Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 661 The most tense moment

The whole world was shocked by the powerful performance of the Yixing H-1 Mars probe released by the Mars-1 spacecraft.

The international aerospace field has been continuously launching Mars probes to conduct detection activities on the surface of Mars. The Mars probes launched in the past were mainly affected by energy and information transmission.

One aspect is energy.

If traditional battery technology is used, the Mars rover will be affected by the battery power and cannot work for too long at all.

Later, with the development of solar technology, Mars probes generally operate in solar charging mode. However, because of the atmosphere on Mars, solar panels will be affected by seasonal changes on Mars. Even in seasons with abundant solar energy, the Mars probe will Insufficient power supply occurs.

Two years ago, the Mars probe launched by country M adopted a more advanced nuclear energy mode. However, due to the limited mass of the probe, it could only use the simplest nuclear energy mode. The power of nuclear energy into electrical energy is not even as good as solar charging. technology, but it is more stable and has a longer service life.

In addition, detectors will always experience information transmission effects.

Electric frequency signals are not omnipotent.

The farthest distance between Mars and the earth can even exceed 15,000 kilometers. Even electromagnetic waves need to be transmitted for 500 seconds. Plus information conversion, command interpretation, etc., the time consumed is a bit long.

Several probes launched to Mars lost contact with the earth's surface before their energy service life was over. The main reason was that they failed to operate in a timely manner, causing the Mars probe to fall into a dangerous environment.

The above two points are the key to limiting the operation of the Mars probe.

The Yixing-H1 model solves the problems of energy and information transmission. The energy source is solar transmission technology. The single crystal fan blade at the tail can provide a steady stream of solar power. Information transmission and operation are all based on space connection technology, which can Prompt operation without delays.

The two technologies combined, at least in theory, can keep working without encountering uncontrollable dangers. .

While the international public opinion continued to discuss, the astronauts had completed their work, completed the mission and returned to the spacecraft.

The hosts of various TV stations also began to introduce the method of the Mars-1 spacecraft to return to the earth. "The Mars-1 spacecraft mainly relies on the transmission of solar energy and the solid fuel loaded to escape the gravity of Mars and lift off. It will then rely on the Z orbiting Mars." Wave satellites and establish space shuttle routes for return.”

“A lot of cutting-edge technology was used throughout the process.”

Although the TV host just gave a brief introduction, it still gave people a very shocking feeling. The technical difficulty of launching from the earth and launching from Mars is not the same concept at all.

Regardless of whether the return mission can be successful, as long as the technology can theoretically do it, it is already quite remarkable.

For human space exploration, Mars exploration is a history full of failures.

Among them, the most failed one was the Space Administration of China. They started exploring Mars more than fifty years ago and conducted more than twenty related missions, with very few successes.

In the 1960s, that is, in 1960, the former E country began its Mars exploration mission. They launched a Mars probe to Mars.

This launch mission was a success, and it was also an extremely rare success experience in the history of E country's exploration of Mars.

Two years later, the former E country launched the Mars 1 probe. When it was 100 million kilometers away from the earth, the probe lost connection with the ground. There has been no news since. During the same period, the other Mars 1962A and Mars 1962B probes were launched. , also announced launch failures one after another.

Two years later, the previous launch of the probe again failed. Although the probe successfully reached the vicinity of Mars, it did not send any data back to the earth because the solar panels were damaged.

The perseverance of the former E-country space agency is worthy of recognition. It can be said that they have suffered repeated defeats. They launched the detection again after a year, but the result still ended in failure.

Continuous failures did not dampen the confidence of the former E-country space agency. Four years later, they continued to launch probes, and they launched two probes at once. One of them exploded due to engine failure seven minutes after launch, and the other one exploded due to engine failure. It fell to the ground less than a minute after launch.

More than a year later, they continued to launch, launching three in one go. The first probe made an error after takeoff. Later, for unknown reasons, the former E country did not admit the launch, but the second probe successfully reached Mars. The surface became the first man-made object in history to reach the surface of Mars. However, it quickly encountered a sandstorm and lost its connection before landing. As soon as the third probe successfully landed on Mars, it encountered the same sandstorm, resulting in It only worked for twenty seconds before losing the connection.

After that, the former E country launched Mars 4 to 7 in succession, and directly launched four detectors as if by chance. Among them, the 5th successfully sent back 60 images to the earth. The mission lasted for nine days and then stopped working. The other detectors All planes failed to land.

