Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 529 What is the problem?

The international medical field has long studied the technology of labeling cancer cells with specific antibodies.

In fact, cancer immunotherapy methods, in most cases, refer to specific antibodies marking cancer cells, which is to artificially create an antibody against the patient's cancer cells, and inject the antibody into the human blood to make the human body immune. The system works to kill cancer cells.

This method belongs to the passive immunotherapy of tumors, and there is another name called monoclonal antibody tumor therapy.

Monoclonal antibody tumor treatment requires gene extraction and testing for each patient and targeted production of antibodies, which is very expensive.

Therefore, one injection of international tumor immunotherapy costs several million yuan, which is not something that ordinary people can consume.

In fact, there are several other methods for tumor immunotherapy. For example, the most direct one is to use tumor vaccines to stimulate the body to generate an immune response against tumor-specific antigens and enhance the immunogenicity of tumor-related antigens to stimulate specificity. Immunity to attack tumor cells.

In addition, processed autologous or allogeneic immune cells or immune molecules can be transfused into patients to enhance the patient's cellular immune function.

The other is methods targeting genes, such as recombinant cytokine therapy, cytokine gene therapy, cytokine receptor gene therapy, etc.

However, in terms of therapeutic effect, monoclonal antibody tumor treatment has the best effect, which can significantly reduce the number of tumor cells in the blood of patients in a short period of time.

Some medical companies even claim that they can completely kill cancer cells in the body.

Of course.

After the treatment, whether the cancer is cured depends on whether it will relapse a few years later, because cancer cells mutate very quickly. Monoclonal antibody tumor treatment may not be able to kill all cancer cells, but the treatment effect is indeed very good. good.

Zhao Yi hopes to study a method that can simply label cancer cells.

If cancer cells can be simply labeled, there is no need to specifically manufacture antibodies for each person, which can greatly reduce costs and benefit ordinary cancer patients.

"Everyone's genes are different, and so are the mutated cancer cells."

"Normally, it is difficult for the immune mechanism in the human body to identify cancer cells, because cancer cells are mutations of human cells."

"Expanding the killing effect of T cells may bring great side effects..."

Zhao Yi thought carefully about the problem of killing cancer cells, and felt that his thinking was a bit confusing. He was not looking for a way to treat cancer immediately, but wanted to find a research direction.

As long as the research direction can be determined, the research can start normally.

It's hard.

"I still know too little." Zhao Yi thought, "It's just basic knowledge and has too many limitations. I still need to ask a few cancer experts."

He walked out of the laboratory thinking.

When he arrived at the entrance of the medical center, he happened to bump into Dai Tianqing coming over.

Dai Tianqing greeted Zhao Yi and asked with interest, "I heard that you seem to be concerned about cancer treatment? Why?"

Zhao Yidao, "I have a friend who has cancer."

"Huh? Is it because of this?"


Dai Tianqing opened his mouth in surprise, "Just because a friend of yours has cancer, you plan to study how to treat cancer?"


Zhao Yi asked strangely.

Dai Tianqing didn't know what to say. Because a friend had cancer, he planned to conduct research on cancer. It sounded logical, but in fact there was no logic at all.

What if a friend gets another disease?

With such a large circle of friends, there will always be people who get sick. Should we study all the diseases?

Dai Tianqing's eyes were filled with weirdness. He smiled bitterly and shook his head, saying, "I have done a study on cancer, which is the response mechanism of T cells against cancer cells."

"My research proves that in most cases, even if the body's immune system sends a signal, the function of T cells will be suppressed, thus ignoring cancer cells in the body."


Zhao Yi didn't understand what Dai Tianqing wanted to say.

Dai Tianqing continued, "Because of this inhibitory effect, cancer immunotherapy can only be treated through external effects, such as injecting specific antibodies, enhancing T cell responses, or genetic means, but other effects are not good."

"If it is a specific antibody, international research has already been done, and there are already mature treatment options."

Now Zhao Yi understood

What Dai Tianqing means is that the international technology for artificially producing specific antibodies already exists, and there is no point in continuing research on specific antibodies.

Of course, it certainly makes sense.

No domestic company has yet developed a mature antibody treatment method, and the research is still of great economic value.

Zhao Yi nodded and said, "I don't want to study the manufacturing method of specific antibodies, but I want to study a universal labeling method."

"Ah? Puhui? How is that possible?" Dai Tianqing opened his mouth in surprise.

Zhao Yi said matter-of-factly, "If it's not universally beneficial, what else is there to do research on? Wouldn't it be better if I directly funded his treatment abroad?"


This time Dai Tianqing understood Zhao Yi's logic, but he still felt that it was impossible, because in most cases, cancer cells cannot be detected by the human body's immune system, and each patient's cancer cells are also different. How could it be possible to develop a universal treatment? What about the antibodies?

Dai Tianqing’s view is also the view of most people.

