Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 659 Arriving at Mars!

The entire Mars exploration mission is broadcast live to the outside world. Through space connection technology, foreign TV stations can also achieve online live broadcast without delay.

Before the launch of the anti-gravity thruster, the host of the TV station had been making introductions, among which Yixing Technology Company was naturally indispensable. "This is a company established by the famous scientist Zhao Yi. It has been committed to space exploration since its establishment. They Claims to build functional small spacecraft."

"Currently, Yixing Technology is developing very fast. They rely on space light energy transmission technology to transmit the light energy around the sun to the car as a power source, creating an unlimited power car that does not need to add energy."

"The safety of this car has not been confirmed. It is currently only approved for sale in a few countries such as Country Z and BJS."

"Now Yixing has begun their space exploration activities. For this Mars exploration mission, the spacecraft launched will shuttle into space. They claim that they will arrive at Mars within ten seconds and perform tasks on the surface of Mars."

"At the same time, the entire mission will be broadcast live without delay using space information transmission technology."

"we hope--"

The host talked a lot and started talking about other things.

For example, compare Yixing Technology with SpaceX.

Currently, there are only two companies in the world engaged in private space exploration activities, and the other is the Space Exploration Technology Company established by Musk.

The Space Exploration Technology Company was established relatively early. It has been nearly 20 years now and is developing very well. They can manufacture advanced launch vehicles and have already undertaken the task of transporting supplies to the International Space Station.

International media believe that the development of space exploration technology companies marks a new era of private aerospace.

The current development of Yixing Technology seems to be the upgrading of the private aerospace field. Yixing Technology has demonstrated the strength of new technologies, relying on space light energy transmission technology, not only getting involved in the new energy vehicle market, but also directly challenging space exploration. The place of technology companies in the private space sector.

If the development of space exploration technology companies marks the arrival of a new era of private aerospace, Yixing Technology represents the future of private aerospace. The new technologies they use are completely unavailable in the world and can truly lead mankind. Towards a new era of exploring the universe.

When comparing the two companies, many people think that Space Exploration Technology Company was established early and has advanced technology for manufacturing rocket thrusters, and its foundation is relatively deep, while Yixing Technology represents cutting-edge technology and makes advanced Exploration is still possible only by relying on Yixing.

Therefore, Yixing Technology Company obviously has more strength and future development potential than Space Exploration Technology Company.

Now it is the Mars exploration mission of Yixing Technology, which is completely impossible for Space Exploration Technology Company. It is even said that they are likely to not be able to do it in the future due to related technical problems.

What is certain is that as long as the Mars exploration mission succeeds, Yixing Technology will surpass the Space Exploration Technology Company and become the world's number one private space exploration technology company.

This is also something that bothers Musk.

With the development of Yixing Technology, Musk's mood is not getting better at all. Yixing Technology seems to be his natural enemy. Whether it is in the field of new energy vehicles or space exploration, they are direct competitors.

What Musk feels helpless is that his Tesla, Space Exploration Technology Company, and Yixing have no way to compete.

This is mainly due to technical limitations.

For example, in the field of space exploration, Space Exploration Technology Company is preparing to launch commercial manned space services, which will allow wealthy people to pay for space-related journeys.

The company already had a plan a few years ago. The plan at that time was to use rocket thrusters. Later, it purchased anti-gravity technology and began research and development related to the application of anti-gravity technology in space exploration.

They are close to success and can build an anti-gravity spacecraft that can ascend into space, but the biggest limitation is materials.

Anti-gravity spaceships are much larger than ordinary rocket thruster carrier compartments. The larger device means that more high-end materials are spent on manufacturing, and most of the components have to be discarded every time they are lifted off and returned to the ground. .

In other words, material limitations mainly make launch costs significantly higher.

Musk has always wanted high-strength compressed materials.

The cost of compressed materials will be higher, but they can block most threats from cosmic rays, radio particles, and magnetic field storms, and can be reused.

A commercial manned vehicle would be perfect if supported by compressed materials.

But is it possible?

That kind of high-strength compression material is a new technology in the field of materials, and involves the highly confidential Z wave. Other companies cannot buy it.

Yixing, yes.

This is the unfairness of competition.

