Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 526 Antigravity Range Diffusion Effect

Dong Lihua was thinking, ‘Is Academician Zhao trying to harm himself?’ In fact, he also knew that approaching the anti-gravity device from below was not very dangerous.

The anti-gravity device does not involve too many physical and mechanical operations. The only thing is the rotating disk underneath, and the core high-energy beams are all sealed inside the pipe. Even if there is a gap to escape, there is no danger at all.

So there are dangerous aspects, one is the rotation of the large device, and the other is the uncertain anti-gravity effect that the experiment may bring.

The rotation of the anti-gravity device is made into a large disk, and there are protective measures underneath and around it to prevent some parts of the device from being thrown away during operation.

If you approach from below, there is unlikely to be any problem.

In addition, because it is an anti-gravity experiment, the protective device is similar to that of a space suit. The iron sheet wraps the whole body, and there is a thick sponge that resists earthquakes inside, which is very resistant to physical strikes.

The weight of the protective device is also very good, almost forty kilograms.

Wearing protective equipment of this weight is still reassuring, but walking will be affected a lot.

Dong Lihua mustered up his courage, put on protective clothing seriously, and prepared to go over and take a look, wanting to know what Zhao Yi was talking about.

One of his engineers looked at him a little scared and asked, "How about...let me go?"

He didn't feel there was much danger.

Dong Lihua immediately shook his head and said firmly, "I'll go. It's too dangerous!"


Others don't understand.

Dong Lihua did not explain much, as if he was a soldier preparing to die heroically. In fact, what he was thinking was that it was time to show courage, contribute to projects and experiments, and truly be on the front line.

How nice these all sound!


In short, they completed a historic major research and development, which may be recorded in the record. The person in charge, Dong Lihua, was not afraid of dangers, bravely rushed to the front line, and dedicated his life to the experiment...


In fact, the most important thing is that Dong Lihua thought about it carefully and felt that there was no particular danger. Zhao Yi said 'get close', not under the device. There was nothing scary at all.

While walking towards the installation from a distance, Dong Lihua did not forget to turn around and say, "Find a camera and take a picture of me!"

"No... there's no camera!" The assistant next to him was a little confused.

"A mobile phone is fine too."

"I don't have a mobile phone either... I'll go look for it." After the assistant heard this, he quickly ran outside. He understood what Dong Lihua meant, which was to record the 'heroic appearance' of those on the front line.

Dong Lihua thought, "People must see this photo inadvertently."

"Of course, it won't work in the short term. I can only keep it as a souvenir. If anyone knows that I took a photo, no matter what the circumstances, it will be against the rules!"

"But it doesn't matter even if you don't take pictures, the surrounding surveillance cameras will record it, but it will be very blurry, with only a small figure..."

With complicated thoughts, Dong Lihua walked towards the device step by step with heavy steps. At first, the distance was more than fifty meters, so he walked forward for thirty meters. It was only a distance of thirty meters, and he walked Almost half a minute.

Zhao Yi couldn't stand the snail-like movement, so he simply walked out of the command center, put on a safety helmet and passed.

Several people nearby hurriedly stopped him, "Academician Zhao, no, it's dangerous! If you get close, you must wear protective gear!"


Zhao Yidao, "I understand my experiment and there is no danger, so don't worry."

As he spoke, he walked forward, and a few people behind him also put on protective hats to follow.


Dong Lihua finally moved slowly. He was about ten meters away from the device. He suddenly felt something was wrong. He didn't realize what was wrong for a while. He believed that Zhao Yi would not deceive him and would definitely find something, but he always thought he would see it. See something, rather than feel something.

He paused for several seconds before he realized that his whole body seemed to have become lighter?

"It's become lighter!"

Dong Lihua exclaimed and jumped subconsciously. He could only jump ten centimeters, but he suddenly jumped more than half a meter.


He screamed in fear.

In the imagination of most people, when the effect of gravity is lost and they jump very high all of a sudden, they will feel surprised and fun. The actual situation may be different. The effect of gravity is suddenly lost, especially if you are not prepared. You may jump to the ground, as if you are drowning, feel that you cannot control your body, and may become very panicked.

