Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 558 The public opinion war between external tension and internal tension

Mechanical Engineering Institute, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California.

Mike Belegaard and Jane James are in the laboratory, studying the circular device built on the sides.

The circular device looks very high-end, with dense coils, thick glassware, and a large amount of unknown metal surrounding it. The silver metal contained in the glassware is glowing, and an ultra-thin plastic ball is suspended above it.

If ordinary people saw it, they would definitely be surprised by the scene before them, but Belegar and James had puzzled faces. They kept circling around the device and frowned tightly.

"This is impossible!"

Belegaard said, "We have already completed repeated experiments on superconducting anti-gravity, but the gravitational effect has been reduced by at most ten percent. For such a large device to float, in theory, it must be reduced by at least more than a hundred percent. A gravitational force of more than seventy."

James shook his head and said, "Seventy percent is not enough. Judging from the exposed photos, the big guy is at least more than a hundred tons, maybe three hundred tons, five hundred tons, or even more. However, under the disk, There was very little flame coming out and it was using thrusters, but probably just for balance."

"Perhaps antigravity, pushing the air upwards, could play a part," Belegar pondered.

James curled his lips and said, "Do you believe that the wind can blow up a device of several hundred tons?"

"After reducing the gravity, it's only a few dozen tons." Belegar insisted.

James pursed his lips hard, "Okay, like you said, reduce the gravity by 70%, but we still can't do it."



In front of the two of them was the superconducting anti-gravity device.

Stanford University has been committed to anti-gravity research, investing US$100 million every year, and the research is making progress.

In fact, long before the release of Li Ning's superconducting antigravity theory, there had been relevant experimental findings. The related 'lack of gravity' discovered was thought to be caused by the 'mysterious electron thrust'.

As early as more than 20 years ago, scientists from countries M and E had exchanges on aerospace technology and were discussing a thrust generator that could control gravity.

They believe that this type of research may have an epoch-making impact on the development of aircraft and may lead to the development of a new type of weapon.

At the same time, NASA, Boeing, and some well-known research institutions in M ​​country have begun to get involved in related research.

Stanford University is one of them.

Last year, the M-country Interdisciplinary Technology Company claimed that they had designed a so-called "lifter". The "lifter" is a triangular frame made of a light wooden stick, with a wire attached to the stick and metal foil surrounding it. Surrounded by pieces.

As long as positive electricity is connected to the wire and negative electricity is connected to the metal foil, the lifter will float off the table and rise into the air.

The idea of ​​a "lifter" was originally discovered by an electro-optical engineer at the company while conducting experiments on a laser.

There were similar wire-metal foil components in the lasers he tested, and he found that as soon as the current was turned on, the metal foil would exhibit inexplicable twisting movements.

Then he discovered that if a triangle formed by wires and metal foil is used as a unit, then a larger and heavier "aircraft" can be made by combining multiple such units, and its shape does not need to be designed to be airborne. The power shape does not require moving parts, and it can rise into the air as long as the current is passed through.

Later, a French physicist reproduced this experiment in his laboratory and made a quantitative measurement of the so-called "lift force." He said in an interview, "The "lift device" I made can quickly It accelerates upward and can stay suspended in the air very stably.”

Here comes the problem——

What force does the "lifter" rely on to push it into the air?

Existing physics cannot explain the "lifter", and related research has also attracted widespread attention.

Later, it was discovered through experiments by Zhao Yi and Li Ning.

Together, they published experimental results and related theoretical research, showing that the spin of the ion lattice will bring about anti-gravity.

This theory perfectly explains the experimental phenomena discovered before.

Stanford University has therefore increased its investment in anti-gravity research. It also specially invited Li Ning to give a lecture at the university and hoped to hire him as a professor. However, Li Ning refused. He was only invited to Stanford University to give relevant reports and speeches. .

The reason for Li Ning's refusal is also very simple. He has always wanted to be taken seriously, but after all, he is already old and is about to retire. There is no need to work in a different environment.

Relevant research at Stanford University can only rely on the theories of Zhao Yi and Li Ning to conduct relevant restoration experiments and continue to expand on this basis.

Mike Bellegar and Jane James are the core figures in anti-gravity research at Stanford University. They conducted a restoration experiment together, and it was very successful. The device they designed was more effective than the one released by Zhao Yi and Li Ning. Be better.

They have always believed that what they are doing is the most cutting-edge research.

The anti-gravity effect can reach 10%, which is already an astonishing number. It can even drive sheets and plastic balls directly into the air, not to mention balloons and the like.

Now they only feel sad. James sighed, "Maybe we all thought wrong. It is not superconducting anti-gravity, and the photos are not complete. For example, the big guy has a propeller, but it is only in the center. It is not at all Can’t be photographed.”

