Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 66 Subcontracted part-time work

["Law of Connection": You can rely on perfect condition lines and results to clearly grasp the relationship between the two. 】

According to the ability introduction of "Law of Contact", there are two prerequisites for successful use--

One is a perfect condition clue.

One is a definite result.

Rubik's Cube, all consistent.

The way to use the Rubik's Cube is very simple, just keep changing the direction of the Rubik's Cube.

When a scrambled Rubik's Cube is placed in front of you, all the conditions are very clear. At the same time, the Rubik's Cube also has a certain result, which is to replace all six faces with the same color.

"Should it be possible?"

Zhao Yi walked towards He Ronghua, stretched out his hand and asked, "Can you give me a try?"

"You also play Rubik's Cube?"

He Ronghua handed the Rubik's Cube over and said, "This is very simple. As long as you assemble one face first, the rest will be easy."


Zhao Yi nodded. He stared at the Rubik's Cube in his hand, turning several sides and looking at it repeatedly.

"It's useless just to look at it, break it a few times." He Ronghua transformed into a Rubik's Cube instructor.

Zhao Yi continued to nod as he listened, seeming to think that what He Ronghua said made sense, but in fact, his mind was not on it at all. He carefully looked at the six faces and determined that the result was 'six faces were replaced with the same color'. He The "Law of Contact" was used immediately.


A clear sequence of twisting steps appeared in my mind.

When Zhao Yi looked at the Rubik's Cube again, it seemed as if there was no more mystery in it and everything was already clear to him.

Even if you can't remember the specific colors of the nine small squares on the fixed surface, you can still know how to twist it to achieve the goal of making all the surfaces the same color.

"This... is amazing!"

Zhao Yi continued to stare at the Rubik's Cube, and also glanced at the energy level.

[Energy: 99/104. 】

"No consumption?"

Before using "Law of Contact", his energy was only 99 points. After using it, it was still 99 points, and the consumption was completely negligible.

He Ronghua couldn't help but urge, "What do you always stare at? Just break it a few times. This is simple."

"I've been playing for a long time."

"Now I can do it in just a few strokes. I also timed it, and the fastest one was less than 40 seconds."

Zhao Yi looked at He Ronghua, smiled and nodded, "Well, I'll give it a try!"

He said to start fighting.

Turn left, turn right.

Turn up, turn down.

The whole process requires no brain at all, you just know where to turn your fingers.

Swish, swish...

Seeing Zhao Yi's fingers moving around, He Ronghua was about to say, "It's impossible to fight by spinning around," but then he was stunned.

Is this... done?

Zhao Yi put down the assembled Rubik's Cube and asked He Ronghua, "How long did it take me?"

"Ten seconds, right?"

He Ronghua is not sure either.

Zhao Yi thought about it and understood a little bit what was limiting the 'Rubik's Cube World Record'.

When he had never understood it before, he always felt that the most important thing in solving a Rubik's Cube was wisdom and proficiency, and knowing how to solve it was the most important thing.

It is now discovered that this is not the case.

There are many top Rubik's Cube turners who can complete a third-level Rubik's Cube within ten seconds.

When 'knowing how to turn' is not a problem, and he even knows how to turn wherever he touches it, he still takes more than ten seconds. In other words, limiting the Rubik's Cube record is not about wisdom and proficiency at all, but...

Hand speed!

This is a sport!

He Ronghua didn't know what Zhao Yi was thinking. He was dazzled and dumbfounded. He disrupted the Rubik's Cube again and handed it to Zhao Yi. He said in surprise, "Do it again!"

The people next to me also looked over.

"How did you do it? So skilled? Play it often!" He Ronghua said and picked up his watch, "I'll time it for you this time!"


Zhao Yi also wanted to see how long it would take to complete.

He took the Rubik's Cube and turned it around, then used the "Law of Contact".


The moment he heard He Ronghua's command, Zhao Yi's fingers moved quickly.

Wherever you touch, wherever you turn!

During the rapid rotation, the Rubik's Cube got stuck once. He spent some time breaking it, and then continued to move his fingers.


At the moment of completion, Zhao Yi put the Rubik's Cube on the table, "How many seconds?"

"10 seconds!"

"Less than 10 seconds!"

Zhao Yi shook his head in disappointment, "The hand speed is still not good enough, it's too bad!"

Everyone else was stunned.

Although we have occasionally seen some Rubik's Cube players spinning the Rubik's Cube at incredible speeds on TV, this is definitely the first time that it has actually happened before our eyes.

"No worse than those professionals!"

"so amazing!"

"I think you can compete!"

Lin Xiaoqing also stood nearby, watching the whole process of Zhao Yi turning the Rubik's Cube. She originally thought that she could not solve the Mathematical Olympiad problem, so she and Zhao Yi could compete with Zhao Yi to see who could turn the Rubik's Cube faster.


She didn't say a word and went back like a defeated rooster.

How to compare?

In less than ten seconds, it was impossible to restore even a single face. She was so surprised that she couldn't help but turn her head again and stared at Zhao Yi without moving, "Why is he so powerful!"

