Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 587 Space Compression and Universe Theory

"A thousand kilometers reduced to a hundred kilometers?"

"That makes sense!"

"If the space is made smaller, there are two possibilities, one is space folding, and the other is space compression."

Zhao Yi continued to think.

Of course, it was not that he had no illusions, but that he was trying to understand a lot of complex equations from the perspective of space folding or space compression.

The problem encountered in previous research is that space absorbs the energy of Z waves, but there is no performance. The energy seems to disappear out of thin air.

So will this form of expression cause space to be folded or compressed?

Understanding it from this perspective, he found that some of the mysteries in the series were solved.

"The effect of the Z wave can be set to cause the space to fold or compress. Whether it is folding or compressing, it will make the three-dimensional expression of the space smaller..."

"Then Z wave is equal to reverse energy..."

Zhao Yi's understanding of space absorbing energy is that space continues to expand by absorbing energy.

This may be the secret to the expanding universe.

Although the answer to this question cannot be obtained based on the Law of Causality, the expansion of the universe must be related to space, because space itself is expanding.

From the perspective of space, matter is something that absorbs energy. Changes in the position of matter cannot cause the expansion of space.

Space is a field that contains the universe. It itself has characteristics, and matter must be contained in the space.

Without space, matter and energy would lose the basis of their existence.

If the energy absorbed by space is understood as expansion, then Z wave is reverse energy. Z wave can fold or compress the space, which is equivalent to shrinking the space in reverse, which causes a series of chain reactions. Perhaps short distances are simply Undetectable.

This is like an anti-gravity device. When it is turned on, energy is always absorbed by the space.

When the anti-gravity device is turned off, the space is still the same space, and there seems to be no change due to the absorption of energy.

What about the absorbed energy?

Zhao Yi believes that the energy of the universe is conserved. Even if the anti-gravity device has a space blocking effect, other changes will definitely occur after the space blocking effect disappears.

The understanding is that space has expanded as a result, but in the eyes of humans, space is endless. Unless you go to the edge of the universe and do detailed detection, it is impossible to see any changes.

It's the same now.

Z wave is the reverse energy of space. It can cause space to be compressed or folded. After compression and folding, the space will return to its original state, and the changes will not be noticed at all.

So if you want to detect the effect of Z-wave, you must greatly increase the power so that Z-wave can truly be realized and have an effect on space in a short time, and then have an effect on matter.

"You can make a judgment..."

Zhao Yi immediately used the "Law of Cause and Effect" and spent 45 points of energy to get the result. Z wave is indeed the reverse energy of space and can cause space to fold or compress.

This shows that the previous research has been sufficient, but the form of spatial change has not been thought of.

So is it compression or folding?

Here comes the problem.

To solve this problem, there is a simple way, which is to find the answer through experiments, create high-power Z-waves, limit the range of Z-wave bursts, and impact the space with high-intensity reverse energy, and maybe you can see something. .

But Zhao Yi prefers mathematical research, because it would take too long to do experiments directly, and making a high-power Z-wave generator is a very complicated matter.

He just stayed in his room and continued doing research, and time seemed to fly by immediately.

A full seven hours.

Zhao Yi stayed in the room without coming out, and kept calculating, deriving, calculating, deriving, and he finally came to a conclusion.

Zhao Yi only had inspiration occasionally and was just doing research in his study, but the impact was still huge because he didn't set out as planned.

This matter even reached senior leaders.

The senior leader was very concerned about Zhao Yi's itinerary. After hearing the guard's report, he called personally to inquire. The reply he received was, "Academician Zhao is still doing research."

"Then don't disturb him!"

Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Linlin also knew not to disturb them. They just sat quietly in the living room and glanced at the study. When it was dinner time, they took the time to deliver food.

This is Zhao Yi's research habit. It is best to solve the problem in one go, and he does not want to procrastinate at all.

Lin Xiaoqing said, "It's like this every time. Last time I was stuck in the house for three days, which was really worrying!"

