Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 651 This is enclosure!

For future exploration of the universe, Z-wave detection technology is very important.

The principle of this technology is also very simple. It is to find a substance and detect the compression rate value when it is compressed at a high rate, so that the compression rate of space can be inferred.

The quality of the substance being searched for cannot be too high, otherwise it will directly affect the compression ratio. At the same time, the quality cannot be too low. Only a few particles are compressed. No matter how high the compression ratio is, it cannot be detected in detail.

The principle sounds simple, but the most difficult thing is to find the right substance.

There is a certain relationship between the compression ratio of a substance and the compression ratio of space. However, when analyzing different substances, it can be found that there is no definite relationship.

For example, a certain substance will only be compressed twice in an environment where space is compressed a hundred times. Most metal substances, when compressed five times, will be in an environment where space is compressed about two hundred times.

These are the conclusions drawn from Z-wave compression experiments.

Compared with metal substances, gas particles are compressed at a much smaller rate. For example, in an environment with the same two hundred times space compression, most gas particles will only be compressed by one to two times.

One to two times does not reach the critical value against the space compression ratio 'e'. If it is placed in a normal environment, it will soon return to its original state.

Regardless of whether they are air particles or metal particles, placed in the universe and exposed to an exponential compression ratio of '100 million times' or more, the compression ratio will not be greatly increased, mainly because of the difference in energy intensity.

When the energy intensity of the Z wave is concentrated on the compression of space, it is fed back to the compression of particles by space, and the intensity shown is not high.

For example, in a 100 million-fold compressed environment, if metal particles suddenly enter it, the compression rate may only be two or three times.

In the same environment where space is compressed 100 million times, if the same metal particles enter it, it may be compressed five or eight times.

Same environment, different results. The difference is that when the Z wave is placed in the universe, the spatial breadth it covers is too high. On the contrary, the regional compression ratio is not too high.

It can be understood in this way that the compression of space by the Z wave is a whole. It is just an interception of a region and does not represent the whole.

Therefore, to accurately calculate the overall compression ratio, dynamic substances are still needed.

For example, a proton beam approaching the speed of light.

Z-wave compression of space has a duration. For a proton beam close to the speed of light, it can travel a long distance during the duration.

Then the magnification of the electrons being compressed can reflect the compression of the local area. From this, through a series of complex calculations and the relationship between the overall magnification and the regional magnification, the overall compression magnification can be calculated.

This is the basic principle.


It is very difficult to detect the compression ratio of a proton beam close to the speed of light. Because the proton beam has already been emitted, it is difficult to perform relevant detection in a timely manner.

This is a small research direction.

The second research Zhao Yi decided to do was directly related to space transmission technology.

Before, he always thought that space transmission technology could only be used to transmit information. Later, he discovered that it could also transmit light energy, and it could definitely transmit other energies. However, the significance of transmitting other energies did not seem to be great, and the difficulty was still very high. Research Didn't go any further.

The research that Zhao Yi wants to carry out now is to expand the research on whether material transmission can be carried out on the basis of energy transmission.

Material transmission and energy transmission are not the same concept at all.

In the original study, energy was considered to be extradimensional, while mass was a high-dimensional product.

Super dimensions and high dimensions are not the same concept at all. The former will not be affected by dimensions, while the latter will be rejected in the three-dimensional universe, or it can be understood that the three-dimensional universe cannot carry the quality of high dimensions.

However, since energy can be transported through space, we can study how to allow matter to be transported through space.

Of course.

This research does not necessarily have results, and it may be just a dream in the end, but the research process is the most important.

Even if he ultimately finds that matter cannot be transported, he will definitely get a lot of conclusions in the process, which will help him analyze space more deeply and understand dimensions more deeply.

The latter is the subject of long-term research.

Zhao Yi decided to research and develop Z-wave detection technology first.

This is both theory and technology.

But it is not easy to conduct research. It requires a very professional laboratory and a precise Z-wave generating device. The intensity of the Z-wave does not need to be too high, but the intensity of the Z-wave must be controlled by a computer. The accuracy is not controlled by humans.

In addition, the laboratory must also be able to create a vacuum environment to simulate the cosmic environment.

