Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 540 J-40, on the stage!

The Kunlun II engine has become the focus and will definitely be deeply explored by the media and professionals. Photos of the prototype taken on site were released. Relevant people will know when they see the photos that it must be an engine with very high-end technology.

However, it is still unknown how the engine is and whether it can achieve the performance of the marked parameters. No one dares to say that the markings are true.

Many people in the aviation field and military representatives are interested in the Kunlun II engine, but they just watched and asked whether there was an engine performance demonstration or a test flight, but they could not get an accurate answer.

When similar answers are received for a long time, doubts will definitely arise in public opinion.

For example, some people say that ‘the Kunlun II engine is just a fake’.

Others say, 'The engine only exists in the design. Showing an imaginary sample and planning to get a big order to continue research is tantamount to empty handed.'

Only those who have better opinions will say, "The engine is not perfect, but a prototype can be produced and the research has reached a certain level. It is only a matter of time before the technology matures."


But it is undeniable that doubts have always existed, because the prototype has not been tested on site, and there are no on-board arrangements.

If it were a large, powerful European and American airline, most people would not question it. The domestic aviation group is different, because the aviation group does not have such high-end technology and can produce such high-end aero engines.

Domestic public opinion has a lot of doubts. Fortunately, China is relatively supportive of independent research and development. The general public believes that even if it is just an immature product, it can have such high parameters, which proves to a certain extent that domestic aviation The development of technology has already been a huge improvement.

In short, there are many voices of doubt and many voices of support.

Regardless of whether they are questioning or supporting, most of those who have the same opinion believe that the Kunlun 2-satellite engine is not mature enough to support export sales.

As the person in charge of the Kunlun II engine, Zhang Gangchuan is under great pressure.

When he stood at the booth to make an introduction, someone would definitely ask about relevant technical issues. He could only bite the bullet and say that the Kunlun II model was enough to support the aircraft, and was even mature enough to be put into service.

But, really not!

Fortunately, the fulcrum of most people's suspicions is that the aviation group does not have the ability to manufacture such high-end engines, and it is not specific to the Kunlun II engine.

Zhang Gangchuan is confident about this.

Does the aviation group have no strength?


The aviation group is very powerful and even knows about higher-end fifth-generation engines. However, the development of the Kunlun II is "slow" and it is not enough to manufacture it yet. I will ignore the next sentence.

Zhang Gangchuan was very sure of what he said before. He spoke with emotion from the heart, and his words seemed to be very contagious.

Unfortunately, no one believed it.

At this time, the discussion of the Kunlun II engine has been fermenting in the public opinion, and a large number of netizens have participated. Some people even compared photos of the original Kunlun engine prototype with the current Kunlun II engine, and found that there was no similarity at all. .

Perhaps there are similarities, they are both aviation turbofan engines.

That's all.

Aviation groups and senior leaders are also paying attention to public opinion, but they do not care about the fermentation of public opinion. They just ask Zhang Gangchuan, who is standing in the front, to withstand the pressure and not to be overwhelmed by various doubts.

Although the Kunlun II technology is not yet mature, it must appear mature.

"It'll be fine soon!"

"The doubts will disappear soon. Now I can only say yes, and I must not show any cowardice!"

"Old Zhang, if you are not good at technology, you must be good at selling your face!"

Liu Jiankun's last words made Zhang Gangchuan feel like vomiting blood. It was not a mandatory requirement from his superiors. He would not use immature technology to 'fool' others into saying he was mature.

Although he had gotten used to it after two or three consecutive days of cheating, it still felt awkward to always emphasize an unfinished thing.

The third day.

Public opinion took a small turn because the J-20 appeared in the sky above the air show.

The appearance of the J-20 was very shocking. It was just flying normally and did not perform any performance actions, but its appearance was enough.

The J-20 is a model that many people are looking forward to. Many foreign media come to interview, and the purpose is also for the J-20. Foreign countries have very high evaluations of the J-20, thinking it is the "pinnacle" of the fourth generation aircraft, even enough to compare with the third generation aircraft. Fifth generation fighter aircraft.

Public opinion is also boiling in China, and many people are discussing the J-20.

"J-20 is so handsome!"

