Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 53 The Terrible Lin Xiaoqing

End of risk question.

Jiangzhou Experimental Middle School is still very stable. In the second round, they chose a ten-point question again and successfully scored ten points, with the score rising to 210 points.

Zhengyang No. 1 Middle School also worked hard and chose the 20-point question, but the 20-point question was more biased. They were deducted 20 points, leaving only 170 points, which meant no points for the risky questions.

Yongyang Middle School answered 20 points of questions correctly, and its score returned to 180 points.

The rankings of four teams have changed.

Jiangzhou Experimental Middle School scored the highest, with 210 points; Yongyang Middle School and Zhengyang No. 13 Middle School tied for second, with scores of 180 points; Zhengyang No. 1 Middle School fell to the bottom, with a score of 170 points.

The game enters the final stage.

"Here are the quick-answer questions!"

The host introduced the rules, "There are a total of six quick-answer questions, each question is ten points, and ten points are added for correct answers. But it must be noted that each answer time is only five seconds. Which team fails to answer correctly will lose the chance to continue. Opportunity to participate in Q\u0026A.”

He finished and gave time for discussion.

Each team also started a discussion. There were a total of six quick-answer questions. The average score for a team was only fifteen points. With five people doing ordinary multiple-choice questions, the chance of getting it right was still very high.

The key is time!

With five seconds to answer, there is no time to think about some off-topic questions. Wrong answers mean disqualification, and the score will be frozen in place.

So you still have to be cautious.

This is what the Jiangzhou Experimental Middle School team thinks. They are 30 points ahead of the second place. They only need to answer one or two of the quick-answer questions to guarantee first place.

Yongyang Middle School and Zhengyang No. 1 Middle School also decided to play it safe.

Jiangzhou Experimental Middle School was 30 points higher, which was a bit too much. It was already difficult to overtake. Yongyang Middle School only hoped to maintain second place.

Zheng Yang No. 1 Middle School wanted to advance one or two places, but the rule that if they answered incorrectly, they would no longer have a chance, they decided to wait and see.

The host picked up the microphone again and said, "Now, the Q\u0026A officially begins. Please look at the big screen."

A question was refreshed on the big screen.

The moment the question was refreshed, the answering machine on the contestants' bench also lit up, and Zhao Yi took a photo of the answering machine almost at the same time.

"Ding dong!"

"Team No. 1?" The host was stunned for a moment, thinking that he was nervous and took the wrong shot, but rules are rules, and you must stand up and answer even if you take the wrong shot.

The other teams looked on with gloating.

Zhao Yi stood up, glanced at the topic, and immediately said, "D, Jerusalem."

"So fast?"

"Are you blind?"

Everyone couldn't believe it.

The host looked down at the answer, was silent for two seconds and then waved his hand vigorously, "Congratulations, Zheng Yang passed the 13th grade, the answer is correct!"

Most people have just read the question and almost know the answer. The question asks, 'Which city in the Middle East is the holy place of three religions?'

This question is very simple!

But for simple questions, you have to read the questions before you can decide whether to answer them.

Zhao Yi's speed is too fast!

When the question first appeared, he definitely hadn't seen it. He stood up and glanced at the big screen before he knew the answer was revealed.

Good luck!

The other teams looked at the questions on the screen and secretly felt a pity. If they had known the questions were so easy, they should have answered them in advance.

The next question begins.

A question was refreshed on the big screen again, and the moment the question appeared, there was another 'ding dong'.

"It's still Team 1!"

The host looked over immediately.

Zhao Yi stood up again, glanced at the screen, and was silent for two seconds.

The other teams were a little gloating.

The questions on the screen are a bit long. It takes five seconds to understand the meaning, let alone produce the results.

Zhao Yi followed and said, "B."

The host looked down at the answer, took a deep breath and stared at Zhao Yi, "Are you sure?"

Zhao Yi looked at the time and asked a little funny, "Can it still be changed?"


The host answered very freely, as if he wanted to favor Zhao Yi.

Before the other teams had time to express their dissatisfaction, Zhao Yi followed up and said, "But I don't want to change it. If it's wrong, it's wrong. How many times can you fight in life!"

There were roars of laughter at the scene.

The host stared at Zhao Yi for a few seconds, his smile tinged with helplessness. He waved his hand and announced the result, "This time, it's still correct!"

"Zheng Yang is in the top thirteen, plus ten points!"

The score of the No. 13 Middle School competition team jumped to 200 points. Lin Xiaoqing, Sun Liang and others in the contestants' seats cheered excitedly.

Zhao Yi was about to sit down.

The host did not continue to the next question, but walked to the contestants' seat and handed the microphone to Zhao Yi, "Can you tell our friends at the scene and the other contestants how you answered the question?"

"You rush to answer the question so quickly and you still get it right? Especially for the question just now, I didn't even finish reading it."