At the same time, a large number of the most sophisticated testing instruments are needed.


There is currently no similar laboratory in China, so we can only build one from scratch.

So, Zhao Yi went to Zhengyang University.

Zhao Yi came to Zhengyang University publicly, in the name of visiting, and many people from the university came to greet and entertain him.

Among them were the familiar Vice President Liu Zhibei, several directors and professors whom he knew, and the leader was the president of Zhengyang University.

The president of Zhengyang University is called Ying Ye. He is not only the president of the university, but also responsible for administrative work in the city and province. Because of this, he is very busy at work. It is rare that he can stay at school one day a week without any worries. inside.

Ying Ye was here that day. When he heard that Zhao Yi was coming to visit, Ying Ye came over to greet him immediately.

When Zhao Yi got off the bus at the school gate, Ying Ye took the initiative to walk over and stretched out his hand, "Academician Zhao, you have a close relationship with Zhengyang University. I'm really sorry that I missed you so many times and only saw you now."

Zhao Yi also said kind words and shook hands with others.

A group of people chatted for a while.

Ying Ye and Zhao Yi walked in the front, and Vice Mayor Li also said a few words, mainly because he wanted to ask what exactly Zhao Yi was here to do.

As the saying goes, "Nothing goes wrong, don't go to the Three Treasures Palace." Zhao Yi took the initiative to come to Zhengyang University for a purpose, but Vice Mayor Li felt that he couldn't ask directly, and he paid attention to his tone when making insinuations.

After entering the school, Zhao Yi started talking about the new major.

Liu Zhibei took the initiative to take Zhao Yi to visit the classrooms, student dormitories and laboratory buildings of the 'Electronic Beam Arrangement and Cryptography' major, etc.

Zhengyang University attaches great importance to the newly launched 'Electronic Beam Arrangement and Cryptography'. The degree of emphasis can be said to be directly on par with the computer disciplines listed as key majors, and even slightly surpasses it.

The teaching building of 'Electronic Beam Arrangement and Cryptography' is placed in the newly built fourth teaching building, and the classrooms are all brand-new tables and chairs.

The student dormitory is also in the best dormitory area, with regular four-person rooms.

The university has also specially arranged teachers' offices. Several rooms on the second floor of the teachers' office building, as well as an adjacent computer room, are directly allocated to the new major.

The first one can be said to be the emphasis on majors, and the second one is the emphasis on Yixing, because after the new major is opened, the teachers of several professional courses will be part-time teachers of Yixing.

Yixing's employees all have PhDs and master's degrees from top universities, and some are even researchers and experts from the space agency.

Their professional knowledge and technical level are definitely among the best in the country, at least much better than ordinary teachers at Zhengyang University.

Therefore, the university has even considered the office environment of teachers.

During the visit, Liu Zhibei and others kept talking about the new major, which has just been opened and is about to welcome its first batch of students.

At this time, the new major was very powerful and even famous in the country.

Because, admission scores.

Last month, there was a hot search on the Internet called "One Score for College Majors," which was about the newly opened major of "Electronic Beam Arrangement and Cryptography."

Other colleges and universities are also planning to establish related majors, but it will take at least next year for them to apply for majors. The only junior college major offered by Zhengyang University is actually established this year.

Zhengyang University issued an announcement on the establishment of a new major, explaining its cooperation with Yixing Company and also explaining the content of professional training.

Then during the college entrance examination, many students filled out their applications and chose the major of 'Electronic Beam Arrangement and Cryptography'.

The admission score for the 'Electronic Beam Arrangement and Cryptography' major has been greatly raised, much higher than expected.

The major of 'Electronic Beam Arrangement and Cryptography' has four classes with a total of 200 students, and is recruiting 120 students from Nanjiang Province.

The school initially expected that the score line would exceed the undergraduate admission score line, but it did not expect that the final score line would exceed the key undergraduate score line.

The general undergraduate score in Nanjiang Province is 469, and the junior college major only needs 380 points to be admitted. The key undergraduate score is 528. The score for the 'Electronic Beam Arrangement and Cryptography' major is 529, which is just higher than the key undergraduate score. One more line.

