Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 649 Big events in Yixing

In recent years, Yutu Robot Company has developed very well. They have participated in many latest technology projects and have many partners.

After Yutu Robot went public half a year ago, its stock price has been rising continuously, and its total market value has reached 600 billion yuan. The robot services it provides, such as voice and face recognition, have occupied most of the domestic market and expanded business in the international market and become a multinational technology enterprise.

The foundation of Yutu Robot's development is that they have a complete robot operating system.

This operating system brings multi-directional extension. Just like the famous Microsoft Corporation, which relies on computer operating systems to become one of the largest technology companies, Yutu Robot is the same, except that their operating system is electronic and machine-based. field.

At present, Yutu Robot Company has expanded its research and development in many fields, mainly focusing on the field of artificial intelligence.

For example, autonomous driving technology.

Yutu has cooperated with several companies to install autonomous driving systems on cars for continuous testing.

If nothing else happens, there will soon be self-driving cars developed in China that can apply for a road permit.

Of course.

Domestic traffic is relatively complicated, and the relevant laws are not perfect. Self-driving cars cannot drive themselves all the time. It is amazing to just apply for road qualifications.

After Zhao Yi had the idea, he immediately contacted Yuan Zhongchen, CEO of Yutu Robot.

Today, Yuan Zhongchen is no longer the young boy he was back then. He is the head of a well-known enterprise and one of the few billionaires in the country, with a net worth of more than 60 billion yuan.

However, Yuan Zhongchen is still very young and ambitious. He wants to make the business bigger and the company develop better.

After hearing Zhao Yi's idea, Yuan Zhongchen immediately decided to bring people to Yixing to avoid discussion. In fact, he felt that the development of Chinese compilation software was really not worth the gain, but because it was Zhao Yi's idea, he must come to discuss it. Talk about.

Yuan Zhongchen was very fast and arrived at Yixing Company the next day.

Zhao Yi personally received Yuan Zhongchen.

They didn't meet often, but Zhao Yi was the original investor of Yutu Robot, and they had a close relationship. They were also seniors, and they were from the same "Hemen", so their relationship was very close.

In addition, Yutu Robot has frequently participated in the latest technology projects in recent years, and their cooperation has never stopped.

Even in the Z-wave satellite project, Yutu Robot participated in the development of image control and detection systems.

When he arrived in the reception room, Zhao Yi directly talked about his thoughts, "At this stage and in the future, English compilation software, English system software, and program development have affected initiative and security, so we are considering developing Chinese The underlying compilation system of the system.”

Yuan Zhongchen already knew the news. He nodded and expressed his thoughts, "This is very complicated, and it is no less difficult than re-developing our OR operating system."

"Of course. That's why I want to cooperate with you." Zhao Yi said, "If there is a team in China that can do this, you have the most experience and will be the fastest. Can you tell me the specific difficulty?"

Yuan Zhongchen rubbed his forehead, pursed his lips and said, "I thought about it before I came here. There are two difficulties. One is integrating Chinese."

"We need to effectively integrate and analyze Chinese and express more meanings with as few Chinese characters as possible."

"This requires a lot of Chinese language experts."

"Because each Chinese character must recompile the underlying data and compile a corresponding identification and data package in order for the physical layer to recognize it, the compiled content of each character needs to be recorded in detail."

"This requires a lot of work. Maybe the compilation of each word requires several engineers and a month of hard work to complete."

Yuan Zhongchen continued, "Actually, writing a compiler is not very difficult. The main thing is to determine the meaning of Chinese characters and identify the operations to be performed. It is relatively complicated. This requires many experts to study the words and meanings and not miss any of them. Maybe The command will be needed. If there is a loophole, it will be very troublesome to supplement it later."

Zhao Yi couldn't help but give a thumbs up and said with a smile, "You still have to ask the experts in this regard." He was praising Yuan Zhongchen for looking at the problem and directly finding out the key.

