Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 585 3D Live Holographic Projection Game

Zhao Yi is the top scientist in the world, but regardless of his status as a scientist, whether it is mentality or ideas, he is similar to thousands of ordinary people. He also hopes that his hometown can develop better, because his hometown is like himself. The name of my hometown sounds very friendly.

When he has the ability to do something for the development of his hometown, he will try his best to do it. His research has benefited many companies. The discovery of spatial connection technology is equivalent to creating an information and communication development direction for the future, which will bring It has extremely high economic value and scientific research value.

But everything has nothing to do with Zheng Yang.

No matter how high-end the spatial connection technology is, no matter how important it becomes in the future, and no matter how many markets it occupies, it will not involve Zheng Yang, and there may even be some disadvantages.

For example, if other places develop better, many young people in Zhengyang will go to work in well-developed cities. With the continuous loss of population and talent, any city will decline rapidly.


Zhengyang is a city that has been gradually forgotten in the process of domestic development.

One is that due to geographical location, transportation is not as good as that of coastal cities.

In addition, the resources of Nanjiang Province are tilted towards Jiangcheng, the provincial capital, and almost all of them are supplied to one city. As the "second one in Nanjiang", Zhengyang's existence itself has no meaning.

The development of many cities has a lot to do with clear policies. When there are a lot of policies to take care of it, urban development will be much easier.

Zhao Yi was thinking carefully on the way back. He also talked to Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Linlin and asked for their opinions.

Of course, the two of them had no objections and were a little curious.

Zhao Linlin asked, "Zhao Yi, do you really want to invest in Zheng Yang? But I feel that there is nothing to invest here. It is definitely not as good as those well-developed cities, capitals, etc. It can make more money to open a company."

"Yes, investing in Zheng Yang is good, but you can't lose money, right?"

Lin Xiaoqing also followed suit.

Zhao Yi smiled and said, "If it is investment, I will definitely look for promising projects."

He shook his head and stopped talking.

After returning home that day, Zhao Yi made a video call with Liu Jiankun and talked about his ideas. Liu Jiankun was surprised, "It's okay for you to invest in your hometown, but the space project? It's a bit high-end, right?"

"That's why I asked you, if you set up a company and hang it under the aviation group, can you research space technology?"

"As long as the state controls it," Liu Jiankun said bluntly, "I don't know what space technology you are referring to specifically, but space is a sensitive technology and cannot be privately owned."

"I know this."

Zhao Yidao, "That's why I said that if it is listed in the name of the aviation group, it means that the aviation group has a controlling stake, which is equivalent to the state's controlling stake, right?"

"Does aviation group holding require investment?" Liu Jiankun asked.

Zhao Yi rolled his eyes, "You don't have to pay a penny, but you want to control it? Do you think it's appropriate? You can't play like this with nothing."


Liu Jiankun thought about it carefully and said, "But the funds that the group can allocate are limited. You know, some research is a bottomless pit. No matter how much money you make, it is not enough!"

He was referring to research related to anti-gravity and nuclear fusion, as well as the construction of the War Eagle aircraft, which also require some money to be subsidized.

In fact, the construction of the Warhawk aircraft has various subsidies, which are relatively good. The most important part of the investment is nuclear fusion research.

It can’t be said that the Institute of Nuclear Research has nothing to lose, but it would be good to provide a technical team, and it is true that they cannot afford much funding.

The Aviation Group made a lot of money from selling its anti-gravity devices, and much of it was directly invested in the research of nuclear fusion.

The minimum investment for this research is expected to be as high as 100 billion yuan. Coupled with the expenditure on anti-gravity technology, anti-gravity theory group, etc., it is really a bottomless pit for attracting money.

Zhao Yi knew it to a certain extent, but still asked, "If I want to form a company like this and let the aviation group take the majority control, how much money can I pay?"

Liu Jiankun shook his head and said, "What we can give is an aerospace research team and some equipment. In terms of funding... three billion?"

He felt that it was hard to explain. After all, aerospace research, building spaceships, exploring outer space, and planets, if three billion were put into it, it would be completely useless.

Liu Jiankun added, "As long as the aviation group holds the shares, I can convince others, but I don't think I can have more funds unless you are willing to come here and say it."

What he meant was for Zhao Yi to come by himself, go to the aviation group's internal meeting, and persuade others in a way similar to 'pulling sponsorship'.

When Zhao Yi heard the "three billion" mentioned by Liu Jiankun, he was extremely shocked. He found that he had underestimated the aviation group. He said it was three billion when he opened his mouth. He also said that he might be able to convince him that he might be able to get it. higher?


