Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 682 The air has been transferred!

In the past year or so, the Z-wave experimental group has not made much progress, and the research is basically at a standstill, mainly because there is no direction. They hope to study the physical properties of the covered area, but this research involves too wide a range. Detection is a big problem. The best is to create a large-scale vacuum environment, which requires very high financial support.

At the same time, because it involves a large amount of data, it requires the participation of many physicists, mathematicians, and computer engineers.

A single Z-wave experimental group is no longer enough.

However, the Z-wave experimental group did not do nothing. They still did some research, and some people in the group also made good suggestions.

For example, research on the spatial transfer of Z waves.

If Z waves can be connected and transferred in space like photons, it will be relatively simple to create Z waves.

There is no need to launch a high-energy Z-wave satellite to orbit Mars. It only requires a large-scale space connection equipment to directly transfer the high-power Z-wave emitted by the Earth.

The same goes for Z-wave satellites in space orbiting the earth.

It is much simpler and more direct to transfer Z-waves from the ground to space for launch. Obviously, the cost of manufacturing high-power Z-waves on the ground is much lower than that of manufacturing in space.

The idea was adopted immediately after it was proposed.

The Z-wave experimental team is also looking forward to conducting experiments.

Ruan Wenye is even more looking forward to it. He himself has no top-level research that he is particularly good at, but with his research on Z-wave transfer, he can retire directly and win the country's highest science and technology award in the future.

This discovery is really important.


The experiments designed by the Z-wave team failed to produce any results.

That's why Ruan Wenye's tone was so certain. They had already done relevant experiments and paid great attention to it.

Zhao Yi did not give up. He could not draw a conclusion whether the Z wave could be transferred, but he still said, "I still want to try. It is best to see it on site."

"I think there is great potential in this direction. From a theoretical point of view, Z wave is a kind of anti-space energy, or to put it bluntly, it is anti-energy, and the process of Z wave compressing space and transferring to compressing matter is It’s like using space to achieve the transformation of counter-energy and energy.”

"Space links can transfer energy, and the process of Z-wave compressing space will involve a large amount of energy and counter-energy conversion, so there should be some reactions."

Zhao Yi talked a lot continuously because he agreed with his point of view theoretically.

If Z waves, compressed space, and material processes cannot be transferred by space links at all and do not react in any way, then his spatial analysis must be wrong.

This is also an important conclusion.

In the end, Ruan Wenye nodded, "Okay, since you insist, let's go to the experimental base with me. This is a small experiment and can be done directly."

If it were anyone else, Ruan Wenye would not pay attention at all, because they have already done several experiments and found nothing at all.

Zhao Yi is completely different.

Even if Zhao Yi's idea is wrong, it is still a gain to have him confirm his mistake.

Ruan Wenye immediately went to an experimental base of the Z-wave experimental team with Zhao Yi.

This is the newly built capital base, located in the southern mountainous area, surrounded by mountains on three sides, with a large open space in the middle, which is the experimental site.


They have done several experiments, and the ground in the middle has been made very flat. There are several temporary green leather houses next to it, with a lot of equipment placed inside.

There were no buildings built on the site at this time. They were just temporary residences or warehouses for equipment and supplies.

After Ruan Wenye arrived at the base, he worried several team leaders and talked about conducting experiments on Z-wave transfer.

He simply explained, "Academician Zhao wants to take a look."

"Go get ready!"

This reason is enough.

The Z-wave transfer experiment can only be regarded as a small experiment. It only needs to release the Z-wave at low power, and then use space to connect the equipment to transfer the corresponding area.

The most important thing is to install testing instruments to instantly detect data such as Z-wave release rate, temperature, magnetic field strength, and radiation amount.

The Z-wave laboratory was very professional and it only took more than an hour to get it ready.

Zhao Yi and Ruan Wenye were sitting together in the control club, looking at the camera footage and focusing on a few data that were reported in real time.

The experiment started by turning on the space connection device.

The space connection device corresponds to another device two kilometers away, and the other device transfers a part of the Z-wave coverage area.

At the same time, there are various detectors in the corresponding areas after the transfer.