Musk knows that Yixing also has the technology to manufacture commercial manned anti-gravity spacecraft, and may even have started manufacturing it. The launch is probably not far away, and Yixing can obtain any required high-strength compression materials, plus it is very advanced and mature Using anti-gravity technology, they can create an anti-gravity manned spacecraft with very superior performance and that can be repeatedly used.

In this regard, Space Exploration Technology Company simply cannot do it.

"It's not fair competition at all."

"If you want to get that kind of compressed material, it will be impossible within ten years. And the market for manned spaceflight business is very limited. Those rich people will definitely prefer to ride on a safe and secure spacecraft, even if the cost doubles."

"Money is nothing to them. Safety and comfort are the most important things."

"How can we compete with Yixing Company in a very limited market?"

Musk couldn't think of an answer at all, but a thought couldn't help but pop into his mind, "What if my company is in country Z? I also have a passport from country Z, so the situation must be different, right?"

"I will pay taxes to Country Z, and the company will also be managed by Country Z. If I need to obtain the right to use relevant technologies, or obtain the latest compressed materials, it will become much easier."

"Now, we no longer have access to the highest technology here, and the restrictions on research and development are very great. Maybe we should consider changing our passport -"

Musk thought carefully.

In fact, he knows that he is far from the only rich person who has similar ideas. The reason is not only the latest technology, but also the changes in form in recent years.

There is no doubt that in the next ten or twenty years, or even longer, country Z will be the focus of the world and have the greatest development potential. Country Z will have access to the latest technology and the best business environment. You can also make more money.

Yixing's unlimited power car is an example. The manufacturing and development of solar-powered satellites and unlimited power cars has driven upstream and downstream companies, most of which are companies in country Z. No matter how advanced and efficient foreign companies are, they will be affected. All kinds of restrictions, not even a small share of the pie.

This is just the beginning.

Including information transmission, computers, energy, manufacturing and other fields, companies in country Z will develop very well because they have the support of the latest technology, while foreign companies, because they are restricted by the latest technology, face serious unfairness compete.

This is the case in the field of materials.

When a company can produce ultra-high-strength materials, what do the original material-related patents count for?

This has led to a large number of materials companies facing the risk of bankruptcy, and other fields have also been affected. When many companies face bankruptcy, a financial crisis will definitely break out.

"it's time!"

"Maybe as soon as possible, even faster, the future is uncertain." Musk thought carefully, and felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

Although the market is still calm, with the rise of Dongfang, its scope of influence has spread all over the world. His company is in good condition for the time being, but it has to face the comprehensive suppression of Yixing, and its future is not optimistic. The declining stock price is Clear evidence.

If a serious financial crisis really breaks out, maybe he will quickly turn from a famous rich man to a pauper.

In fact, many wealthy people abroad have a similar sense of crisis. Especially those who compete with the latest domestic technology have already felt a serious crisis.

How to avoid this crisis?

Going to country Z is a good choice. Going to country Z can take advantage of the rapid development, earn more money, be exposed to higher technology, and take your career to a higher level. But staying and facing may be , gradually heading toward failure and bankruptcy.


On the live TV screen, the anti-gravity thrusters were already small black dots.

The anti-gravity thruster lifted off the Mars-1 spacecraft, and the camera quickly turned to the perspective of the control module of the Mars-1 spacecraft. Several astronauts were seen lying in their positions, talking with serious faces.

The voice conversion function for space information transmission was not turned on. What the astronauts said specifically was not translated. The audience could only see their serious faces.

In fact, several astronauts are lying about shuttle-related things.

Although they were mentally prepared, had undergone a lot of training, and were led by an experienced captain, they were still a little worried, mainly about the actual 'space shuttle' aspect.

Zhang Liping asked, "Can we really reach Mars in ten seconds? Even though I am sitting here, I still feel incredible."

"Of course, you have to trust Academician Zhao. And he has done several shuttle experiments." Zou Yongcheng said with certainty.

"What will the shuttle be like?" Lu Xiaowei is looking forward to it. "I have seen the video of the space shuttle experiment. It seems that we have reached the moon all at once, but how will we feel in the spacecraft? I have studied the theory of relativity. Is it in the spacecraft? Does time slow down inside? Is it different from outside?"