Sun Liang also came over in surprise and rubbed Zhao Yi's hair with his hands, "Did you change your head?"


Zhao Yi ducked away angrily and said nonchalantly, "It's just a game!"

He returned to his seat.

The Rubik's Cube is indeed just a game.

Zhao Yi felt that with the flexibility of his fingers, even if he knew how to turn without thinking, it would be impossible to break the world record.

Hand speed is not enough!

The most important thing to break the record is hand speed, which will definitely require a lot of time to practice. He doesn't want to spend a lot of time on meaningless practice of hand speed.

The most important thing is to think about ability.

The use of "Law of Contact" definitely consumes energy, but the amount of energy consumed also needs to be understood.

Zhao Yi summarized a few points--

If you can take the time to solve ordinary test questions, it will take almost no energy.

For example, in Mathematical Olympiad questions, the difficulty of derivation increases and the energy consumed will increase, but relatively speaking, the consumption is still not much.

In addition, energy consumption may also be related to conditional lines.

The fewer conditions and the single clue, the less energy is expended, as evidenced by solving the Rubik's Cube.

It is not difficult to turn the third-level Rubik's Cube back. For those who are not familiar with the Rubik's Cube, it is not easy to say it is easy. The turning process requires constant thinking, but because it is just a simple turning, almost no energy is consumed.

All day long, Zhao Yi has been thinking about the "Law of Contact", including the use of test questions in various subjects, solutions to difficult problems, and how it can be applied to life.

These require verification, which also results in a somewhat high energy consumption.

nine thirty.

Zhao Yi returned home and lay on the bed, then fell asleep. When he woke up, it was almost eleven o'clock. He got up and had something to eat, so he turned on his computer and swiped his 'leisure coins'.

"Law of Contact" consumes one thousand learning coins and almost returns to before liberation.


Zhao Yi opened the system and took a look--

[Name: Zhao Yi. 】

[Brain development degree: 5.3%. 】

[Wisdom: 61. 】

[Energy: 82/104. 】

[Learning Coin: 18. 】

[Research Coin: 15. 】

[Ability: "Law of Cause and Effect", "Law of Contact". (Activating the next stage of ability requires 6,000 learning coins.)]

When he saw the last message, he rubbed his eyes hard to make sure that what he saw was real.

It only costs 1,000 to obtain the second ability, but the third ability becomes 6,000?

Six thousand, what is the concept?

It would take up to two hundred days to save thirty learning coins in one day without even using it.

Of course.

If it's only two hundred days, it's not too outrageous.

The key is the rate of increase!

The third ability costs 6,000 learning coins, and the fourth ability costs 36,000?


"Accumulating learning coins can't just rely on daily life, scientific research is more important?"

Zhao Yi suddenly had an enlightenment when he thought about the two hundred learning coins that came with academic fame after cracking the fruit loophole.

This is like playing an online game. It will definitely be slow to upgrade just by killing wild monsters on the roadside. If you want to upgrade quickly, you have to complete tasks and clear dungeons.

“Du, du, du…”

Penguin has hints.

It's a group.

The 'Computer Technology Chat Group' has so many messages that it's hard to read them. It has long been set to 'accept messages without reminding' status.

There must be Aite if there is a reminder.

Zhao Yi clicked on it and found that it was an acquaintance - 'not the storyteller Zhang Zhen'.

Zhang Zhenqun sent a message, "Is anyone interested in working part-time to earn extra money? Our company is developing an intelligent interactive system. We are currently working on the underlying algorithm library and data packages. We are short of manpower and plan to subcontract some of them."

Later, several people from Aite were named, including Tiantian security Meng Ruohao, smart technology Zhang Junlei, and other unfamiliar people.

Of course, this also includes ‘Thirteenth Middle School Student Zhao Yi’.

Zhao Yi glanced at it and lost interest.

The underlying algorithm packages and data packages are usually the work of an algorithm engineer. He has also done some algorithm work, and his level is probably at the internship level, but for important things, he knows how brain-burning R\u0026D work is.

Even a seemingly simple algorithm must be studied, studied, and studied again, otherwise problems may arise.

Just as he was about to close the chat page, he suddenly froze.


"Law of Contact"!

Computer algorithm is the process of achieving the goal. "Law of Contact" focuses on the process, and the conditions for realizing the algorithm...

Isn’t it just a programming language?

Zhao Yi took a deep breath and sent a private message to Zhang Zhen, "Can you send one over and I can try to do it?"

Zhang Zhen immediately replied, "Wait a minute!"


A compressed file is sent.

Zhang Zhen also added in particular, "If you can help me, please help me. You are still in school, so it would be good to have a part-time job."

"Just do one, and I'll give you two thousand!"


Looking at the comment section, many people said that the first two chapters were poisonous~~

All right.

In fact, I just wanted to write about an excessive incident and shape the character of the female supporting character. I am really sorry that it is so poisonous to everyone.

Waterfall sweat~~~

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