Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 613 The experiment was successful!

The TV screen showed the view of the camera on the small spaceship. The side hull of the small spaceship was in the camera, and the space station was clearly visible in the starry sky.

The small spaceship quickly approached the space station, and at the same time it made an obvious sharp turn, and the space station was quickly thrown to the edge of the camera.

The host was introducing continuously. His tone was very slow, but he was obviously very excited, and there was a hint of doubt in his tone. "The experiment being conducted now is called space shuttle. The main content of the experiment is to allow a small anti-gravity spacecraft to conduct space shuttle."

"The experiment predicts that it will reach the moon within ten seconds."

"Small spacecraft will not land on the moon, but will fly around the moon, including probes that orbit the moon. They will continue to take photos of the moon and send them to the earth."

The host's subsequent introduction is no longer important. The term "space shuttle experiment" and the explanation of "reaching the moon in ten seconds" are enough for everyone to know the content of the experiment.

All the listeners in front of the TV were very shocked, "Space shuttle? It's not the kind of space shuttle that I understand, is it?"

"Through the wormhole, across space?"

"It shouldn't be through a wormhole. The experiment didn't mention a wormhole, but it will definitely be a shuttle, and the speed will be very, very fast."

"It takes ten seconds to reach the moon. It takes one second to fly 30,000 kilometers, which is one-tenth of the speed of light."


"This violates the laws of physics. The speed of an object with the mass of a spaceship cannot reach one-tenth of the speed of light, otherwise the energy it possesses would be too terrifying!"

"If a spacecraft at this speed hits the moon, will there be a violent impact on the moon?"

"Man-made meteorite impact!"

"Didn't you hear? The host said it won't land directly on the moon."

"Is this important? You have missed the point. What is important is space shuttle! Space shuttle! Space shuttle!"

Public opinion was in an uproar.

Fortunately, it was not April Fool's Day, otherwise everyone would think it was an April Fool's Day joke.

Other TV stations were also thinking about April Fool's Day. When they heard the tones of 'Space Shuttle', they thought they heard it wrong at first. Then they heard the explanation of reaching the moon in ten seconds, and subconsciously thought it was April Fool's Day. joke.

However, that day was not April Fools' Day, and since April Fools' Day is a foreign holiday, the space agency seemed to have no reason to make such a big joke.

Some TV stations broadcast live broadcasts and simply type in the translated text.

Some TV stations have hosts, and they will provide corresponding commentary based on the live broadcast and what the hosts of domestic TV stations say.

At this time, they suddenly didn't know what to say.

Those who responded quickly paused and immediately said, "I'm sorry, everyone, I just heard a very scary word, space shuttle."

"No, I shouldn't say scary, but magical. I don't know whether to believe it. They said the experiment was a space shuttle, and they confirmed that the small spaceship on the screen will reach the moon within ten seconds."

"It's true, but I don't believe it."

"I bet this is fake. There's no way it's possible. If he's real, I'm going to sleep with the pigs tonight."

"No, I want to sleep with a boar with Q hair for ten days in a row, because it is so exciting. This means that mankind has begun the starry age and has begun the journey of the universe!"

Public opinion at home and abroad became heated.

Many people are not interested in scientific experiments because they are domestic experiments, which are relatively better and have very high ratings.

The viewing fees abroad are relatively much different.

When it was revealed that the super experiment was a space shuttle, the ratings at home and abroad experienced a huge and rapid increase. The ratings of some TV stations even increased several times. Some people at work turned on the live broadcast after hearing the news. , some companies simply use public screens to transfer programs directly.


Ratings around the world reached a peak, with the total number of viewers exceeding 600 million in time.

This is a very scary number.

For example, the total number of viewers of the Football World Cup final, which had extremely high ratings, was only around 500 million.

The last Football World Cup final had 545 million viewers, setting a record for the highest ratings in history.