If the Z wave can be transferred, even a small part, it will produce a certain compression effect, and the compression ratio detector will definitely be able to detect it in time.

After everything is ready, the next step is to release the Z wave.

The area covered by the Z wave only contains tens of kilograms of metal. Because the covered area is not large, the adjustment magnification is only seventy times.

This overall magnification is reflected on the compressed metal, and the compression magnification only just exceeds the critical line value-e.

"It's time to begin!"

With a simple command, the experimenters released the Z wave. Because they had done many experiments, they knew where the position was safe.

Many experimenters simply stood fifty meters away, wearing simple radiation protection suits.

In fact, it is not used at all.

It has just reached the compression level of e magnification. The radiation and magnetic field released instantly will not affect the human body fifty years away, and the radiation and magnetic field dissipate very quickly.

Before releasing the Z-wave, Zhao Yi kept staring at the detection data until the Z-wave was released and all reactions ended. As Ruan Wenye said, the pointer of the detector did not change at all.

In other words, the link device two kilometers away is not able to deflect the Z wave.

"Just like what I said, there was no reaction at all. We have done similar experiments three times, and once we used a high-power generating device."

"In the end, there was nothing." Ruan Wenye said with some regret.

Zhao Yi frowned. He didn't pay attention to Ruan Wenye's words at all, but carefully thought about the theoretical logic.

This experiment led him to two conclusions.

First, there are changes in the laboratory, but the changes have not been detected.

Second, the Z wave is indeed not transferred, which is the same conclusion as the Z wave experimental group.

So what exactly are the changes?

Zhao Yi thought about it carefully, but he didn't have any answer. He simply waved his hand and made a decision, "Do it again!"

"Come again?"

Ruan Wenye was a little surprised when he heard this.

Zhao Yi nodded and said, "I will stand closer this time."


Zhao Yi knew that Ruan Wenye wanted to speak out, so he said with certainty, "Everyone else can stand so close, why can't I? Don't worry, I will wear protective clothing."

"All right."

Ruan Wenye still agreed and immediately arranged for a second experiment. During the arrangement process, he regretted it.

Zhao Yi asked to stand twenty meters away. Twenty meters was still a bit dangerous.

Ruan Wenye couldn't persuade him on his own, so he asked several people to persuade him, but it had no effect.

Zhao Yi insisted, "Your protective suit works very well. If it doesn't work, I'll find a space suit."

"--All right!"

Ruan Wenye thought about it carefully and felt that the latter was very reliable, so he immediately contacted and sent a set.

The experiment was postponed until the next day.

When the sky dimly lights up, the experiment is ready.

Zhao Yi wore a space suit and stood ten meters away from the Z-wave coverage area. He was as close as he could get.


Ruan Wenye also wore a space suit. He opened his mask depressedly and said, "I am risking my life to accompany a gentleman, and I am also risking my life for scientific research——"

"There is no danger!" Zhao Yi interrupted and affirmed, "Theoretically speaking, the amount of radiation at this location is more than five times different from that in space four hundred kilometers away. The spacesuits we wear can resist high magnetic fields and radiation. It is basically It’s not dangerous at all.”

"——It's just a sigh."

Ruan Wenye also felt that there was no danger. It was really safe to wear a spacesuit, but it was just too heavy and walking in it was a problem.

He just walked a few hundred meters, and it felt like a century had passed.

Finally, the experiment begins.

Zhao Yi and Ruan Wenye stood at close range, carefully observing the Z-wave coverage area. At the same time, the electronic screens in their hands also linked to the area two kilometers away, and all detection data were refreshed in time.

After the space connection equipment was turned on, Zhao Yi became much more serious. He did not pay attention to the electronic equipment in his hand, but carefully looked at the area covered by the Z wave, especially the area transferred by the space connection.


"Z wave release——"

Following the start command, the Z wave was immediately released, and the metal was seen to be compressed at close range. Nothing else happened. The detection data only showed the compression ratio of the area covered by the Z wave, without any other changes.

"It seems to be the same." Ruan Wenye said, "There is no difference. It is exactly the same as yesterday. I originally thought that a miracle might happen today."

