Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 573 Space Link Technology

It took the senior leaders a long time to read the contents of the report before they understood exactly what had happened.

"It turns out it's just images..."

"Suddenly three-dimensional images appeared. It was indeed a big discovery, hiss~~"

If you think about it carefully, you will understand its importance. Communication technology is developing very fast in the 21st century, but when it comes to constructing three-dimensional images, even the theory is not perfect.

This is mainly because projection requires a medium.

For example, some projectors or other light projection equipment on the market require the help of a flat surface to map the lens onto it.

Because there is no reflective medium in the air, it is difficult to truly present a three-dimensional image. At most, it can be illuminated in the form of lights. The technical difficulty is not high, but it is very complicated and the cost will be very high. It is simply not worth the gain.

The three-dimensional images that suddenly appear now must be related to the research of anti-gravity and space. Because they appear suddenly and there is no deliberate recording of images, it must be relatively simple technically.

However, it is not easy to decipher the mystery.

"We still have to rely on Zhao Yi and the theory team!"

"This is definitely a new thing and definitely requires a lot of theoretical support."

"Anti-gravity research is indeed a new direction. New discoveries will be made every once in a while, which may subvert the world within a few decades."

The senior management thought and felt that more support must be given to the anti-gravity team.

Now it is not just about nuclear fusion and military research, but also about communication and information exchange technologies. In the future, world science will undergo major changes, and the existing structure will be subverted to a large extent.

This is an opportunity to catch up!

at the same time.

The anti-gravity team is currently discussing imaging issues within the team.

Senior leaders can think of it, and of course they can and can think of it. The images they see must be related to anti-gravity, photon arrangement, etc.

"Maybe it's an unknown space wave, maybe it's a connection between space points."

"The size of matter and the number of particles have no meaning to space, so we can see the entire image."

"I prefer the latter. Because vibrations, waves, and rays related to space are not limited by the speed of light. If there is a brand-new space wave, we on the earth will happen to be able to see images of other parts of the universe. "

"However, it is rare. There are many rumors about UFO. It is not clear whether UFO exists, but it is impossible that every space image is UFO."

Zhao Yi also made inferences based on the logic of probability.

The anti-gravity team is indeed doing space research, but half of the earth is covered by light. Even if it is just a probability, space images can be received under certain circumstances. Considering that space-related transmission is not limited by the speed of light, there are You will often see projections everywhere in the universe.

In fact, no.

Therefore, he is more inclined to think that there is a certain resonance between the two anti-gravity devices, establishing a temporarily incomprehensible spatial connection, and the image is mapped through the spatial connection.

So if you want to study this connection method, you still need to make careful comparisons and judgments from the working status of the equipment at that time, the arrangement of high-energy beams, the location of image generation, etc.

So Dong Lihua became an investigation cooperator. He needed to point out his position, and he needed to be very sure about his position.

He squatted in the control room of the center and worked hard to direct. Someone used professional equipment to find his footprints.

A group of people in front of the door were watching, and some were thinking, "Director Dong, you should be standing over there, to the left of the main valve."

"That's what I remember."


"I seem to have seen him wiping his pants..."

"Where exactly?"


Dong Lihua's depression was all reflected in his eyes. He shouted at the top of his lungs, "Can you please forget about picking your nose?"


A group of people looking at each other.

Ruan Wenye was not afraid of Dong Lihua. He laughed and said, "Old Dong, this time you will be remembered forever. Our anti-gravity research is at the forefront and is an advanced technology that will change the future."

"Think about it, the fact that you picked your nose and became an image has been reported as a secret. It will definitely be made public one day in the future, and it may even be written into textbooks."

"Aren't you destined to be famous for eternity?"

"We Chinese people are committed to one thing, and we will leave a name for the ages. Congratulations, you have done it!"

Dong Lihua gritted his teeth and looked at Ruan Wenye, squeezing out words through his teeth, "Don't worry, Professor Ruan, you can't run away, you can't run away either."


"The confidential documents include two reports, as well as the parties' retellings. My retelling ability mentioned you and told the story of you being so scared that you peed your pants."



