Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 570 The mysterious ray that can explode

The anti-gravity device sales plan initially drawn up by the aviation group did not take into account the needs of the wealthy class, probably because the time was too short. The decision to make the anti-gravity device public was decided by the anti-gravity technology meeting, and the anti-gravity technology meeting mainly The purpose is to exchange technical resources in order to purchase some in-demand high-tech products.

The purpose of licensing patents and selling anti-gravity devices is to recover the 'cost'. In fact, it is just a beneficial way to follow the decision of the Anti-Gravity Technology Conference.

At the same time, the aviation group has no experience in selling high-end ‘equipment’.

The companies under the group sell aircraft for various purposes, or equipment parts related to aviation and aerospace.

Now the group suddenly realizes that the needs of the wealthy class are also very important, because the anti-gravity device itself can also become an 'entertainment facility'. At least for now, high-end anti-gravity technology has extraordinary appeal. Naturally it has very high commercial potential.

This is also the purpose of many companies sending representatives. The most direct one is Mickey Mouse Company, which just wants to build a space experience center.

Therefore, devices featuring anti-gravity technology are also very attractive in high-end wealthy circles. As some representatives said, "Anti-gravity devices are much cooler than yachts."

The market for the wealthy class is very huge.

There are too many rich people in the world. The number of "super rich" announced by "Forbes Rich List" with a net worth of more than one billion U.S. dollars exceeds 1,400, let alone those worth hundreds of millions of U.S. dollars. The number is simply not counted. Unclear.

This market is very huge, and more importantly, anti-gravity technology is unique to the aviation group and will be a monopoly for at least a few years. Only the aviation group can sell anti-gravity devices.

At the anti-gravity device exhibition meeting, many representatives represented individuals and asked about private purchases of anti-gravity devices.

One thing they are concerned about is how long it will take for the ordered unit to be delivered.

The aviation group's answers are all--

Within half a year!

In the eyes of others, the speed is already quite fast. An anti-gravity device with such amazing effects can be delivered in only half a year after ordering. The manufacturing efficiency can be said to be very high.

In fact, when someone else gets the anti-gravity device and disassembles it, they will find that half a year is a long time for delivery.

Because they will find that the anti-gravity device has no technical content inside and does not require any high-end electronic chips. The only main components required are high-energy beam equipment and pipes made of special materials. Others, including generators, are just very simple. Ordinary functional parts can be purchased directly from the market and even replaced at will.

But it is definitely wrong to say that there is no technology. The core lies in the arrangement of high-energy beam equipment and the control of the beam when the device is started.

So the core is that they cannot understand the relationship between the arrangement of high-energy beams and the anti-gravity effect.

This requires patent authorization.

Patent licensing includes some higher-end theories, at least allowing the authorized party to know the principles of high-energy beam arrangement, so that they can continue related research and development.

Of course.

In the absence of higher-end theories, they can only obtain more data through continuous experiments and then conduct relevant back-derivation.

This process is like a particle collider. After conducting large-scale experiments, a large amount of data is collected, and then the discovered principles are deduced to complete the standard model of particles.

In short, it is difficult to continue research.

Of course.

Anti-gravity technology is a new scientific direction. Even if the difficulty is high and multiple institutions conduct research, there will definitely be a lot of progress. Maybe some progress is not even available in China.

This is all possible.

Domestic confidence lies in the possession of the thirteen sets of formulas of photons and space provided by Zhao Yi, as well as the code of gods and other high-end theories that are dozens or hundreds of years ahead of others. The other is Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi is the source of domestic confidence.

No matter how many talented scientists and high-end R\u0026D teams there are in other countries, companies, and institutions, they do not have a genius like Zhao Yi who is rare to see in hundreds of years.

Zhao Yi is also the developer of the photon antigravity theory, and he has a certain judgment on the difficulty of research and development.

In addition, Zhao Yi is confident that as long as other institutions have any technical progress and announce it, he can deduce it based on theory and quickly master the new technology.


Other countries, companies, and institutions participating in the research and development of anti-gravity technology will have certain benefits for mastering higher-end anti-gravity technology and analyzing space.

The purpose of selling anti-gravity devices is purely to make money.

