Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 545 Energy Barrier of Space Nature

Although Zhao Yi has not joined the anti-gravity aircraft team, he attaches great importance to the anti-gravity aircraft team because the team can provide him with the experimental basis, otherwise he would have to prepare again if he wanted to do experiments.

Zhao Yi also hopes that the anti-gravity aircraft team can become more powerful. It is best that the other party can arrange any experiments he needs immediately.

So after talking to Dong Lihua, he immediately told the news to the other people in the team, "Is there anyone willing to join the anti-gravity aircraft team? Dong Lihua needs theoretical experts. He will be the core of the technical team there, but he has to join the Institute of High Energy .”

The latter one is a limitation.

Because of the confidentiality of anti-gravity research, all members of the team are from the Institute of High Energy, and externally they are the research and development team of the Institute of High Energy.

Zhao Yi asked several people in the group one after another.

Huang Zhong refused. He just wanted to stay at Nancheng University and continue to do theoretical research.

Zhang Qican refused. His life is very comfortable. He continues to study space isolation problems with Zhao Yi. He is immersed in the perfect ocean of mathematics and does not want to suddenly join a technical project team.

Yan Zhiping refused. It was not that he was unwilling to go, but that he was mainly engaged in high-energy physics research and was not good at design work.

Ruan Wenye hesitated for a moment, and after half a day he decided, "I'll go! Zhao Yi, please help me apply!"


Zhao Yi also felt that Ruan Wenye was very suitable because Ruan Wenye's theoretical contribution was almost zero. He was a member of the theory group, but he always felt that he could not keep up with the rhythm. Others had already researched things, but he could not fully understand them.

Ruan Wenye's level is worthy of recognition. He can understand at least part of the divine code sequence, which is better than 99% of people.

In fact, Ruan Wenye went through a psychological struggle. Unlike joining Zhao Yi's theoretical group and engaging in theoretical research on space isolation, joining the anti-gravity aircraft team will be a major change in his work.

The first is to withdraw from the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences, withdraw from the particle collision physics team, and transfer the work to the Institute of High Energy.

Ruan Wenye is the leader of the "Particle Collision Physics Team" and is responsible for related work.

The leader of the 'Particle Collision Physics Team' is a semi-academic and semi-administrative position, and the level is still very high. It is not easy for ordinary physics academicians to hold the position of team leader.

However, Ruan Wenye has such a difficult job and finds that it is difficult to achieve any results in the particle collision team, because a lot of work requires him to go abroad to participate in the European Particle Collider Experiment. Any outstanding results of the experiment are also related to his particle collision team. Nothing to do.

After participating in the anti-gravity theory research, Ruan Wenye felt very high-level. Even the one holding back the 'theory team' felt that the research was very interesting and he could directly see the results.

Of course, no one wants to be always lagging behind, but they do have to be inferior in ability, and it is difficult to make progress due to the influence of age.

So Ruan Wenye thought for a long time and decided to join the anti-gravity aircraft team.

This is very exciting work.

Although he was held back in Zhao Yi's theory group, he was definitely a super master when it came to the anti-gravity aircraft team, because he had already understood the principles of anti-gravity and could complete the design of an experimental device without any problems. .

I would rather make a chicken head than a phoenix tail!

Ruan Wenye made a decision, and his job was quickly transferred. He apparently joined the Institute of High Energy to engage in high-energy physics research.

Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences.

Director Zhang Hongzhi and Ruan Wenye are very familiar with each other, and were very shocked when they received the news, "Have you applied to go to the Institute of High Energy Technology? Why?"

Ruan Wenye nodded and said, "For no reason, I want to do high-energy physics research."


Zhang Hongzhi's eyes were full of incomprehension, "You have to think about it. If you go to the Institute of High Energy, you will definitely not be able to continue to be the experimental team leader."

"I've thought about it," Ruan Wenye said, "I was just about to tell you, let's choose another experimental leader. I decided to quit the particle physics team."


Zhang Hongzhi is even more incomprehensible. The leader of the particle physics team is a position that many people cannot win. This profession symbolizes that he is a representative of domestic particle physics research and a top figure in domestic physics.

If he hadn't been the head of the Institute of Physics, Zhang Hongzhi would have wanted to apply to be the leader of the particle physics team. A semi-administrative, semi-academic position, it can be said that there is no better job.

"You are really..."

Zhang Hongzhi thought for a long time and said, "You're so impulsive! You applied by yourself, right? I think the documents were approved by the higher authorities. I don't know why the Institute of High Energy attracts people, but now that you've applied, don't regret it in the future. .”

"Thank you, no, don't worry!"

Ruan Wenye and Zhang Hongzhi chatted for a few words, and then they couldn't wait to pack their things and prepare to report to the Capital Institute of High Energy.


Do not make jokes!