Belegar said, "I hope so too, but it doesn't make sense in theory. There is a huge propeller in the center, and the wind is simply not strong enough to drive such a large device."


James felt very helpless, they couldn't figure out what it was.

"Professor Belegaard, Professor James, someone is looking for you!" A shout came from outside.

The two opened the door and walked out together.

A fat, semi-bald man stood outside the door. He looked at the target with scrutiny, but he still politely extended his hand and introduced himself, "Podklet, special commissioner of the Pentagon Building."

Belegal curled his lips indifferently. He knew that the relevant departments would definitely send someone to inquire, but he didn't expect it to be the Pentagon.

Representing the military?

James nodded and said, "We talked about it this morning, and there will definitely be people coming, but it's a pity." He shook his head and said, "Our research on anti-gravity only stops at reducing gravity by 10%. It is impossible to do anything more." Gao, in other words, we don’t understand that mysterious device at all and can’t do anything about it.”

"Don't know at all?" Podklet's voice was somewhat dissatisfied.

"I really don't know."

Belegar nodded and said, "If we have any news, we will definitely tell it. I believe you have also gone to find others, right? It is impossible to come to us directly. We don't have that much influence yet."

Podklet asked thoughtfully, "Do you have any guesses about this? Or tell me your thoughts. I want to know something and record it. You understand, this is my job."

"All right."

Belegar and James looked at each other and said, "We think it must be related to anti-gravity. China's research on this is more in-depth and thorough, probably because it is... Zhao Yi?"

"Zhao Yi?"

James nodded and said, "Zhao Yi and Professor Li Ning from the University of Alabama have published theories related to anti-gravity, explaining the unknown 'electron thrust'."

"Those are only published publicly. Maybe Zhao Yi has other research. You know, the world's genius. He should have more in-depth research."

Podklet pursed his lips hard and muttered, "Zhao Yi...Okay, so I should go to Tuscaloosa?"


"Professor Li Ning may know something." James followed.

Podklet reported the news to the Pentagon, and the next special officer immediately found Li Ning.

After Li Ning and Zhao Yi published experimental research, their reputation increased greatly. Because they rejected the invitation from Stanford University, the University of Alabama gave him better treatment.

Now Li Ning's laboratory has expanded, and the school has allocated a large amount of funds to allow him to continue his research on superconducting gravity.

When the special officer found him, Li Ning was still in the laboratory, but he was in the same state as James and Belegal. They were all surprised by the news in the media, "How can such a large device be possible?"

"Superconducting anti-gravity? Impossible. To propel such a huge device, a new anti-gravity method must be needed."

He must also have anti-gravity technology, but he doesn't know exactly how he does it.

When the special commissioner came to ask, Li Ning said more than Belegar and James because he was a little afraid of the special commissioner.

This is determined by race.

White people in country M are privileged. They are not afraid of government agencies at all because they know that they will not be arrested innocently.

Both black and yellow people have similar worries. Sometimes, the law is not completely fair to them. Yellow people have more worries because black people can still be sure that they are from M country, while yellow people, even if they have lived in M ​​for several generations, country, you will be considered Chinese when walking on the road.

Li Ning has long obtained the passport of Country M and has worked at the University of Alabama for nearly thirty years. However, he still does not have an absolute sense of security and is very cautious in his life and work.

When asked about his views on anti-gravity and media reports, Li Ning said a lot, but when he said his own views, he lied slightly, "I think it is anti-gravity technology, and it is likely to exist with superconducting anti-gravity." Direct relationship."

"China has always supported innovative research. For example, they are demonstrating the construction of the world's largest particle collider. I think we should increase investment in related research and development..."

He talked a lot in succession, as if everything was for country M.

In fact, Li Ning does not think it is anti-gravity, but he does not think it is superconducting anti-gravity, because there is an upper limit to superconducting anti-gravity. He is the founder of the theory and knows it better than anyone else.

However, he still talked about 'superconducting antigravity'. One was the theory of superconducting antigravity, which he proposed. The theory was perfected and experimentally proved by Zhao Yi, but he made the greatest contribution by first proposing it.

Superconducting anti-gravity is his research, and he will be the beneficiary of increased investment in research and development.

In addition, Li Ning just doesn’t want to ‘guide the right direction’. Li Ning has always felt out of place in country M. No matter how hard he tries to integrate into it, the words ‘Chinese’ and ‘Chinese’ fill his life.

If he were a young man, he might compromise for the future, contribute to the development of country M, and strive for better treatment.

However, Li Ning is already old. He does not need any good treatment. Instead, he begins to think of his Chinese identity.

This statement kills two birds with one stone.

It is also good for himself and can prevent Country M from finding the truth.

Capital, press venue.

