Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 72 Rubik’s Cube Calculator

Hello everyone, my name is Zhao Yi. I study in Zhengyang No. 13 Middle School and am an ordinary high school student.

Several classmates and I represented the No. 13 Middle School and participated in the Youth Cup held by the Nanjiang Provincial Department of Education. We got the highest score in the final and won the Youth Cup championship.

This matter is over.

Not even a few people in the school said it.

I never expected that someone would come out and question my performance.

He is Jia Hongning.

The Rubik's Cube player in "Brainstorm".

I don't know why he said that. When being interviewed by a reporter from Nanjiang TV, I said angrily, "Jia Hongning's Rubik's Cube competition was won by no means."

Everyone knows what happened next.

He apologized.

At the same time, he also publicly threatened with a lawyer's letter, saying that he would protect the legitimate rights and interests of himself and the program.

I am not saying this to gain sympathy, but I want to stand up and say one thing: When I said, "Jia Hongning won without force," it was not to vent my emotions, but to provide evidence.

The proof is in the show.

The current program recorded the Rubik's Cube used in the competition between Jia Hongning and Zhou Junkai. In order to let the audience see it more clearly, before the start of each competition, the program showed the six sides of the Rubik's Cube to show the fairness of the competition.

Although the screen only lasts for a short time, you can see it clearly if you look carefully.

This is what I call 'evidence'.

Rotating the fixed part of the Rubik's Cube ninety degrees is counted as one step, and the minimum number of steps required to solve the Rubik's Cube can be obtained.

First round: Jia Hongning, seventeen moves; Zhou Junkai, twenty-two moves.

Second round: Jia Hongning, 19 moves; Zhou Junkai, 24 moves.

Third round: Jia Hongning, fourteen moves; Zhou Junkai, twenty-three moves.

If the fixed part of the Rubik's Cube is rotated once (including 180 degrees) to count the steps, Jia Hongning's three data are fourteen, sixteen and eleven respectively;

Zhou Junkai is eighteen, nineteen and nineteen.

In every round of Zhou Junkai's Rubik's Cube, the minimum number of steps required exceeds that of Jia Hongning. In the face of rigorous science and rigorous mathematics, I'm sorry, but the lawyer's letter does not work.

I repeat here again--

In the last episode of "Brain Explosion", Jia Hongning won the Rubik's Cube competition without any competition!

Zhao Yi spent more than ten minutes carefully compiling the post and posted it directly. Then he advertised it and went to the group to shout out.

"My post! Cape Forum!"

"Please help me!"

When people in the group saw the message, they clicked on the link and scanned it a few times, and then they were attracted by the content.

Gossip is just one aspect.

As professional technical geeks, their interests and hobbies are obviously different from ordinary people. Most of them glance at the front and look directly at the final data.

The group quickly became lively.

Intelligent Technology Zhang Junlei: “This calculation is very complicated!”

Neo-Confucian missionary Ma Xiaojun: "It doesn't seem difficult to design programs using computers, right?"

Zhang Zhen, who is not a storyteller: "It's very difficult. The data is too huge and I can't think of it in a short time."

Neo-Confucian missionary Ma Xiaojun: "I will study and dive first."

Intelligent Technology Zhang Junlei: "Why not ask Zhao Yi directly?"

Neo-Confucian missionary Ma Xiaojun: “I am a Doctor of Neo-Confucianism!”

Intelligent Technology Zhang Junlei: "So you are embarrassed to ask a high school student? Can you understand it this way? / Haha"

Zhang Zhen, who is not a storyteller: "Don't always tell the truth, be a little hypocritical, be reserved, be careful about being reserved!/Haha"

Zhao Yi looked at the chat messages and felt a little helpless.

The point! ?

He was having a war of words with someone, and the matter was on the hot search list. When people in the group saw the post, why did it turn into a technical discussion?

Fortunately, the people in the group are pretty reliable.

Everyone’s focus is on algorithm communication, but I still want to help forward it, and each of them has a certain influence.

For example, Zhang Zhen sent it directly to the company’s group chat.

Be sure to click on the messages sent by the manager.

Neo-Confucian missionary Ma Xiaojun is a doctor of science who returned from overseas. He was hired as a lecturer by the Capital University of Technology. His position also carries the title of associate professor, and he is qualified to teach graduate students.

He sent it to the student group.

Other people in the group who saw the news and saw such a 'gossip' and 'technical' post also forwarded it.