Sports competitions are one of the most popular programs, while science programs are far behind. Even a live space experiment named "Super Experiment" will hardly attract too many people to watch.

Things are different now.

When the host confirmed that it was a space shuttle experiment, it immediately attracted a large number of people to watch, and it was broadcast live immediately.

Even those who do not have the conditions to watch live TV are very concerned about this experiment. They all want to know whether it is true or false.

If the experiment is true and successful, I would also like to know how the space shuttle was completed and what kind of technology was used?

All the viewers in front of the TV were staring at the screen, as if they were interpreting the saying "Looks can kill". Under the gaze of hundreds of millions of people, the live broadcast was divided into two shots. One shot was the camera field of view of the space station, and the other shot It was obviously shaking constantly.

The host introduced, "This is the field of view of the space station. We can see that under the field of view of the space station, the small spacecraft is quickly moving away, but the trajectory is not a straight line, and the direction seems to be still adjusting."

"As for the small spacecraft, the astronomy professor we invited confirmed that it is heading towards the moon."

"We can also see the moon in the lens, although there is not enough light and it is a bit blurry."

"The footage of the space station is constantly shaking, indicating that the experiment has begun. We don't know what he is doing, so let us wait and see."

There are currently two shots on the TV screen, one is a shot of a small spaceship and the other is a shot of a space station.

In the shot of the spaceship, there is a starry sky, but the hazy moon can clearly be seen.

In the lens of the space station, you can see the complete small spacecraft. At the same time, the lens is still shaking, but the frequency and amplitude are very stable.

Soon, the live broadcast screen changed.

The footage of the National Spaceship suddenly turned completely black.

The space station continued to tremble, then suddenly stopped after a few seconds, and then a strange thing happened -

The small spacecraft suddenly became very blurry, and there seemed to be an inward double image that was inaudible. The double image lasted for a brief moment, and I don't know how long it took. When I looked past it, there was nothing.

The space in front of the space station lens became empty, and the spaceship just disappeared into thin air.

"What's going on? What happened? Where's the spaceship?"

"Why is there no more?"

"It was obviously very big just now. Even if it was flying fast, it should have slowly turned into a small black dot. Why did it disappear out of thin air?"


"Could it be that the spaceship was cut off directly by cutting?"

Amid the discussion among the audience in front of the TV, the footage of the space station remained unchanged, while the footage of the small spaceship remained pitch black.

At this time, the lens changes.

The footage of the space station was gone, and all that was left was footage of the small spaceship, but there was nothing in the footage, just blackness.

This darkness can even feel scary because there is no light at all.

"Isn't the TV broken?"

"The live broadcast was cut off? Or what happened? This darkness looks scary?"

"In the end what happened?"

A few seconds later.

The lens seemed to have returned to normal. What appeared in front of us was half of the small spaceship, and the remaining part was the starry sky.

Slowly, the camera changes direction.

A huge star appeared in the lens. When part of the background was covered by the huge star, some people who knew it immediately knew -

"This is the moon!"

"It's the moon, that's right!"

"It must be the moon. Look at those craters. I've studied the moon!"

"Although it's a little dark, it must be the moon, right? That spaceship has already flown to the moon?"

"What happened just now? Why did you end up on the moon?"

Viewers in front of TV sets all over the world were very surprised. People who realized what happened held their breath and felt very incredible in their hearts.

Space shuttle?

Reaching the moon in ten seconds?

Looking at the moon under the lens, it seems that the experiment was successful?


Space Administration, Space Shuttle Experiment Command Center.

When the moon appeared in the shot, the command center was completely silent.

Everyone held their breath and stared blankly at the scene in the camera. Then a round of applause rang out. Many people looked back subconsciously, only to realize that it was Zhao Yi who was applauding.

Zhao Yi stood up excitedly. He reacted faster than others.

When everyone was immersed in shock, he had suppressed the excitement in his heart, stood up and clapped vigorously.

Only then did others react.

