Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 687 An experiment we dare not do on earth!

Theoretical research officially began.

The core members of the theoretical group almost do research in seclusion.

Zhao Yi hopes to demonstrate the mathematical construction of the particle transmission process from various angles, and every angle needs to be combined with spatial mathematical analysis.

They are all doing math work that they are good at.

Qiu Chengwen is good at Einstein theory. He has done a lot of mathematical work related to Einstein theory, including solving the Calabi conjecture of the existence of Keller-Einstein metrics, and also including proving the real and complex solution of the Monge-Ampère equation. The existence of , and prove the high-dimensional Minkowski problem, etc.

Qiu Chengwen's current starting point is to analyze the behavior of minimal surfaces in space and time, that is, the positive mass conjecture in Einstein's general theory of relativity, and combine it with space mathematics to continue making inferences.

At the same time, his mathematical research also needs to be combined with the mirror symmetry conjecture, hoping to find the 'symmetry' of particle transmission.

Edward Witten started from M theory and superstring theory. When it comes to the issue of spatial dimensions, and then connect it with space mathematics, it can be connected with particle transmission.

String theory is closer to space mathematics than Einstein's theory.

Therefore, Edward Witten's research progressed much faster than Qiu Chengwen's.

Zhao Yi and Zhang Qican conducted in-depth analysis from the perspective of space mathematics. They understand the complete space mathematics system and have theoretical foundations for Z-wave and space link technology.

Combining the mathematics of the two technologies for derivation will definitely be closer to the facts.

Three directions, three angles.

After a week of continuous research, several people's work came to an end, and an internal small meeting was held.

Qiu Chengwen briefly introduced his research and then said, "I think particle teleportation, that is, particles jumping in space, is also consistent with symmetry."

"This symmetry could be a symmetry of energy and matter."

"As long as matter is transmitted, there will definitely be energy loss. Considering that it takes a lot of energy to peel particles from atoms, I think it is the Z wave and space link technology that together contribute to the space energy loss, which is most of the energy. They all come from space.”

"Energy certainly cannot be generated out of thin air, and the energy in the experiment cannot support the separation of particles from atoms."

"So the two technologies are combined together, just like a flame, igniting the raw materials that can burn, creating a larger flame."

"These raw materials are space energy."

Qiu Chengwen started from the perspective of energy conservation. As he said, stripping particles from atoms requires a large amount of energy.

So what is the source of energy?

Obviously, the Z waves provided in the experiment, including the space link equipment loss, are simply not enough to support the separation of particles from atoms.

Then energy can only come from space.

From this perspective, the experiment is undoubtedly very dangerous. If there is a space that can be 'ignited', then other spaces may also be ignited. Perhaps the experiment can truly create an ultra-high-intensity explosion, or even a high-energy explosion. of black holes.

What Qiu Chengwen said was not just speculation, he also made a series of mathematical analyzes based on known theories.

Many of them are conjectures, and some conflict with existing space theories, but in any case, it is amazing to be able to do this.

The other three people’s comments were, “If what you said is true, we can’t continue our research.”

"This experiment is absolutely horrific."

"So we must first develop the theory and know that we can fully control the scale of the experiment before we can continue with subsequent experiments."

Next, Edward Witten also talked about the progress of his work, "My idea is still about the dimensionality. During the transmission process, the particles enter other dimensional spaces, and then are squeezed out. When they reappear, they will follow the path. , was moved to an established location.”

"Zhao Yi and I have studied the issue of multidimensional space before. Mass is a high-dimensional product, and particles are also high-dimensional, so transmission is a high-dimensional material conversion."

"All matter is composed of strings. Only matter has space. Zhao Yi's cosmology also supports my idea——"

Edward Witten said a lot, and the content was a bit cliché, but in the past week, his research progress has been the most, because he added space mathematics to M theory, perfected the boundary problem of multi-dimensional space, and shaped The 'pathway' to the quality point.

According to the conclusion he has reached now, the mass point enters the world of other dimensions through the passage of the multi-dimensional boundary, and then is quickly squeezed back to the original world. He understands the spatial transmission as establishing a 'channel to the multi-dimensional' , there will be two channels when you come back, and some particles will enter the other channel.

The mathematical proof of this idea is more complete than Qiu Chengwen's proof.

Of course.

There are still many conjectures and construction methods that do not conform to conventional mathematics.

Next, Zhang Qican also talked about his work, which is nothing more than continuing to analyze the content of space mathematics, hoping to construct a channel for 'matter transmission'.

However, he couldn't finish it.

Zhao Yi also did the same job, but also failed to complete it.

In fact, the research of several people still boils down to one problem -

"What is space?"

The space seen with the naked eye is empty, and the space assumed by theory is also empty, but an empty space can absorb energy.

According to Zhao Yi's cosmology, space will expand when it absorbs energy.

But why is it expanding?

How was it expanded?

What are the rules for expansion?

Without being able to solve 'what is space', the previous questions cannot even be imagined.

When faced with the problem of understanding space, several people all thought about it. They didn't know how to describe space. Even if they used the term "multi-dimensional", they couldn't explain space.

At this time, Zhang Qican suddenly raised his head and said, "I just heard Mr. Witten say that all matter is composed of strings, so is space also composed of strings?"

Several people looked over.

Edward Witten frowned, and Qiu Chengwen also fell into thinking.

Zhao Yize said, "If space is composed of strings, wouldn't it have weight or energy?"

Zhang Qican said, "Maybe it is a special string, a string that cannot be restricted by the conventional physical system."

This sentence made several people stunned.

