Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 631 This is not mathematics, this is metaphysics!

After Edward Witten came to China, he joined the work of the theory group and was responsible for organizing and summarizing the underlying theory.

He has been working for a while and was quickly promoted to deputy leader of the theory group because of his outstanding ability level.

Although Edward Witten was already doing theoretical work on confidentiality, his level was still inferior and he was unable to access higher confidentiality theories.

The research conducted by Zhao Yi now has the highest level of confidentiality, because the research involves spatial analysis.

Spatial analysis is the basis of all theories of the latest science and technology.

Now the whole world knows about anti-gravity technology, anti-energy barrier technology, and the latest disclosed Z-wave technology, but most outsiders think it is just a brand-new theoretical technology involving optical applications and mathematical analysis.

In fact, the basis of everything is spatial analysis.

As long as we do research on spatial analysis, it involves the highest level of confidentiality issues.

Therefore, if Zhao Yi wanted to study with Edward Witten, he still had to apply to his superiors. In his application, he explained the content and importance of space research.

The application was approved quickly.

One is because Zhao Yi made the application. To put it bluntly, the latest technology is Zhao Yi's research. If his research encounters obstacles and needs to be carried out with other people, of course there will be no problem.

Secondly, Edward Witten is very highly regarded. He is the world's top mathematician and theoretical physicist. Apart from Zhao Yi, it is difficult to find a mathematician in China who can compare with Edward Witten.

Even if Qiu Chengwen also won the Fields, he may not be as good as Edward Witten.

Edward Witten is a world-recognized mathematical genius. He only did theoretical physics research, but he won the Fields Medal, which is enough to prove his talent in mathematics.

At the same time, Edward Witten's string theory research has influenced the entire physics community. Many talented physicists have devoted themselves to the research of string theory and put a lot of energy into the subsequent derivation and analysis of string theory.

Although Zhao Yi is the most talented mathematician working in the world, there is no doubt that Edward Witten is enough to guide Zhao Yi in the same field.

This is also the reason why Zhao Yi applied to do research with Edward Witten.

Edward Witten is now working in the capital. He is only doing the work of organizing basic theories related to the latest science and technology, but he loves this job very much because he can come into contact with some perfect mathematics and physical theories that have been proven by experiments. .

This made Edward Witten feel as if he had been opened to a new world.

He was eager for this job and felt that he was doing the most meaningful thing in his life. He spent most of his time swimming in the ocean of new theories. The only pity was that he could not participate in more advanced research for the time being.

When Edward Witten received the news that Zhao Yi invited him to do research together, he was immediately surprised. "Zhao Yi invited me to do confidential research?"

"It must be related to the latest technology, right?"

"And I also applied. It should be very confidential and very high-"

On the day he received the news, Edward Witten asked his wife to pack her things, and then quickly took a special car to Zhengyang.

He arrived in the early morning of that day, went directly to the R\u0026D base of Yixing Technology, found an office and slept.

Nine o'clock in the morning.

After Zhao Yi had breakfast, he slowly went to Yixing's R\u0026D base. He felt very depressed just looking at the screen of his mobile phone.

In the early morning, Edward Witten arrived in Zhengyang, and then contacted Qian Hong. In the morning, Qian Hong gave Zhao Yi's contact information to Edward, who started calling and sending messages continuously.

It all feels like harassment.

"Zhao Yi, why aren't you here yet? We can't waste this great time!"

"You are still very young. You must work hard. You should get up at six o'clock in the morning! What, you still have breakfast? Isn't breakfast done in the office? You are simply too lazy!"

"I went to bed at two o'clock yesterday and woke up at five o'clock!"

"God! I can't believe it's already eight o'clock and you're still not here!"

"It's almost nine o'clock——"

Edward Witten stood at the door of the office building, his eyes full of sadness as he looked over.

Zhao Yi finally came.

Even though he had entered the gate of the R\u0026D base, he still walked slowly, waved hello to Edward from a distance, and shouted, "So early! I heard you came in the early morning? I thought you would come today." Come."

