Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 543 A brand new discovery!

Main laboratory.

The words of Ai Lixin, Li Ming and others made Shen Qian feel very confused. She didn't understand why. Several researchers said this, and they seemed to be crazy about Zhao Yi.

Even though Zhao Yi's personal achievements are very high and his research and development results in the medical field are very breakthrough, but...

"Maybe they're telling the truth?"

"There must be a reason why Academician Zhao has such high achievements. He is favored by Academician Zhao, and he is sure to have discovered something..."

"You must have found something?"

"So it's just because my level is not good enough?" Shen Qian thought carefully and suddenly had a little expectation.

Probably mainly because her level is really not good enough. She is a cancer expert in a tertiary hospital, but there are too many similar experts.

She is a front-line doctor, not a pure medical researcher. She has not made any achievements worth mentioning in the field of medical theoretical research.

Shen Qian had some expectations, and she also hoped that she could produce results. After returning to the laboratory, she opened the notebook and carefully read the recorded work content.

"Take clear images of the sample under the microscope at the highest magnification!"

This is easy.

After a busy afternoon, Shen Qian completed the shooting and transferred the photos to the computer.

Follow-up work began the next day.

Zhao Yi asked her to compare the detection proteins in the cells to see the differences between cancer cells and ordinary cells.

This work is very professional and meticulous, and the most important thing is to separate and detect the protein.

Shen Qian designed three methods to separate proteins, and compared, calculated and recorded the data respectively.

She was busy for three days in a row.

On the last day, the comparison was almost complete. Zhao Yi also came over as usual to take a look, and worked with Shen Qian to make the final comparison.

The comparison results are printed.

The comparison results contained a series of data. Shen Qian looked at each result carefully for more than ten minutes. Finally, she shook her head with a wry smile and said, "Academician Zhao, everything is normal."

"There is basically no difference in data comparison between the two detection proteins isolated by the three methods."

"Let me see!"

Zhao Yi was very calm. He took a leisurely sip of coffee and then took the report. He read it for almost a minute, then suddenly his eyes lit up and he said, "Doctor Shen, you are wrong."


Shen Qian was stunned again.

Zhao Yi pointed to a location and said seriously, "Look here, there are differences in the comparison of the three data." After he finished speaking, he pointed to the other two places, "And here and here, it is obviously the detection protein of ordinary cells. The data It’s higher.”

"Also, in terms of abnormality detection items, here and here, the detection protein values ​​of cancer cells are a little higher."

Zhao Yi said continuously and seriously.

Shen Qian drew a few positions with a pen, then looked at it again carefully, and said doubtfully, "But, Academician Zhao, the difference values ​​are within the deviation fluctuation range. No matter what kind of test is done, as long as there are two samples, The results won't be exactly the same."

"I don't believe in 'range'. 'Range' is not certain." Zhao Yidao said, "When we do scientific research, we don't do it according to the content in the book. The normal range and deviation range specified in the book are not necessarily all normal. .”


Shen Qian was a little confused and asked, "If you don't look at the normal range, how can you look at it?"


Zhao Yi said with certainty, "Scientific research feels very important. Of course, the feeling is illusory, and we can also rely on data analysis. You see, in the few places I pointed out, the comparison results are regular."

"The normal cells are higher in the first few places, and the cancer cells are higher in the later places."

"These data, if I remember correctly, all represent the RD interval of the detected cells, which corresponds to DNA and RNA gene detection, right?"

Shen Qian immediately looked over again and found that everything was just as Zhao Yi said. Several data indeed corresponded to the RD interval of the detected cells.

In fact, it was normal for her not to notice.

The compared data contains more than 300 items and is not directly divided into intervals. Most of the comparison items are just code names, while the RD interval range is very large, including more than 50 data, and the distribution is jumping. .

Even the best researchers cannot tell at a glance that several data are within the RD range because they do not compare the cells tested for a long time.

In addition, there are more than fifty data in the RD interval, and only five data show certain patterns, which seems to mean nothing.

Of course.

This may also be a discovery.

"Maybe it's because I don't know much about data analysis?" Shen Qian thought with some confusion, "And Academician Zhao is also the top mathematician and computer expert, so he must be very sensitive to numbers."