Zhao Yi suddenly said, "It can indeed be understood in this way. Space is regarded as a special substance. This substance is composed of the same special particles."

He continued thinking, "This special particle is not restricted by conventional physics and has unique physical properties. For example, it does not react with conventional energy and matter, and can penetrate all energy and matter."

"For another example, its density is fixed, and its quantity can also be increased by absorbing special energy."

"When it is compressed by special energy, that is, Z wave, a large amount of annihilation will occur within a certain period of time, causing the density to return to normal."

"Can we call it a 'gap'?"

Zhao Yi's statement immediately made others think. After a while, Qiu Chengwen raised his head, "If we follow this explanation, the void will continue to move, and it will move quickly, but how does the spatial link occur? Woolen cloth?"

Zhang Qican immediately said, "It can be understood as establishing adjacent passages to allow the gap to directly complete the jump."

"From this perspective, it can be explained that there is a limit to the maximum speed of the universe. Even for particles without mass, the maximum speed will be limited by the jumping speed of holes."

"In other words, holes do not react with energy, but are attached to energy. When holes jump, energy will also spread."

A few people seemed inspired.

Edward Witten also said, "This can explain it clearly. The driving force supporting the jump of empty particles is the sorting of prime numbers."

"If numbers are used to represent holes, they will only jump between prime number points. When they jump to a special point, that is, 2 to the Nth power, annihilation will occur. Every annihilation of a hole will be accompanied by The squeezing of the mass point is the source of gravity."

Qiu Chengwen continued, "Energy is conserved. The annihilation of holes is accompanied by the diffusion and absorption of energy, thereby creating new holes."

"This process of continuous squeezing of the mass point will push the atoms to exhibit various properties, thus producing various chemical reactions."

Edward Witten said, "There seems to be a lot of content missing in the middle."

"Indeed." Qiu Chengwen nodded, "But at least now, we can understand it this way!"

Zhao Yi listened to the discussion of several people and suddenly felt that he had found a breakthrough point.


This concept can help continue to improve space theory, but it can be classified into the category of 'theoretical physics', that is, physics without proof.

Suppose that space is composed of empty particles, what will happen?

"Next, we assume that the void exists, define the void according to the existing physical laws, and study its characteristics."

He decided on the next direction.

Everyone in the theory group is very motivated because they have found a new research direction.

Space is defined as consisting of empty particles.

Then relying on the regulations of existing physical laws, we can make various standardized research directions for Kongzi.


For several people in the theory group, time seemed to fly by.

One week.

They are all studying the voids separately and establishing the "mathematics of voids". The established direction is very simple, one is the four powerful forces, and the other is space mathematics.

Gravity is caused by the jumping and annihilation of holes and the squeezing of mass points.

Electromagnetic force is the process by which a mass point emits energy, resists the squeeze of holes, and releases energy.

The strong and weak forces, according to Zhao Yi's cosmology, are directly related to the mass point theory.

Then some physical phenomena can be explained, such as the speed of light.

Why does the speed of light occur?

Because the maximum speed in the universe is limited by the density of holes and the jumping speed, holes can directly carry energy, and the speed of energy is limited to the speed of light. In other words, the maximum speed of holes jumping is the ultimate speed of light.

For example, spatial link technology.

Space link technology is to establish a jump channel between areas. With holes carrying energy, you can jump directly to the other side of the 'link'.

After a series of discussions, Zhao Yi expressed his opinion, "We don't know whether the holes exist, but if our research on the relevant characteristics is correct, we can do an experiment to verify it."

"Experiment? How to do it?" Edward Witten immediately reacted. What he hoped to verify most during his lifetime research was string theory, but whether string theory was correct or not, he could not design an experiment at all.

When a new theory has just been proposed, it can be verified through experiments, which is definitely very attractive.

Several people looked over with burning eyes.

Zhao Yidao, "We can design it this way. First of all, we know that the anti-energy barrier can isolate the space compression effect. Similarly, we can understand it as isolating space and isolating holes."

"When space is compressed, there will definitely be a lot of surrounding holes to fill the compressed space."

"Then we can place a Z-wave generator inside the anti-energy barrier and use Z-wave to compress the space inside the anti-energy barrier."

"That creates a void."

"Then, we use space linking equipment to link the two areas inside and outside."

"If the characteristics of the holes we study are correct, then the transmission efficiency of space connection equipment will definitely be greatly improved."

It's like air filling a vacuum.

If there is a vacuum area on the earth's surface, a large amount of air will definitely fill it instantly, so the material wrapping the vacuum area will withstand huge pressure from the surroundings.

When an area appears that does not even have space, the empty space in the link space will definitely fill the empty area in an instant, which will be reflected in the enhanced transmission capacity of the space link equipment.

Zhao Yi's statement made several people's eyes light up.

Qiu Chengwen said quickly, "This idea is so genius, I can't wait to start experimenting."

"But is there any danger?" Zhang Qican said worriedly.

Edward Witten thought for a while, then nodded and said, "I think the danger is also very high. Not to mention that there is no space, even if you create a vacuum area, there will be huge pressure."

"If you create an area that doesn't even exist in space, any danger is possible. Maybe it will trigger a super big explosion, maybe you can find a small black hole? Maybe -"

He didn't finish.

There is no need to continue talking about anything else.

Zhao Yi also has the same worries.

The biggest worry about this experiment is not failure, but success.

A nuclear fusion explosion occurred in previous experiments.

If an area that does not even exist in space is created, any situation that will happen is possible. After all, a theory is just a theory. If there is any problem with the theory, it may create a huge crisis.

This experiment——

You wouldn’t dare to do it on earth!

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