Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 677 Moon Base Plan Negotiations

This is like a large cruise ship, which is not manufactured by a travel company, but by a large shipyard, and the travel company is just the operator.

Sightseeing ships are similar to large cruise ships. The difference is that the technology level is higher, but they will definitely have to go through it in the future.

Space tourism is a brand new market, and it will definitely be very popular when it comes out.

Yixing Company definitely hopes to sell sightseeing boats, but the prerequisite is that it passes the domestic export review.

The export review mainly focuses on two points. One is a technical issue, to ensure that the relevant technology will not be leaked. There is also a technical issue, which is to adjust the performance parameters of the hull to ensure that it cannot be used for other purposes other than sightseeing.

For example, some organizations may transform sightseeing boats, perhaps use them as satellite launchers, or even use them in military affairs.

This is definitely not possible.

In short, if sightseeing ships want to pass the export review, they must have technical restrictions.

Zhao Yixing is relatively familiar with these. He has long considered the issue of exporting small spacecrafts. For Yixing Company, it definitely hopes to be able to export. The main issue is profit.

Although space tourism is a brand-new market, even in the initial period, it will take at least a few months or a year to make back the cost of a sightseeing ship.

This is still under the condition of setting a high ticket price and ensuring full capacity.

If the sightseeing boat is sold to the outside world, there is no need to consider operational issues. A sightseeing boat costing more than 2 billion can easily be sold for more than 10 billion.

The price is not exaggerated at all. .

You must know that the manufacturing cost of some top luxury cruise ships exceeds one billion US dollars, which means that the selling price of tens of billions is only equivalent to that of a luxury cruise ship. However, for Yixing Company, it can obtain several times the profit in a short period of time.

It is indeed very attractive when you have hundreds of percent profit.

In fact, selling sightseeing boats to external parties is also in line with Yixing's positioning. The company originally focused on manufacturing small spaceships as its main business, rather than manufacturing small spaceships to operate the tourism and transportation industries. The latter is putting the cart before the horse.

When asked by representatives from other organizations, Yixing’s reply was, “We will have follow-up discussions regarding the sale of spacecraft.”

They didn't give a clear answer.

After completing the second test of the sightseeing group, Yixing is also talking about another major event, which is to build a branch in the capital, or the future company headquarters.

Yixing plans to conduct all software development in the capital, that is, separate software and hardware for research and development.

Software and hardware are directly related, but the research and development process is not related and can be carried out completely separately. Placing the software department in a big city can also make the department independent instead of specializing in soft support in fields such as spacecraft and automobiles.

For example, the in-vehicle software of Infinite Power Cars can be taken out separately, combined with the autonomous driving technology developed by Yutu Robot, and supplied to other car manufacturers for use as in-vehicle software for cars, which is to expand the market covered by the software.

Separate R\u0026D practices for software and hardware help improve R\u0026D efficiency.

It is beneficial to establish software centers in big cities. In terms of recruiting talents, the advantages of big cities are too obvious. Unlike in Zhengyang, almost all the top talents recruited come from other cities. Zhengyang’s local universities are very It is difficult to cultivate top talents.


In short, Yixing Company decided to develop software and hardware separately, and also decided to buy a building as the office location of the software department.

This building can also be used as a 'spare building' for the future headquarters.

In the end, Yixing chose a building in the Science and Technology Park near the Fifth Ring Road and spent 2.3 billion to purchase it directly.


Zhao Yixing pays attention to the development of Yixing Company and also the development of other companies.

For example, Chinese Computer Technology Company.

This company was established by Yixing and Yutu with the purpose of developing compilation software for Chinese systems and building operating systems based on Chinese systems.

We are still far away from completing the compilation of the software, but the work is still very fruitful. For example, the bottom layer compiled the code for thousands of Chinese characters and compared it with the Chinese commands.

After completing the compilation of all Chinese commands, you can proceed to the next step of development and create Chinese command compilation software.