At this time, Dong Lihua had this reaction. He exclaimed in fright. The sound sounded like he was in distress. He couldn't control his balance at all and fell forward.

Dong Lihua was panicked not only because he had lost his center of gravity, but he was also worried about actually 'floating'. There was a rapidly rotating anti-gravity device diagonally above his head. If he really 'floated' and crashed into it, he didn't want to bother with the protective device. Quality inspection.

In fact, the lateral distance between Dong Lihua's position and the anti-gravity device exceeds fifteen meters. The device is still nearly five meters above the ground, so he is relatively safe.

In addition, the project team has other safety preparations. Dong Lihua has a traction rope hanging on his body. If something goes wrong, the staff behind him can use the traction rope to pull him back.

At this time, the staff at the rear were all shocked by the scene in front of them. They did not expect Dong Lihua to jump up suddenly, but to jump so high.

"Dong Lihua, this guy has good athletic ability...can he jump so high?!"

This was the first reaction of the people at the rear.

Then they realized the problem. No matter how good their athletic abilities were, it was impossible to jump more than half a meter high while wearing protective clothing. It would be difficult even for the high jump world champion to come.

"Is it the effect of anti-gravity?"

This speculation surprised them even more. They soon realized that Dong Lihua's situation was not very good. However, due to the noise interference from behind, they could not hear Dong Lihua's scream clearly, and they were not sure what the specific situation was.

When Dong Lihua landed like a dog chewing shit, the staff pulled the traction rope, almost asking Dong Lihua if he wanted to use the traction rope to drag him over.

Originally, Dong Lihua was half-kneeling on the ground, but his waist was pulled backwards, and he ended up in a prone position.

The staff at the rear were frightened and quickly pulled on the traction rope.

At the same time, Zhao Yi rushed over with a few people. They also realized that the gravity was reduced and were experiencing this strange feeling.

When Zhao Yi passed by Dong Lihua, he squatted down and patted his shoulder, "Are you okay?"

Dong Lihua had protective equipment, so it wouldn't matter if he fell. The key was that the staff behind him were pulling the rope from behind. He was lying on the ground and was being dragged backwards. His movements were not very elegant.

He was so angry that he pulled the protective cap off with all his strength and shouted at the back, "Stop pulling it! Stop pulling it! What are you doing!"

The tone was full of shame and annoyance.

Now Dong Lihua didn't understand. It was just because of the anti-gravity effect that the gravity he felt became lighter. It was not that there was any danger. He found Zhao Yi walking over wearing a safety helmet. Others were fine. He looked very embarrassed and embarrassed.

"Stop pulling!"

"I just didn't react at first! I'm fine!" Dong Lihua emphasized several times before finally standing up again, experiencing the wonderful feeling of reduced gravity, and surprise appeared on his face again.



"Gravity is really off!"

"I feel like I can jump five meters high now! This feeling is so amazing!"

Several people around him exclaimed.

When Dong Lihua heard the saying "jump a few meters", he suddenly felt that the protective equipment all over his body was very awkward. He wanted to take it off immediately, but it was not that easy. He could only continue wearing it depressedly, and said in surprise to Zhao Yi, "Academician Zhao? This Is this your experiment? It’s so amazing!”

"This is the bottom of the device. I remember that photon anti-gravity means that the gravity above the device will decrease..."

"It's not above or below. In essence, there is no distinction between up and down in space." Zhao Yi simply explained, "The reason why the gravity from above is reduced is because the earth is below. The anti-gravity device only creates a barrier to isolate gravitational waves. section."

He continued to talk about the current situation, "The experiment I did was to rotate the device as a whole. Now it seems that the result is obvious."

"What's the result?" After Dong Lihua finished speaking, he realized that he had asked a very stupid question.

Zhao Yidao said, "Anti-gravity cross-sectional diffusion. It's not just left-right, plane diffusion, but also up-down, spatial diffusion. But the specific effect needs to be tested in detail."