Yuan Zhongchen smiled sheepishly and continued, "The second problem is the underlying command, just like the most basic DOS operating system. Any command that is reflected in the physical layer will become very complicated, and each command must be Recompiling will be a huge workload.”

"But now, it is different from a few decades ago. We have enough references and can write according to them. We are not afraid of missing functions."

Yuan Zhongchen's "huge workload" is not just a casual statement. The development of computer technology began in the 1960s and 1970s, broke out in the 1980s and 1990s, and did not undergo major development until the late 1990s and the new century. Widespread scope.

Foreign computer research and development took place relatively early, but after decades of accumulation, the DOS operating system was developed later.

Even the simplest DOS operating system was developed based on a large amount of accumulation.

If you want to build a Chinese compilation system from the bottom, it is equivalent to completely overthrowing the existing structure and slowly developing it from the original accumulation. Thinking about the amount of work required is enough to make your scalp numb.

Yuan Zhongchen continued, “It’s not that the basic structure of the Chinese system cannot be built, it’s just that the investment is huge and the returns are very small, with almost no profit point.”

This is also the reason why very few domestic technology companies develop Chinese compilation systems from the bottom up.

So what if it’s researched? Can the functionality still keep up with current operating systems?

Moreover, research and development takes a long time and requires a lot of investment. Even if it is developed, it cannot break the existing system. Doing research and development in this area is really not worth the gain.

Zhao Yi nodded and said, "I know everything you said, but I think it still has to be done. We are preparing to use a brand-new system for unlimited power cars and spaceships."

"In this way, one is to ensure safety. In addition, with the help of new technological developments in exploring the universe, it is also a good opportunity to reshuffle the computer software and electronic technology systems."

Yuan Zhongchen's eyes lit up when he heard this.

If we are only developing a car operating system and developing a Chinese system separately, it will definitely be more gain than loss.

But with the help of new technology, the developed system can achieve large-scale coverage and expansion, and the situation is different.

For example, develop a new operating system.

First of all, the operating system will achieve coverage in the field of spacecraft. With the development of space exploration, it is equivalent to setting standards in advance. Future space exploration, whether it is a satellite or a spacecraft, wants to be linked to other satellites and spacecrafts. Or if you add it to the original system, you must use the same operating system.

At the same time, the market for unlimited power cars is very broad and can also be covered systematically. The more cars sold, the wider the coverage will be.

Also, space link technology.

The current space link technology does not cover a wide range, but there will definitely be more equipment in the future, and space link technology will also occupy more information transmission markets.

These are all domestically monopolized technologies.

If we can occupy the latest technological field and apply it to civilian applications in large quantities, we can continue to expand and apply it to mobile phones and computers. At least there will be no problem at all in China.

When the system is applied to the domestic field, because the country has the dominance of the latest technology, even if the international community is unwilling to accept the new system, there will be no way to 'resist' at that time, and the original system can only be maintained at best.

From this perspective, it is still very promising to develop Chinese underlying compilation software and expand operating systems and software based on it to subvert the existing system.

Other companies have similar ideas, but it is impossible to achieve them, because even if they are developed and easy to use, they will not be able to occupy much of the market due to the limitations of the existing system.

It's different if Zhao Yi does it. He can directly promote the new system to all the latest technology-related equipment. As long as it can be developed, the prospects are still very broad.

The research and development goal of many projects is not necessarily to make money, but to occupy a dominant position in the market.

When you have an active position in the market and have more users, you stand at the top of the pyramid and become the rule maker, and it becomes much easier to make money.

Yuan Zhongchen and Zhao Yi discussed a lot of things for a day, and finally finalized the initial cooperation.

Yutu Robot and Yixing cooperated to establish a new company to specialize in the development of Chinese compilation software and subsequent computer technology.

Both parties invested together, and the initial R\u0026D investment was as high as 3 billion yuan.

This is still early days.

The new company will definitely recruit a large number of computer engineers, and the scale is expected to exceed a thousand, or even several thousand, and there will definitely be continuous investment in the follow-up.

