Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 603 Space Station and Z-Wave Generator

"Use Z wave to compress raw materials?"

"Is it feasible? As far as I know, Z wave will enhance the activity of particles, and Z wave is also used to ignite nuclear reactions. If the raw materials are compressed, will it explode directly?"

When Chen Zeshu heard what Zhao Yi said, he was a little confused for a moment. His first reaction was that it was very dangerous.

"Will not."

Zhao Yi smiled and said, "Even if you want to ignite nuclear fusion, it will be done after the reaction starts, rather than directly igniting it at the beginning. Z wave can indeed enhance the reaction, but when it comes to direct ignition, it is also for nuclear fission."

Z waves can enhance particle activity, and high-abundance uranium raw materials will be directly ignited, causing strong nuclear fission reactions.

However, the raw materials for nuclear fusion do not themselves emit strong radiation, and the particles become more active and cannot be ignited directly.

Chen Zeshu still understood the basic principles. He asked doubtfully, "But our problem now is that the material performance is not up to standard and there is no way to control the reaction. If it is compressed raw material, the reaction should be stronger."

"It can be understood this way, but the principles are different."

Zhao Yi nodded and explained.

The activity of the internal particles of raw materials subject to space compression will be enhanced, and under the same environment, the reaction intensity can be increased.

However, there is a difference in counter-strength increases.

If it is an ordinary nuclear fusion raw material, the increase in reaction intensity means more particles participating in the reaction. However, for compressed raw materials, the same number of particles participating in the reaction will release higher energy.

Or it can be understood this way: particles absorb the energy of space compression, and after participating in nuclear reactions, more will be released.

If it is a conventional fossil fuel, after being compressed, the reaction intensity will hardly increase, because the chemical reactions involved in the fossil fuel will not change the chemical properties of the compressed material.

Nuclear fuel is different.

The basic principle of nuclear reactions is that mass is converted into energy. Particles compressed by space contain higher energy, and more will naturally be released.

Of course, it will also become more dangerous.

Chen Zeshu understood what Zhao Yi said, but he said with a wry smile, "Let's study how to control the reaction. This feeling is really too dangerous. If the subsequent reaction power is insufficient, we can consider it."

Zhao Yi shook his head and said, "Actually, this has nothing to do with controlling the reaction. High reaction intensity and high output power are one thing. The most important thing is that at the same power, the consumption of raw materials is greatly reduced."

"In addition, Academician Chen, you don't have to worry about nuclear device control. If the core is made of compressed materials, it will definitely meet the reaction control needs."

He is very confident in the nuclear fusion device he designed for himself.

There is definitely no problem with the control core of the device. Once the relevant materials are compressed, the performance will definitely be greatly enhanced, and there will be no control problems.

The two began to discuss.

Chen Zeshu is a nuclear expert and he knows the mechanism of nuclear reactions very well.

Zhao Yi also has a certain understanding of nuclear reactions. After all, he completed the core design. However, what he knows about the internal reactions and the internal reactions when real nuclear fusion occurs is only in writing.

This is mainly because Zhao Yi has not conducted detailed research on high-energy particles, nor has he actually participated in a nuclear test, or analyzed internal reactions.

The two discussed and calculated together.

They quickly came to the conclusion that if they replaced raw materials compressed five times, with the same output power, the consumption of raw materials could be greatly reduced, and the value would be about twice.

This is related to the energy enhancement of the raw material particles, but more importantly, the compressed raw materials will participate in the reaction more fully.

The latter is the key.

In fact, even if the raw material is compressed, the energy absorbed by the particles is limited, because the energy released by the Z wave is limited, and energy is conserved. The energy absorbed by the particles is definitely not high. Even if all of it is enhanced and released, it will not It would be too much.

However, the compressed raw materials have increased particle activity and will be more fully involved in nuclear reactions.

For example, there were originally one hundred particles, and the nuclear reaction could only cover fifty particles.

Now that the raw material is compressed, 90 out of a hundred particles will participate in the reaction. In addition, the energy of the particles will become higher, and the energy released will be doubled.

When the results were actually calculated, Chen Zeshu became very excited.

Nuclear fusion devices are not like nuclear fission. High-abundance raw materials can last for more than ten years. During the operation of the device, raw materials need to be constantly replaced.

The nuclear fusion experimental device currently designed can be used continuously at high power, and the raw materials are expected to be used for about six months.

If it is a regular continuous operation, it is expected to last about two years.

These are still theoretical figures.

However, replacing the fuel of the device is not as simple as refueling with gasoline. The radiation released by the nuclear fusion device is very small, but due to the complex internal structure, the process of replacing the raw materials is also very complicated. The cost of the replacement process is even higher than the value of the raw materials themselves. Several times higher.