A group of people saw Ruan Wenye.

Ruan Wenye's face turned red. When he thought about it carefully, he felt that he would most likely be infamy for thousands of years. Dong Lihua just picking his nose and smearing it on his pants could be interpreted as a "bad experimental environment."

What about him?

Will textbooks say this in a hundred years, "In a harsh research environment, the anti-gravity team made a major discovery. As the team leader, Dong Lihua was not afraid of risks and personally conducted the command in the control room, but what he didn't expect was that, His informal influence is mapped to the center of another anti-gravity device."

"On the other side, a certain scientific researcher surnamed Ruan tried to touch Dong Lihua's influence, but was so frightened that he peed his pants on the spot..."

The more Ruan Wenye thought about it, the darker it became. He quickly said, "No, I must find the leader to change the contents of the record!"

"This can't work!"

"Old Dong, you are too bad. You are trying to trick me..."

A group of people nearby laughed.


Most of the data has been collected.

Next, the theoretical team will study the data, including the specific size and orientation of the mapped image, as well as the surveillance video in the control room. Many things can be seen on the video.

For example, time.

In the control room surveillance videos of the two anti-gravity devices, it can be seen that Dong Lihua's action time is consistent, there is no delay, and at least the equipment cannot analyze it.

"From here you can know that image transmission takes almost no time. The connection is established directly. There is no data analysis in the middle..."

"The picture is completely consistent."

"The next thing we want to study is the power of the two anti-gravity devices at that point in time, and analyze the specific strength, etc."

"We need to do commonality research to see if there are any similarities..."

This is the key.

Establishing a connection in space definitely requires conditions, but the scene and environment at that time happened to activate the conditions for establishing a connection.

All theoretical staff in the team began to compare data and study the correlation of the device at that time. Zhao Yi's job was to let everyone think divergently and record all the possibilities that they could think of. No matter how outrageous the possibility was, it was all possible. Keep detailed records.

This purpose is to provide conditions.

Because of the effect of the "Law of Cause and Effect", Zhao Yi can know whether any possible statement is correct, eliminate most of the incorrect ones, and leave the correct ones as conditions. If the conditions are more sufficient, he can use the "Contact Rate" to analyze Explain the principle of image generation.

At the same time, Zhao Yi is also constantly researching, and he also has a research ability——

"Relevance Rate".

It is easy for him to use "Correlation Rate" to find common ground among various conditions, but the information he gets is all external and has nothing to do with the underlying theory of space.

He can only tell other people about these commonalities and let them think together and think about the possibility of linking methods.

Team is indeed important.

If Zhao Yi was allowed to think divergently on his own, it would take a long time to complete the research. After all, personal thinking is limited.

When there are more people, even if three people think of one condition, it adds up to a lot of conditions, and the analysis speed will naturally become faster.

Two days later, Zhao Yi called Zhang Qican, Huang Zhong, and others in the theory team to the anti-gravity team to study the inexplicable effects together.

Zhang Qican and Huang Zhong are both theoretical experts. Their ability to perform basic theories exceeds that of everyone else. Because they have the support of theoretical foundations, the content they imagine is more likely to become conditions.

At the same time, Zhao Yi also checked the work progress of the theory team.

The main job of the previous theory group was to summarize the previously completed theories, and to make it easier for more people to understand the principle of spatial isolation, so that more people can participate in the research instead of just relying on a few people from the theory group.

Any science requires many people to study together in order to develop faster and more comprehensively. A completely new direction requires a large number of theoretical and technical talents.

The threshold for research on antigravity theory was too high before. If I just wanted to sell it, I needed top-notch mathematicians at the entrance, and they had to be mathematicians in the field of particle mathematics.

For example, Zhou Li.

Zhao Yi considered asking Zhou Li to participate in theoretical research, but found that Zhou Li didn't understand it at all and had to relearn many basics.

This definitely won't work.