The command center was immediately filled with applause, followed by shouts of surprise, "Success! We succeeded! The space shuttle experiment was successful!"

"We reached the moon in ten seconds! We really reached the moon!"

"I really can't believe it happened. I always thought it was fake."

"To be honest, I think so too! But we should believe Academician Zhao!"

"Academician Zhao! That's great!"

"Academician Zhao! Academician Zhao! Academician Zhao -" Many people simply shouted slogans, and a large number of people rushed towards Zhao Yi, directly lifting Zhao Yi up without caring about the senior leaders nearby.

Zhao Yi was lifted into the sky by a group of people and then thrown upward with force. The crowd shouted, "Academician Zhao! Academician Zhao! Academician Zhao!"

At this time, Zhao Yi could no longer get excited. He shouted quickly, "Put me down! Put me down, Ma De! Put me down!"

His shouts were completely covered by the cheers and had no effect at all.

In the end, the senior leaders couldn't stand it and hurried over to greet everyone to put Zhao Yi down.

Zhao Yi's face turned a little dark when his feet were on the ground again. He knew he couldn't argue with everyone, because even he was very excited.

Zhao Yi stood in the middle, waved to everyone, indicating that everyone should be quiet, took a deep breath, and said loudly, "Don't be excited, everyone. The experiment was successful. It is indeed worthy of joy, but this was a planned success." , we have worked hard for nine months, nine months!”

"The current success is the result of everyone's efforts. Everyone's work is very important and critical."

"I believe that this moment will be an important symbol for mankind to move towards the stars in the universe. The names of everyone present will be recorded."

"In the future, we will achieve greater success. Now it is the moon, and in the future it will be Mars. In the future, we may be able to leave the solar system and go to the farther stars!"

"Come on, everybody!"

"However, everyone should also note that the experiment is not over yet, and I did not complete the task perfectly."

The last sentence is crucial.

Although everyone is very excited and the space shuttle experiment is a success, the work is not over, because the tasks of the small spacecraft are to complete the space shuttle experiment and to release satellites orbiting the moon.

Only the first experiment has been completed, and the second task has not yet been completed.

Senior leaders also stood up and said a few words, urging everyone to return to their respective posts.

Although the work task has not been completed, everyone is very excited because they know that the experiment is the most important. The release of satellites orbiting the moon is just ancillary work of the experiment. You cannot just abandon the small spacecraft after completing the space shuttle experiment. It's really a bit of a waste.

Next, the small spacecraft will be released to orbit the moon, then shut down all power devices, fly around the moon 145 times, and crash directly on the moon.

According to the predicted speed, the small spacecraft will be smashed into pieces, because there is still some circuit energy, and there will also be a certain degree of explosion.

at the same time.

The host also suppressed his inner excitement and continued to introduce, "The pictures we are seeing now are transmitted by space connection technology, but the energy on the spacecraft is limited."

"Next, the spacecraft will release satellites orbiting the moon and discard the anti-gravity device and main energy part."

The link screen lasted for about three minutes, and then it was disconnected directly, and the screen returned to the host's live broadcast hall.

At this point, the experiment is over.

Because the space link technology was lost, the shooting lens was also turned off, and the impact of the small spacecraft could not be transmitted to the earth out of thin air.

The live broadcast is over.

But the ensuing discussions and subsequent impacts have only just begun.

Dozens of minutes after the experiment ended, everyone was still discussing crazily, "It's really a space shuttle, we arrived at the moon in ten seconds!"

“I can’t believe that today’s technology is so advanced!”

"It takes ten seconds to reach the moon, reaching 30,000 kilometers per second. Wouldn't it be enough to reach Mars in half an hour?"

"This technology is so awesome!"

"I never thought that I would see such technology in just a few decades of my life. I feel that in a few decades, we might be able to go out of the solar system."

"This is too awesome!"

"At this moment, I have no way to express my crazy emotions using words other than swearing. I can only say -"

"That's awesome!"

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