Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 672 What do I look like! What's wrong with me!

After listening to Zhao Yi's explanation, Shi Jingwen had the urge to curse.

Inspiration and luck?

It’s really impossible to learn these two things!

But Shi Jingwen had to admit that Zhao Yi was telling the truth. A lot of medical research was due to luck, such as the discovery of new types of proteins, bacteria, viruses, etc.

Some scientists who have made very significant contributions to medical research, including Nobel Prize winners in medicine, came to them by luck.

For example, the Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to three scientists from countries F and D, Harald Zur Hausen, Wass Bar-Sinoussi and Luc Montagnier. They discovered that They shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for discovering the viruses that cause AIDS and cervical cancer.

Bar-Sinoussi and Montagnier won the prize for their work in the early 1980s, when they isolated the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) from the lymph of early-stage AIDS patients and the blood of late-stage AIDS patients.

It is certainly impossible to say that the level of scientific research of other medical experts is not as high as theirs. To a certain extent, their awards can be said to be luck, because they happened to obtain the blood of late-stage AIDS patients. If they were from other medical professions, The virus can also be isolated. They just found the right direction and did relevant research.

Luck is important, inspiration is very important.

For example, in a simple study, a certain type of bacteria can resist virus erosion, and a large number of proteins will be secreted inside the bacteria.

Then research must find one or several structures that are resistant to virus attack from these proteins.

This is very complex work.

Even a single bacterium is a macromolecular cell with too many components inside the cell.

If you test each protein or ingredient one by one, it will take a lot of time and may not yield results.

At this time, careful analysis is required. Some proteins are ranked higher if they are more likely, and some ingredients are ranked lower if they are less likely, or no research is conducted at all. .

But what if the judgment is wrong? All work will become meaningless.

This is when inspiration is needed.

When you are inspired, you can directly find the protein or substance that has the effect. The research will become very simple and you can quickly draw conclusions.

Therefore, inspiration and luck are indeed very important for medical research.

Shi Jingwen sighed.

He and Zhao Yi continued to discuss some research issues. The two had common topics in this regard. Later, Zhang Ning also participated and exchanged research experiences together.

Zhao Yi said very little during the communication. He just listened patiently and occasionally put forward his own opinions.

In the process of constant communication, Shi Jingwen also guided the construction of the genetic laboratory. He believed that the technical level should be improved first.

"Academician Zhao, your genetic laboratory definitely hopes to do the world's top genetic research, so first of all, it must be top-notch technically."

"For example, some of the world's most advanced genetic technologies, including the latest shearing technology, must be able to do it."

Shi Jingwen said seriously.

Gene shearing technology is the latest technology in the field of medical research.

Zhang Ning is also doing research in related fields. The main purpose of the research is to find some methods to correct genes.

Gene cutting technology does not use scissors to cut genes, but uses the adaptive immune system "CRISPR-Cas" in bacteria.

"CRISPR-Cas" allows bacteria to detect viral DNA viruses and eliminate them. In the "CRISPR-Cas" system, there is a protein called "CRISPR-Cas9", which can find, cut and finally eliminate viral DNA in a special way. DNA.

Using the characteristics of "CRISPR-Cas9", you can cut genes more accurately, and you can even expand the cutting technology to the DNA of animals and plants for purposeful editing and processing, so as to treat diseases, especially genetic diseases. , and get the crops and biological products people want.

This technology was developed by two scientists, Charpentier and Doudna, who also won the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

Zhang Ning's research field is also related to gene modification technology.

This is the research on underlying technology and the driving force for the development of genetic technology. Each of her achievements can promote the development of genetic technology.

"So, if you want to do top gene-related research, you must have top genetic technology."

Shi Jingwen said, "I took a look at the laboratory. Currently, your laboratory has a lot of new equipment, and it is the most high-end in the world. But in fact, there is still a big gap compared to the top genetic laboratories."

His meaning is obvious, that is, he thinks the experimental equipment is still not enough.

To a certain extent, it is equivalent to fighting for benefits for his beloved disciple Zhang Ning.

In fact, Zhang Ning also knew that the genetic laboratory lacked some top-notch equipment and the related supporting facilities were not perfect. After she came to the genetic laboratory, she also made a lot of requests and purchased several top-notch new equipment. The total price exceeded Thirty million.

At this time, Zhang Ning felt that the request was a bit too high, especially after Zhao Yi nodded in agreement and satisfied her request.