His idea was just to build a company first, recruit some relevant R\u0026D talents, and focus on some cutting-edge technologies.

After we have independently developed technology, we can expand and build some supporting manufacturing companies, and develop slowly step by step.

Whether it is building a spaceship or exploring other planets, it is just a ‘goal’ similar to a slogan.

If such a goal can be achieved in ten years, it will be quite fast.

Therefore, the initial start-up capital of 100 to 200 million is completely sufficient. Later, it will develop slowly. If additional investment is required, we can discuss it again, or go through normal channels to attract sponsorship, and then go public later, etc. wait.

After all, enterprises pursue profits, not endless investment.

As long as a certain profit can be achieved, even if the overall loss is a loss, it gives investors hope, and subsequent investment is not a problem at all.

I didn’t expect that!

Liu Jiankun said it was three billion when he opened his mouth. If he came up with three billion, he still didn't need to step forward, he could solve it himself.



Zhao Yi was extremely satisfied with Liu Jiankun's answer, but he still showed a lot of confusion on his face, as if he felt that three billion funds were too small and far behind his "grand goal".

Liu Jiankun said hesitantly, "Three billion does limit the scale of research and development. But there is another way. Academician Zhao, you can make additional investment yourself and then sign an agreement with us."

"No matter how much additional investment you make, it will be made up when sufficient funds are available later."

He was referring to the allocation of funds.

If it is controlled by an aviation group, in terms of capital investment ratio, the aviation group will definitely invest more. If Zhao Yi personally invested, the aviation group should invest more.

That was certainly the case initially.

After hearing this, Zhao Yi sighed, "Forget it, three billion, just three billion, whatever the investment is, we can do it. We can make the scale smaller first and not have so many research and development projects." .”

"That's right. Take it step by step and develop slowly. Don't be in a hurry." Liu Jiankun supported.


The two talked for a while, and then Zhao Yi closed the video.

He walked out of the study.

Lin Xiaoqing was sitting on the sofa watching TV. She waved to Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi walked over with a smile on his face, "What are you watching? A costume TV series!"

Lin Xiaoqing pulled Zhao Yi to sit down, and then squeezed into his arms. She did not talk about the TV, but asked, "I just heard you say three billion. Are you planning to invest three billion?" Are you going to build a factory here? What are you planning to do?"

"I didn't invest." Zhao Yi shook his head and said.


"It's the aviation group." Zhao Yi said, "They are planning to invest three billion to build a technology company related to space exploration in Zhengyang. I will be in charge of this company. The details still need to be negotiated. I guess I will also Give me some money."


Lin Xiaoqing opened her mouth in surprise, and her expression seemed to read a sentence, "Is there such a thing? Three billion in all of a sudden? The aviation group is really rich."

"I think so."

Zhao Yi also sighed. He thought he was rich enough, but he didn't expect the aviation group to be worth three billion.

It seems that I am still a little angry.

If you are angry with Xiaojiazi, just be angry with Xiaojiazi. Life in Xiaojiazi is pretty good...

He lowered his head as he thought about it, and soon there was a feeling of shyness in the room.

After negotiating with Liu Jiankun, Zhao Yi went to see Vice Mayor Li and learned personally about Zheng Yang's investment policies.

After hearing Zhao Yi say that the investment was in units of '100 million', Vice Mayor Li immediately gave various preferential policies, "The factory building will be rented for free for ten years."

"Local, no taxes for five years."

"As soon as the investment is confirmed, we will immediately widen the roads around the industrial park, and the traffic problem will be guaranteed..."

A lot of preferential policies are indeed very attractive.

As a person in charge of the economy, I know the situation inside. A big company and big investment can have a great radiating effect on the surrounding areas.

For example, the most common factory.

Even if it is only a low-end manufacturing factory, it will definitely recruit a large number of workers locally and transport a large amount of goods. As the number of people around it increases, business will develop accordingly, involving all aspects.

Zhao Yi invested in and built technology companies. Technology companies attract technology talents, many of whom are high-end talents.

When a large group of highly paid talents gather together, the impact on surrounding radiation will be greater.

At first, Vice Mayor Li just thought that Zhao Yi had become one of the richest people, so he wanted to invest a little in gratitude for his hometown, which was enough. He estimated that the investment he would get would be in the tens of millions, which would be great.

Tens of millions is a lot.

If it were used in antigravity and nuclear fusion experiments, tens of millions could be used in a large-scale experiment, which would be amazing.

