Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 610 It seems that I am still too superficial!

Zhou Yuansheng had the feeling that Lian Po was old, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that the gap would be even greater when he was young.

In fact, it was not Zhao Yi who impressed Zhou Yuansheng the most, but Zhang Qican, Zhao Yi's assistant. Zhang Qican was a core member of the theory group. Although most of the research work was completed by Zhao Yi, Zhang Qican was undoubtedly a great influence on Zhao Yi. The person with the most thorough theoretical understanding.

Whether it is anti-gravity technology theory, space Z-wave theory, or even space shuttle-related theories, Zhang Qican understands them thoroughly. In the process of continuous understanding, he has his own unique views on theoretical cognition.

Now in the space agency's technology research and development process, Zhang Qican's excellence has been demonstrated. He is responsible for most of the theoretical explanations. In the subsequent technical research process, he also participated in a lot of work. It can be said that he ranks second in experimental contributions. of people, whose contribution is only less than that of Zhao Yi who made theoretical research.

It is very normal for Zhao Yi to perform well, and even his performance is exaggerated, which is not surprising, because he is already recognized as the world's top mathematician and a rare genius in hundreds of years. He is even considered to be a leader. A key figure in the launch of human science and technology.

Zhang Qican is relatively plain, and most people just think of him as an ordinary math worker.

Now in the process of preparing for the experiment, many experts from the space agency have discovered that Zhang Qican performs much better than them when faced with very complex mathematical problems. There are some complex mathematics and calculations that Zhang Qican can easily It was done, and they thought hard and couldn't find a solution.

This is the difference in strength levels.

Judging from the few months of working together, they can know that Zhang Qican's ability level has reached the top in the world, and can be compared with those famous geniuses, completely surpassing their level.

In fact, from Zhao Yi's point of view, it is normal for Zhang Qican to perform well. Most scientific workers are at their peak between the ages of 30 and 40. Zhang Qican devoted himself to mathematical research and spent several years working every day. When studying very complex space mathematics, it can be said that we are making continuous progress every day. If this level of research and study lasts for a week or two, it is nothing, but if it lasts for several months or several years, it will be very difficult. .

In a few years, Zhang Qican absorbed more knowledge than most people would have in a lifetime.

Of course, the downside is that research consumes a lot of brain cells, which makes Zhang Qican obviously bald and has a lot of white on his head at such a young age.

Many people start to gain weight after their thirties, but Zhang Qican showed no signs of gaining weight at all. Compared with when we first met, he seemed to be a little thinner.

These are probably the external manifestations of excessive use of brain cells.

When Zhao Yi saw Zhang Qican's appearance, he became a little worried for him. The most important thing was that Zhang Qican had not had a girlfriend yet, let alone a wife and children, and he was already thirty-six years old.

In the past few years, Zhang Qican focused entirely on mathematical research and had no time to consider issues in his personal life.

As you get older, you definitely have to consider personal issues.

So taking advantage of the three-day holiday, Zhao Yi decided to take Zhang Qican back to Yanhua University, "Brother Zhang, you are also a professor at Yanhua University. Although there is no normal course schedule, you should go back during the holiday. This time I also applied for a holiday for you, let’s go back together and come back together.”

"By the way, you live in the dormitory building, right? It's too shabby there. Let's just go to the medical center this time. I'll arrange a room for you to stay in the laboratory."

Zhang Qican asked doubtfully, "Academician Zhao, do you still want to go to the medical center and your laboratory during the holidays?" He thought Zhao Yi wanted to work with him in his free time.

Zhao Yi thought for a moment and nodded, "I will definitely go. It's hard to say whether I'll work or not. Anyway, it's only three days. Just listen to my arrangements."

Zhang Qican didn't have any objections.

Although he is a professor at the School of Science at Yanhua University, he has spent most of his time outside in the past two or three years. He has not lived in the assigned dormitory for a few days at all, and he does not know what it is like. Temporary accommodation has not been arranged. not bad.


Zhao Yi and Zhang Qican returned to the capital together, and went straight to their homes after returning.

Zhang Qican also followed.

Only when he got home did Zhang Qican know why Zhao Yi was so anxious to come back.

The child is born!

Zhao Yi came in and said hello to his mother, then quickly rushed to the bedroom.

Zhao Hongjuan and Lin Xiaoqing were talking in the bedroom. The child was huddled in Lin Xiaoqing's arms and eating. Zhao Yi stood at the door and took a few deep breaths.

"Zhao Yi!"

"Xiao Yi, you are back!"

Liu Jing also followed and complained, "You kid, why are you so reckless?" After she finished speaking, she noticed Zhang Qican entering the door and hurriedly went over to greet him.

