Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 520 What a coincidence that we were in a hurry!

The high-level meeting also decided on a very important matter, that is, the confidentiality issue of War Eagle-1. The final result of the discussion was public information.

Of course, it is not to disclose the design, technology and other issues of the Warhawk-1, but to make the Warhawk-1 publicly debut at international air shows.

This is a big decision.

Previously, the research and development of the War Eagle-1 was strictly confidential. Even photos of the samples could not be disclosed. All people involved in the research and development were not allowed to use mobile phones and other communication devices, and any electronic equipment was prohibited from being brought into the research and development base.

Now it is decided to let the War Eagle-1 make a public appearance at the international air show. It is indeed a bit surprising, but it is reasonable if you think about it carefully.

Because secrecy is impossible.

When the War Eagle-1 was still on the design drawings and just manufactured some accessories, it was easy to keep it secret. Even the technicians who produced the accessories didn't know what was being manufactured. They only knew what the specific needs were and based on the needs. Just do it.

Now the War Eagle-1 has been manufactured and has also conducted test flights.

There will definitely be more test flights and more tests in the future, and then it will be officially put into service in the future. As long as the fighter jet is in the sky, it is impossible to keep it completely secret. Especially the appearance of the Warhawk-1. You can tell at a glance that it is not an ordinary fighter jet. .

Rather than letting the international community speculate and explore, we should make a public appearance openly and tell the world that we have developed a high-tech aircraft and let them study the specific performance parameters.

Another thing that is being kept secret is research related to anti-gravity.

Although the entire process of the anti-gravity device has been kept secret, there has been news in the world that anti-gravity is being studied in China. However, the news is that the domestic research theory relies on Professor Li Ning's superconducting anti-gravity theory.

Zhao Yi is a participant in the superconducting anti-gravity experiment and has also provided a specific theoretical basis. It is normal to conduct research accordingly.

The international community is not optimistic about this research. They have done countless anti-gravity experiments.

Even if Li Ning's theory is confirmed, the anti-gravity performance is very weak and cannot be truly applied. Therefore, international public opinion generally believes that domestic research is just continued experimental exploration and there will be no big gains.

In this regard, we must continue to keep it secret.

After the high-level meeting related to War Eagle-1 ended, Zhao Yi also became busy.

Because the War Eagle-1 has been confirmed, the follow-up is performance testing and various improvement works, which are almost all the affairs of the aviation group, and some people are more interested in anti-gravity.

If someone else had done this research, it would probably be difficult to arouse much interest. Zhao Yi was completely different. He not only developed the theory, but also directly manufactured an anti-gravity device with considerable performance.

Now many relevant people are exploring the application of anti-gravity devices.

For example, the aerospace field.

For example, the military field.

The civilian use of anti-gravity devices can also be explored, but it is still kept secret for the time being, so the civilian use can only be discussed.

Some people asked Zhao Yi directly.

Zhao Yi thought of a direct use, "Using it on the deck of an aircraft carrier and transforming it into an anti-gravity device can also greatly reduce the gravity of the aircraft carrier and increase the load-carrying capacity of the aircraft carrier."

This is indeed a feasible approach.

Anti-gravity devices can be manufactured inside large aircraft carriers, and high-energy beam equipment can be modified to use batteries as energy sources, which can be 'charged' using the power of the aircraft carrier itself, but this will only cause a drag on the power.

If the high-energy beam equipment is always turned on, the aircraft carrier's endurance will definitely be affected.

However, problems can be solved.

The use of anti-gravity systems on aircraft carriers is a very feasible idea.

In addition, Zhao Yi also talked about the issue of 'anti-gravity aircraft'. He said directly, "Research in this area is difficult unless the high-energy beam equipment and pipelines can be made smaller and more refined. But no matter how small the equipment is, At most, it will be reduced by one-third.”

"Until there is a breakthrough in theory, it will be very difficult to achieve a breakthrough in practical application."

Zhao Yi shook his head as he spoke.

Although he is also looking forward to the emergence of anti-gravity aircraft, at least his theoretical research has not gone so far that he cannot exponentially reduce the scale of anti-gravity devices.

The basic theories have not reached that level, and experimental research is naturally a "hit and miss" type. If you want to get results, you really have to rely on God's blessing.

Zhao Yi's statement was a bit disappointing. One senior leader sighed, but after thinking about it carefully, it suddenly became clear.

Theoretical research has not reached that point?

Last year, there was no anti-gravity theory!

How fast Zhao Yi’s research speed is!

Now that the theory does not support it, it does not mean that it will not support it next year, or in the next few years. The most important thing at the moment is to let Zhao Yi study well and seriously, and do not disturb him. Maybe it will not be long before the theory Just support it?

Think about it this way...

Zhao Yi felt relaxed immediately.

Senior leaders have paid attention to Zhao Yi's theoretical research, and they have been directly warned not to disturb Zhao Yi, including those from the War Eagle Group and anti-gravity research.

Zhao Yi became very leisurely. He could finally return to Yanhua University and live a relaxed and leisure life.

Serious study of antigravity theory?

Do not make jokes!

How can the theoretical research on antigravity be so easy?

This is not to solve a mathematical problem or a research problem, but to use experiments and imagination to analyze a complex system that has never been explored by humans, is microscopic, and is directly related to space. It is to explore the most basic secrets of the universe where the earth is located.