Zhao Linlin glanced towards the study room, a little worried, and said, "That's what research is like, Zhao Yi, he... is different from ordinary people anyway." She asked curiously, "Do you know what his research is? Could it be that Is it really a study of 'shortening the distance'?"

"have no idea."

Lin Xiaoqing immediately shook her head, "I knew a little about the previous research, but now I can't understand it at all. In front of him, I feel like all the knowledge I learned was in vain."

Zhao Linlin said with a smile, "It doesn't matter if you don't understand. You can imagine it. We seemed to be complaining about the distance just now. Maybe he was doing research on shortening the distance. It's best to do it at the door..."

She pointed to the door and continued, "It's great to open the door and reach the capital."

At this time, Zhao Yi suddenly opened the door and said with a smile, "Even if this kind of technology really exists, you probably won't be able to experience it."

"You're out!" Zhao Linlin stood up happily. She thought it would take Zhao Yizhen a few days, but she didn't expect that he would come out at night.

Lin Xiaoqing walked over and asked, "How is it, Zhao Yi, have you gained anything?"

"What a great harvest!" Zhao Yi said with a smile, "You have solved a problem that has been bothering me for a long time. Thank you." He pointed at the two of them and said, "You, and you."

"Thank us?"

Zhao Yi said, "Of course, scientific research and inspiration are very important. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have thought of it in a short time."


Zhao Linlin changed the subject and asked, "Just now you said I couldn't experience it, why?"

Zhao Yidao said, "It's too powerful. It's probably not feasible to use this as a mode of transportation on Earth."


Zhao Yi didn't explain too much. He had already considered the opposite effect and determined that the effect of the Z wave was to "compress" the space.

For example, a space of one hundred cubic meters is compressed into one cubic meter.

When space is compressed, it will directly affect the matter in it. Unlike the space blocking effect, which reduces the spatial squeezing force on particles with mass, thereby reducing the gravitational effect they receive, space compression will compress matter at the particle level. volume of.

For example, a ten cubic meter boulder may quickly become one cubic meter in size if it is compressed ten times.

That's the theoretical maximum.

Because the increased squeezing force of particles on the space will also produce huge resistance, just like a spring will explode when compressed, the material will be affected by the compression of space, and the internal structure will produce a reaction force. At the same time, it will also generate a force to ensure that the particle structure is not affected by Means of protection from destruction——

magnetic field!

Zhao Yi's biggest gain is that he proved that space compression will cause particles with mass to generate magnetic fields. The higher the intensity of space compression to which matter is subjected, the greater the magnetic field generated.

The magnetic field will have a 'resistance' effect on space compression, and the strength and range of the magnetic field will determine the maximum value of space compression.

Based on calculations based on the strength of the earth's magnetic field, Zhao Yi could not obtain an accurate value, but he estimated that the compression ratio could reach a maximum of more than a hundred times.

If it is in the universe, theoretically there are no particles with mass and a space that is not covered by a magnetic field, the effect of Z waves on space compression will be exponentially enhanced.

After completing the theoretical research, Zhao Yi returned to the capital with Lin Xiaoqing and Zhao Linlin. After arriving at Yanhua University, Lin Xiaoqing arranged for Zhao Linlin's residence.

Zhao Yi went to the teacher's building and continued to retreat to sort out information.

One is about Z-wave and space compression.

Z wave is space reverse energy, which is a very important discovery. Space reverse energy corresponds to space expansion and can compress space.

If space compression technology can be developed, the development potential can be said to be endless.

For example, it is used in the aerospace field.

The powerful Z waves released in the universe can compress distances at the spatial level. Spaceships corresponding to the space blocking effect can sail in it, and their speed will not be affected by power alone. In theory, it is very possible to achieve transcendence. speed of light.

Another example is application in the material field.

Space compression will have a direct impact on matter. The specific impact is 'compression', allowing matter to be truly compressed at the particle level.

So can it be applied to material-making technology?


If applied to manufacturing weapons, the current understanding of Z waves is almost enough, and there is no need to apply the 'space compression' procedure.