A large number of foreign media gathered to attend the press conference. They wanted to know the truth about the 'mysterious device'.

The reporters on the scene asked the press officer questions, all of which were related to the reported ‘mysterious device’.

However, most reporters do not report such hope. Such "mysterious research" must be kept confidential, and it is almost impossible to truly disclose the information.

"The press officer will always say, 'I don't know what you're telling me,' or 'The public opinion is fabricated,' or 'I hope it's true, but I've never heard of a study like this.'"

One reporter predicted.

Anyway, the press officer will definitely say that he doesn’t know.

They were all wrong.

When the press conference began, a reporter from Country Y stood up to ask a question, and the press officer said, "...We follow international law and have the right to conduct high-tech research."

"In the most cutting-edge anti-gravity research and development, we have achieved remarkable results. This is due to a group of selfless scientists and to the hard work on the front line of scientific research..."

"Bala bala~~"

The press officer said a lot of words of thanks, as if he was giving a research and development report speech.

All reporters were shocked.

This was the first time that they listened so carefully to a lot of official 'thanks', because they were so surprised that they didn't expect that the press officer would directly admit this.

The next question, a reporter immediately stood up and asked, "Can you talk about this mysterious device? What is its name? What technology is used?"

The press officer said, "I can answer the second question. It uses anti-gravity technology. As for the first question, it involves scientific research secrets. I'm sorry."

Next, several reporters asked about technology, research and development, theory and other issues.

The press officer's answers varied and included various explanations, but if you think about it carefully, they can all be summed up as, "Sorry, confidential."


The press conference is over.

Most of the foreign reporters' questions did not receive satisfactory answers, but they were still very excited, because the most important thing was that the press officer publicly admitted that the 'mysterious device' was indeed Chinese research and did have anti-gravity technology.

As for what kind of anti-gravity it is specifically...

It’s anti-gravity anyway!

Ordinary people won't delve into the principles of anti-gravity technology, so it doesn't matter whether they ask.

In fact.

At the level of public opinion, the top management has already studied the response methods. In the first few anti-gravity research and development meetings, two issues were discussed every time, one was the issue of confidentiality, and the other was the response measures after it was exposed.

Now anti-gravity research has entered the experimental stage. The early experiments of the Sky Fortress will definitely require the device to fly into the sky. It is almost impossible to keep it completely confidential. Rather than hiding it and denying it, it is better to admit it openly. .

At the level of public opinion, the response is to treat anti-gravity technology as an ordinary high-tech technology.

Research, yes.

Be specific and keep it confidential!

At the same time, public opinion must always emphasize that the focus of anti-gravity is on civilian use, aerospace-related research and development, and military applications. It is enough to emphasize "maintaining sovereignty and peace".

In fact, anti-gravity-related research and development is definitely best if it can be kept secret. It doesn't matter if it is exposed, because China is many steps ahead. Even if other countries know the news, there is no theoretical support and there is no breakthrough for research.

Now the anti-gravity team is using photon anti-gravity technology, but the media only knows it as anti-gravity. Maybe they think of superconducting anti-gravity.

After knowing that photons are anti-gravity, it is still difficult to study it.

The experts on the anti-gravity team have a lot to say. They have spent several months but still do not fully understand the basic photon anti-gravity theory. They seem to know something about the design of the experimental equipment, but the details of the design are hazy. .

It is very difficult for other countries to do research and development to this point.

Just like the large-scale nuclear reactor technology owned by Country M, which is also the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier technology, other countries know the principles of nuclear power, but no country can build the same large-scale nuclear-powered aircraft carrier as Country M.

It doesn't matter if the research comes to light as long as the core remains confidential.

In addition, the international military situation is different from decades ago.

Anti-gravity is a cutting-edge technology, even science fiction level technology, and will definitely become the general direction of future development, but from a military perspective, the decisive factor is always nuclear bombs.

Nuclear deterrence is also a means of safeguarding peace. Precisely because of the existence of nuclear deterrence, it will be difficult for the earth to have major wars in the future, otherwise it may become a disaster of human extinction.

China possesses nuclear weapons and intercontinental missiles, and even if its high technology is exposed, it is not afraid of prying eyes.

Other countries' tactics are nothing more than economic and military pressure, but it is almost impossible to directly start a large-scale war.

The top management also thought of another method, which is to use basic anti-gravity technology as a bargaining chip in exchange for some advanced technologies.

This was proposed by Zhao Yi.

Photon antigravity was developed by him. He has a deep understanding of its difficulty because the internal design is extremely complex. Without basic theoretical support, even if the antigravity device is sent to other countries for research, other countries will At most, it's like copying a cat and trying to create something almost the same, but you can't carry out further research at all.

Therefore, if you have basic theories, you can take the lead in research and development.