Zou Yongcheng hesitated and thought for a long time. He found that he couldn't answer it at all. How could he know the answer if he had never experienced space shuttle?

Lin Sheng is an engineer sent by the Space Information Technology Company. He also has a master's degree in mathematics. He participated in the last space shuttle experiment and is very familiar with space-related content. He said, "You don't have to worry too much. Time The feeling should be the same.”

"It feels like ten seconds outside, and it feels like ten seconds to us."

"Even if the theory of relativity really applies, Einstar's theory can also be used in space shuttle technology. We can reach 80 million kilometers and travel at the speed of light for 300 seconds."

"So it's not like we feel like it's been months, it's just minutes at most."

"The only thing is, when the time comes, the surroundings will definitely be dark, so don't be afraid!" Lin Sheng said with some wickedness, and looked specifically at Zhang Liping.

He did this on purpose to adjust the atmosphere.

Zhang Liping glared at him and said, "I'm not afraid of the dark, no matter how dark it is! And we have been trained to stay in the space cover."

"Yeah, it's nothing!"


"It's only a few minutes, we'll be there soon! Lin Sheng, aren't you scared?"

"Ha ha--"

Lin Sheng pursed his lips after hearing this. In fact, he was a little worried. He was not a professional astronaut, and he joined the team midway. He did not participate in all the training projects, and he had not experienced space cover training.

However, thinking about traveling through space in complete darkness seems to be a good experience.

The anti-gravity thruster stabilized, and after reaching the established orbit, the thruster released the Mars-1 spacecraft, and the astronauts in the control cabin also sat up.

Now they don't need to do anything but maintain contact with the ground, and keep paying attention to and detecting data to prevent errors in the spacecraft's trajectory or speed.

An hour later, a voice came from the communication, "Get ready to open the space channel!"

"Mars-1 is preparing to enter the shuttle orbit!"


"Report, everything is normal!"



Following the instructions one after another, the Mars-1 spacecraft opened the space cover, and at the precise time, it entered the space shuttle route and quickly disappeared from sight.

At this time, a scream came from the control cabin of the spacecraft, "Ah——"

Several astronauts all looked towards the location of the sound.

It's Lin Sheng.

This was Lin Sheng's first time experiencing a space shield. He thought it was no big deal before, but when he was actually in a dark space, his heart was suddenly filled with fear.

The darkness inside the space cover is not on the same level as the darkness at night.

The former means that there is really no light, and even a little bit of light will be absorbed. Coupled with the influence of the shuttle channel, the interior of the spacecraft is far more than just invisible. It really feels like the vision has disappeared.

In comparison, it is much more comfortable at night, at least there is a little light.

Lin Sheng was an engineer. He only received a short training and his mental quality was relatively poor. He was suddenly in a completely closed and dark environment and almost collapsed.

Fortunately, the time is short.

Seven seconds later, the spacecraft completed its space shuttle and appeared on the edge of Mars.

Twenty seconds later, the space cover closed and everything returned to normal.

The lights in the control room came back on. It was not a very bright light, and it even made several astronauts feel dazzled.

Lin Sheng finally got rid of his fear and looked around blankly, with tears still in the corners of his eyes, and then found that several people were looking at him.

At this embarrassing moment, Zou Yongcheng said, "Fortunately!"

"What?" Lu Xiaowei asked.

"Fortunately, we are all wearing space suits, otherwise we wouldn't be able to stay in this place!" Zou Yongcheng said and took a deep breath through his nose.

This action made everyone understand what he meant, and there was a burst of laughter in the cabin.

Lin Sheng's face turned red with embarrassment. The most embarrassing thing was that he couldn't help but laugh. At the same time, he also paid attention to the feeling below.



"Look!" Zhang Liping suddenly exclaimed and pointed at the glass partition.

Several people looked over together.

A huge star appeared outside the glass partition. Its entire body was light brown, and it was also decorated with white that seemed to be clouds. It showed a unique beauty at close range.

"That's Mars!"

"It's Mars, that's right! We've arrived on Mars!"

"We're here! It's so fast!"

"Ten seconds!"

At the same time, live TV also used space information transmission technology to show close-up images of Mars, which aroused a lot of discussion.

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