But in fact, tens of millions is still a lot, enough to buy an entire building in Zhengyang and enough to build a large factory.

Zhao Yi talked with Vice Mayor Li, just to find out more. The specifics still need to be negotiated with the aviation group, and then to formulate the R\u0026D core, establish the company, recruit people, etc. It will take a long time. time.

On the fourth day after returning to Zhengyang, Zhao Yi participated in a Capital TV program at home. It was a live interview, but the live broadcast room was in the capital, and he used the 'KJ-01' equipment at home to directly Project the influence into the show.


This program is to introduce space link technology, and also to popularize technology-related science for everyone, so that people can better understand space technology.

After the KJ-01 equipment was launched, sales can be said to be very hot.

The pricing of KJ-01 is still a bit high compared to mobile phones, computers and other equipment, but in fact, compared to a new technology, which is space technology, the pricing can be said to be very 'people-friendly'.

When space information technology companies release products, their goal is to make the equipment more popular, rather than using brand-new technology products to "cut the leeks of domestic manufacturers and the public."

That makes no sense.

If KJ-01 can be popularized in China, then there will soon be a large number of orders for the subsequent KJ-02 and KJ-03. Space link technology products will at least be popularized in China.

The price of KJ-01 is very affordable, and the quantity sold is naturally large. After its release, it quickly became the most popular product and equipment. In just one week, all millions of units in stock were sold, and subsequent production was somewhat difficult to keep up. For sales on some online platforms, delivery is delayed by one month.

Actually, this is somewhat unexpected.

The initial consideration of space technology companies for pricing is that they hope that some ships, prospectors, or other related small businesses can afford space link equipment.

If the price is too high, for example, hundreds of thousands per unit, most companies will not choose to buy it immediately because the price/performance ratio is too low.

Even if you are interested in the latest technology, you will definitely consider cost-effectiveness. It is just for communication purposes, so there is no need to spend so much money.

In the future, if it is sold internationally, the price can be slightly higher.

As long as the equipment can be sold in large quantities and used by more individuals and businesses, the company will be at the top, and it will be the company that has the final say in formulating all standards in the future.

In this way, we stand at the top of the industrial chain and can expand with confidence.

But perhaps the price of KJ-01 is too close to the people. Many individual users have placed orders for it, and the quantity is even several times higher than that of enterprises.

Zhao Yi knew the sales situation and said on the show, "This shows that living standards have really improved and many people are rich."

KJ-01 is definitely a plaything for rich people.

Although the price of KJ-01 is not high, considering the performance of KJ-01, it can only be connected to one device, and the process of adjusting the 'IP' is somewhat complicated. In other words, most companies and individuals purchase KJ-01. Buy two directly.

The price of 38,000 is not too high, but buying two units at once will cost 76,000.

This price will make some people who can afford it need to seriously consider it, because KJ-01 is an electronic product after all.

What is the least valuable thing?

electronic product!

Times are developing, technology is advancing, and electronic products are updated very quickly. Space Information Technology Company released its first product only a few months after its establishment.

So how far will the second one go?

Now in Capital TV's interview column, the host asked this question, "Academician Zhao, can you tell us about Space Information Technology Company's plans for the next product?"

"For example, when will the second product be released? What new functions can it achieve?"

Zhao Yi thought for a while and said, "I personally will be one year later, but it may not be certain."

"Space link technology will be widely used in the future, but it is not easy to make breakthroughs in technology. We can only start with manufacturing, or equipped with some electronic functions. The next generation of products will definitely have more complete functions, and at the same time, there will also be some Targeted products.”

"For example, some enterprises will definitely want to have one-to-many technical equipment to achieve functions similar to 'network' access."

"We need to develop products with higher performance, and these companies can obtain relevant functions to develop other applications."

"Also, in terms of sound transmission effect, electronic voice technology is currently used, and we will study it in the future to make the function more perfect."


"Many aspects can be improved, just like the development of mobile phones."

"I believe that in the near future, space link technology will be applied to all aspects of life. The simplest one, let me give you an example..."

Zhao Yixiao said, "I have loved playing games since I was a child. I have always thought about whether there will be a game in the future that can allow me to be immersed in the game. I hold a weapon in my hand and actually go to the game map to fight monsters. …Go and upgrade…”

"It will be a 3D real-person holographic projection game, which will definitely be very interesting."

"Spatial link technology can achieve this, but it still requires the participation of many companies to do research and development and exploration together..."

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