"This is the essence of domestic fighter jets! It is no weaker than the top international fighters."

"The F-35 is no match!"

"I guess the F-22 is about the same. They are both heavy fighters. We can compete!"

Domestic public opinion has praised the J-20, and foreign public opinion has also paid close attention to it.

J-20 appeared on the third day. Appearing in the middle often represents the "backbone", which is also a point that disappoints many people.

What about J-40?


"There must be a mistake. The actual J-20 that appeared on the scene was not the J-40!"

"This is such a pity, I thought there was a surprise!"

"It's also good to see the J-20. It is said that it will be the main aircraft in the future!"

"Is it difficult for a heavy fighter to be the main aircraft? A medium fighter is most suitable. A heavy fighter cannot be used on an aircraft carrier..."


Zhang Gangchuan can breathe a sigh of relief as the focus of public opinion shifts, but those who should pay attention to the Kunlun II engine will still pay attention.

Many people continued to discuss the Type 2 engine, and also mentioned the J-20. "I thought the J-20 would be equipped with the Kunlun Type 2 engine, but it turned out that it was still equipped with an imported engine from country E."

"The J-20 is equipped with twin imported engines. You can tell at a glance!"

"The Kunlun II is really good. It will definitely be put on the J-20. There is no reason to use imported engines!"

"The parameters marked on the Kunlun II have long exceeded those of the imported version from Country E. The engine performance is stable. Maybe the J-20 can be corrected. If one engine is reduced, it can be improved into a medium-sized engine..."

"So, the technology of Kunlun II is definitely not mature yet!"

The appearance of the J-20 seems to have clarified the situation of the Kunlun II engine.

Public opinion also makes sense.

If the Kunlun II engine technology is mature, why not put it on the most advanced J-20 fighter jet in China?

Someone asked Zhang Gangchuan this directly at the exhibition, which made Zhang Gangchuan even more embarrassed. He could only answer bravely, "We are prepared to do this, but it still needs time to correct. In the future, the improved version of the J-20 may be equipped with a Kunlun engine. "

At this time, many people have selectively forgotten the J-40, because the appearance of the J-20 seems to have put the end of the J-40 matter.

"J-40, not at all!"

"It's a mistake!"

"The J-20 was unveiled, not the J-40. The official made such a mistake. They are drunk!"


As time goes by, there are fewer and fewer discussions about the J-40, and even the Kunlun II engine is not discussed by many people.

Everyone thinks that the Kunlun II engine is just a show-off. It has not reached the level of being used on a machine at all. Maybe it is just a sample.

Finally, the last day.

Because almost all of the main exhibiting products have been seen, the number of people at the exhibition has been reduced a lot, and some reporters have also left home early.


The Zhucheng Air Show official suddenly announced a news, "The next one that is about to appear is a domestic model J-40 fighter!"


Many people at the venue thought they had heard wrongly, and when they reacted, they ran out like crazy, fearing that they would miss the most crucial shot.

A large number crowded the display square and waited.

"How much longer?"

"Are you sure it's J-40? 40? Not 20?"

"It must be 40!"

"Why is there a 40 model? Is this true? When will it come!"

The official announcement was made half an hour before the show started, so the wait was a bit long, but everyone still waited patiently.

The cameraman set up his equipment.

On the horizon, beside the white clouds.

A black spot quickly approached and approached. When it was close enough to see its shape, the exhibition square suddenly became quiet. Everyone's eyes widened, fearing to miss even a second.

in sight.

A fighter jet full of technology flew over quickly. There was a national flag logo on one side of the cabin. The ends of the wings on both sides were beautifully folded. The tail seemed to be hanging in the air. It was still there when flying. Constantly vibrating, as if greeting everyone.

It flew over.

Everyone looked up and saluted seriously.

Some people feel pain in their necks, but they are unwilling to lower their heads, as if they are afraid that after lowering their heads, they will not be able to see anything when they raise their heads again.

The J-40 flew into the sky, closest to the square, and made a quick dive downwards. Before it could react, it raised its head again and flew twenty meters straight to the ground, causing the crowd in the square to burst into excitement.



There were shouts and exclamations everywhere!

