Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 654 Intermediate magnification and world destruction

Zhao Yi publicly published "Space and Cosmology". He published it in the form of a Chinese book, but after more than a week of publication, it was quickly translated by various countries.

The English version of "Space and Cosmology" was immediately circulated on the Internet in other countries. After getting Zhao Yi's approval and signing a copyright-related agreement, the publishing house quickly published thousands or tens of thousands of copies, but demand still exceeds supply. .

Some people in the publishing industry believe that "this may become the best-selling theoretical physics book."

Theoretical physics is difficult to understand, especially advanced theoretical physics, which is full of various mathematical proofs. It is not easy for professionals to understand it, and few related books have been sold.

Therefore, generally speaking, professional books abroad are very expensive. The more professional and advanced the books, the more expensive they are. Only in this way can the publishing costs be earned back.

The English version of "Space and Cosmology" is not Zhao Yi's own work. It is just a translation based on the Chinese version. Several top physicists have also done the proofreading work. In addition to the cost of publishing, the cost of each copy is Pricing is a whopping $890.

At this price, it can be said that most people will not be willing to buy it.


Those scientists who hope to study the contents of "Space and Cosmology" will not be short of money. Even some who live in poverty will grit their teeth and spend money to buy the book.

In just two weeks, "Space and Cosmology" sold 30,000 copies. The publisher did not expect it to be such a best-seller, so they simply printed an additional 100,000 copies for subsequent sales.

Just by publishing the paper "Space and Cosmology", Zhao Yi quickly received more than 10 million US dollars in copyright fees.

This does not include domestic sales.

Of course.

This money is not in Zhao Yi's eyes at all, but selling books and making money in other ways give him a different feeling.

He is still a little happy to see that his books are selling well, especially professional theoretical physics books, which shows that his theory has been recognized.

This is also true.

Although the book belongs to the category of "theoretical physics", in fact, the previous parts have been proven in practice.

For example, the steady-state space limit constant of the e-magnification of compressed particles.

Regarding the issue of particle compression'e magnification', no scientist can say anything to refute it, because Advanced Compression Materials Company has created a new type of compression material.

If they can create compressed materials, they must know that there is no problem with the 'e magnification'.

The 'e magnification' was deduced by Zhao Yi based on mathematical calculations. From this, it can be speculated that the compression magnification of 'e to the π power' of the 'anti-space limit constant' will not be a problem.

This part is all real and can be called 'real physics', which has been separated from the theoretical category.

Subsequent statements about the nature of the universe and black holes can be classified into the category of theoretical physics. No matter how many people believe it, because there is currently no way to confirm it, it can only be a 'theory'.

When a theory is supported by confirmed content, its influence is completely different, just like Einstein's theory, because a lot of content has been proven, and his gravitational wave theory has always been considered true. Ten years ago, many scientists used "gravitational waves" as a reference when publishing their research, as if gravitational waves had been proven. But in fact, gravitational waves were just a theory at that time.

It's the same now.

Many theoretical physicists have seen the content published by Zhao Yi, because the previous content has been proven, and the subsequent analysis and imagination have received a lot of recognition.

Then the international physics community exploded.

"Space and Cosmology" caused a sensation in the physics community, and even subverted it, because this theory overturned some original systems.

For example, the theory of gravitational collapse.

Gravitational collapse is an astrophysical process in which a star or interstellar material collapses inward under the gravity of its own material. Scientists believe that the reason for this is that the star itself cannot provide enough pressure to balance its own gravity, and thus cannot Continuing to maintain the original hydrostatic equilibrium, gravity draws the stellar matter closer to each other and causes collapse.

In astronomy, the process of star formation or decay will undergo corresponding gravitational collapse.

However, the scientific community still does not fully understand the theoretical basis of gravitational collapse, and many details are still not fully explained.

Therefore, gravitational collapse can only be a theory for the time being, but even if it is just a theory, because it explains many astronomical phenomena, astrophysicists also recognize that gravitational collapse is real.

Now Zhao Yi's "Space and Cosmology" believes that if the particle compression ratio exceeds 'e', ​​it can resist the squeeze of space. Combined with his gravity theory part, that is to say, gravity cannot cause particles with a compression ratio exceeding 'e'. Impact, then the collapse of stars, the formation of high-density stars and black holes may be caused by the aggregation of a large number of highly compressed particles.

In an interview, Johnson, a physics professor at the University of Florida, said about Zhao Yi's "Space and Cosmology", "The second half of this theory explains the essential differences between white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes. The difference lies in the compression of internal particles. magnification."

"If the compression ratio exceeds the π power of e, external Z-wave radiation will be formed, thus continuously absorbing space, energy and matter. This is a black hole."

"Otherwise, the particles are only in a state of equilibrium with space, will not emit Z-wave radiation, and have no ability to absorb energy and matter, just like a white dwarf star."

"At the same time, my colleagues and I studied together for several days and found that the theory still has flaws. For example, the simplest theory cannot explain the high density of neutron stars, but we can combine some existing and non-conflicting astrophysical theories By adding learning content, you can improve it.”

"We don't know what the state of an example of compression by more than ten times will be, but I think that if the theory is correct, then there will definitely be a limit point between e and the π power of e, allowing particles to use space Squeezing, that is, the action of its own gravity, forms high-density matter."

Johansen is still very capable. He said a lot and also pointed out the shortcomings of the theory. At the same time, he said, "Zhao Yi and I are good friends, and we still have contact until now, but I will say next The purpose is not to support a friend, but to state a fact."

"Physics is inclusive and vast, especially astrophysics, which contains a lot of content and has a very complex system. There are several theories for astrophysics, and each of them cannot explain everything, or There are no loopholes.”