Zhao Yi consulted two cancer experts in succession, and the answers he received were, "It's impossible."

"Specific antibodies can only be produced for patients. Cancer cells are simply human cells, but they have mutated."

"Everyone's genes are different, and the mutated cancer cells are also different, and the cancer cells will mutate rapidly. If we want to study universal antibodies, we don't even have a direction. It can't kill human cells together, right?"


Among the various impossible answers, there are also some special ones.

At the cooperative hospital of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, an oncologist named Shen Qian pondered and said, "If we are doing universal specific antibody research, we can only start with the tumor cells themselves."

"Maybe there's a little hope."

Shen Qian said, "My recent research is to find the detailed response mechanism of human immunity to the detection of cancer cells."


"There is no progress at the moment."

Shen Qian just heard Zhao Yi's inquiry and said a few words based on her own understanding. In fact, she didn't think she could bring any help.

She is an oncologist who focuses on clinical treatment rather than theory or research.

After she turned fifty, most of the research she did was just for writing papers, rather than actually producing any results.

After listening to Shen Qian's words, Zhao Yi gained a lot. He felt that he had found a direction.

This direction is to study human immunity and the response mechanism of cancer cells. He may not be able to find a method to make universal antibodies by studying the response mechanism for sure, but at least he can completely understand the immune system's response to cancer cells.

When there is no definite direction, knowing the detailed response mechanism may help you find the right direction, unlike now, when you want to do research but have no clue.

So Zhao Yi thought for a while and decided to invite Dr. Shen Qian to collaborate with Zhao Yi's laboratory on related research.

Shen Qian couldn't believe this invitation.

Shen Qian is a very ordinary oncologist. The reason why she can talk to Zhao Yi about oncology is mainly because his hospital has a partnership with the Institute of Biomedical Research.

Most of the people Zhao Yi asked were doctors from cooperative hospitals.

Even in the hospital where she works, Shen Qian is very ordinary and has no impressive results in medical research.

Even say...

Her level of research ability is very, very average.

"Academician Zhao, are you sure you want to invite me? Will your laboratory cooperate with me?" Shen Qian thought she had heard wrongly.


Zhao Yidao, "After listening to what you said, I think it is very meaningful to study the human immune response mechanism against cancer cells."

Shen Qian wondered, "There are already a lot of related studies. Even if you search the Internet, you can find a lot of related content."

Zhao Yi said nonchalantly, "Without actual research and experiments, no one knows whether those claims are true or false. I only believe in what I see and what I research."

"……All right."

Shen Qian did not continue, and she could not find a reason to refuse.

As a very ordinary oncologist, how can I say no to being invited by the famous Academician Zhao to cooperate with Zhao Yi's laboratory, which has a lot of top results?

In addition, her hospital has a cooperative relationship with the Institute of Biomedical Research.

Therefore, it is impossible to refuse.

The matter was quickly agreed upon.

Shen Qian cooperates with Zhao Yi Laboratory to do research. Zhao Yi Laboratory will provide her with a R\u0026D environment and share R\u0026D results together.

Because the institutions of both parties already have a cooperative relationship, it becomes much easier to discuss cooperation without the need to coordinate the institute and the hospital where it is located.

Zhao Yi and Shen Qian finalized cooperative research and development, but the laboratory did not apply for the project to their superiors. It just put it under the name of the research institute, which meant that the research institute paid for the laboratory to do research.

The Institute of Biomedical Research didn't care at all because research wasn't expensive.

Yan Xuelin just felt a little strange, "Why does Zhao Yi's laboratory have an extra project to study immune response mechanisms against cancer cells?"

"This is a very common project..."

"The funding is only 300,000? The researcher is Dr. Shen Qian from the cooperative hospital."

"Why does it feel like Zhao Yi asked the institute to fund Dr. Shen Qian's research? The two of them can't be..."

Yan Xuelin paid attention to Dr. Shen Qian's information, and the next sentence became, "...Ahem, relatives, relatives, right?"

"Even if it's a relative relationship, the laboratory should pay for it. Why should the research institute pay for it?"

"Forget it, it's only three hundred thousand..."

Yan Xuelin shook his head indifferently. If it had been another laboratory doing this, he would have inquired carefully. In the end, there was a high probability that the application would not be approved and the laboratory would be able to 'fund' it on its own.

Zhao Yi Laboratory is different.

Yan Xuelin gave the approval with a big wave of his hand, and then said, "We don't lack this little funding!"

Next to him, Li Ming gave a thumbs up and said with admiration, "Director Yan, you are the one who has the most money in the institute!"

"Of course!"

Yan Xuelin grinned proudly, and then glanced at Li Ming with some confusion. He always felt that Li Ming's words were a bit strange, but he couldn't think of anything wrong with it?

"What exactly is the problem?"

"Or am I overthinking it?"

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