"Zhao Yi, you are too busy. You didn't come back even after hearing the news two days ago." Lin Xiaoqing complained while holding her child.

Zhao Hongjuan said, "Xiaoqing, don't blame Xiaoyi. It's normal for him to be busy with whatever job he has. He is all contributing to the country!"

"I won't give you leave. I've called the leader several times." Zhao Yi explained and hurried over to see the child.

It's a girl, her name is Zhao Ran, the name was decided upon by the family after long discussion.

At this time, the child fell asleep while feeding.

Zhao Yi sat by the bed and asked Lin Xiaoqing, "How are you feeling? Are you recovering well?"

"Nothing wrong, just a little weak."

"It's normal!" Zhao Hongjuan said, "Xiaoyi, don't worry. Xiaoqing, like me, should recover quickly. We didn't have the conditions now and no one to take care of us. Xudong was busy all day, but after that After two weeks, I felt nothing. Xiaoqing was able to get out of bed and walk the same day."


Now Zhao Yi was relieved and hurriedly went to see the child, "Give me a hug."

"Then be careful."

Lin Xiaoqing quickly gave instructions and slowly placed the child in Zhao Yi's arms.

Zhao Yi gently took the child, looking at the little troubled face, he couldn't help but smile.

He has thought about the feeling of being a father many times. He has thought about the feeling of holding a child for the first time and truly knowing that he has become a father. When he held the child, he found that there was no very special feeling. He only felt that he was in his arms. Since my baby is my own blood, I can't help but want to protect her and take care of her.

But the feeling of becoming a father is still very good, because the bloodline has been continued and there is another person in my life who cares about me.

It had only been a week since the baby was born, and the news hadn't fully spread yet.

Zhao Yi couldn't help but share his joy with others. He posted a message on Weibo with a photo of himself holding his child, "Make a wish——

I hope she can grow up healthily and have a happy life! "

This is the simplest wish.

When facing my own child, what I think of is not that she will become a famous person or accomplish any great achievements. I just want her to live a healthy and happy life.

After the news was released, it immediately attracted a lot of attention. Not only did a large number of netizens express their congratulations, many netizens also gave red envelopes, and many media also continued to reprint the news.

For a time, "Zhao Yi became a father" became a hot search on the Internet and quickly reached the top position.

Then, everyone knew.

A group of people called to send congratulations, and those who were particularly familiar even came to visit.

For example, Li Renzhe and Fan Lei.

After they learned the news, they immediately agreed to come and see it together.

Zhang Qican was visiting at home. He had no relevant experience and didn't know what to give, so he simply went out to the bank, withdrew 10,000 yuan in cash, wrapped a thick red envelope and gave it over.

When he came back, he happened to meet Li Renzhe and Fan Lei.

"Brother Zhang, what did you give me?" Fan Lei knew Zhang Qican. He didn't know what to give, so he just bought some gifts.

Zhang Qican said, "Shouldn't we give red envelopes? I think people should give red envelopes when they have a baby."

"That makes sense!"

Fan Lei and Li Renzhe simply went to withdraw the money and bought red envelopes to wrap them up.

After they entered the door, they happened to see Zhang Qican chatting with Zhao Yi. Zhang Qican placed a thick red envelope next to the child.

Fan Lei and Li Renzhe also hurried over and kept saying congratulations, but they found that their red envelopes were not as generous as Zhang Qican's.

They did not give out red envelopes immediately, but took a moment to pull Zhang Qican aside and asked, "Brother Zhang, how much did you give?"

"Ten thousand is too little to spend." Zhang Qican said. He felt that a red envelope of ten thousand was not much, because Zhao Yi did not lack this money at all.

Fan Lei and Li Renzhe simply made an excuse and went to get the same big red envelope from their wallets. When they came back, they found that the child had gone to the bedroom to sleep. They were too embarrassed to go to the bedroom, so they simply handed the red envelope directly to Zhao Yi. .

Zhao Yi suddenly became much more serious and said immediately, "I am going to criticize both of you. What kind of era are we in now? Are you still giving red envelopes? What is our relationship? Do you still need to give red envelopes? Even if you buy a small gift for your child It’s all fine.”

"Especially for giving such a big red envelope. It looks like 10,000 yuan, right? As soon as I looked at you two, I knew it must be because Brother Zhang just gave me 10,000 yuan, right?"

"Can we compare with each other when giving gifts? Times are progressing, and so must our thinking. We don't want to do that, right?"

Fan Lei's expression remained unchanged and he even rolled his eyes.

Li Renzhe felt guilty when he heard this. He even felt that there was something wrong with his thinking. He would ask others how much they would give when giving a red envelope. He was going to take the money back and go out to buy a toy soon.