Repost, repost...

The post was connected to the Penguin group and quickly spread.

After Zhao Yi watched the group chat, he simply played a game, swiped the remaining ‘leisure coins’, then returned to the browser to refresh the post, and found that it was already very popular.

Clicks: 8267.

Replies: 249.

He began to read the replies patiently.

Turn a page.

Turn another page.

Then, turn another page.

The posts in the front row are almost all 'technical exchanges'. Some are asking about algorithms, some are providing algorithm opinions, and some have disagreements on algorithm opinions.

Then the debate began.

Zhao Yi flipped through more than a dozen pages in a row and found that there were more people talking about technology than gossip. However, he did not post to discuss the Rubik's Cube algorithm with others, but to prove that what he said had evidence and reasons.

The direction of public opinion has been led astray!

Fortunately, the gossip crowd is always the largest. Most non-technical people are not interested in algorithms. What they care about is whether the conclusions are true.

As long as the conclusion is true, it proves that there may be something wrong with the game.

Most gossips believe that if Zhao Yi dares to present the data, the conclusion must be true.

You can't go wrong with science and math.

There are many replies to the algorithm controversy, but no one said that the results were wrong. Several people said that through loose estimates, Jia Hongning's Rubik's Cube is indeed less difficult to restore than Zhou Junkai's.

Seeing this, Zhao Yi also discovered a problem.

Calculating the minimum steps of a Rubik's Cube is not a simple matter.

Although he directly told the answer, he was unable to give the calculation process. The process given in "Law of Contact" is to use the simplest way to manually solve the Rubik's Cube, rather than how to calculate the minimum steps.

"Should we take a video to prove it?"

This is doable.

As long as you take a video of turning a Rubik's Cube, use fixed steps to disrupt the six-sided Rubik's Cube, and turn it into the Rubik's Cube in the show, it will directly prove the conclusion.


This proof is not rigorous.

"Even if you take a video and manually solve the Rubik's Cube, you can only prove that a fixed number of steps can be restored, but it cannot prove that it is the minimum number of steps."

Mathematics is rigorous, science is rigorous.

This is where the problem lies.

Zhao Yi went to search for Rubik's Cube calculations, and soon discovered a bigger problem. Calculating the minimum number of steps to solve a Rubik's Cube turned out to be a problem that has troubled the scientific community for decades.

The minimum number of steps to restore a third-level Rubik's Cube is called God's Number!

The emergence of God's number is mainly because the calculation amount of the minimum restoration steps of the third-order Rubik's Cube is too large. The number of possible steps is astronomical and cannot be simulated by computers, so it is impossible to give an accurate minimum number of restoration steps.

In 1992, the German mathematician Kosenba proposed a new idea for finding a method to restore the Rubik's Cube, which greatly reduced the calculation amount of solving the Rubik's Cube.

Three years later, scientist Reed relied on the method proposed by Cosenba and input it into the computer for improvement. Through calculation, he found that the "number of God" would not exceed 26.

However, Kosenba's calculation method is not rigorous, and what he obtains from his ideas may not be the best way to restore it. The calculation of the "number of God" based on this is also very likely to be an overestimation.

However, without introducing Cosenba's ideas, the amount of calculation would be too huge.

This issue has never been resolved.

Zhao Yi smiled bitterly and said to himself, "So, my brain can solve the world's problems?"

"That's not right either!"

Calculating the minimum steps to restore a single certain Rubik's Cube and calculating the 'God's Number' are not at the same level of difficulty. The different forms of the third-order Rubik's Cube are an astronomical number——


If you only calculate one of them, the difficulty is relatively simple, but if you only use an exhaustive algorithm, the amount of calculation is still quite huge.

That is definitely not advisable.

This is why there are many people discussing algorithms in the group and below the post.

Zhao Yi stared at the screen and fell into thinking.

If there is no effective, accurate, and publicly recognized calculation method, the results given in his post are meaningless. The most he can do is to make a video to prove that he can indeed restore it in fixed steps.

But the other party still had something to say.

It is best to use a scientific and strictly forbidden method so that the other party has nothing to say at all.

"Then design an algorithm and directly calculate the minimum steps to restore each fixed-form Rubik's Cube!"

"If it could be designed, would it be called a 'Rubik's Cube Calculator'?"

"As long as you enter the color of the small grid on the fixed surface of the Rubik's Cube, you can figure out how to use the fewest steps to rotate and restore the Rubik's Cube..."

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