She still had doubts in her heart, because several data had regular 'small anomalies', and it was difficult to really explain anything.

Zhao Yi said, "As long as you find something, you can try it." He directly explained the work, "Next, we will design experiments around these points, try to amplify the signal, and then see the final result."


Shen Qian nodded hesitantly. The reason for her hesitation was that she didn't quite understand it. Secondly, it was very difficult to amplify the signal. It was not just about isolating the detection protein from the cells, but also separating the detection protein. She was not sure that she could Do it.

Zhao Yi also knew that it was difficult. He continued, "In this way, you alone may not be enough. It will take too long. We need to get the results as soon as possible. I will find a few more people."

After saying that, he went to the main laboratory and called out to the door, "Who has less work to do and can help with the separation of the detection proteins? It will probably take a few days."

There are a lot of people in the main laboratory, including Zhang Wei, Ai Lixin, and Li Ming, as well as several associate researchers and assistant researchers.

After Zhao Yi shouted, the associate researcher and assistant researcher were too embarrassed to speak, so Ai Lixin and Li Ming shouted directly, "I'll go!"

"I go!"

The two said in unison.

Zhao Yi shook his head and said, "This is not too complicated work, one is enough." He was referring to the researchers. It was a waste of talents to have several researchers doing protein separation together.

"I go!"

Ai Lixin immediately said, "For my current experiment, Lao Zhu can just come and I won't be needed at all. Don't you see me idle here?"

"You don't have as much time as I do!" Li Ming said, "Zhang Wei alone can do the research for my group!" After he finished speaking, he continued, "Zhao Yi, this is my strength. And last time Just like last time, I was doing cell research and protein separation, so I should be the one doing it!"

"What's my strength? Isn't it my strength? I happened to go to help when I had nothing to do. The last time Dr. Shen asked to help, I was the one who went there!"

"You rushed to get there, and you don't even know what your intentions are."

"What are you talking about! Who is so thoughtful? How can you just throw dirty water? I don't know who it is. It makes all the lesbians in the institute afraid. I guess they did something bad behind the scenes..."

Ai Lixin and Li Ming were squirting at each other and almost had a fight.

Zhao Yi rubbed his forehead vigorously, glanced at Zhang Wei and still shook his head. Fine protein separation work requires an experienced researcher. Zhang Wei's level must be a little behind.

"Forget it, stop arguing!"

"Come all!"

Zhao Yi simply asked the two of them to come together. Anyway, they seemed very leisurely, and they were in the mood to have a few quarrels, and they seemed to be in good spirits.

Ai Lixin and Li Ming nodded together, looked at each other and turned around to snort.

Everyone else in the main laboratory was just watching the fun, but what they didn't expect was that Zhao Yi simply stopped asking and just ordered a few people.

Including Yan Yi, there were a total of five associate researchers and an intern led by Zhu Qi, so they were asked to follow them.

Zhao Yi, two researchers, and others, nine people went to the laboratory where Shen Qian was located. After entering, they were all unable to stand still.

"This is Dr. Shen."

"Do you know these two, Lao Ai and Li Ming? And Yan Yi, Zhou Lijun..."

Zhao Yi helped with the introduction, and then said, "What we want to do is to detect the cell proteins and isolate the RD region proteins. We need to separate cancer cells and ordinary cells, and conduct several forms of comparison."

He assigned the tasks, "Lao Ai is in one group, Li Ming is in another group, and Dr. Shen is in another group. You guys will each work out a separation method and discuss it together to try to get results as soon as possible."


"no problem!"

"that's all!"

Several associate researchers were familiar with Li Ming and Ai Lixin, so they were paired up with them respectively. Zhao Yi asked Yan Yi, another female researcher, and Shen Qian to do the separation and comparison experiment.

Isolating RD region proteins is not easy, but it also depends on the level of the researcher. With two top cell experts and a few associate researchers, the work became much simpler. It only took them less than half an hour to finalize it. Two separation methods are used.

The finalized separation method was proposed by Ai Lixin and Li Ming. Their level was indeed very high. Shen Qian also proposed a method, but it was rejected as soon as she said it.

Li Ming’s evaluation was, “The operation requirements are too precise, and the operation process has a great impact on the results!”

