Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 635 Public information from the space agency

The so-called ‘limiting and dynamic adjustment of space transmission performance’ simply means controlling the transmission performance in order to save more energy and ensure safety.

It's like a regular car, it's impossible to maintain maximum fuel consumption all the time.

Whether it is a new energy tram or an ordinary fuel vehicle, the control of operating power is very flexible.

To put it simply, when a car is driving at a slow speed, its fuel consumption will be relatively low.

The control of power devices manufactured by relying on space energy transmission technology is relatively poor.

This is the disadvantage.

Any technology has advantages and disadvantages. Compared with conventional cars, the control of space energy transmission is not flexible and cannot be fine-tuned in time, so a control system is needed.

What we are talking about here is not that the car control is inflexible, but that the light energy efficiency control of the transmission is inflexible.

There are many ways to control the car to make it flexible. The simplest is to link the energy storage battery and use the battery as a relay to control the car.

Or directly add an energy discharge channel to let the excess energy do other work.

But no matter what method is used, as long as the efficiency of transmitted light energy is fixed, control will be very inflexible.

Therefore, what Zhao Yi emphasizes is to create an electronic control system to adjust the satellite beam arrangement within the space link equipment.

Although timely fine-tuning cannot be achieved, just like a car transmission, interval adjustments can greatly reduce energy waste.

This is a graded approach.

For example, the light energy transmitted in the first level can be converted into ten kilowatts of electrical energy, the second level is twenty kilowatts, and the second level is thirty kilowatts.

And so on.

Although a preliminary design has been formulated, in fact, the receiving end device has not yet determined the electrical energy power it can convert.

Zhao Yi's initial setting was about 30 kilowatts. If he wanted to build a higher-performance car, the power would definitely be adjusted upwards.

In this regard, it is necessary to contact the automobile manufacturer to work together to formulate a power that is consistent with the actual situation and ensures the performance of the car.

As long as the control system is built, the relevant control is just a matter of parameter adjustment.

Zhao Yi explained his work at the meeting, which was to manufacture electronic control systems and detection systems.

The electronic control system only needs to make basic construction, leaving a port for the specific adjustment, because it involves the micro-beam adjustment at the core of the space link equipment, which directly involves confidentiality. Zhao Yi still needs to lead the team to complete the related work.

The detection end is very flexible.

The detection system they want to build is only for the power, temperature, pressure and other induction at the receiving end. For other aspects, they need to contact the automobile manufacturer to design a system together.

So the next step is to find a professional car manufacturing partner.

Although the energy-gathering satellite orbiting the sun is still in the process of being manufactured, Zhao Yi already has full confidence and can make all the preliminary preparations.

Yixing Technology immediately released the news, but it also aroused discussion in the industry.

Many domestic automobile manufacturers have received the news, and they have sent representatives and even responsible persons directly to Yixing Technology to understand the situation.

Yixing Technology is engaged in the research and development of spaceships. With Zhao Yi in charge, it must have high technology, which is also very attractive in the automotive field.

Many automobile manufacturers subconsciously feel that Yixing Technology intends to enter the new energy vehicle market and use its high technology to cooperate with automobile manufacturers to create a concept car.

Although it is just a concept car, its launch will definitely attract attention and make the car manufacturer more famous.

They had never thought that Yixing Technology really planned to enter the automobile market.

When they heard that Yixing Technology had mastered a new electric power technology and planned to use it to enter the automobile market and build its own brand, many automobile manufacturers immediately lost interest.

This is mainly because what Yixing Technology revealed is, "Find a foundry!"

Well-known automobile manufacturers will definitely not provide modern factories to other manufacturers. The core of their development is to build automobile brands, rather than manufacturing products and branding them with other companies' brands.

Of course.

Some companies are also interested, but most are only second- and third-tier brands.

Among them, there is a second-tier top automobile manufacturer that has shown interest. Its name is Changchun Automobile. Changchun Automobile is an old domestic brand. It has become famous more than ten years ago. However, in recent years, its sales performance has been declining. First-tier brands quickly fell to second-tier brands and have been losing money for two years.