Zhao Yi is of course very interested in anti-gravity research, but he is not a robot. He cannot conduct complex research for a long time, nor can he maintain high efficiency for a long time.

So he still lives a relaxed life at his own pace, and occasionally works on theoretical frameworks when he has the energy.

His requirement for research is, "Just make a little progress every week."

If other people knew about his request, they would definitely be shocked and their eyes would widen. Most of the top scientists would study a completely new matter, let alone a week, a few months, or a year. It would be very difficult to make some progress. Remarkable.

For example, Edward Witten.

Ever since we did research on multi-dimensional space analysis with Zhao Yi, the only progress we made was with Zhao Yi. All other efforts proved to be meaningless in the end.

However, for Zhao Yi, a little progress every week is just the most normal speed, and it can make his life feel easier.

This kind of relaxed life makes Zhao Yi feel very comfortable. He seems to have returned to college life. He goes to the playground to play football when he has time. However, because he is so famous, he is surrounded by a group of people every time he goes. It feels like he is He became a famous football star and couldn't even play football freely.

After playing a game of football, his whole body was soaked with sweat. Zhao Yi felt very energetic. He went back to the staff dormitory and took a shower. He walked leisurely on the campus and waved to the younger students. They greeted each other, ignored the looks of many onlookers on the road, and ran directly to the faculty canteen.

The staff cafeteria was opened for staff, but because the food was relatively good, it was always occupied by students who 'disregarded the rules'.

The second floor is a place for ordering food. Since most students have evening classes, there are relatively few people.

Zhao Yi went to the second floor and took a glance, and was a little surprised to see Fan Lei. After walking over, he found that Li Renzhe was still sitting opposite, and he was surprised and said, "What? There's a party today! Don't call me!"

"Call you?"

Li Renzhe curled his lips and said sarcastically, "Grand Academician, I can't call you!"

Zhao Yi didn't care, just smiled, "I was a little busy some time ago, but it's been much better recently."

Fan Lei nodded, "Zhao Yi has been quite free recently. He goes to the laboratory every day. I think he even went to play football yesterday."

"I went today and just came back." Zhao Yi added, then looked at Li Renzhe and said with a smile, "Old Li, I haven't seen you in two months, and you have gained a lot of weight! This is...getting married to Huang Wenqian soon." Are you in love?"


Li Renzhe was not polite at all, "I'm really annoyed!"

"What's wrong?"


Fan Lei couldn't help bursting out laughing just as he was about to speak, and continued to laugh for a long time. Li Renzhe was about to become angry, and then he said, "Old Li, do you say it yourself, or should I?"

"I have a wife!" Li Renzhe said directly in one breath.

Zhao Yi was stunned when he heard this, "Yes? What's the matter? What... I'm sorry!" He stood up suddenly, "You didn't say you had a child, did you?"

Li Renzhe pursed his lips complicatedly and waved to the waiter, "Bring me a bottle of wine. If I don't get drunk today, neither of you will want to leave!"


"Sacrifice your life to accompany the gentleman!"

Zhao Yi and Fan Lei looked at each other and nodded seriously.

Eat, drink, and walk!

Li Renzhe kept crying about his "miserable" life. For example, how good his father-in-law and mother-in-law were to him. They came to live with him and take care of his life, so he gained weight.

For example, Huang Wenqian was so kind to him and never talked about making money. He spent money while studying and studying, and she felt a little shy. But Huang Wenqian didn't seem to care at all, and was afraid that he wouldn't spend enough, so she secretly put money into his wallet. Stuff money.

This is how he expressed it, "I really don't want to spend her money. I have money myself, but she is always afraid that I won't have money to spend, so she secretly gives the money to me..."

The words revealed the helplessness of passively eating soft food.

Then, Li Renzhe came to the important point. Last month, he was hit with one shot, and he was depressed, "Why did it happen all of a sudden..."


"I feel like the future is gloomy! I don't know whether to be happy or sad. I'm still in school!"

Zhao Yi asked Fan Lei in a low voice, "Are you sure the child is Lao Li's?"

Fan Lei's answer was, "This...Huang Wenqian, there shouldn't be anyone else, right?"


Zhao Yi agreed with this.

The three of them ate and drank for a long time. Zhao Yi felt dizzy and staggered when he walked. When he felt nauseous and wanted to vomit, he simply put down the glass and stopped drinking.

At this time, Lin Xiaoqing came.

Lin Xiaoqing came here with Qian Hong. She supported Zhao Yi and complained, "Why do you drink so much and don't know how to pay attention?"

Zhao Yi talked about Li Renzhe and explained why he drank.

Then he was carried away.

Zhao Yi fell asleep as soon as he got to the car, and when he woke up, he was already on the bed, hazy...


The next morning, Zhao Yi opened his eyes and suddenly felt his mouth was dry. He turned around and found water next to him. He quickly picked it up and took a sip, only to find the note left by Lin Xiaoqing, "I'm going back first." Draw a character pattern.

He smiled.

Sitting quietly on the bedside, he carefully counted the days, and then carefully recalled his experience last night, and suddenly his eyes widened.

A while ago, Lin Xiaoqing talked about wanting a child, but he refused.

He felt it was too early.

The main thing is that he doesn't want to face having a child and becoming a father. He doesn't know how he will react, and he doesn't know what to do or how to face it.


"What the hell..."

"Isn't it Li Renzhe who tricked me? Why did Xiaoqing come over suddenly without saying hello?"

"What a coincidence that the timing is right!"

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