"Zhang Hongzhi doesn't even know about anti-gravity, so of course he doesn't understand what I'm going to do!"

"I'm going to do the most cutting-edge research of mankind! What about particle collision? Just kidding, how awesome is anti-gravity!"

"In the future, when talking about the contribution of anti-gravity high technology, I, Ruan Wenye, will also be on the list. I am the theoretical and technical core of the anti-gravity team!"

Ruan Wenye felt a little elated thinking about it and was looking forward to his new job.

The anti-gravity aircraft team is about to welcome a top figure in 'theoretical physics', which is definitely good news for Dong Lihua. He has been completely disappointed by the so-called experts in the team.

An old academician and a bunch of technical staff are completely different in their majors and can't understand most of the mathematical theories. What's the point?

Of course, the ability of old academician Zhou Guifang cannot be denied. The main reason is that his major is not suitable for him. He is good at technical problems, not mathematical theoretical problems. When the superiors first arranged the arrangement, they probably did not think of it, without understanding mathematical theory. , and do not understand technical principles, and cannot provide theoretical and technical support at all.

Anti-gravity is a brand-new technology, but there are no 'standard accessories'. Unlike computers and mobile phones, if you know where there is a problem, you can replace the accessories accordingly. Talents who understand basic theories and principles are the best. important.

While receiving the good news, Dong Lihua also received news that Zhao Yi was preparing to conduct a conventional large-scale experiment with the help of an anti-gravity device.

The reason why it is 'conventional and large' means that the anti-gravity device is started normally, but it takes a long time to start, and energy detection must be done throughout the process. Because there is a lot of heat spilled, the detection work becomes very complicated. A lot of data needs to be recorded to estimate the final result.

Dong Lihua couldn't help but complain, "Can't we wait until the device is improved before conducting experiments?"

They are preparing to modify the installation by replacing the original pipes with insulating materials.

This improvement work will take about a month, and the most important thing depends on the production speed of new insulation material pipes.

Zhao Yi couldn't wait that long.

When new insulated pipes are used, the experimental results will definitely be better, but for him it is not too different. He does not want to wait for another month, but to conduct the experiment quickly. If anything is discovered, the device can be improved. Continue to adjust, otherwise after improvement, new discoveries may be made and improvements may need to be made.

Zhao Yi directly told Dong Lihua that he wanted to apply for an experiment, and Dong Lihua immediately wrote the relevant report and prepared to conduct a new experiment.

This is also where Dong Lihua is depressed.

Although he is the leader of the anti-gravity aircraft team, the one who really has the power is Zhao Yi, because Zhao Yi is a ‘special expert’ from his superiors, representing the senior leadership, and is equivalent to the immediate boss of the anti-gravity aircraft team.

In fact, Dong Lihua is not disgusted with Zhao Yi, and is somewhat looking forward to Zhao Yi's experiment. He just hopes that the team itself can make some technical improvements, or make some discoveries during the experiment, instead of just relying on Zhao Yi, otherwise the anti-gravity aircraft will Couldn't just one person be the leader of the team? He hopes to achieve results.

When talking about the contribution of anti-gravity in the future, it is all attributed to Zhao Yi, who belongs to Zhao Yi's theoretical group. It is really embarrassing that he, the leader of the team, can't even name a little bit of his contribution.

Now Dong Lihua can only look forward to Ruan Wenye, "Zhao Yi's theory group will definitely be very powerful if you find one. Ruan Wenye is the leader of the particle collision group of the Academy of Sciences, and he must be the top..."

The experiment Zhao Yi wants to conduct is just a 'conventional large-scale' experiment. All that needs to be prepared is to install some testing equipment, and it is almost ready to start.

Five days later.

Everything was ready. Zhao Yi brought Zhang Qican to the anti-gravity experimental base and sat in the peripheral command center.

The experiment is about to begin.

Dong Lihua asked curiously, "Academician Zhao, what is the purpose of this time?"



Zhao Yidao, "Yes, it is observation. By the way, you must also pay attention to protection issues during the experiment. Not only regular protection, but also preparations for rapid evacuation. Because of space research, everything is possible. We have The understanding of space is still very small, and there may be dangers that cannot be dealt with by conventional safety measures."

"Well, we are also prepared." Dong Lihua said, "There are two trucks and several military vehicles prepared together, as well as helicopters. Last time the leader came, he explained that the helicopters will be ready at any time during the experiment. , the safety of personnel must be ensured.”

Zhao Yi nodded and said, "This experiment may not necessarily have results. I just want to confirm where the disappeared energy went."

"Isn't it transformed into space obstruction?" Dong Lihua has also studied theory and will look at the latest progress every time. He doesn't understand complex mathematics, but he still knows roughly.

"Not entirely, it should be said that a large part of it is not. I think it is absorbed by the space. But it is not clear what effect the specific space will have if the energy is absorbed, so I talked about safety issues." Zhao Yi explained carefully.