He spoke still slowly.

Edward Witten strode over in depression, walked to Zhao Yi's side, grabbed his clothes and walked inside, "Zhao Yi! Come on! I can't wait any longer. What kind of research is this time?" "

Zhao Yi had no choice but to walk forward quickly.

When he got to the office and brewed a cup of coffee, he said, "I want to do space research."

"Space, multi-dimensional, M theory?" Edward Witten was a little confused.

Zhao Yi stopped procrastinating and said directly, "You can understand it however you want. The most important thing is that I hope to find a way to understand space that can be proven experimentally."

This is a standard theoretical physics problem.

Edward Witten understood it immediately, but he still didn’t understand the specific content.

Zhao Yi continued to explain, and his explanation made Edward Witten's eyes shine.

Although I knew it must be involved in keeping secrets secret, I still didn’t expect it to be related to space link technology, or even a further step of ‘space energy transmission’?

And, has it been done?

"You're not joking, right? Zhao Yi!" Edward Witten said very excitedly. If the content he just heard spread out, it will definitely cause an uproar and will definitely shock the scientific community.

The space link technology is already very shocking. The result is now direct space energy transmission, which is directly transmitted through space.

This is truly ‘wireless’ technology.

Because the space connection technology covers a very wide range, the coverage range of energy transmission will definitely be very wide.

In other words, just thinking about it briefly shows that space energy transmission can realize energy transmission from the earth to other planets.

This technology can easily support equipment on other planets or in space to operate under the continuous energy supply of the earth.

Zhao Yi continued to explain, "Currently we can only transmit light energy. Others have not been studied yet and are theoretically impossible."

Edward Witten nodded in understanding. Even if it was just light energy transmission, it was already amazing. He couldn't wait to start researching it.

But their research is not the theory of space energy transmission, but the analysis problem of space.

The bottom line of Zhao Yi's question is, "What is space?"

If it were a few years ago, Edward Witten would not have to think about it at all. He could use a lot of M-theory content to explain space in many aspects.

Now he's stuck.

The main reason is because of the emergence of the latest technology, because the latest technology has entered the stage of practical application and can be said to be a theory that has been proven by reality. However, string theory and M theory only exist on paper and are not proven theories.

Even if you have a fervent belief in string theory, you still know that you cannot use "theory on paper" to explain the end of the theory that has been proven.

Edward Witten didn't know where to start.

Zhao Yi told the direction - dimension!

"The first thing we have to do is to mathematically describe matter in various dimensions to find a way of understanding that is closest to the experimental results."

This is the direction of the work.

Regarding the dimensionality of space matter, Edward Witten is the real expert, and Zhao Yi is much worse than him.

They need to demonstrate together how various substances behave in different dimensions, as well as the deeper relationship between time, matter and space.

At the same time, they also need to demonstrate dimensionality definition.

After Zhao Yi explained the research direction, they began to work on related mathematical analysis together. Another person involved in the work was Zhang Qican.

Now Zhang Qican can say that his ability level has definitely reached the world level. Coupled with his understanding of the latest scientific and technological theories, he also has the world's top ability level and can fully participate in the research of advanced theoretical physics.

Zhao Yi, Edward Witten and Zhang Qican are each responsible for a part of the mathematical work.

In the process of continuous research, every once in a while, they will communicate and discuss with each other, talk about some problems encountered, and discuss solutions to the problems together.


The research of the three people involves the original research-the quality point issue.

The theory published by Zhao Yi and Edward Witten holds that the mass point marked by the Nth power of 2 is squeezed and repelled from space. The repulsion of the mass point by space is also the source of gravity and strong force.

Now the research question is more in-depth. Why is the mass point repelled by space? How can we understand space to explain the problem of mass points being excluded?

This is about studying the deeper relationship between mass points and spatial extrusion.

Whenever we encounter the problem of mass point and space, there will be different opinions due to different understandings of the composition of space.