This score is very astonishing, because the "Electronic Beam Arrangement and Cryptography" major is just a junior major.

There are many popular junior college majors in China, and every year the admission score exceeds that of undergraduates, but there is no case where it exceeds that of key undergraduates.

Because the major is also open to other provinces and cities, a large number of people applied for it. The highest score among the admitted students even reached an astonishing 629 points, a score that is enough to support admission to the top universities in the country.

This illustrates the popularity of the 'Electronic Beam Arrangement and Cryptography' major.

However, it is not surprising if you think about it carefully, because the professional directly connects to Yixing Company.

For many students from top domestic universities, it is not easy for them to enter top technology companies after graduating from college.

The top domestic technology companies recruit graduates who already have PhDs and master's degrees from top universities. It seems that it is more difficult for undergraduates to find jobs every year.

This is even more true for Yixing Company.

Although 'Electronic Beam Arrangement and Cryptography' is only a junior college major, you can directly enter Yixing Company after graduation. Even if you are working in a blue-collar technical job, the situation is completely different if you enter a large enterprise to do technical work.

What's more, Yixing Company is involved in work related to the latest technology. Just think about it and you know it has a bright future.

Zhao Yi followed a group of people from the school to visit the environment related to the new major. When he walked out, he saw a three-story independent building in the distance at the edge of the school. He immediately asked, "Where is -?"

"It's no use."

Liu Zhibei explained, "At first, it was planned to be a laboratory building, but later the application was not approved, so it was used as a computer room for students." After he finished speaking, he explained, "To the north of the school, there is no adjacent computer room. But not many students come because it’s too far and most students now have their own computers.”

"Oh, originally we wanted to build a laboratory building, right? Go in and have a look!"

Zhao Yi said and walked over first.

The others were a little confused about the situation, so they followed along.

After entering the small laboratory building, Zhao Yi looked around from floor to floor. He found that the computer room inside was very large, and there was a small hall in the center. The environment was indeed very good, and there were many rooms, as well as large Glass partitions, indeed, were built for experimentation.

He nodded with satisfaction, "This is it. I want this building."


Ying Ye and Liu Zhibei were both confused. What do you mean?


Zhao Yi explained, "By the way, I forgot to mention it. I came here this time to find a laboratory and apply for a new research project. Because I work in Zhengyang, Zhengyang University is the most suitable. The laboratory is still It’s better to put it in a university, but Yixing is not suitable.”

Ying Ye and Liu Zhibei nodded as they listened.

Liu Zhibei immediately asked, "Academician Zhao, can you tell me what research you are applying for?"

"Space compression ratio detection." Zhao Yi said calmly.


Liu Zhibei opened his mouth, not knowing how to continue speaking because he couldn't understand it at all.

Space compression? Magnification detection?

not understand!

Zhao Yi did not continue to explain, because the research involved a certain degree of confidentiality, and it was enough for him to say this.

Zhengyang University has almost no reason to object. They are not happy that Zhao Yi is doing research in the university. If the project is in the name of the university, there are too many benefits.

Zhao Yi is a professor at Yanhua University and also a professor at Zhengyang University. He is just an 'honorary' professor and is not engaged in teaching at Zhengyang University.

Now he needed to do a project, so he simply chose Zhengyang University.

Zhao Yi's influence is so great that Zhengyang University is also eager for him to do research in the university. They asked for a building to conduct experiments. The two presidents immediately went to make arrangements and directly designated the building as an experimental area. Everything in it was was moved directly.

This laboratory building is independent, and the place where it was built is allocated to the School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation.

Therefore, the project Zhao Yi applied for was also listed in the School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, but it did not matter which school it was listed under. What was important was that after he applied for the project, he would definitely need help from others.

Many of them are members of the Z-wave working group or top electronics and optics researchers, but Zhengyang University also has the advantage that some professors will have the opportunity to participate in project research.

After negotiating with Zhengyang University, Zhao Yi immediately wrote a project application report.

Application project: "Z-wave detection technology".

R\u0026D funding: 2 billion yuan, used to establish professional laboratories and conduct initial research.

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