Money is very important.

All kinds of research and development require funds, and the research on nuclear fusion is a "bottomless pit" that requires a steady stream of large investments.

Selling anti-gravity devices is indeed very profitable. The main cost of the device is high-energy beam equipment and special material pipes. Others, including conventional generators, do not cost much.

The cost of a single-layer anti-gravity device can be reduced to less than one million US dollars. Considering future standardization and mass production, the cost will definitely be reduced to even lower levels.

In other words, selling anti-gravity devices can easily make dozens or hundreds of times profit.

The results of the anti-gravity device exhibition were impressive. On the same day, we communicated with dozens of interested representatives from countries, companies, and institutions. However, we did not directly sign a patent licensing agreement. The agreement involved billions of dollars, and it must not be done hastily. sign.

The aviation group will have to communicate in detail with each representative in the future, and will give them sufficient time to consider. Each party will be discussed separately. Because the needs of each company are different, they need to be discussed separately. Remember After discussing their relevant needs, a licensing agreement can be signed.

Although there will be no direct signing of the licensing agreement for the time being, in fact, there are nine people who will definitely purchase the patent license. They are mainly representatives of the national scientific research department. There are also several companies that are interested. After the exhibition, relevant personnel estimate that, At least 15% of the patent authorization can be negotiated.

These dozen patent authorizations represent a minimum revenue of 40 billion US dollars.

In addition, there are anti-gravity devices for sale. Compared with patent licensing, anti-gravity devices are much more popular because they are relatively cheaper, with a minimum cost of only tens of millions of dollars.

Mickey Mouse Company was the first to sign an agreement, and they directly decided to order two double-layer anti-gravity devices.

Everyone knows that the Mickey Mouse Company's order is only an early implementation effect.

If the effect of the anti-gravity device can meet expectations, there will definitely be many orders in the future. They probably hope that every Mickey Mouse park will have a space experience hall to attract more tourists and create higher profits.

Like the Mickey Mouse Company, there are many companies that consider purchasing anti-gravity devices from the perspectives of business, publicity, and profit, but most of them are private inquiries, that is, wealthy people want to buy them personally.

Rich people also have many ideas.

For example, a rich man wearing a turban asked if an anti-gravity device could be built in his villa.

"I have a villa in country D. I hope to build a weightless room in it and call it a weightless space. When I enter the room, I can directly turn on the anti-gravity effect just like turning on a light."

"The room will be covered in anti-gravity effects, and I can experience it freely at home, and I can bring my friends with me."

"By the time……"

"Perhaps many female celebrities from country D are rushing to my home to experience the cool feeling of weightlessness. I will definitely become more popular..."

"By the way, I also want to put a big bed in the room and rest in a weightless state. It seems to be a good experience."

When the rich man wearing a headscarf finished speaking, Zhao Yidu gave a thumbs up beside him.


Place the anti-gravity device under the room and turn it on like a light.

Although there will definitely be a delay, but in the face of anti-gravity effects, waiting a little longer is just a small thing.

Then, there will definitely be many people who will be interested and hope to come and experience it.


"Like fishing?" Zhao Yi carefully thought about an adjective.

Although he is already married, he still thinks the idea is very good. He will buy a super large villa and build such a room in the future.

Yes, and arrange a bed, preferably a super large bed.

The whole room is filled with beds.



"It must be for safety!"

"The bed is very soft, so you must take personal protection in the weightless state!".

"Right, that is it!"

A large group of rich people came with all kinds of demands, including all kinds of fantastic ideas.

The aviation group sends people to record and meet the needs according to different needs, but the service also requires a fee. The price of the customized anti-gravity device is also much better.

Zhao Yi thought it was good to listen to everyone's ideas, so he asked Liu Jiankun to pay attention to the needs of the rich, make a complete record, and give the content to himself for a look, which might bring inspiration to technology and applications. At least it can help expand your thinking.

While the aviation group was immersed in patent licensing and anti-gravity device sales, the secondary market was also affected by anti-gravity devices and became much more popular.

Ever since the anti-gravity device was exposed and Zhao Yi published the ‘photon anti-gravity theory’, the secondary market has been affected.