Later, the former E country carried out several Mars exploration missions. Some of them had problems after launch, and some of them lost communication connection with the earth after entering the orbit of Mars.


Seven years ago, Country E restarted its Mars mission. The probe was also equipped with a domestically developed Mars probe. As a result, the orbit change failed because the active propulsion device failed to ignite.

no doubt.

The exploration of Mars by China's Space Agency is a history of continuous failures. There are also very few successes, but this still cannot cover up the large number of failures. Of course, it cannot be denied that China's Space Agency has repeatedly failed in its exploration of Mars. Spirit.

Internationally speaking, Country M's exploration of Mars has been relatively successful, but success is only relative. Half of their exploration activities ended in failure.

It's already amazing that half of the tasks are successful.

Most of the international information about Mars now comes from the success achieved by the space agency of the country M, including photos of the Mars surface, atmospheric analysis, soil conditions, etc.

Now, for the first time in China, a mission related to the surface of Mars has been carried out. It has directly completed the manned landing and released an ultra-high-performance Mars probe. The mission has brought back a large amount of data so far.

This can be said to be a great success in the history of human exploration of Mars.

After the live broadcast of the mission ended, the international discussion still did not stop, but became more and more heated. With this, Yixing Company's international reputation has greatly increased, and a large number of media reports are inseparable from the 'Domestic Space Administration', ' Yixing' and other words.

This has also allowed Yixing Company's reputation to directly overtake the Space Exploration Technology Company and become the most well-known and considered the most powerful private space exploration company.

There was discussion and shock everywhere.

The focus of public opinion mainly revolves around 'five astronauts landing on Mars', 'performance of the Yixing-H1 probe', 'spacecraft releasing supply device', etc. In addition, many people are also concerned about whether the Mars-1 spacecraft can successfully return. Earth.

If the Mars-1 spacecraft can successfully return to Earth, the Mars exploration mission can be said to be perfect.

Whether the Mars-1 spacecraft can successfully return to Earth is actually very meaningful, marking that humans have the ability to travel to and from ultra-distant planets.

This is mainly due to the technology used by the Mars-1 spacecraft.

First, there's space travel.

The Mars-1 spacecraft can quickly reach Mars, which is nearly 100 million kilometers away, and can reach farther planets. The distance between planets can be said to be no longer a problem.

In addition, the technology of launching from Mars uses space solar energy transmission and anti-gravity technology. Even if the planet is far away and the energy is not limited, everything will not be a problem. And anti-gravity technology will not depend on the gravity. There will be some difference.

In other words, the spacecraft launched using anti-gravity technology, whether on Mars or on Earth, have similar technologies, and there will not even be much difference in energy consumption.

This is an extremely important technological leap for mankind to explore space and other planets.

Yes, it's a jump.

There have been precedents for landing on other planets before. Just like the Apollo moon landing, astronauts successfully returned to Earth. However, taking off from Mars and taking off from the moon are completely different concepts.

One is that the moon is very close, 380,000 kilometers away from the earth, and it can even be said to be 'right in front of you'.

Another very important point is that the moon has very little gravity and no atmosphere.

The latter is critical.

In the process of a planet taking off and landing, the influence of the atmosphere is very large. The atmosphere will affect the landing as well as the lift-off.

The technical difficulty of the Mars liftoff and the moon liftoff are not at the same level at all.


space agency.

The live TV broadcast has ended, but the Mars exploration mission has not yet ended, and it has reached the most critical time.

As discussed internationally, returning from Mars to Earth is much more difficult than going from Earth to Mars.

In this exploration mission, return is the key.

There are many cases of failed Mars exploration in the world. The Mars exploration mission jointly carried out by Yixing and the space agency uses the latest technology, but many people still don’t know it.

The senior leaders were very nervous and kept asking technical questions, hoping to know more about the return process.

Fortunately, communication is still maintained.

Although the large-scale space transmission link is disconnected, the Mars-1 spacecraft will link with the ground every half an hour to report safety and mission progress in a timely manner.

In fact, Zhao Yi was a little worried about the return of the spacecraft. While he constantly emphasized that technology and equipment were ineffective, he also used the "Law of Cause and Effect" twice to judge the situation of the Mars-1 spacecraft.

The Mars-1 spacecraft was not in front of him, and judging the situation of the spacecraft was a high-cost problem. He could only make a judgment by continuously adding learning coins, and the answers returned were reassuring.

That's the best news.