The progress of this research and development is still very rapid, mainly due to the overall development control of Zhao Duidu. He can be said to be the top architect, who has built the entire system, and the job of others is to fill in the detailed content.

Zhao Yi still has expectations for Chinese computer companies. He hopes that all future software can be developed in Chinese, which will greatly increase the efficiency of software and development execution, and at the same time lower the entry threshold for software development work.

As hardware continues to evolve, software must also keep up.

Domestically speaking, soft facility technology is the weak point, and the development of the latest technology-related technologies must be matched with the development of soft technologies at a sufficient technical level.

Today is another meeting.

Zhao Yi always has to attend meetings when he is in the capital, because he must attend many meetings related to the latest technology, and he also needs to express his opinions, make some suggestions, etc.

The current meeting is related to Yixing Company, which is almost equivalent to negotiation. The space agency hopes to develop certain cooperation with Yixing Company in the "Moon Base Plan".

The space agency cannot always provide service support for Yixing’s space exploration. They also have their own project plans.

Now their core plan is to build a very large space center.

"We hope to build a very large space center that can accommodate more than 20,000 aerospace workers."

"The influence of this space center will cover the entire world, and it will also become the largest aerospace technology center in the future."

"As a very important part of it, our initial consideration was to build a large radar facility in space."

"But now, we have a better choice. We hope to set up a very large radar on the lunar surface and build related auxiliary facilities."

Zhao Yi felt very troubled after hearing this.

How could it be so easy to build a very large radar on the moon? The transportation of materials alone is a problem. In addition, the radar certainly does not exist alone and requires many auxiliary facilities to maintain operation.

These all require artificial construction. Even if it is possible to easily send astronauts to the moon, it will still require a large number of astronauts and a long time of work to complete.

"So you are going to cooperate with us on the moon base plan?"

Zhao Yi asked, "But we already have relevant cooperation?"

"It's more than that!"

Academician Zhou from the National Space Administration said, "Our cooperation is from a technical perspective. When you see the lunar base, we can send researchers to work there."

"But it doesn't include seeing a large radar. Because of this radar plan, we are going to build a transport ship."

Zhao Yi understood.

Of course, the space agency has not perfected the technology for building transport ships. They have not designed it at all. It will definitely take a long time to truly build a transport ship from scratch, and it may not be perfect, and testing will also take a long time. time.

Yixing's transport ship is under construction.

Because the test of the sightseeing ship went very smoothly, many people thought that the transport ship would be fine, which means that Yixing has perfect transport ship technology.

Academician Zhou said, "We want to rely on your technology to build a similar transport ship, but this requires patent authorization and you also need to provide technical and software-related support."

"Perhaps it can be purchased?" Yuan Haitao, one of Zhao Yi's assistants, asked tentatively.

Academician Zhou smiled bitterly and said, "I can't afford it, it's too expensive! According to our information, the manufacturing cost of your transport ship alone exceeds 5 billion, right?"

"It involves a lot of patented technology. You definitely can't sell it at cost price. So we have to pay at least 7 billion or 8 billion?"

Zhao Yi twitched his lips when he heard this, and everyone else in Yixing also made the same move.

They feel that Academician Zhou is a little too naive. A transport ship with a cost of 5 billion is sold for 7 billion or 8 billion? What's the difference between that and giving it away for free?

When a space transport ship of this level is sold to the outside world, the minimum price will exceed 20 billion.

Academician Zhou shook his head and said, "This is a lot of money. We don't have that much funding, so we can only manufacture it ourselves, and what we can provide is aerospace technology."

The aerospace technology he mentioned includes many patents.

The manufacturing of the transport ship also requires the help of the space agency, especially the internal electronic control system, as well as the technology related to landing, takeoff, and detection, which are all provided by the space agency.

However, Yixing paid a large amount of patent fees, and the transport ship paid more than 300 million in patent and technical support fees.

Yixing began to negotiate with the space agency delegation regarding cooperation on the lunar base plan. The two parties first discussed the issue of spacecraft export.