There was regret in his voice.

Zhao Yi became much more solemn. He had just paid careful attention to everything in the covered area, including compressed metal, the ground, etc., and then he thought of the key -


[Question: In the experiment just now, was the air affected by the spatial link and changed? 】

[A: Yes. 】

[B: No. 】

["Law of Cause and Effect"! 】

[Answer: A. 】


Zhao Yi got the answer he wanted. He was very surprised. Air generally has no effect because the air is compressed at a very low rate, and when the Z wave is released, it will return to its original state immediately.

Space link technology can transfer energy, but air is not energy, but a real substance.

What will happen to matter?

Zhao Yi stood still for a while, constantly using the "Law of Cause and Effect" in his mind, and soon he got the answer.

A small amount of air is diverted!

Although the transfer rate is very low, even if there is only one nitrogen particle, it is definitely a huge discovery.

This discovery is of great scientific research value.

In terms of scientific research, if there is one, there are two. Being able to transfer one air particle means that it can transfer two, transfer three, and transfer more, and more, until it can be transferred, which is a measurement that cannot be ignored at all.

In addition, it also represents an important breakthrough - space material transfer.

After Zhao Yi came to the conclusion, he walked back. When he was dozens of meters away, a staff member came over and took off his spacesuit.

Then he continued to walk to the control room and said seriously, "Call all the people in charge over and hold an experimental meeting."


Ruan Wenye thought Zhao Yi had given up, but he did not expect that he would hold an experimental meeting.

"Why? Did you find anything?" he asked puzzledly.

Zhao Yi was silent for a moment, and then said, "I think this research will definitely lead to new discoveries, but because the experimental design is too rough, we need to conduct more detailed experiments."

"--All right!"

Ruan Wenye had no choice. He didn't think Zhao Yi was right. The detector didn't have any value, which meant that the Z wave couldn't be transferred. Why should he continue the experiment?

This research makes no sense!

However, Zhao Yi insisted on preparing for the experiment, and he could only assist in it. He was indeed the leader of the Z-wave experimental team, but the latest technology was developed by Zhao Yi. Without Zhao Yi, there would not even be a Z-wave, let alone Who is the person in charge of the experiment?

Therefore, among the companies and experimental groups in the latest scientific and technological fields, including Space Link Technology Information Company, Z-wave Experimental Group, Advanced Compressed Materials Company, and even the anti-gravity research group and spacecraft project team of the Aviation Group, Zhao is the one who has the most say. Hey, he can even make important decisions personally.

Zhao Yi usually doesn't get involved in related work, but if it really involves research, everything will be based on his ideas, and other people's ideas are not important.

Ruan Wenye still had a clear understanding of this. He didn't think he would find anything, so he immediately informed others and held an experimental meeting together.


The core members of the Z-wave experimental team were all here, and they gathered together in the control room. Some of them were talking in low voices, discussing what experiments to do.

Zhao Yi was sitting in the middle, writing something down with a pen. He raised his head and said seriously, "Everyone is getting ready these days. I plan to do a more sophisticated Z-wave transfer experiment."

"Our purpose is not to transfer the Z wave, but to see if some changes will occur when the Z wave is combined with space link technology."

"This will also be part of the study of the physical properties of this wave of coverage areas."

This view has received a lot of support.

Although Z-wave transfer seems to have failed, the study of the physical properties of the Z-wave coverage area is definitely the general direction of future Z-wave research.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with going in this direction.

After hearing Zhao Yi's statement, Ruan Wenye began to support it in his heart. Even if the experiment did not come to any conclusion, it was still a final conclusion--

The energy changes in the area covered by the Z wave cannot be transferred by the space link.

Therefore, there is certain value in conducting more precise experiments.

Zhao Yi said briefly, and then talked about the content of the experiment, "We need to build a vacuum area with a volume of about four cubic meters."

"In this area, ordinary vacuum machines are not enough, and some equipment needs to be placed inside, so we can only make it ourselves."

"The experiment is to align the space link with this vacuum area."

"Whether it's energy or other things, if there are changes in the vacuum area, it can definitely be detected."

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