When the market share is getting smaller and smaller, it can be said that Changchun Automobile is on the verge of bankruptcy.

Du Hai is the person in charge of Changyuan Automobile. After he heard the news in the industry, he immediately came to Yixing Technology.

Other large manufacturers are not interested in being Yixing Technology's 'OEM', but Du Hai is somewhat interested. The most important thing is that when the automobile market share becomes smaller and smaller and the company continues to suffer losses, they hope to find a profitable one. business.

As a OEM for Yixing, the cars manufactured cannot be branded, but at least the hope of making a profit is very high.

As long as there is profit, it is better than loss.

For Long-term Auto, brand development is a ‘long-term’ matter, and surviving in the automotive industry is the most important thing.

Yixing Technology's team met with several car manufacturers in succession. Sometimes Zhao Yi came forward directly, but in the end no agreement was reached. Then they met Du Hai, the person in charge of Changyuan Automobile.

Zhao Yi is here this time.

He directly mentioned the requirements of Yixing Technology. Because previous negotiations had failed, he simply stated directly that it was, "Looking for a downstream foundry."

"We have the core technology of power units and can directly manufacture most of the products, including the core design of the appearance."

"Other designs will be improved in the future, which will not take long."

"We will start production in two months at most, and hope to produce the corresponding products within five months."

After he explained the problem of finding a 'foundry' and the planned time, he talked about Yixing Technology's 'sincerity'.

Yixing Technology directly controls the "upstream", which is a bit aggressive, but it must be sincere towards its partners and have enough profit margins to have the possibility of cooperation.

In this regard, Zhao Yi is still very generous. He said from the very beginning, "We know the problems we will encounter in the long run."

"Yixing can inject capital into Changchun Auto and support you in building a car assembly plant in this industrial park."

"The specific assembly costs can be negotiated. At the same time, you are the professional in other aspects, such as interior design, auxiliary electronic equipment and other control components."

“We have a lot of room to work together!”


The conditions proposed by Yixing Technology gave Du Hai no reason to refuse.

In the long run, what automobiles need most is funds. Without funds, they may face a bankruptcy crisis, and being the 'OEM' of Yixing Technology obviously has a lot of profit margins.

In addition, Yixing Technology will also inject capital to support the construction of corresponding assembly plants.

In the long run, what automobiles only contribute is part of design and management, and the use of rich manufacturing technologies to help manufacture automobiles.

Eventually both sides reached an agreement.

When the details of the cooperation came to light, Zhao Yi was no longer needed. In his free time, he compared several models and designed a car that looked like future technology.

After all the technology was finalized and the cooperation was negotiated, Yixing Technology also announced to the outside world, "Yixing Technology is about to enter the automotive field and will launch its own brand of solar cars in the future."

solar powered car!

Focus on it!

When the news was released, it immediately aroused heated discussion among public opinion. Unlike many cases, most public opinion was not optimistic about Yixing Technology's release of the so-called "solar car".

"Solar car? Don't be kidding me! If you install a solar panel on top of the car, it will probably only be able to start at noon!"

"This is definitely a hilarious design!"

"Perhaps Yixing Technology is celebrating April Fool's Day, and their purpose is to entertain."

"This should have nothing to do with Academician Zhao, right?"

In fact, some people have already linked Yixing Technology to new energy vehicles in public opinion. If there is news in the automobile industry, it is impossible for the outside world not to know about it, but it did not arouse discussion before, mainly because many companies are preparing to enter the automobile market. Even completely unrelated real estate companies have announced direct investments of tens of billions.

This is mainly due to the rise of new energy vehicles.

Originally, fuel vehicles were a very stable industry, and the structure had long been fixed by large companies. The competition in the industry was only between a few large international companies. Small businesses and small brands had almost no hope of rising.

When new energy vehicles rise, the situation will be different.

Everyone in the industry knows that the rise of new technological directions is an opportunity to disrupt the inherent structure of the industry, crowd out the industry, and rise.