"'Space and Cosmology' is already very complete, but we cannot expect Zhao Yi to perfectly study and explain a whole set of astrophysical theories and all aspects by himself."

"So. Even if the theory has certain flaws, I still believe it is true. From now on, I will be a firm supporter of the compressed particle theory."

"Here, I would like to say that I am lucky because I have not studied in depth any astrophysical theory. Otherwise, maybe now, I will find that my research is meaningless."

George Smoot, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics, was also interviewed about Zhao Yi’s theory of compressed particles. He is much more qualified than Johnson. First, he has won the Nobel Prize, and second, he is a real physicist. Astrophysicist, he won the award for his research on the cosmic radiation background.

George Smoot studies cosmic radiation, which is considered to be electromagnetic wave radiation formed by the Big Bang. Naturally, he is also a supporter of the Big Bang theory.

When being interviewed by reporters, George Smoot said, "'Space and Cosmology', to a certain extent, can be seen as a modification and improvement of the Big Bang theory. In this theory, the Big Bang is considered to have infinite compression ratios. At that point, at the moment when the space of existence was lost, a violent explosion occurred inside."

"This process is difficult to imagine and understand, but whether it is the Big Bang (theory) or compressed particles (theory), it is difficult to explain it in detail."

"The Big Bang formed the matter and energy that supported the expansion of the universe, and at the same time formed the black-body radiation of the cosmic background."

"Compressed matter does exist, and we have obtained relevant materials. I believe that if we continue to study in this direction, we will definitely get many interesting conclusions, which will allow us to better understand the universe."

At the same time, there are many physicists who have expressed their opinions on "Space and Cosmology".

"Space and Cosmology" is of course not only a supplement to the Big Bang theory, or another explanation of the universe, but also explains some problems that cannot be answered by current astronomy.

For example, the problem of dark matter.

Dark matter is a substance inferred based on astronomical calculations. There is no way to confirm whether it exists.

"Space and Cosmology" explains that particles have a compression ratio. Ultra-highly compressed particles will also actively release Z waves. This can be supplemented in astronomy. There are still large gaps in the combined calculations of the law of universal gravitation and the theory of relativity. The problem.

"In astronomical calculations, where is the extra mass of each star system and galaxy?"

"Answer: Compressed particles and compressed space."

At the same time, there are still some unexplained gravitational collapse problems in astronomy.

Some stars will collapse rapidly before reaching their theoretical lifetime.

Previously, there was no way to explain this problem. Now with the compressed particle theory, it can end up as high-intensity compressed particles, which continuously form Z waves and directly lead to the collapse of the star.

From this perspective, what Johnson said does make sense. At the same time, the ‘intermediate magnification’ he mentioned may also be a ‘risk factor’.

If there are particles exceeding the 'intermediate magnification' in a star, it may quickly cause gravitational collapse.

This conclusion has also led a large group of people in the international physics community to stand up against the development of Z-wave compression technology. They believe that this technology may cause the destruction of the world.

For example, if a certain highly compressed material falls into the sun, it may cause a terrible star collapse in the sun. At that time, the earth will definitely be destroyed.

After this argument was issued, it gained a lot of resonance and even caused a certain amount of panic.

At this time, Zhao Yi stood up and said calmly, "The 'intermediate magnification' mentioned by Professor Johnson does exist, but because there is no data support, it is impossible to calculate the specific magnification. But through simple calculations, You can know that this number is at least fifteen."

"Through our experimental research, we found that every time the compression ratio is doubled, for example, from six times to seven times, the energy consumed will increase exponentially. In other words, the energy required for the compression ratio will increase exponentially. .”

"Even if all the energy of the earth were added together and used to compress matter, it would not be enough to achieve a compression of fifteen times."

"So there's no need to worry at all."

"In addition, I can say with certainty that the solar system does not have the conditions to compress matter fifteen times."

"If one day, human technology can really create materials that cause gravitational collapse, and it has developed ultra-high technology, then the planet we live on will definitely not be just the earth."


The panic in international public opinion is like a farce. It is still useful for Zhao Yi to stand up. At least some big institutions have stopped speaking out, but there are still a few people who believe that the research on Z-wave compressed matter may bring about the destruction of the world.

Of course, their ideas don't make sense either.

These people would rather believe in God than existing science. Naturally, it cannot be explained. If it does not make sense, there is no need to explain it.

After Zhao Yi published the theory of "Space and Cosmology", he also felt a little more relaxed. He had researched the theoretical content, but could not publish it for a long time. Confidentiality.

In fact, after the space shuttle experiment is over, there is no need to keep the contents of space secret. Other institutions will definitely know that space shuttle technology is related to compressed space.

Space shuttle is not a space jump. How to achieve fast travel in space can only come up with a few answers.

The most likely one is that space is compressed, and Z-wave technology is designed to compress space. Coupled with the current compression material technology, it can basically be determined.

However, the core of related technologies is still Z wave, and Z wave is the foundation of everything.

Without Z-wave generation technology, no matter how other institutions research it, it will be meaningless. They cannot research anything and can only continue to 'speculate'.

Internationally, there are too many institutions and scientists who hope to study Z-wave and the latest technology-related content, but the underlying technology cannot be made public. All they can do is continue to hope and continue to think.

Zhao Yi continued his research indifferently. He was very interested in exploration related to 'space material transmission', but most of his energy still had to be invested in 'Z-wave detection technology'.

This technology is very critical.

After more than three months, the laboratory was finally set up, the experimental equipment had been shipped, and could start operating normally, and research had really begun.

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