At this time, Zhao Yi quickly reached for the red envelope, put it on the table happily, and then said, "This is the last time. I can't give such a big red envelope to Ran Ran next time."

Li Renzhe looked down at his blank palms and suddenly felt something was wrong.

Can you give Ran Ran such a big red envelope next time?

Also, next time?



Zhao Yi was just making a joke. Everyone knew that he couldn't care about money.

One thousand, ten thousand, even one hundred thousand, one million, there is no difference to him, they are just a small amount of money.

For example, the rewards he casually posted on Weibo have exceeded one million.

That afternoon, Zhao Yi went to the medical center and arranged for Zhang Qican to stay in a lounge in the laboratory.

Then he found Zhang Wei and said, "Look, we don't have anyone who is suitable. Let's introduce him to Zhang Qican. He is no more than 35 years old and doesn't have a girlfriend yet. His personal life problems also need to be solved."

"This is easy to handle!"

Zhang Wei smiled and nodded and said, "With Zhang Qican's conditions and abilities, finding a girlfriend is too easy."

This is a fact.

Zhao Yi is a star in the academic world, and Zhang Qican is also a rich and handsome man in the academic world. He has become a strategic mathematician, and his personal salary is very good. He has been doing research with Zhao Yi, and he also has a halo bonus. In addition, With bad looks, it is not difficult to find a girlfriend who also does scientific research.

It just so happened that there were many single young women in the medical center.

There is only so much that Zhao Yi can do, and the rest is up to Zhang Qican himself.

In the next two days, Zhao Yi stayed at home, spending time with Lin Xiaoqing and taking care of the children.

The relaxing time flies by quickly, and the vacation will be over in a blink of an eye.

Zhao Yi went to the medical center and saw Zhang Qican in the lobby. However, he did not go directly. Instead, he watched Zhang Qican chatting with a chubby girl from a distance.

Zhao Linlin happened to walk in and stood next to Zhao Yi.

The two of them talked for a few words, mostly related to work and children. Then Zhao Yi asked with some confusion, "Linlin, that's Feng Ruixue, right? She's doing experiments with Lao Ai."

"Yes, it's Sister Feng." Zhao Linlin said, "Sister Feng is quite a nice person and very enthusiastic, but she has never found a boyfriend."


Zhao Linlin pouted, almost meaning, 'Of course you know'.

Feng Ruixue's inability to find a boyfriend is directly related to her appearance. She is only a little over 1.5 meters tall and is obviously chubby. Coupled with her big mouth and the aura of a doctorate degree, most men will not be able to accept her.

Feng Ruixue is also very good. She graduated from Shuimu University and became an associate researcher at the age of twenty-seven.

Zhang Qican and Feng Ruixue were chatting happily, but there was no big problem. The key was that the two were very close to each other and seemed to be somewhat intimate.

A tall and thin man who looks like a mantis is a top mathematician.

One is chubby and is a biologist.

Zhao Yi suddenly thought of a foreign scientific comedy TV series, in which there seemed to be such a combination. In the end, the male and female protagonists did research together and successfully won the Nobel Prize.

Everyone is happy!

Of course, the problem now is that Zhao Yi feels that he believes in love, because according to Zhang Qican's conditions, he can easily find a girlfriend no matter how beautiful and young he is.

So why choose Feng Ruixue?

"Love does exist in the world!" Zhao Yi sighed with emotion and couldn't help but give a thumbs up from a distance. He didn't want to disturb the man and woman who were in love, but he still had to walk over and shouted, "Brother Zhang, get ready. Is it done? It’s almost time.”

Zhang Qican stood up smartly and nodded shyly, "Well, I'm ready." After he finished speaking, he looked at Feng Ruixue, seeming to have mustered up a lot of courage, and introduced, "Academician Zhao, this is Feng Ruixue." Ruixue, we just met."

"I know."

Zhao Yi rolled his eyes and said, "This is the medical center, I am more familiar with it than you are."

"Let's go!"

"Brother Zhang, if you want to communicate in depth, you have to wait until after the experiment."

Zhang Qican picked up his luggage and said to Feng Ruixue, "Wait for me."


Feng Ruixue nodded heavily.

Zhao Yi and Zhang Qican walked out of the door together. Thinking of the scene just now, he suddenly felt the urge to recite poetry. He shouted, "Love!"

"It's so magical!"

"You think so too, right? Love is very magical. Sometimes, you really need fate." Zhang Qican asked deeply.

Zhao Yi sighed and looked at Zhang Qican strangely. Finally, he nodded and said, "Yes," and then added in a low voice, "It seems that I am still too superficial."

"It should be said that I am the kind of superficial person!"

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