However, both Zhao Yi and Yuan Zhongchen believe that all investments are worth it, as long as they can make Chinese system compilation software, build a new Chinese operating system on top of it, and develop Chinese software with various functions, even if It is definitely worth paying 100 billion or 200 billion, because the computer market is too large. As long as we can win the dominance of some basic fields, the investment of hundreds of billions can be easily earned back in the future.

This is like Yutu Robot Company. What they initially had was a basic operating system, but as they developed, they could expand to a market value of hundreds of billions.

After Zhao Yi and Yuan Zhongchen settled down, they had dinner together in the evening.

Yuan Zhongchen talked about He Mingcheng. He was He Mingcheng's most proud disciple. He treated He Mingcheng very attentively. After a while, he would go to see the old gentleman with gifts.

Yuan Zhongchen talked about He Mingcheng's physical problems and sighed, "Zhao Yi, it's been a while since you went over to take a look, right? Teacher He is not in good health recently. He no longer has the strength to walk. Now he can only push... Take a walk outside.”

"so serious?"

"It's not that I'm sick, I'm just getting old." Yuan Zhongchen said with a sigh.


Zhao Yi took a deep breath, digested the news in his heart, and decided to visit the old gentleman next time he returned to Yanhua University.

Although He Mingcheng did not recognize him as his disciple, he still considered himself to be He Mingcheng's student. He Mingcheng also helped put forward many opinions when solving some mathematical problems. Moreover, the old man was indeed a good man and had devoted his life to mathematics research. , and also made considerable contributions to the country.



A big event is coming to Yixing, which is also a big event for the space agency and even the country.

The second concentrated energy satellite was launched.

Because the circumsolar energy-gathering satellite has attracted great attention, the space agency and Yixing decided to publicly broadcast the launch process live.

Gravity thrusters are used to carry the satellite directly into space, and then the perspective switches to the auxiliary satellite responsible for shooting.

From the perspective of the auxiliary satellite, people clearly saw the high-power Z-wave satellite for the first time. The screen was filled with dazzling light. The lens could only be shifted to most positions, focusing on the reflection of the energy-gathering satellite slowly entering the orbit. Onboard a gravity spaceship.

After the high-power Z-wave satellite releases the high-energy Z-wave, the anti-gravity spacecraft quickly slides into the Z-wave channel and quickly disappears from sight.

This live broadcast process was much smoother than the last spacecraft experiment.

The TV commentator also knew more information. He directly introduced it to the audience, "After the anti-gravity spacecraft enters the shuttle channel, it will travel more than 140 million kilometers in eight seconds. And now, it It has appeared at a location 10 million kilometers away from space."

"We can see now—"

The screen turned into a pitch-black map with several landmarks on it. One was the sun and the other was the earth. There was a small blue dot flashing close to the sun.

"That little blue dot is the anti-gravity spacecraft. The spacecraft will use the remaining fuel and accelerate under the pull of the sun's high gravity. After the fuel is consumed and it is about three million kilometers away from the sun, the energy-gathering satellite will break away. The spacecraft then continued to draw into the established orbit under the pull of the sun's gravity."

"The current speed of the spacecraft is about six kilometers per second, and the final speed will be as high as 60,000 kilometers per second. The acceleration process will last for three days."

"In other words, from launch to orbit, the energy-gathering satellite only spends about four days on the road."

"This speed is very astonishing. Think about it, it only takes four days to complete the journey from launch to orbit over 150 million kilometers -"

"This is the highest level of technology available!"

After completing the launch of the second energy-gathering satellite, Yixing has also entered a period of rapid expansion. Infinite Power Company will sell more cars. At the same time, the high-power Z-wave satellite around Mars, also codenamed 'Yixing' The (Fire)-2' satellite has also entered the stage of preparation for launch.

At this time, the first functional small spacecraft also entered the manufacturing and production stage from design.

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