Zhao Yi looked around and smiled, "I have already said that there are many times you can fight in life. If you don't fight, you will never know whether you can win. We only have 200 points now, and we are still 10 points away from the first place. We want to win the first place. I definitely want to make a fortune!"

The host gave Zhao Yi a thumbs up, then smiled and nodded, walked back, continued to refresh the big screen, and reminded other teams, "Get ready, the next question is coming soon."

"Ding dong!"

This time it’s not No. 13!

The moment the next question was refreshed, Zheng Yang took a picture of the answering machine.

The students of Zhengyang No. 1 Middle School also came to their senses. Their scores were the worst, with only six quick-answer questions. If they wanted to catch up, they had to score high.

If you wait until you see the question and find out that you can do it before rushing to answer it, you won't be able to do it in time.

Therefore, we must gamble!

The representative of Zhengyang No. 1 Middle School stood up and looked at the big screen seriously, and then he was stunned.

The questions that appeared on the big screen had more words than before. He knew he didn't have time to read the questions, so he just looked at the options.

"Your answer is..." the host asked directly.

Five seconds is a short time.

The player was stunned for a moment and said nothing without being reminded by the people next to him.


A harsh voice sounded.

This sound means that the answer time is up. If the player does not answer, he will be judged to have failed.


The host sighed and sympathized with the young man standing, but the rules of the game were such that it was impossible to continue to give the players time. That seemed humane, but it was unfair to other teams.

"Zheng Yang No. 1 Middle School did not answer. It will be recorded as a failure and he will be disqualified from continuing to answer questions."

The host announces the results.

The representative of Zhengyang No. 1 Middle School sat down with tears in his eyes. The other students were silent and did not speak. The answer was the last step. Their scores would be fixed, and they must be the last.

Zheng Yang No. 1 Middle School was designated as the "last", and something interesting happened. Many viewers turned to support Zheng Yang No. 13 Middle School.

They originally supported Zhengyang No. 1 Middle School.

Jiangzhou Experimental Middle School and Yongyang Middle School are both schools in Jiangzhou; Zhengyang No. 1 Middle School and Zhengyang No. 13 Middle School are both schools in Zhengyang.

The 'Youth Cup' competition has reached the finals, and it seems to have evolved into a 'confrontation of education in two cities.' Zhengyang No. 1 Middle School will definitely be ranked last, and the audience from Zhengyang will turn to support Zhengyang No. 13 Middle School.

Although most of them look down on No. 13 Middle School and think they are much worse than No. 1 Middle School, at this point they can only count on No. 13 Middle School.

Many of them shouted Zhao Yi's name.

"Thirteenth Middle School, come on!"

"Zhao Yi, come on!"

Everyone can see that the high score in No. 13 Middle School means Zhao Yi's performance is good, and the other students are much worse than him.

When the scene became quiet again, the host signaled the Q\u0026A to continue.

The experience of Zhengyang No. 1 Middle School reminded Jiangzhou Experimental Middle School and Yongyang Middle School that it is indeed possible to answer questions in advance, but you still have to take a look at the question. It is better if the question has fewer words. If you glance at it, you will know that there are many words. You need to calm down for the questions. You can obviously do it but you can't finish reading the questions. You can only rely on your imagination to answer the questions. The risk of answering the questions incorrectly is too great.

Zhao Yi didn't care about this.

Zheng Yang was robbed of a question just now. He found that answering not only required confidence, but the most important thing was quick hands. He immediately asked, "Which one of you has faster hands? Come here and keep tapping this clicker!"

"I come!"

Sun Liang volunteered.


Zhao Yi chose to believe Sun Liang, "Don't look at the screen, just keep filming. We must get it!"

"Are you confident that you can make it?" Lin Xiaoqing asked a little worriedly.

Zhao Yi rolled his eyes, "I'm convinced of the answer! Really, just look at the options."

Lin Xiaoqing still nodded.

Now if you want to overtake Jiangzhou Experimental Middle School, you can only rely on Zhao Yi's performance.

The fourth question came out.

Jiangzhou Experimental Middle School and Yongyang Middle School also wanted to see if the questions they wrote were long, but Sun Liang did not take this into consideration. He listened to Zhao Yi and kept tapping the clicker. His hand speed was astonishingly fast. .

"Ding dong!"

The voice sounded.

The host immediately looked in the direction of No. 13 Middle School. Zhao Yi stood up, glanced at the screen, and immediately answered, "A."


"It's A!" Zhao Yi didn't want to waste time, and he was very sure this time.

The host took a deep breath and said, "Correct answer!"

The score of Zhengyang No. 13 Middle School jumped to 210 points, tying the score of Jiangzhou Experimental Middle School.

Side of the stage.

The four judges, who had only participated in the subjective part from the beginning, laughed when they saw Zhao Yi. They did not expect to see such an interesting student in a small competition.

Risk questions, get them all right.

Rushing to answer the questions, one by one, it seems that there is no time to make a mistake.