As news about anti-gravity technology increases, the secondary market is increasingly affected, with the field of optoelectronic equipment being the most affected.

The stock prices in the field of optoelectronic equipment have led the rise for nearly a month, and the market value of the worst stocks has doubled.

Xinhui Optoelectronics is the leader in the rise. It has been rising for more than a month, and its market value has quadrupled from a month ago.

Many experts predict that the rally will continue for a long time.

This is mainly because the market has confirmed a piece of news -

Anti-gravity devices require a large number of high-energy beam equipment.

Previously, Xinhui Optoelectronics was just an ordinary listed company, which was mainly affected by its scale and demand for optoelectronic equipment.

It's different now.

After Xingyi Technology Company invested in Xinhui Optoelectronics, the stock price of Xinhui Optoelectronics increased more than three times. Later, the state also made a large capital injection, allowing Xinhui Optoelectronics' stock price to continue to rise. Before the anti-gravity technology was exposed, Xinhui Optoelectronics The share price of Hui Optoelectronics has been more than six times its original value.

In recent times, Xinhui Optoelectronics has continued to rise, with its market value rapidly increasing by more than three times, and it continues to be favored by the market. There are even many foreign investments that are optimistic about Xinhui Optoelectronics' prospects.

This is mainly because Xinhui Optoelectronics has many patents on high-energy beam equipment and cooperates with several top optical laboratories. At the same time, the high-energy beam equipment they manufacture is very competitive internationally.

In addition, it was revealed that Xinhui Optoelectronics has cooperated with the aviation group.

The two together are enough to support Xinhui Optoelectronics' stock price rising steadily.

Xingyi Technology Company's investment in Xinhui Optoelectronics has also yielded great gains. The original investment of more than 100 million yuan has now been valued at more than 2 billion yuan, and it is even continuing to rise.

This amazing rate of return is enough to shock anyone.

Among them, Xu Chao and Sun Liang benefited the most. They held a certain amount of stocks, and as a result, the stocks worth several million suddenly turned into tens or hundreds of millions. They also made a fortune. Even Sun Liang had no intention of continuing to start a business.

Starting a business?

What kind of software company do you want to open?

Just follow Zhao Yi and make investments. It doesn’t need to be too frequent. If you follow the trend and make a wave of investments in a few years, you will be full in one meal.

Zhao Yi is not interested in the rapid rise in the stock price of Xinhui Optoelectronics in the secondary market.


That was just an incidental increase in assets. The 3% share of the anti-gravity technology patent he held was relatively much more valuable.

Liu Jiankun even made a sour estimate, "Looking at it now, it will be at least several billion dollars!"

Zhao Yi waved his hand nonchalantly, shook his head and said, "I don't care about money. To me, money is just a number. It doesn't matter whether it's in U.S. dollars or not."

Liu Jiankun curled his lips and said, "Otherwise, give it all to me... Otherwise, don't ask for this money, just return it to the group. It will give you billions of dollars more funding and many more research and development projects..."

"That won't work."

Zhao Yi immediately shook his head and said, "My principle is that the money you should get must be taken, not for money, but for rules and systems. Although I don't care about money, I must set an example for all scientific researchers and let them You know, as long as you devote yourself to research seriously and produce results, even if they are handed over to the country, as long as they are converted into profits, you will definitely not get your share!"

His words were sonorous and powerful, as if he were a warrior on the front line, brave and not afraid of sacrifice.

Liu Jiankun found that he had nothing to say. He smiled bitterly and shook his head and said, "Academician Zhao, let's get down to business."

"What's wrong?"

"It's the anti-gravity team. We need you to go there." Liu Jiankun became more serious. "They reported that when they were testing the opening of the space cover, they discovered a high-frequency ray emitted from the space cover."

"This ray can penetrate thick metal without any reaction, but it seems to explode."

"Ray, can it explode?" Zhao Yi asked with some confusion.

Liu Jiankun nodded and said, "That's what the report says, because there is very little experimental data and it is a new discovery. It seems to say that a car was blown up and a driver was injured, but it was only a minor injury."

Zhao Yi realized the seriousness of the problem, and he immediately nodded and said, "I'll go right away."

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