Dong Lihua nodded as if he understood and was about to move forward.

Zhao Yi grabbed him and stopped the others, "Don't go any further. Safety is important. Go back to the command center first and do some control tests."

"Yes, safety is important!"

"Listen to Academician Zhao and go back!"


The command center was already buzzing with excitement. Everyone was discussing what had just happened and the anti-gravity effect under the experimental device.

They were really shocked.

Some people have participated in the photon anti-gravity experiment, and they feel less shocked. Most people have not participated in the photon anti-gravity experiment, they have only heard about it and know about it. The anti-gravity effect is really happening before their eyes, and they feel very shocked.

The anti-gravity effect now is different from before. The effect has covered the bottom of the device. Most people will know how significant the increase in anti-gravity coverage is if they think about it briefly.

When it turns out that it is just an anti-gravity section, the anti-gravity device can only be installed on the ground or other large devices close to the ground.


The device itself is covered, so it might just fly up?

"So our anti-gravity aircraft project has mastered the core technology?"

"Yes, we can take off directly now!"

"But how strong the specific effect is, we still need to test it carefully. Didn't you notice? Academician Zhao and a few people passed by and did not float. It must not be completely gravity-free."

"That's for sure!"

When Zhao Yi and others returned to the command center, the calculation work officially began.

The experimenters used various methods to test the anti-gravity effect and collected a large amount of data. Finally, they were reluctant to let the anti-gravity device slowly stop operating.

Finally the data was reported.

Summarizing all the data together, we can almost know that under certain circumstances, directly above the anti-gravity device, the effect can reach about 47%, which is higher than that of photon anti-gravity.

Directly below, the effect is slightly worse, only about 30%.

At the periphery of the device, the effect is even worse. It can be said that it is getting weaker and weaker. The range it can affect is about twenty meters.

"It should have something to do with the speed."

Looking at the experimental test data, Zhao Yi thought and said, "Normally speaking, the faster the speed, the wider the coverage range."

This is easy to understand.

Others understood it as soon as they heard it. It was like spinning and spraying something outward. The faster the rotation speed, the farther it sprayed, and the wider the coverage area.

He continued, “However, the specific coverage still needs to be calculated.”


"Isn't it a calculation?"

"How to calculate?"

Several physicists on the project team subconsciously asked in confusion, but they soon realized that photon antigravity was researched by Zhao Yi, and he originally designed the antigravity device based on theory.

Same now.

The device rotation experiment conducted by Zhao Yi was probably because the theory could not be deduced, so experimental data was needed to supplement it?

Now that we have experimental data, the theory should be perfected, right?


"How complicated is that theory, that kind of mathematical logic? It's just that photons are anti-gravity. We haven't fully understood it yet, so let's consider the anti-gravity diffusion effect..."

"It seems that I am not suitable for physics research!"

"I don't fit in either!"

"I'm even less suitable!"

Several physicists have doubts about their professional abilities.

The photon antigravity developed by Zhao Yi is already very confusing, but experiments have proven his correctness.

But how did he study it?

This is amazing!

This level of physics, let alone being studied out of thin air, is very complicated just to understand the principles. They can only sigh in their hearts, "Academician Zhao, that's Academician Zhao!"

"No wonder people on the Internet say he is the Great God, God Zhao!"

"This is what you call a great god!"

"We are just ordinary people, mortals..."

After the experiment, Zhao Yi returned directly to Yanhua University. Along the way, he carefully thought about the experimental results. Compared with the previous theoretical structure, he felt that the relevant mathematical logic structure in his mind was becoming more and more perfect. .

The diffusion effect brought by the rotation of the device to the anti-gravity effect is indeed very technical and practical, but it is only a part of anti-gravity research and is only the beginning of space research.

Zhao Yi hopes to complete the analysis of the divine code, which is the mathematical analysis of space.


In the process of research, it will definitely have a good impact if it can bring about a new high-end or even world-changing technology.

Zhao Yi is also looking forward to what effects and changes the latest research findings can bring.

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