If the use time of raw materials can be doubled, the maintenance cost of replacing raw materials during use will be greatly reduced.

"If the compression ratio is higher, the effect will definitely be better."

Chen Zeshu said with some expectation.

Zhao Yi shook his head, "About five to eight times is the optimal value. The higher the compression reaction rate, the higher the energy required. If it exceeds eight times, the gain outweighs the loss."


Two weeks later.

The large-scale Z-wave device replaced temporary generating parts and conducted a high-intensity experiment with the purpose of manufacturing the materials used in the generator and other components, which is equivalent to manufacturing materials for the device itself.

The experimental process went very smoothly. The experimental team obtained a large amount of material that was compressed about six times. At the same time, as expected, a problem occurred at the Z-wave generation port.

The next step is to use six times the compressed material to create a new port.

This process takes a long time. As Chen Zeshu said, some materials have melting points above 10,000 degrees Celsius and can almost only be melted and shaped in the laboratory.

Relevant technical personnel estimate that it will take at least two months.

But it was worth waiting two months.

As long as high-strength compression materials can be used, the internal device will be generated and will no longer be affected by low-strength space compression.

Of course, there is an upper limit.

A compressed material that is six times stronger can withstand six times the space compression strength. If it is higher than six times, it may cause port problems.

The compression strength is related to the Z-wave energy, the number of particles in the coverage area, and the strength of the magnetic field.

For example, when the coverage area is empty, the compression ratio will increase rapidly, which may cause the generator to malfunction directly.

In fact, it’s easy to understand. It’s like cooking in an iron pot. If there is nothing in the pot, problems will naturally occur.

Zhao Yi has carefully calculated that the existing design can achieve a maximum compression ratio of about twelve times in a ground environment, covering the smallest area, and the covered area is empty.

This is the limit value.

The reason why it is said to be a limit value is related to the device design, surface magnetic field, and air density.

12 times doesn’t sound like much. In fact, even if the device design and the impact of the surface environment are not considered, the compression ratio will not exceed 14 times when the highest energy is released.

This is mainly related to the principle of releasing Z waves.

The space compression ratio and the energy required increase exponentially.

If we want to achieve the critical value of the compression ratio 'e to the power of π', all the fossil fuels on the earth's surface, combined, can only compress a few grams of material at most.

"That's probably a very common substance inside a black hole, right?"

Zhao Yi thought.

With nothing to do in the experimental group, just waiting for components made of compressed materials, Zhao Yi simply returned to the capital and spent more than half a month at Yanhua University. He also attended two meetings on the way, both related to compression. Related to the research and development of materials and nuclear fusion devices.

Then he received a call from Liu Jiankun and a letter from the space agency, saying that he was invited to visit the space station that was being improved and the large anti-gravity thruster that was being manufactured.

The space agency has been developing a space station. The space station is already very complete, and the experimental module and manned spacecraft have been manufactured.

It has now reached the final stage of refinement.

The space agency's original idea was to use rocket thrusters to first transport the core modules into space, then carry them one by one and slowly 'splice' them together to truly complete the entire space station.

However, the speed of technology development is too fast. No one expected that anti-gravity technology would develop rapidly. The aviation group directly developed large-scale anti-gravity thrusters and has carried out several missions to operate satellites in the sky.

Therefore, the space agency's plan has also changed. They held a meeting and decided to use large anti-gravity thrusters to pack the experimental cabin, living cabin, manned spacecraft, including other parts, and even experimental equipment, all in one go and transport them to space. middle.

This plan sounds very amazing, because the weight of a single shipment exceeds 400 tons, and it is transported to an altitude of several hundred kilometers.

If a rocket thruster is used, it is almost impossible to achieve, because the limit of rocket propulsion for transportation is almost one hundred tons.

Three hundred tons, it’s hard to imagine.

Anti-gravity thrusters are not at the same level as rocket thrusters. Relevant technical personnel have demonstrated that the maximum movement can exceed one thousand tons, which is far from the limit.

Now the space agency is inviting Zhao Yi to visit. Their idea is that they want Zhao Yi to correct the problem. After all, it was Zhao Yi who developed the anti-gravity device.

Zhao Yi and Liu Jiankun talked on the phone and decided to go to the space agency.

He didn't go alone, there were several leaders, other technical staff, and several people from the theory team.

Large anti-gravity thrusters are definitely different from small thrusters. The technical difficulty is not at the same level, and any problem may occur.

But that's not what Zhao Yi is concerned about. Technical issues are not a problem for him. What he wants to know is whether the space station can leave space to install a high-intensity Z-wave generator?

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