Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 576 There is technology to break space in China!

Technology Development Conference.

Zhao Yi has already begun to make a presentation. Everyone in the venue is listening carefully. They know that Zhao Yi's report must be extraordinary, because he is the top scientist and a leader in scientific and technological research and development in China and even the world.

Although everyone already knew the topic of his report, everyone still listened carefully. They hoped that there would be something new in the report.

For example, anti-gravity.

Anti-gravity research and development is now an international craze. Zhao Yi is a theoretical researcher of anti-gravity and is also involved in the research and development of related technologies.

Some large companies in China have purchased anti-gravity devices and are communicating with aviation groups, hoping to purchase patent authorizations for anti-gravity technology at a more suitable price.

The latter is what many companies are doing.

The reason why it is not a direct purchase is because some companies have obtained anti-gravity technology authorization, but they are all controlled by domestic capital. There is no precedent for domestic private enterprises to obtain authorization. Perhaps it is also because of different research and development directions, because domestic Top private companies have no need for anti-gravity technology and spend extremely high amounts of money on anti-gravity research. They believe that the gains outweigh the losses.

If you want to research anti-gravity technology and spend a lot of money to purchase patent licenses, you must first have a fixed direction.

This requires a long discussion before decisions can be made.

Now that Zhao Yi is speaking at a science and technology development conference, he may reveal some information related to anti-gravity technology.

This is also an opportunity.

Every large-scale enterprise hopes to find another development path, rather than clinging to the main business with slow growth and fierce competition. Anti-gravity technology is a brand-new research, and perhaps other directions can be found.

Zhao Yi's report disappointed them because he did not mention anti-gravity technology, but directly talked about the importance of high-end manufacturing and material technology.

This is the main core.

His report is nothing more than saying that high-end manufacturing and material technology are directly related to the level of manufacturing and the status of the international division of labor.

There is indeed a lack of high-end manufacturing technology in China. Due to technological limitations, most companies are taking the low-end route.

These companies export many low-end manufacturing products abroad, relying only on low labor costs rather than core technologies. Take the toy industry as an example. Domestic-made toys are popular all over the world, but there is no such thing as 'Le-Go'. of enterprises.

‘LE-GO’ relies on its superior material performance and unique design.

Many domestic toy manufacturers can only make a large number of low-cost imitations instead of completing independent design and independent material research and development.

Of course.

Low-end products are always indispensable in life, but high-end technology determines the status of the industry chain. Only by standing at the top of the industry chain can we earn higher profits.

If we think from a higher perspective, only by having more companies that master top-level manufacturing technology can we support higher-level technological development.

After Zhao Yi finished the first part of his statement, he talked about the second point——

Research and development of cutting-edge technology.

He emphasized the need to increase investment in cutting-edge science and technology.

This is an old argument.

When many people were a little disappointed, Zhao Yi's words immediately cheered them up, "I'm sure that the next ten, twenty years, or even longer, will be an explosive period in the development of science and technology in human history."

"If you look at it a hundred years from now, you may think that from now on, it will be an explosive period of technological development, just like the Industrial Revolution."

"This is a very important period of time."

When these words are spoken by others, they are just heard at most, but when Zhao Yi says them, the meaning is different. He said that we have ushered in an era of technological explosion, which can be understood as a great era of 'technological change'.

What does technological change mean? It means that more high-tech will emerge, and it means that there will be more technologies that were unimaginable before.

As a large domestic and even world-class enterprise, the first thing that comes to mind when facing ‘technological change’ is not opportunities, but challenges. Technological changes also mean the reshuffle of large enterprises.

Some large companies will face cross-dimensional attacks and will be quickly eliminated by competition, while some small companies will rely on their technological advantages to develop into large companies at an exponential rate.

Many people suddenly feel nervous when they think about it carefully. No one can guarantee that their company can stand firm in the era of technological change.

As for whether the era of technological change will come...