Dong Lihua suddenly became worried when he heard this. He did not doubt Zhao Yi at all. Zhao Yi said it was absorbed by the space, so it must have been absorbed.

Space absorbs energy…

Isn't it going to be a big explosion?

The more Dong Lihua thought about it, the more worried he became. He simply said, "How about postponing the experiment? Let's retreat further..."

"Um... no!"

Zhao Yi is also concerned about safety issues, but he can use the "Law of Cause and Effect" at any time to judge whether there is any danger to himself at hand.

If there is danger, you must evacuate immediately, but if you stay away but cannot meet the corresponding conditions, the experiment becomes meaningless.

After making some considerations, he decided to stay.

The analysis of the problem of 'space energy absorption' is very, very important and must be understood at close range.

Dong Lihua suddenly said, "That's right! We have set up a fixed small workshop in the center of the experimental device. Is there any danger if someone is doing data detection work in it?"

Zhao Yi thought for a moment and said, "There shouldn't be any danger inside. You ask him to report the situation at any time. He will report it every half minute. Don't interrupt the communication."


Dong Lihua went to hand over the work immediately.

At this time, the commander asked if it was time to start. Zhao Yi waited for Dong Lihua and then waved directly, "It's time to start!"

The experiment officially begins.

This experiment is still the same as before. Because the anti-gravity effect is certain, there is no need to use balloons or the like to mark it. The command center only checks various data indicators.

During the experiment, I only heard the sound of some small machinery, and there was almost no too noisy noise.

Zhao Yi walked out of the command center midway and took a few steps towards the anti-gravity device. He was immediately grabbed by the people behind him, "Academician Zhao, you can't go any further!"

"What if there's danger!"

"The airflow here is not good, so don't take risks. And you've already said it, what if there's an accident?"

The last sentence was said by Dong Lihua. When he heard Zhao Yi say, "It may be dangerous," he immediately became very cautious.

Zhao Yi thought for a while and said, "In this way, you find a car and drive in, drive slowly to the area under the device, and then drive back. If you encounter any danger, abandon the car quickly!"


Dong Lihua nodded vigorously.

This job is dangerous, but many people still take the initiative to do it. This is probably due to the selfless dedication of the Chinese people. Many ordinary workers are willing to take risks for the sake of experiments.

Next there was a military vehicle, driving back and forth from outside to inside.

This is a new experience, because when the car drives into the anti-gravity area, there is a feeling of weightlessness. If the gravity is reduced by 50%, the human feeling is too obvious. If you are not sitting in the car, you feel a little out of control. live.

For more than an hour, the experiment continued like this.

The device is running.

Various testing equipment are also operating normally, and cars outside are driving back and forth.

Zhao Yi stood watching from a distance, with a very serious expression on his face. He remained motionless most of the time. Occasionally he would move and get closer. Dong Lihua couldn't help but speak next to him, wanting to ask if he wanted to conduct experiment.

The anti-gravity device lasts for nearly an hour and a half, which is relatively too long, because the pipe is not a heat-insulating material and is filled with high-energy beams. Heat is always being accumulated, and the temperature will continue to rise. Maybe something unexpected will happen. dangerous, and the experimental equipment is also easily damaged.

At this time, an accident happened.

A staff member from the command center rushed out and shouted, "Contact is lost!"

"What?" Dong Lihua asked quickly, "Tell me more details."

The staff immediately said, "Wang Enping, the communication in the testing room of the installation center is down! The intercom has no sound, and the directly connected line cannot receive the signal..."

Before he finished speaking, another person came over and shouted, "The power transmission is interrupted!"

"There seems to be a big problem!"

"Then go ahead and turn off the device!" Dong Lihua yelled in panic, turned his head to look at the anti-gravity device, and suddenly said, "Am I dazzled? Why do I feel blurry?"

A group of people looked at the anti-gravity device, and they all felt the same as Dong Lihua, but the feeling only lasted for a moment, and the process resumed the next moment.

Someone reported, "The device stopped. It should be caused by the disconnection just now."

"Communication with the central testing room has been restored, and Wang Enping reported that everything is normal."

"The power equipment is normal..."

"Left side pipe access is normal..."


Among all the 'normal' reports, Zhao Yi suddenly shouted, "It is indeed like this!"

"How about it?"

Dong Lihua looked over immediately.

Zhao Yi's face was full of excitement. He felt a rare excitement. He took a deep breath and said, "The experiment can be stopped."

He greeted Dong Lihua and Zhang Qican, and returned to the command center together. After entering the soundproof small office, he explained, "If you guessed correctly, there should be a space energy barrier. It can be understood as a space that can block all energy transmission. Barrier. Including electricity, light, etc., all energy-based things cannot pass through!"

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