If I continue to ask for other equipment, will it be considered unsatisfactory? It is considered to be exploring the bottom line of the laboratory.

Although Zhang Ning focuses on research and has lived abroad for many years, he still knows some things about the world.

Now Shi Jingwen explained the problems Zhang Ning encountered, which was equivalent to helping his disciple put forward the requirements for the research and development environment.

Zhao Yi didn't think much after hearing this, because he originally wanted to build the world's top genetic laboratory.

He doesn't know how much money top genetic laboratories need to spend, but what is certain is that the current investment is definitely not enough.

He said directly, "Professor Zhang Ning, if you need anything, you can just say it and talk to Zhang Wei. Zhang Wei, do you know him?"

. He nodded and said, "I know you."

They are about the same age, and both are engaged in research in the field of biomedicine. They are also well-known in the country, so they must have many common topics.

Zhao Yidao said, "The authority I gave Sister Zhang Wei is 500 million funds. As long as the funds are less than 500 million, she can directly make decisions."

"If you need anything, just ask her. I believe in her and I believe in you."

"The current genetic laboratory is also headed by you, and everyone else is an assistant. If you have other requirements, including equipment, materials, or manpower, you can directly raise them."

He said nonchalantly.

Shi Jingwen and Zhang Ning looked at each other and were both very surprised.

In fact, Shi Jingwen did not communicate with Zhang Ning, but directly talked about the equipment problem with Zhao Yi. He wanted to use his "face" to help Zhang Ning strive for a better scientific research environment.

However, each piece of top-notch equipment in a genetic laboratory is very expensive. Simply adding a few pieces of equipment can cost more than tens of millions.

This is one of the reasons why the Institute of Biomedical Research does not have a genetic laboratory.

Shi Jingwen believed that if Zhao Yi promised to purchase top-notch equipment, he would delay it for a while, or else he would pay for the equipment himself. After all, Zhao Yi is one of the world's top richest men, with tens of millions or more than 100 million in capital. To him, It's nothing at all, not to mention that the funds are used to purchase equipment, rather than giving the money directly to Zhang Ning, which is equivalent to investment in Zhao Yi's laboratory and genetic laboratory.

Now Zhao Yi directly said that Zhang Ning should go to Zhang Wei?

In other words, the funds will come from the laboratory, not Zhao Yi himself. However, can the laboratory come up with that kind of money?

Even if it is a top international laboratory, if it has to spend more than 100 million yuan in one go, it will definitely have a huge impact.

But seeing Zhao Yi's nonchalant look, they suddenly learned more about the laboratory.

This so-called top international laboratory not only has top-notch research results, but obviously their funding is also top-notch.

At noon, Zhao Yi had dinner with Shi Jingwen, Zhang Ning and others. Researchers from several laboratories, including Zhang Wei and Ai Lixin, also came, and they talked about issues in the genetic laboratory.

Zhao Yi and Zhang Wei talked about purchasing new equipment. Zhang Wei nodded directly and said, "Of course it's no problem." She smiled and said to Zhang Ning, "Sister Ning, if you have any requirements, just tell me directly. It's totally fine." question, and Academician Zhao also agreed.”


Zhang Ning felt a little uncomfortable.

She had worked in a foreign institution for a period of time before, and it was also a top international genetic laboratory. However, whether it was equipment or project funds, the application process was very complicated.

If you want better equipment, the premise is to have big research results, preferably results with international influence.

If there are results and funding, then there will be more results.

This is a virtuous cycle.

However, conversely, if there are no results, there will be no financial support, and it will be even more difficult to produce results.

Now when I work in Zhao Yi's laboratory, I am directly allocated the best equipment. The funds promised are not a problem at all. Some of the requirements for equipment that seem to be "a bit excessive" are directly agreed to. Zhang Ning is even a little uncomfortable with it.

This is certainly good news.

In the afternoon, the laboratory communicated with Zhang Ning and got into work together.

Zhao Yi's purpose in establishing a genetic laboratory is to have the world's top genetic research institution, and to cooperate with the main laboratory's projects to conduct research from a genetic perspective.

For example, the main laboratory's research on anti-aging proteins and enzymes, as well as research on clonal leukemia cells, all need to draw some relevant conclusions from a genetic perspective.