Yuan Haitao gave a brief introduction and said, "The export of spacecraft is inevitable, such as sightseeing ships. Space tourism is a new market, but it is impossible to monopolize any market, especially abroad."

"If it is restricted to the country, the market will be greatly reduced."

"If we want to stimulate the development of the space tourism market, we must export sightseeing ships and gradually normalize the market."

"Yixing is a technology company, not a tourism company. Our focus is mainly on research and development and space exploration, rather than competing in the tourism market."

"This also includes transport ships. We will not compete in the space transport market."

"At the same time, the current research and development of various latest technologies require a large amount of financial support. Only with sufficient financial investment can we quickly develop the space market."

Yuan Haitao emphasized the market related to space exploration.

In the field of space exploration, if you want to have economic returns, you must first spend a lot of money, and the latest technology-related research and development, including sightseeing ships, transport ships, or other spacecraft, all require massive financial support.

If the spacecraft cannot be exported, the return rate will be too slow, which will also affect the development of space exploration.

The United Aeronautics and Space Administration Group, including the Science and Technology Department and other departments, are also formulating provisions to normalize the export of the latest technology, rather than requiring special discussions for each new type of device.

In this regard, the two sides talked a lot.

Afterwards, the space agency will definitely speed up communication with other departments to ensure that relevant policies are issued as soon as possible.

The two sides quickly reached an agreement on the manufacture of transport ships.

The manufacturing of transport ships is a matter of patent rights. The Aerospace Group has unconditionally authorized several related patents and technical support to Yixing Company, which means that those who manufacture related spacecraft no longer need to pay patent fees.

At the same time, Yixing Company can share the design and manufacturing technology of transport ships and provide corresponding software service support.

This is equivalent to technology sharing.

There are quite a few differences between the two parties in the negotiations on the lunar base plan. The main reason is that it is a transport ship, which is difficult to meet the requirements of the space agency, and they do not have the funds to build more for the time being.

The space agency hopes that Yixing can invest a certain percentage in the construction of the radar, and even provide some manpower to help build it.

Of course this is impossible.

It doesn't matter if you see some workers on the ground, but for a construction plan on the moon, one person may cost more than ten million, not to mention the investment, which is equivalent to asking a company that is operating normally to A large amount of money is used to subsidize projects owned by the space agency.

Zhao Yi shook his head and refused. He had to consider the company. Then he suggested, "We can do it like the spaceship project, and we can let other institutions join the moon base plan."

"Let them have manpower to participate, and they can also send scientists into the base to participate in research, participate in construction plans, etc."

“This way we can share part of the financial pressure.”

Yixing has discussed the lunar base plan with the space agency before. The space agency can participate, but the future profits related to it will belong to Yixing.

If other institutions are brought in, just like the spacecraft project, multiple institutions can contribute funds, turning the base plan into a multi-national project.

Both Yixing and the space agency can reduce their funding, and the space agency can continue to build the space center and invite scientists from around the world to participate.

In fact, this method is the best, because a lot of information about space exploration will be directly disclosed to the outside world, which is equivalent to unconditionally serving all mankind.

The large space center built by the space agency plans to accommodate more than 20,000 aerospace workers, and the number of domestic aerospace workers is far less. The purpose must be to attract international talents.

So letting other institutions participate directly is also a way to attract talents.

The space agency and Yixing control the lunar base plan, and other institutions participating can only use the scientific research environment.

Just like how M country used to attract talents in the past, it can continuously attract talents by providing the best scientific research environment and talent treatment.

This has become an important core of development.

Talent is the most important factor in the development of science and technology. Being able to attract a sufficient amount of talents can keep science and technology in a leading position.

Correspondingly, if we fail to attract talents, technology will lag behind.

Yixing talked a lot with the space agency, finalized many details of cooperation, and finally completed negotiations related to the lunar base plan.

Next, waiting for the transport ship being built, you can start the initial plan.

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