There is no doubt about this. After hearing Zhao Yi's words, they thought of anti-gravity technology. As long as anti-gravity technology develops, many industries will undoubtedly encounter cross-dimensional attacks.

Therefore, what they think of is not to make money in the era of technological change, but to accumulate enough technological capital to not be eliminated by the new era. Then they need to invest a lot of money in research and development in order to obtain capital for continued survival.

In an era of technological change, survival is more important than development.

Zhao Yi just expressed his views on the future. His brief speech caused quite a shock. Many media recorded it and decided to report on it.

Many people at the venue were also thinking about what kind of research and development to invest funds in.

Zhou Jun is the same.

Zhou Jun was sitting next to Zhao Yi. Zhao Yi had just whispered to him a direction, which was to do basic research in the computer field.

China is lacking in this aspect. Whether it is Internet protocols, underlying compilation software, popular operating systems, etc., these series have basically nothing to do with China. Ninety-nine percent of them are standards and products developed abroad. .

Internet communications have already established international standards. Some top-level companies have mastered advanced technologies. It is meaningless to do bottom-level research. They have invested in research and development in related fields and invested a lot of money in research and development from scratch. It is almost impossible to get recognition for what you put out.

But now...

"If there is a big explosion in technology, will the Internet be subverted?" Zhou Jun thought about this question and shook his head with a wry smile. He could not think of any reason why the Internet industry would be subverted after decades. With the development of information and communication, it can be said that the relevant fields have been finalized.

Zhou Jun thought, "However, Academician Zhao also said that science and technology is about to explode, and he also specifically said that doing low-level research can at least double the cost. Maybe you can try it?"

"There's no reason for him to deceive me..."

"It seems like there's nothing wrong with taking a gamble?" Zhou Jun thought carefully and made a decision. He felt that Zhao Yi had no reason to deceive people and was completely trustworthy.

If you don't do research and development in new directions, maybe some new technology will appear one day, and your company will not be able to keep up with the times. It will suddenly experience a "cross-dimensional" impact and be directly eliminated by the market.

This kind of thing is not surprising at all, let alone the explosion of technology. In the past few decades, information and communication technology has developed rapidly, and many original large companies have disappeared.

Not to mention those highly competitive fields.

For example, mobile phone manufacturing.

The brick-based mobile phone that was once popular all over the world has been eliminated by the world in just a few years. No one could have imagined that the reason lies in the software system, not the gap in hardware.

This is an 'interdimensional' strike.

When Zhou Jun fell into thinking, Zhao Yi had already talked about the third point, which was also the core of the report.

He continuously talked about several high-end manufacturing and material research and development, including electronic communication-related technologies and materials, including aerospace materials, as well as precision manufacturing and precision processing technology.

In addition, it also includes the research and development of optoelectronic technology.

Everyone knew that optoelectronics technology must be related to anti-gravity technology. They were just looking forward to it, but Zhao Yi ended the report.

"thank you all!"

Zhao Yi politely thanked everyone and then sat down directly.

Many people feel very depressed. They hope to hear about some anti-gravity technology. For example, if they talk about it in detail, what kind of optoelectronic product technology is directly related to the development of anti-gravity technology, so that they can invest in targeted research and development.



In fact, the last point of Zhao Yi's presentation is crucial. There is almost no redundant content, and everything is focused on the theme of the report. He talked about technology and materials, all of which are directly related to space link technology.

Space link technology will definitely develop greatly in the future, and related materials and technologies will become the key to supporting development.

Only with high enough materials and technologies can we support the manufacturing of high-end space link equipment. Space link technology can be developed and popularized, quickly occupying a place in the communications field, and may even develop sweepingly, breaking the existing information communications pattern.

The science and technology development conference is over.

Zhao Yi's report was reported by many media, and the public response was a bit disappointing, because he did not talk about anti-gravity technology, and other content about high-end manufacturing and materials seemed to be no different from official speeches. Related The reports attracted less attention.