Zhou Li already has a certain reputation in China. His work on the construction of partial differential equations has several internationally recognized results. He is also a "pillar professor" of the School of Science and is even qualified to be elected as an academician. Just because of his different research directions, he It is simply impossible to do research on spatial obstruction. One can imagine how difficult it is to do research on spatial obstruction.

The job of the theory group is to summarize and summarize the underlying foundation and make a series of basic definitions, similar to Newton's theorem. If later people want to continue to engage in related research, they don't need where the theorem came from. They only know that the theorem does not Apply it and it's totally fine.

So far, this work has yielded many results.

The theory team has completed half of the summary work. Zhao Yi carefully checked the work report and found that he could not do any better.

This is probably because his logical thinking model is completely different from that of ordinary people. What he feels he can understand at once would take many twists and turns or even detailed calculations to understand, so he is not suitable for this. Work.

After reading the work report of the theory team, Zhao Yi nodded with satisfaction, and then thought about writing a more basic textbook.

Although the summarized anti-gravity principle is indeed relatively simple, the threshold for entry is still very high. There are many definitions and theorems that are not easy to understand simply, and more basic knowledge is required.

It involves particle boundary theory, string theory, energy theory, as well as some miscellaneous advanced mathematical knowledge, and even the problem of mass point construction needs to be understood.

This threshold is simply too high.

A person's energy is limited, and it would take an ordinary mathematical theorist at least a few years to understand all of so many things.

If you write a theoretical basic knowledge only related to anti-gravity, it will be equivalent to putting all relevant foundations in the same book, and other irrelevant content will be excluded, which will definitely be much simpler.

"This is a good idea!"

"After the writing is completed, it will be given to domestic professional mathematics research institutions first, and then it may be sold to the whole world..."

"It's just the basics anyway. What's more, the basic theory of anti-gravity is already public. The basic foundation allows more people to learn and participate in related research. It can be regarded as a major contribution to world science, right?"

Zhao Yi thought carefully.

We are still continuing to study the issue of image mapping. At the same time, the anti-gravity technical team is doing experimental work on Z-wave. Compared with the newly discovered image mapping, Z-wave can already be controlled, so we can directly do technical research.

For example, the location or attack methods used for the air fortress in the future.

Z waves can penetrate materials and are absolutely indefensible. However, careful consideration is needed in terms of application scenarios.

At the same time, the technical team is still studying how to 'store' the Z wave, how to increase the power of the Z wave, improve the control of the emergence of the Z wave, etc.


Two weeks have passed.

During the process, Zhao Yi collected various conditions, most of which were the researchers' whimsical ideas. When summed up, the conditions were perfect.

He couldn't wait to use "Contact Rate" and suddenly had a new understanding of image mapping. To put it simply, it established a spatial link. The link method was a kind of 'resonance' generated during the process of space absorbing energy.

The spatial link uses space as the medium, which is equivalent to directly opening up across distances, but there are still limitations. The link distance is related to the speed of absorbing energy. The faster the speed of absorbing energy, the farther the link distance.

However, the link distance is not very demanding for energy absorption.

For example, the power of the anti-gravity device to open the space cover is almost enough to connect to space ten astronomical units away.

(Astronomical unit: the average distance between the Earth and the Sun, 1A.U. = 1.496x (10 to the eighth power) kilometers.)

in other words……

If there is a device with the same frequency and power on Mars, it can easily establish a space link with the device on Earth and transmit images in a timely manner without any time at all.

The requirement of spatial resonance is the arrangement and counter-arrangement of space-absorbed energy, but only massless particles can be transmitted. What can be seen with the naked eye is the image composed of photon reflection.

"So, what about the voice?"

"Because sound uses vibration as a medium and is not a pure particle. Just like an object with mass, it cannot be transmitted at all."

"It's just an image..."

"But combined with existing information transmission technology, there can also be many application developments!"

Zhao Yi thought carefully. He was responsible for researching theoretical technology. How the specific technology would be used in the future had little to do with him.

However, this new image transmission technology undoubtedly has great potential, and if it wants to develop, it must be made public and allow more companies and teams to participate in research before it can be developed and applied to various fields.

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