The J-40 flew close to the ground for more than two hundred meters. It immediately lifted up quickly and flew high again. When it looked up, it saw its retreating figure. The tail was still trembling, as if it was moving towards the ground. Everyone waved goodbye.

Before the crowd had time to discuss, they heard a loud noise in the distance. When they looked into the distance, they saw the black spot surrounded by an arc cyclone.

At this time, many people began to discuss, "Supersonic!"

"Isn't the acceleration too fast? It's probably only about ten seconds!"

"Dive, fly close to the ground, lift vertically, supersonic speed..."

"Absolutely the top fighter aircraft!"

"Judging from the speed, I know it is the best. I have never seen anyone so fast in my life!"

"You don't need speed, just look at the appearance!"

The last shout reminded many people of the stunning appearance of the J-40.

With its folding wings, trembling tail, and three upper and lower air intakes, the technological appearance makes it look like a fighter jet that only exists in science fiction movies.

Now they actually see it!

When the J-40 disappeared and was no longer visible, the crowd was completely excited, and everyone was discussing excitedly——

"I didn't expect that there really is a J-40, and it's so shocking!"

"It's so shocking!"

"It looks super cool! It's super fast! I passed the pilot's license test when I was young, and my biggest dream was to fly such a fighter jet!"

“It’s always a pleasure to go up there!”

"I just felt like I had experienced a science fiction movie!"

"Is this really a Chinese fighter jet? I dare say that the Mirage, Typhoon, and even the F-22 and F-35 are all weak in front of it!"

"No wonder you dare to call it '40', 40 is the future!"


Word spread quickly.

Some people immediately took photos and released the news. Media reporters must have known to "grasp the hot spots" and quickly wrote relevant reports.

The writing style of the report is not important, the pictures are the most important.

Now in the initial time period, just looking for a few pictures can immediately become a hot topic. The reporters have done a simple screening professionally and published a lot of relevant news in a short period of time.

Public opinion is completely on fire!

As long as you open the web page quickly, you can see the relevant news, and several of them have been on the hot searches on various websites——

‘J-40 is here! ’, ‘The J-40 is a fighter jet full of technology! ’, ‘J-40 represents the future! ’, ‘The unimaginable domestic J-40! ’, ‘All fighter planes are defeated in front of the J-40! ’

Various titles, various hot topics.

Just with the words "J-40", you can attract a large number of clicks and onlookers.

Weibo has been completely occupied by J-40. Related words are everywhere on the hot search list, and other words have been squeezed out of space.

Public opinion also began to be shocked and shocked, "It turns out there is really a J-40!"

"This is the fighter plane in my imagination, a fighter plane that represents the aviation technology of the motherland!"

"No wonder the officialdom is as stable as Mount Tai and does not meet with public opinion on a regular basis. The J-40 already exists, and it can shock people to death!"

"Foreign countries still promote the F-35 every day. What is the F-35? The J-40 is the real thing!"

"I'm not a bad-mouthed person, but I have to say, J-40 is so fucking handsome!"

"From today on, I am a die-hard fan of J-40. I will fight with anyone who speaks ill of J-40!"

"I want to marry J-40!"

"Don't stop me, I want to give birth to a baby for J-40, I want to give birth to a baby for J-40~~~"


The enthusiasm of public opinion also represents people's pride and pride in the strong science and technology of the motherland.

Meanwhile, the air show center.

The excitement of the crowd has calmed down. After returning to the exhibition hall, while many people continued to discuss enthusiastically, professionals also began to conduct calm analysis.

The J-40 only appeared for a few minutes, and it already showed a lot.

In a few minutes, the J-40 performed several actions such as rapid dive, low-to-the-ground flight, vertical lift, and supersonic flight. Coupled with the undoubtedly unparalleled speed and acceleration, as well as the design appearance, it was already A lot of things can be analyzed.

First of all, what is certain is that it must have a very good engine.

There is no doubt about this!

It can be clearly seen from the appearance that the J-40 is a single-engine fighter. Single-engine means that there is only one engine. It is impossible for such a high-tech fighter not to consider safety. In other words, its engine must be It's very mature.

This engine is a real turbofan engine, not a jet. It can also be seen that it is not a high-end engine imported from country E.

So, what is it?

Many people thought carefully and rushed to the Kunlun II engine showroom.

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