Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 735 Milestone Technology Breakthrough

The police dog Shitou was in shock after landing. He didn't understand what happened at all. His first reaction was to look at his body and tail, probably to see if his body was injured. Then he looked at the place he just passed. It was obviously Very scared, as if feeling very scared.

It was frightened.

What puzzled Shitou was that the humans next to him clapped their hands, as if they were praising his performance.

The owner of the military uniform also patted his forehead and gave him a delicious piece of sausage. What else could he do if he had something to eat?

Eat it!

When the stone tasted delicious, everyone else was very shocked. They understood what had just happened. To put it simply, gravity was reversed.

Normally, the gravity is from below, but as a result, the direction changes to the top. That's why after the stone enters, it suddenly seems to be missing and you can still walk backwards.

This is because the top provides twice the gravity, while the ground provides only twice the gravity.

The big iron ball just now was already very shocking, but after all, the big iron ball was just a dead object, and it looked swaying, so the shock was not that great.

Now it is completely certain.

Some personnel in charge of security, including the military uniformed personnel just now, were even eager to try, as if they hoped to let them go in and give it a try.

Another person who was close to Zhao Yi directly recommended himself and said, "Academician Zhao, I would like to extend my hand. Let me go and have a try."

Zhao Yi smiled and shook his head and said, "It's not possible now, there is danger. You may not know this danger, but if an accident occurs, it will be very scary."

He didn't say it explicitly.

In fact, dangers still exist. The main danger is that during the entry process, the gravity of part of the body is upward and the gravity of part of the body is downward, which may cause the risk of tearing the body.

Of course, gravity will not pull a person twice as much in a lifetime, and it is even unlikely that there will be bleeding or the like, but that is not necessarily the case inside the body. Some internal problems may occur, which may subsequently lead to the occurrence of diseases.

The police dog Shitou moves faster, so the risk is relatively small.

But in any case, there are risks.

As long as there are risks, no one will go in to experiment, and there is no need to do so, because the entry of the stone has proven everything.

After the experiment was completed, the core staff entered the conference room.

Zhao Yi concluded, "This experiment can be said to be a great success!"

"Although I was very confident before, the data is still a bit unexpected. Six point three times. I think you all know what this means. I have successfully conquered the gravity generation technology and can easily create it, which is equivalent to ground gravity. installation."

"This success is historic and world-class, and will write a very important chapter in the technological development of mankind towards the universe!"

Zhao Yi's continuous affirmative speech made everyone in the conference room very excited. What he said seemed a bit like official language, but it was a real thing, not to brag about the experimental results or to boost morale.

There was absolutely no need for him to do this.

The publication of this research result will definitely cause a world war. At the same time, it will also completely rewrite the views of various institutions and countries on space exploration.

Most institutions and countries still have a wait-and-see attitude towards space exploration. Even if they already have spacecraft that can shuttle autonomously, what is the future of space exploration?

Hard to say.

The main reason is that humans still cannot stay in space for a long time, and at least for the time being, they have not found a second planet for human survival.

Things are different now.

With the technology to generate gravity, it is certain that ordinary people can stay in space for a long time and live in large spaceships for a long time.

In addition, the performance of the spacecraft is also very eye-catching.

The materials carried by the spacecraft can last for more than one year for 3,000 people. The nuclear fusion device carried by the spacecraft can continuously supply energy for more than five years. At the same time, the spacecraft also has an unlimited power solar system that can provide normal energy supply for the facilities inside the spacecraft. .

There is energy and materials.

Coupled with the complete gravity-generating device, a simple calculation shows that a spaceship carrying a thousand people and flying into space can continue to operate for more than three years.

This is the first spacecraft built.

If a larger spacecraft is built, its performance will definitely improve by leaps and bounds, and a complete circulation system will be built inside, which may allow people to survive permanently.


If you think about it deeply, you will know how important it is to improve the gravity generating device.

This moment represents that human exploration of the universe has entered a new stage.


Throughout the entire meeting, Huang Hongguo said nothing. He just clapped a few times and then calmly acted like a transparent person.

In fact, the shock in his heart was stronger than anyone else's.

He and his team had just arrived at the experimental base. It hadn't been long at all. It was also the first time they had watched the gravity generation experiment, and they realized that the research had progressed to this point.

The gravity generation experiment just now subverted his knowledge. Before, he only knew about the gravity generation technology, but he did not expect that it could be done to such an extent.