The three of them will still have disputes, and even Zhang Qican and Zhao Yi will have disputes.

This is why everyone’s understanding is different.

Because space can be said to be still a theoretical issue, rather than a definite substance, the description of space can still only be understood sideways through its properties, which leads to differences in understanding.

There is a saying that goes, "Everyone has a different Hamlet in their hearts."

When looking at the same thing, there will definitely be deviations in understanding, not to mention that it is a space that cannot be described with certainty.

They were doing confidential research, but some people still came to observe.

For example, the space information technology R\u0026D team.

For example, the members of the Z-wave team.


Some of the country's top mathematicians who knew the news and were involved in confidential research rushed over to observe the truly top-level research. They would not hinder the work of the three of them, but when they heard one or two words from time to time, they felt as if their trip was in vain. .

This is no longer doing mathematical research, it is completely doing fantasy research!

"Looking at mass points from a seven-dimensional perspective is obviously different from six-dimensional ones."

"Seven, being a prime number, has a separate dimension and cannot be divided."

"In contrast, there are differences in the five dimensions. The same material placed in a higher-dimensional space will show the characteristics of being stretched."

"Low dimensions are like projections, and low dimensions cannot express high-dimensional characteristics and cannot be interpreted. There is an absolute difference between the performance of time in low dimensions and high dimensions -"

What is this?

There were two little old academicians who came to listen. When they came back, they still wanted to join in and discuss advanced theoretical physics together. After listening to it for a few times and looking for some manuscripts to study, they simply left with a sense of disappointment.

When someone asked, they even said, "I'm going back. When I go back, I'll quit my job and retire at home!"

"From now on, the world will be dominated by young people. We old people will be of no use at all. We really have no choice but to provide for our old age!"


Although the research done by Zhao Yi, Zhang Qican, and Edward Witten seems to be a bit "metaphysical," in fact, their research is still very purposeful. Theoretical research is only one aspect, and space information technology is also being carried out simultaneously. Experiments by the R\u0026D team.

The R\u0026D team uses refined experimental methods to find the rules that control energy transmission efficiency.

The simplest and most direct method is to replace a light beam inside the space connection device with several micro-beams with adjustable directions, and study whether the efficiency of space energy transmission can be affected by finely adjusting the direction of the micro-beams.

This kind of experimental method can be said to be a stupid method, but every discovery can be said to be a big discovery.

As long as the energy transmission efficiency changes a little bit, you can directly record it, a little bit, and a little bit more, record all the changes, and use data analysis to find out the changing rules of energy transmission efficiency through the experimental process, change methods, etc. .

Compared with theoretical research, experimental research is more direct and reliable.

On the basis of space theory research, Zhao Yi will also pay careful attention to the experimental data of the R\u0026D team. Unfortunately, the experimental data is very scarce. It can be said that the energy transmission efficiency can change even once after several days of experiments. Efficient.

If there is no support from theoretical research, experimental methods are also effective, but the time required will definitely be very long, perhaps calculated in 'years'.

Of course.

The significance of experimental research to Zhao Yi is different, because experimental data can provide many conditions to help use causal thinking.

Two months later.

The office is filled with complex mathematical manuscripts, and the research of Zhao Yi, Edward Witten and Zhang Qican has finally made progress.

They discovered that the best way to understand space is a conjecture that has already been made before——

"Space is three-dimensional, and mass points are the product of high dimensions!"

"Energy, no limit to dimensions!"

"Spatial link technology is to establish channels that exceed three dimensions, so that it can cross distance barriers and transmit particles that are not constrained by dimensions."

"If the theory and technology continue to improve, a channel can be established in the same dimension as the mass point, and material transmission can also be carried out. However, the demand is very high and cannot be understood or discussed for the time being."

"At the same time, spatial links can be regarded as a kind of 'one-way sharing'. The theoretical maximum efficiency of sharing is 50%. This is an unreachable limit."

"No matter how we improve the technology and build channels, the energy transmission efficiency will never reach 50%!"

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