What does this mean?

He is extremely confident in his knowledge base, and his review speed is unmatched by ordinary people.


no doubt!

Although it was just a few risky questions and quick-answer questions, due to his accuracy and speed, many people labeled Zhao Yi as a genius.

Inside the venue.

Zhengyang No. 13 Middle School tied with Jiangzhou Experimental Middle School, and Yongyang Middle School was the worst.

Yongyang Middle School only had 180 points. They were still thinking about trying one more time. If they couldn't get the first place, they would have to work hard to get the second place.

Before he could recover, there were only two quick-answer questions left, and the scores of the two opponents both reached 210 points, which happened to be 30 points higher than them.

The participating students from Yongyang Middle School all had the urge to vomit blood. They felt it was worse than Zhengyang No. 1 Middle School. Zhengyang No. 1 Middle School had a hard time but failed to win, and the score was fixed.

They didn't even have a chance to fight, and their ranking was fixed.

What else can be done?

Now there are only two questions left, and the only ones competing for the first place are Jiangzhou Experimental Middle School and Zhengyang No. 13 Middle School.

The mentality of Jiangzhou Experimental Middle School is a bit explosive.

Zheng Yang from No. 13 Middle School answered three questions correctly in a row, directly catching up with the score difference. What if the opponent grabs the question again and answers it correctly again?

Then you’ll be behind!

The opportunity must be in your own hands. You must not be like Yaohua Middle School, lying around and doing nothing, and then the opportunity is gone.

When the third question appeared on the big screen, Jiangzhou Experimental Middle School immediately took a picture of the answering machine.

"Ding dong!" Got it!


The 13th Middle School collectively sighed with regret.

The representative from Jiangzhou Experimental Middle School stood up, glanced at the question on the screen, and saw the ending at a glance: [What is the largest regional trade group in the world? 】

[A. European Union. 】

[B. World Trade Organization. 】

[C. Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries. 】


The representative of Jiangzhou Experimental Middle School made his choice nervously. He was not 100% sure that the answer was correct, but the possibility was still very high.

"correct answer!"

The results announced by the host made Jiangzhou Experimental Middle School excited.

Several contestants all shouted excitedly. At the most critical moment, if they answered a quick-answer question correctly, they would be the first to win.

This time it was Zhengyang No. 13 Middle School who was nervous.

There is only one question left, let alone whether it can be solved, the opportunity must be seized.

Now hand speed is the key.

If you can't get the next question, you lose, and you don't even have a chance to answer. And their opponents are not only Jiangzhou Experimental Middle School. As a middle school in Jiangzhou, Yongyang Middle School will definitely support Jiangzhou Experimental Middle School. They also have Eligibility to participate in forced quizzes.

"let me!"

Lin Xiaoqing stood up in the contestant seat at position 1 with a firm look, "Monkey, stand aside, I'll grab it!"

Sun Liang was depressed that he hadn't grabbed it just now, and stood aside after hearing Lin Xiaoqing's words.

Lin Xiaoqing was sitting in the most suitable position for taking pictures of the answering machine, with her right hand motionless on the answering machine. She exuded a terrifying aura, and her eyes were full of danger and even lethality.

She not only stared at the answering machine, but also at the contestant seats of Jiangzhou Experimental Middle School and Yongyang Middle School.

The 'shooting' contestants sent by the two schools looked like the kind of boys with nimble movements.

It was originally a pleasure to be stared at by beautiful women, but after being stared at by Lin Xiaoqing, they all felt a chill coming over their hearts.

"This a bit scary!"

The Yongyang Middle School's 'Snapshot' contestant shivered inexplicably, thinking, "Anyway, I'm just helping Jiangzhou Experimental Middle School, so there's no need to be so active..."


The last question appeared on the big screen.

Lin Xiaoqing put down her hand in an instant, and the sound of the palm touching the answering machine even covered up the music for a moment.

"Pa... dong~"

Zhao Yi felt a little sad for the answering machine.

The "snatching" contestant from Jiangzhou Experimental Middle School also immediately started taking pictures, but his movements were obviously half a beat too slow. In the end, he simply put it down gently, with helplessness written all over his face.


After Lin Xiaoqing got the question, she raised her hands excitedly and hugged Zhao Yi's neck as if she had won a championship.

"Let go! Let go!"

Zhao Yi shouted anxiously, almost dragging himself to his feet. After glancing at the screen, he immediately raised his hand and said, "C! I choose C!"

His movements and words were a little awkward.

However, no one laughed because of this. Everyone was staring at the question on the big screen and the host's reaction and actions.



The host shouted loudly, which immediately made the contestants of No. 13 Middle School and the audience excited.

Thanks to the following book friends for the reward--

Smiling, 5,000 coins.

Alfalfa lining mxc, 1000 coins.

(zzzzzz), 200 coins.

Talking octopus, 100 coins.

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