earth’s gravity?

Anti-gravity technology will definitely become the starting point for a technological explosion, and technology may soon be revolutionized.

The technological revolution is right around the corner.

The first thing that Minister Zheng thought of was the development of aviation and aerospace technology. With anti-gravity technology, the most direct impact will be on aviation and aerospace.

For example, what would happen if an anti-gravity device was installed on an airplane? It will definitely be easy to build a plane that can take off and land vertically.

An aircraft that takes off vertically does not need to consider gravity issues. Not only does it greatly reduce energy consumption, it will definitely become faster.

Of course.

Anti-gravity technology itself consumes energy, and the energy consumption may not necessarily be reduced, but there is no doubt that aircraft technology will definitely achieve a major breakthrough.

This will affect the military.

If there were aircraft that could take off and land vertically on the ground, many of today's high-tech fighters might be eliminated.

This has not yet been developed to the level of civilian use. If it can be popularized in the civilian field, flying cars will not be a dream at all.

When the traffic situation changes, the entire world will change.

For example, infrastructure, life, including various industries, work, etc.

All areas will be affected, and life will undergo great changes.

Of course.

The premise of everything is still anti-gravity technology. Continue to conduct more in-depth research, at least it is impossible to realize it now.

Although the photon antigravity experiment does not cost a lot of money, the equipment is also very large, and it will take decades of development to reduce the technology to the point where it can be used.

"Like a computer?"

"The computers that were first manufactured were also very large, and later computers became smaller and smaller..."


"Technology is changing rapidly..."

Minister Zheng feels a little behind the times. He hopes to see that anti-gravity technology can truly be popularized in his lifetime, not just exist in experiments.

After some thinking, Minister Zheng also realized the most critical thing -

Keep it confidential!

He immediately issued an order requiring all personnel not to leave, and notified the nearest troops to cooperate in sealing off the surrounding area of ​​20 kilometers.

This entire area is designated as a restricted area.

More troops came the next day, sealing off the entire route and surrounding areas. Experimental materials and devices were classified as top secret.

Minister Zheng also hurried back, passed the news to the leadership, and prepared to hold a highest-level meeting to discuss it in a targeted manner.

at the same time.

The outside world has already received the news.

Although the personnel blockade was well done, a 100-meter-high tornado appeared during the experiment, which could still be seen from a distance. Some people took photos and posted them on the Internet.

Some media reported that "a rare tornado appeared in the mountains north of the capital!"

However, the report's analysis pointed out that it may be due to the impact of global warming and abnormal climate in various places that lead to tornadoes in mountainous areas.

The report is not only the reporter's analysis, but also a climate expert who was interviewed and used "scientific principles" to analyze why tornadoes can also occur in mountainous areas, and the situation is "unsurprising". The tornado has just formed and dissipated after a while. .

If you just listen to the analysis of experts, you will really feel that it makes sense.

Of course, external reports are definitely not a good thing. The official still controlled the public opinion and did not cause too much discussion. Most people have not seen the news and can no longer find it.

Tornadoes in the northern mountains seem to have become fake news.

Five days later.

A short internal meeting was held.

Zhao Yi also participated.

This meeting mainly discussed anti-gravity technology issues. Zhao Yi gave a very detailed report, including the principles of the technology, experimental issues, follow-up research, etc.

The meeting quickly formulated three items. One is about policies and scientific research, to strongly support the development of Yanhua University and strive to make Yanhua University a benchmark for domestic university scientific research.

This article is aimed at Yanhua University, and is actually a feedback to Zhao Yi for his technical contributions.

As Zhao Yi continues to do research and produce results, Yanhua University has developed rapidly. The School of Life, the School of Mechanical Engineering, the School of Information, and the School of Science all have projects in cooperation with the country and large enterprises. Significant scientific research results.

The tone is set now, that is, increasing support for Yanhua University in terms of policies and funding will definitely allow the university to achieve faster development.

First, those affected are graduates.

For example, some state departments, state-owned enterprises, and the military will respond to policies and leave more job places for Yanhua University.

Support for scientific research includes equipment, funding and support for laboratory development.

If there is sufficient financial support, Yanhua University can also improve university construction, such as renovating old teaching buildings, building new dormitories, or building new school districts.

These are things for the future.

The second content formulated at the meeting was to launch a confidential research and development project, jointly carried out by the military and the aviation group. The project was named "Special Flight Plan" and was used to study "anti-gravity aircraft", which mainly relied on photon anti-gravity. Technology, try our best to shrink the equipment, see if it can be applied to aircraft, and develop aircraft with new technology.

Finally, it’s about Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi's "scientific research authority" has been upgraded. He has the right to "make independent decisions with less than 10 billion funds", and any research that may involve confidential research is protected by the military.

In other words, if Zhao Yi applies for a project similar to photon anti-gravity in the future, he will not need to go through the Science and Technology Department at all. With just one sentence, the state will allocate funds and send personnel to cooperate.

Tens of billions of dollars are involved, and the amount is still very large. For example, the particle collider project has been discussed for several years, but it has not really started yet because the cost is too high.

The construction of a large particle collider may cost tens of billions.

When the funds are so huge, the decision to build it may affect other scientific research funds and financial planning, so detailed theory will definitely be conducted.

If you do calculations carefully, in fact, the "total funding" of the large particle collider is only tens of billions, because it takes several years or more than ten years to build, and the average is several billions per year. How many dollars are spent every year? A billion in funding is already a drag.

Zhao Yi can decide tens of billions of projects. You can imagine how powerful his authority is. It can be said with certainty that as long as he supports any project, even if it involves tens of billions of funds, the supported project can be invested in research and construction. middle.


Zhao Yi didn't feel much, because he didn't seem to have a need for 'tens of billions' of funding.

He still cares about money.

After returning to Yanhua University, he took care of his 'assets', including the shares controlled by Xingyi Investment Group, the stock price of Hongfeng Industry, and bank card funds, etc.

He even checked his Bitcoin account and then made a purchase himself.

"Calculate carefully..."

"This year is probably more than 200 million US dollars more than last year, right? It seems that nothing is being done, and the assets are rising."

"This feeling……"


Zhao Yi let out a long sigh, "It's really great!"

Assets, of course, will rise.

Zhao Yi's Yutu Robot shares, technology stocks, Hongfeng Industrial stocks, etc., have been rising rapidly. Coupled with the patent dividends transferred into his account, his net worth will increase even if he does nothing. Keep rising.

This does not include Bitcoin.

The current price of Bitcoin is still relatively low, but it exceeds one hundred US dollars. There are more than 60,000 coins in his account, and the total value is as high as five million US dollars.

"Wait until a few years later..."

"If it rises dozens of times, it can be thrown away, right? However, will so many coins affect the future market value?"

"It's possible!"

Zhao Yi suddenly frowned, but after thinking about it carefully, he didn't worry too much after thinking about the total number of Bitcoins, which were more than 20 million. He owned a lot of Bitcoins. In fact, he didn't even have one percent of them. arrive.

"Maybe it will have some impact? Sell it when the price is almost up!"

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