This is a galaxy-level technology. Putting it on a planet to make weapons is really overkill.

In fact, Z-wave technology has already been used in the manufacture of weapons.

The space agency, the military, and the anti-gravity team are jointly developing a satellite-type Z-wave generator, and the inside of the generator was designed by Zhao Yi.

This is a brand-new satellite weapon. It is not a weapon that 'attacks satellites', but a weapon that is launched into space like a satellite, relies on the overall satellite radar system to lock on, and emits Z waves to destroy the target.

The military believes that Z-wave satellite weapons will become the core of future global defense strategies and strike systems.

Zhao Yi no longer cares about military issues.

After sorting out the contents of Z-wave reverse energy, he carefully wrote the mathematical logic of the universe theory. The discovery of the characteristics of Z-wave reverse energy gave him a new understanding of the universe.

The Big Bang cosmology believes that the starting point of the universe is a dense and hot singularity. In the process of evolution, there is a history of evolution from hot to cold, and the expansion of the cosmic system causes the density of matter to evolve from dense to thin, just like a A huge explosion.

The establishment of the Big Bang theory is based on two basic assumptions--

Universality of physical laws and cosmological principles.

The universality of physical laws refers to the fact that existing physical laws can be applied to any space in the universe at all times.

"The universality of physical laws" is just a concept, and the scientific community has been proving it. For example, experiments have confirmed that for most of the time since the birth of the universe, the relative error value of the fine structure constant will not exceed 10 ^(-5).

In addition, general relativity has been verified experimentally very accurately through observations of the solar system and binary star systems.

On a broader cosmological scale, the empirical success of the Big Bang theory in many aspects also provides strong support for general relativity.

However, Zhao Yi can definitely overturn the Big Bang theory, because the discovery of the impact of space obstruction on particle speed and the discovery of space link technology have overturned the ‘universality of physical laws’.

When space becomes interconnectable and allows massless particles to move at unlimited speeds, the original physical system will inevitably suffer a huge impact.

Since the exposure of anti-gravity technology, the physics community has been the most affected, because top physicists cannot use existing physical theories to explain and analyze the photon anti-gravity theory. They can only think that photon anti-gravity is a Brand new physics system.

So, here comes the problem.

Physical laws and logic that conflict with the photon anti-gravity system will definitely be considered wrong, or modified to a certain extent.

Since the universality of physical laws is determined to be wrong, the Big Bang theory has no basis.

Zhao Yi’s understanding of the universe is that space is the basis for the existence of energy, and the expansion of the universe comes from the absorption of energy by space. Just like a drop of water falling on flat ground, the coverage area will continue to expand.

Matter is the product of energy that resists absorption. The matter will be continuously combined under the squeeze of space, and will eventually create a behemoth, generating an extremely violent magnetic field. In the process of resisting space absorption, it will continuously form powerful Z-wave rays. Compress the expanded space.

Eventually, space will continue to shrink. When it becomes too small to accommodate matter, matter will lose its basis of existence and be annihilated. Everything will be converted into energy, and a new round of 'space absorption energy expansion' will occur.

Over and over again, the cycle continues.

"Actually, from an external perspective, it's no different from the Big Bang, but when the underlying logic changes, everything is different..."

"This document is still temporarily sealed, and space mathematics still needs to be kept confidential."

"Perhaps it can be published one day?"

After Zhao Yi sorted out the information, he walked out of the room and saw a group of people standing outside.

Among them are senior leaders.

The senior leader immediately came over and asked, "Academician Zhao, how is the research?" He knew that Zhao Yi was studying Z wave, and Z wave was really crucial.

Zhao Yi nodded and said, "The harvest is great." But he did not give a specific explanation, but said directly, "My research has made a breakthrough, and experiments must be conducted to test it, so I need to apply for experimental funds."

"No problem!" The senior leader agreed directly, "How much funding will it cost?"

Zhao Yi dragged his chin and thought, and estimated a number, "In the early stage, let's get three billion first!"

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