Huang Hongguo discovered the gap.

No matter how hard he and his team worked, it was impossible to develop such technology, or even understand the principles.

The theory team has made it.

It's just Zhao Yi. Others in the theory group have obviously made great contributions, which surprised him very much. He always thought that there was not much difference between himself and the top scholars, but now he can clearly see the gap. , the gap is even so big that you can’t even see the back.

For example, he and his team couldn't understand that pile of information at all.

That's still the most basic information.

"Just like Yan Rong said, let's just do technical work honestly. Theoretical research, especially the theory related to the latest technology, is really not something ordinary people can do." Huang Hongguo smiled bitterly and could only accept the fact of the gap. .

The summary meeting determined the technology to overcome gravity generation, and they will submit the experimental results and reports.

This large-scale gravity-generating device was manufactured not only for experiments, but also as a 'standard'. Teams in need of gravity-generating technology can refer to it to create gravity-generating devices with lower performance.

For example, you can intercept part of all the gravity generating devices of the most basic spacecraft to create the intensity of the earth's gravity without any problem.

After the summary meeting, Zhao Yi convened the theoretical team and Huang Hongguo's team to continue meeting to discuss the research and development of Z-wave detection technology.

He already has a direction.

When the meeting began, Zhao Yi did not speak himself, but asked Qiu Chengwen to speak. He believed that the core members of the theory team already knew the principles.

Qiu Chengwen lived up to his expectations and immediately said, "Our direction is to study the effect of this wave on the generation of gravity."

"We all know that the active force of holes in the Z-wave coverage area will be greatly enhanced. This enhancement causes the compression reaction. Theoretically speaking, if a gravitational area appears in the Z-wave coverage area, it will definitely have an effect."

"The larger the gravitational area, the smaller the effect. On the contrary, the smaller the gravitational area, the greater the effect."

"In addition, according to the theory of voids, it can be deduced that the impact of active voids on gravity is also related to the strength of gravity itself."

"So our experiment is designed to allow Z waves to cover the ultra-strong gravitational area created by large gravity devices, and to detect changes in the gravitational area."

After Qiu Chengwen finished speaking, he looked at Zhao Yi.

Others pretended to understand. In fact, except for a few people in the theory group, the others at most knew how to design the experiment and did not understand the theory at all. Some people even complained in their hearts, "The first sentence It’s, ‘We all know’, the problem is, ‘We don’t know’!”

Of course, this doesn't make sense.

Zhao Yi affirmed Qiu Chengwen's statement and continued, "Academician Qiu is right. This is our general research direction. However, I would like to add here that we need ultra-precise detection instruments."

"Let me also explain the reason. We have been waiting for the gravity generating device to be manufactured before. The main reason is that the effect of Z waves on the gravitational area is very small, very small. From the ground, we want to detect the intensity of the earth's gravity. It’s difficult.”

"Even if you use the highest-performance Z-wave generating device, it is difficult to detect changes in the earth's gravity in the covered area. In addition, another point is that the earth's gravity is everywhere and will completely cover the Z-wave area, which will greatly weaken the Z-wave. For the effect of gravity.”

"So, our experimental design needs to control the intersection area of ​​the Z-wave coverage area and the gravity generation range, preferably within 0.01 square meters."

“This kind of control is very difficult and requires everyone to brainstorm ways to find a way——”

Zhao Yi continued to talk a lot about the requirements for experimental design. As for how to design the experiment, it is actually relatively simple. As long as everyone thinks and designs together, this difficulty is not a problem at all.

The plan came out the next day.

Huang Hongguo's team is worthy of being a technical researcher. They provided several very useful suggestions, which made the design process much easier.

Relatively speaking, the theory team is indeed better at theory, but their ability in technical design is still lacking.

In addition, the cooperation of the Z-wave team is also very important. They are very good at controlling the Z-wave area and have made many suggestions in cooperation.

The experiment finally chose the basic 'spring test'. Simply put, it is to design a very stable spring with a weight hanging below it being stretched all the time.

If gravity changes in the area, the weight will sag a greater distance.

Of course, it's not that simple in fact. The principle is indeed this, but the device is not just a spring, but an ultra-precision instrument specially designed for testing.

Even if the gravity changes by a few tenths of a percent, and the duration is only a short tenth of a second, the instrument can clearly detect it, and the device inside will continue to swing.

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