Now that the Mars-1 spacecraft is slowly taking off, it is necessary to reduce energy consumption. The ground can only maintain the connection and slowly wait for the progress of the mission, and nothing else can be done.

In the control room of the space agency, many people closed their eyes and prayed silently. They hoped that the prayers would have an effect and the spacecraft could return safely.

At this time, the control room of the Mars-1 spacecraft.

Lu Xiaowei, Zou Yongcheng and others also felt nervous. Sitting in the spacecraft, all they needed to do was keep an eye on the data to prevent severe weather or other emergencies.

When something similar doesn't happen, all they can do is wait.

The astronauts were more uneasy than others because they were direct participants. Only Zou Yongcheng and Lu Xiaowei participated in the test of the spacecraft's launch.

That time was a launch experiment of the spacecraft, and it only rose to 50 kilometers from the surface of the earth. The gravity and air data of Mars are different from those of the earth, so there will definitely be some differences.

For example, for Mars, if it rises above fifty kilometers, it is almost in "space", while the Earth's definition of space is one hundred kilometers above the ground.

The Mars-1 spacecraft is slowly taking off. The take-off route is straight. When it is close to the surface, it cannot accelerate laterally due to the resistance of the air. The spacecraft is equipped with an air density detector, which displays the air density. Only when the density is lower than a certain value and the impact on the spacecraft is very small can it be accelerated laterally.

The way to accelerate the spacecraft is very simple. That is to tilt the central thruster, and the spacecraft will also tilt. As it continues to lift off, it will slowly accelerate in one direction, and then the spacecraft will get higher and higher. quick.

The calculation data of the mission is that the spacecraft will be able to accelerate to escape the gravity of Mars after orbiting Mars for half a circle.

After breaking away from the gravity of Mars, the spacecraft can continue to orbit Mars for about four times, and then it can use the transmitted solar energy to completely fill the battery, and then use the remaining solid fuel, solar energy and battery energy to push forward and open the space cover, and enter the Z-wave satellite The released space shuttle returns to Earth.


The launch speed of the spacecraft was slower than expected. It was not until seven days later that the ground received the message from the spacecraft. They were already 35 kilometers away from the surface of Mars. The detection data was all safe and they could start accelerating.

The message passed by the commander on the ground was, "You can judge everything yourself."

"Everyone believes in you!"

These are words of encouragement.

In fact, several astronauts were very nervous at this time, because the acceleration of the spacecraft is not a simple control. Problems may occur if the spacecraft tilts, and it may even crash directly.

As the captain, Zou Yongcheng felt very nervous. There was sweat on his cheeks and his expression was very solemn. He said to the others, "Now!"

Several others nodded firmly.

Lu Xiaowei said, "Captain, you decide!"

Others echoed, "We believe in you, Captain!"

"Captain, it's no problem!"

"Everything is as planned. The launch of the spacecraft is a little slow, which is within the normal range. No problem!"

Several people simply held hands as they spoke, encouraging each other in this way.

Zou Yongcheng took a deep breath, looked down at the operating lever, then raised his head to look at the others, then took a deep breath again, closed his eyes and pulled the operating lever hard.


The spacecraft suddenly shook and tilted quickly to one side.

Lin Sheng's screams came from the control room, and everyone else was also very nervous, and they all grabbed the safety handrails with all their strength.

They felt that the spacecraft suddenly sank, as if it had fallen. Fortunately, after a pause, the spacecraft only tilted a little and became stable again.


Everyone became calmer, and after looking at the test data again, they all felt like they had regained a new lease of life.

"no problem!"

"Safe! Success!"

"Haha, I said it's no problem!"

"Who shouted that just now? It scared me!" Several people immediately looked at Lin Sheng.

Lin Sheng opened his mouth in embarrassment. He even wanted to escape. Fortunately, others were already used to it. They couldn't ask an ordinary technical engineer to truly face the danger of his life with the mental endurance of a standard astronaut. , even they find it difficult to maintain absolute composure.

Zhang Liping immediately operated the link to the ground and made an excited report, "Report!"

"This is the Mars-1 spacecraft, 35.7 kilometers away from the surface, tilted 13 degrees. The spacecraft accelerated successfully!"


At the same time, in the control cabin of the spacecraft, the noisy electronic sounds on the opposite side can be heard. The chaos also represents the excitement and joy in the ground control room.

The commander of the space agency's Mars mission also said with excitement, "Congratulations, heroes who have landed on Mars!"

"You have passed the most dangerous moment. As long as you follow the original plan, you will be able to return successfully!"

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