Some companies have already done it.

There is a beautiful Chinese automobile company that has achieved a counterattack in the automobile industry by virtue of its in-depth research and development of soft technology for electric vehicles and the rise of new energy vehicles.

Even though there are huge losses every year, the company still achieves explosive expansion in market value.

As a result, many traditional fuel vehicle companies have also quickly announced their entry into the new energy vehicle market and increased research and development in related fields.

Yixing is a latecomer to latecomers.

If Yixing Technology had proposed an electric vehicle concept, perhaps many people would have paid for it. However, the concept of solar vehicles is unreliable no matter how you think about it. They think it is just an announcement and a publicity stunt.

Not to mention that the automobile industry is not optimistic, even public opinion is not optimistic. Some people even sarcastically said, "Yixing Technology said it was manufacturing spaceships and exploring the universe, but it quickly fell to manufacturing cars?"

This does sound ironic, because in the public's mind, automobile production technology and space exploration technology are not on the same level at all.

This incident passed without causing much disturbance.

A month and a half later, a piece of news was linked to Yixing Technology.

The space agency officially announced that "the space agency will launch a satellite orbiting the sun developed by Yixing Technology in three weeks."

"This satellite orbiting the sun was manufactured by Yixing Technology, Space Information Technology Company, and Advanced Compressed Materials Company. The space agency cooperated to complete the manufacturing and launch tasks."

"At the same time, the right to use the satellite is jointly owned by Yixing Technology, Space Information Technology Company and the space agency."

Although the news said that it was jointly manufactured by four companies, it was determined that Yixing Technology completed the design work. At the same time, Yixing Technology has the right to use the satellite, which is worth investigating.

Taking into account the nature of the space agency, space information technology companies and advanced compressed material companies, it is certain that Yixing Technology is the leader in the development and manufacturing of satellites orbiting the sun.

When the space agency announced the news, it also explained some parameters for the satellite to be shut down first.

For example, an orbit of 100,000 kilometers from the sun.

For example, it will enter orbit within two months of launch.


The first one is very powerful.

There are international detectors that specialize in studying the sun, such as the Parker Solar Probe.

The Parker Solar Probe is already a very high-end detector. It is a spacecraft named after astronomer Eugene Parker, a pioneer in solar wind science, an emeritus professor at the University of Chicago.

The Parker probe was the first spacecraft to fly into the solar corona, detecting the plasma, magnetic fields and waves, high-energy particles and dust encountered, as well as observing coronal phenomena on the solar surface.

The orbit of this detector is nearly 7 million kilometers from the surface of the sun.

If the distance is any closer and the detector is too affected by the sun, a series of malfunctions may occur or even be directly damaged.

The news announced by the space agency is incredible. It will directly launch a satellite with an orbit only 100,000 kilometers away from the surface of the sun.

The space agency did not say exactly what the satellite is used for, but most people subconsciously think that it is used to observe the sun.

Yixing Technology is responsible for the core design and manufacturing of the detector that orbits the sun and is only 100,000 kilometers away from the surface.

"It's really amazing!"

"It's only 100,000 kilometers away from the surface of the sun. How on earth did it do that!"

"It's so close, won't there be any problems?"

"Speaking of which, I don't seem to have made it clear exactly what it is used for observation!"

The outside world did not know the news about compressed materials, and they were immediately shocked. At the same time, they also contacted that Yixing Technology publicly paid a large amount of patent fees to the Space Information Technology Company, Advanced Compressed Materials Company, and the Space Administration.

So the last time I paid a large amount of patent fees, it was for this satellite orbiting the sun?

But why!

Many people are confused because Yixing Technology is a formal enterprise and needs to work hard to achieve profitability, and developing exploration satellites seems to be the job of the space agency.

In addition, Yixing Technology has the permission to use satellites. What is it used for?

Can you still observe profits by observing the sun?

No matter how amazing the discovery is, it seems to have nothing to do with realizing profits!

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