However, the big names participating in the science and technology development conference did not see it that way, especially the representatives of the companies, who knew that something big was definitely going to happen.

Many business representatives knew a piece of news - after the science and technology development conference, Zhao Yi took 13 business representatives to go somewhere together, as if to visit something.

Only the people involved knew the specific situation, but they kept silent after returning.

The best some people can say is, "We signed a confidentiality agreement."

Many people began to pay attention to the trends of several companies, and a piece of news let them know that their judgment was correct.

There are rumors in the public opinion that 13 domestic companies have established a new company under the leadership of the aviation group.

This news was just a rumor at first. After a week, it was discovered that the news was true because the news was made public.

The Satellite Communications Group Company, a registered subsidiary of the Aviation Group, was split off and joined with 13 other companies to form the ‘Space Information Technology Co., Ltd.’.

"Space information technology? What does this mean? Space communication?"

"Stop joking, how do you communicate in space? Or is space just a name?"

"It seems to be true!"

"Perhaps it is to study the communication technology of anti-gravity devices? But what is the relationship between anti-gravity and communication? Do you want to rely on anti-gravity technology to create a large manned spacecraft to explore Mars? This space information technology is for this service of?"

"Upstairs, your imagination is invincible. It feels like things are exactly as you said..."

"It must be so!"

"Is the space agency going to explore Mars? And using anti-gravity technology? I'm really looking forward to it!"

There was indeed a market for similar arguments at first, but as more and more revelations came out, something was wrong, because the registered capital of Space Information Technology Co., Ltd. was as high as 10 billion.

Ten billion!

If we are only engaged in aerospace-related communication technology, the market can be said to be very small. It is equivalent to completely serving aerospace technology and has nothing to do with civilian use. Naturally, it is unlikely to achieve profitability.

So what’s the point of having a registered capital of tens of billions?

When a newly established company has a registered capital of tens of billions, it will definitely make every effort to develop the civilian field and strive to achieve future profits, rather than restricting the development of a technology that is almost impossible to achieve profitability.

Faced with the uproar of public opinion, the newly established space information technology company no longer kept secrets, but released the news with certainty--

"Space science and technology masters the most advanced space communication technology. In the future, we will be committed to developing technologies related to space information transmission, and will lead the international community in formulating relevant technical labels."


As the information was released, public opinion suddenly boiled, "It's really space communication!"

"Space communication technology! How can space be used for communication?"

"What technology is this?"

"When did space research start in China? Space? No joke!"

"This is not anti-gravity technology, but space technology. Is it a new black technology?"

"Space! What kind of black technology has the country mastered? Has it already achieved point-to-point space transmission? It's awesome..."

"That's awesome!"

"I originally thought that anti-gravity technology was awesome enough, but I didn't expect that this time it would be even more powerful. Space research...are you planning to lead humans to conquer other worlds?"


At this time, there are fewer people talking about anti-gravity technology, because space communication seems to have nothing to do with anti-gravity. Others just think that space communication is a new research and a new black technology, which cannot be solved at all. Link space research with anti-gravity technology.

Many people wanted to get more detailed information, so they immediately left messages at the bottom of Zhao Yi's Weibo. Everyone felt that such high-end black technology must be closely related to Zhao Yi.

"Master Zhao, can you break the news?"

"What exactly is space communication technology? What kind of communication? What is its principle?"

"Is it really space communication? Does it open up space?"


Zhao Yi also noticed the public opinion. He simply posted a message with only four simple words, "This is true."


The four words "This is true" have become the top trending searches on the entire Internet, not only domestically, but also quickly gaining popularity abroad.

Some media immediately reported, “Academician Zhao confirmed public opinion’s conjecture that space communication is directly related to the literal meaning of space!”

"If the country has mastered the communication technology across space, maybe in the future we will be able to really allow humans to travel across space!"

"This is a brand new technology!"

"Research in the space field will definitely become a new direction for the future development of human science and technology, just like anti-gravity technology!"


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