This dominance is extremely beneficial to the country and the future. At the same time, anti-gravity technology itself cannot directly bring anything, and it also consumes a large amount of R\u0026D investment.

The construction of an aerial fortress requires a large amount of financial support. Even if it is built, the most it can do is greatly enhance its offshore defense capabilities.

In the face of nuclear deterrence, no matter how high-end technology is, its significance is limited.

In short, the exposure of anti-gravity technology has both advantages and disadvantages. It is impossible to keep it completely confidential. The exposure itself is also expected.

The National Information Officer publicly stated that he was indeed researching anti-gravity technology and had achieved certain results, showing that he "doesn't care if other countries know", but in fact, the response is to be tight on the outside and tight on the inside.

Externally he showed no concern, but internally he immediately moved his position.

The anti-gravity research team continued to move to the northern mountainous area. The theoretical team was relatively simple. It moved closer to the military area in the center of the capital and was assigned a fixed residence and office space.

Zhao Yi and a dozen people from the theory team arrived at the new station together. They were located near a heavily guarded military area, and the environment was relatively quiet. There was also a hot spring conference center nearby. Walking five kilometers to the surrounding area, you arrived at the lively urban area. .

Zhao Yi is quite satisfied with the environment, but he is still a little depressed due to certain restrictions in his life, but there is nothing he can do about it.

The research he is doing now is directly related to future technology and competition between major powers. It is no longer possible to live a relaxed and ordinary life.

When you can't resist life, you can only try to get used to it.

"If research can make China's technological and military level far superior to that of foreign countries, it will probably be much better."

"In addition, we should involve more people in the research, instead of just one person..."

Zhao Yi thought about it and suddenly paid more attention to the work of sorting out space theory.

Only by systematically organizing the theory to make it easier for more people to understand, can others participate in subsequent research and development, instead of just relying on himself. No matter how talented he is, there is a limit to what one person can do. It is not as good as dozens or hundreds of people doing research in different directions.

at the same time.

The international strategy for mysterious anti-gravity research is also to be loose on the outside and tight on the inside.

When public opinion is discussing 'anti-gravity technology', Country M knows that it must stand up and say something, and it must also focus on controlling media propaganda, because Country M has always given the impression to the world that it has the most cutting-edge technology. Whether it is military, aviation, aerospace, or people's livelihood and other fields, they are at the forefront of the world.

However, China has already manufactured an anti-gravity device, which can even make the enlarged device rise to an altitude of nearly a thousand meters. However, Country M does not even know the principle and is completely confused.

How can this be done?

No matter what technology is used in the mysterious device, its technological content must not be recognized, otherwise it will be a major blow to confidence.

Therefore, a public opinion war will be launched immediately.

Over the next few days, public opinion changed.

Previously, many media outlets were marveling at the mysterious anti-gravity device, and some even claimed that China’s anti-gravity research represented the forefront of the world.

Officials from Country M stood up and said, "We have already had relevant technology, but building such a large device requires too much money."

"It's not worth the loss."

"That kind of large device has many flaws, such as flexibility. If it rises into the air, it will be a fixed target, which makes no sense at all."

"China is willing to spend a lot of money to create this useless device. Anyway, it is difficult for us to understand."

"Of course, it is undeniable that China has almost caught up with us in anti-gravity research..."

The speeches of government officials made some people feel at ease.

Now most of the public opinion has become, "The mysterious device built by China actually only looks amazing, but technically has nothing to do with it."

"Country M has the same technology, and its theoretical research is more cutting-edge. Stanford University invests more than $100 million in anti-gravity research every year!"

"Making that kind of device would waste a lot of money and it makes no sense at all!"

"Totally fake!"

"It looks scary, but actually, it's useless at all."


The influence of public opinion in country M is still great. European countries quickly followed suit and published a large number of similar comments.

The country has also been affected.

Some Internet celebrities have stood up and questioned, "Why waste money on such useless things?"

"What are the decision-making officials doing!"

"What's the point!"

Of course.

Most of the public opinion still supports anti-gravity research, and only a few voices question it. After all, large-scale devices have already flown into the sky. If you want to do this, you can know if you think carefully, it is not a question of how much money it costs.

That is a large device of several hundred tons!

Even with the most advanced thrusters, it is impossible to keep such a large device suspended in the air for too long. Energy alone is a big problem.

While country M is launching a public opinion war, there are intense discussions internally——

"What kind of technology is used in this?"

"Experts from Stanford believe that it is not superconducting anti-gravity, but a new type of anti-gravity; Professor Li Ning has a completely opposite view. He thinks it is superconducting anti-gravity."

"How can we study these two theories?"

"There is too little information now. We can only find relevant experts and hold special meetings to discuss..."


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