In fact, his private comment was, "This is a method only a rookie would use."

The method proposed by Shen Qian is very standard and can be put into a book. However, it is not enough in the eyes of Li Ming and Ai Lixin. They have very rich experience and know that it involves fine protein separation and must be minimized. Operational impact.

If the experimental operation requirements are too high, a small mistake may have a significant impact on the results.

In formal research, similar designs need to be avoided in order to obtain more accurate results.

This is the level difference.

Shen Qian was also very depressed when her proposal was rejected, but she accepted it calmly. She had been working on the project for a few weeks. She was familiar with Li Ming and Ai Lixin and understood their ability levels. They were indeed better than her. A grade.

If she were placed in a biomedical research institute, she would probably be at the level of an ordinary associate researcher. When it comes to professional fields such as protein isolation and cell research, she would be worse than an associate researcher.

At the same time, Shen Qian also felt very stressed. She looked at the group of people in the laboratory with a wry smile and felt that doing research together was a waste.

This is just a small project worth 300,000 yuan!

Similar projects are all taken over by a single associate researcher. The researcher will definitely not focus on such a small project. As a result, two researchers help with the project together, and they also bring several associate researchers.

This lineup is so huge!

Even if it is a research project worth hundreds or tens of millions, it is almost enough for two top researchers to lead the team.

What Shen Qian didn't know was that everyone in the laboratory was eager to join in, because it was a project that Zhao Yi participated in, and Zhao Yi was very optimistic about it.

Zhao Yi is optimistic, can there be any small results? When writing a report, it’s okay to put a name on it!

This kind of big achievement has a small discovery. Even if it has no research contribution, it is enough to make a good paper.

Who wouldn’t want to join in?

With a group of researchers and associate researchers joining in, the protein separation work in the RD region progressed very quickly. It took less than three days to complete more than a dozen sets of comparison experiments and produce a lot of comparison results.

While a group of people were still doing experiments, Zhao Yize, Ai Lixin, Li Ming and Shen Qian looked at the experimental comparison results.

There was no objection this time.

Ai Lixin pointed to several places and said directly, "The abnormal signal is very clear. A certain detection protein in the RD region has a divergent reaction in response to the genetic variation of the cell."

"The signal is already very obvious!" Li Ming also nodded.

Shen Qian was a little excited, "This must be a new discovery!"


"If it wasn't a new discovery, wouldn't our work have been in vain?" Li Ming followed, his tone slightly excited.

All I can say is, a little bit.

Of course it is good to have discoveries in research, but both Ai Lixin and Li Ming think that it is normal to have discoveries. How can the research that Zhao Yi is optimistic about fail to discover?


That's why they decided to participate even though they were "disputed". They could not serve as the main researchers, but it would be good to just take advantage of the results.

Ai Lixin looked at the data carefully and made a brief summary, "This abnormal signal also means that the RD region of the detected protein will undergo a divergence reaction in response to the genetic mutation of the cell."

"The alienation reaction is an alarm mechanism, and it also interferes with the replication and transportation of genes. However, because the alienation reaction occurs rarely, the blocking effect is suppressed."

"This is a brand new discovery, which represents a closer understanding of cancer cells!"

This is the final result.

The 300,000 yuan project that Zhao Yi Laboratory and Shen Qian collaborated on has come to an end at this point, and the results are very amazing.

New discoveries in cancer research, and discoveries inside cancer cells, can be called "internationally outstanding achievements" in the field of cancer research.

Zhao Yi nodded slightly and said, "So, this project ends here, and the next step is the ending. However, I am still planning to apply for the next project, which is to find a way to treat cancer from this breakthrough."

"Dr. Shen, you are a cancer expert. We also need a front-line cancer expert to continue our research. But if we continue our research, it cannot be cooperation, but employment. Our laboratory would like to hire you to participate in the next project. Give us some guidance and information about cancer patients and lesions, and your front-line treatment experience will be very helpful for research."

He finished in one breath.

Shen Qian was just stunned for a moment, then nodded immediately and said, "Academician Zhao, there is no way I can refuse. This research is such a great result. If you need help, I will help you for free."


Zhao Yi didn't pay attention to the end of the project and went to write the application as soon as he left the laboratory.

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