Therefore, Zhang Ning's future research work, in addition to his own research, also needs to cooperate with the work of the main laboratory.

Zhang Ning is not alone. She comes with a team, including three researchers who are all working together.

The laboratory is also recruiting doctoral students in genetics.

After introducing a lot of new equipment, the structure of the genetic laboratory has been set up. Zhao Yi ignored the work communication with Zhang Ning in the main laboratory. He took Shi Jingwen to visit Yanhua University, and then he left at about the same time. When Shi Jingwen was delivered to the car, he became much more relaxed.

Zhao Yi thought about his work problems.

Because he needs to pay attention to the spaceship project, he has to come to the capital frequently. In addition, Yixing Company's research and development is on track. It will be a good choice to stay in the capital for some time in the future.

It's just that Lin Xiaoqing is still in Zhengyang and it is unlikely that she will come with him.

"But it would be good to let Xiaoqing come over. We can find a kindergarten for our children right here in the capital. They will stay here from now on."

Zhao Yi thought, "Zheng Yang will go there often, but there are more jobs here in the capital, and the educational environment in the capital is better."

"All right."

"There's nothing going on with Zheng Yang for the time being. Just stay in the capital during this time."

After he made the decision, he felt very relaxed because he no longer had to think about going back.

Before it got dark, he strolled around the campus and went for a spin on the playground. He was just wearing a hat. In the cold and windy weather, wearing a hat didn't look out of place.

After walking out of the playground, he happened to pass by the Microbiology Technology Laboratory. He simply walked in and took a look and saw a familiar figure.

It's Li Renzhe.

Now Li Renzhe has become plump. He has already gained serious weight when he was just thirty years old.

Zhao Yi recognized him at first sight and knocked on the office door.


Li Renzhe shouted without looking up. He happened to be waiting for students to hand in their papers. He thought a student was coming over, so he pointed to the corner of the table and said, "Put the papers over there!"


Zhao Yi went over and slapped the table hard.

Li Renzhe was so frightened that he shivered and raised his head, only to notice that it was Zhao Yi. He immediately yelled angrily, "Damn it, I'm scared to death!"

"Zhao Yi, come on if you want. I was almost scared to death!"

Zhao Yi immediately said sarcastically, "You are already a teacher, but you are still full of swear words. Do you have any ethics as a teacher? I will report you to the school right now."

"Go away! If you report it, just report it. The worst is, I will lose my job!" Li Renzhe said nonchalantly, because he knew that Zhao Yi would not be able to report him.

If Zhao Yi really targeted him, he wouldn't be able to report it. If he told the school directly, he would be fired directly.

The two of them were just exchanging favors and joking.


At this time, a student knocked on the door, came in and carefully placed the paper on the corner of the table. Only then did he notice Zhao Yi standing next to him. He took a deep breath and exclaimed, "Zhao Yi! Master Zhao! Academician Zhao——" "


Zhao Yi felt a little embarrassed.

Li Renzhe suppressed a smile and found the student's reaction very interesting.

No matter how well the paper was written, Zhao Yi's embarrassing reaction alone would definitely add an extra ten points to his grade.

He has decided!

After the student exclaimed "Zhao Yi" twice, he immediately turned to Li Renzhe and shouted, "Teacher Li, they are all saying that you and Master Zhao are friends, but we in the dormitory have never believed it. The 'fat man' said that you are like this. Maybe there are friends like Dashen Zhao!”

"I didn't expect that!"

"Totally beyond our expectations, you are so awesome!"


Li Renzhe's eyes suddenly widened and he asked angrily, "What am I like? What are you talking about!" He picked up the top paper and glanced at the student's name, "Peng Xiaowen, right, it's you, paper If you fail, rewrite!”


Peng Xiaowen quickly took out his mobile phone to take pictures. He didn't expect this follow-up at all, and immediately explained, "No, no, Teacher Li, I didn't mean it, I was just too excited to see Master Zhao!"

"I did not do it on purpose!"

"Teacher Li--"

Zhao Yi couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Li Renzhe also felt very helpless. When he saw another student coming, he simply said, "Okay, I understand, you go!"

He just wanted to send Peng Xiaowen away quickly, but he still decided to give him a low score.

Zhao Yi walked to the door holding back his laughter and said, "How about I go out for a walk? I'll call Fan Lei when you have dinner together."


Li Renzhe agreed depressedly, feeling that all his good mood was gone.

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