Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 80 Genius’s Fraud Idea

There are good people in the group.

When they saw Zhao Yifa's software download link, they not only downloaded it immediately, but also recharged and paid to obtain the password, and then began to use it for testing.

They also posted test comments in the group——

"What a rubbish interface!"

"It's so ugly!"

"I really don't want to complain. I watched this result for a long time, but I didn't understand it. Even if you don't make a three-dimensional image, at least make the picture clearer, right?"

"Is this fifty-cent art work?"

“The experience is terrible!”

"The website for charging money is also very poor. It only has a payment interface, and then jumps to the password page. There are no other functions. I researched for a long time and couldn't break into it..."

Zhao Yi silently watched the messages in the group, feeling like his heart had been stabbed a lot. The last one was really unbearable. He moved his fingers and typed a line of words, "/Crying, brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts, please don't criticize me. software and websites.”


There are indeed a lot of complaints in the reviews, but there are no results or encryption issues.

Zhao Yi was relieved.


The discussion in the group turned into technology.

Everyone was surprised that the Rubik's Cube Calculator could really calculate the steps to solve the Rubik's Cube, which must have involved a very sophisticated algorithm, maybe even a brand new algorithm.

This is so attractive to them.

This time even Professor Liu was exposed. He sent Zhao Yi a private message and asked, "Writing a paper you are talking about is not the core algorithm of this Rubik's Cube calculator, right?"


Professor Liu was silent for a while, and then suddenly said, "Do you want to apply for the University of Science and Technology? I'll tell their admissions office and they will admit you directly next year."

"Thank you, Professor Liu."

Zhao Yi replied awkwardly, "I haven't decided which university to apply for yet, and besides, I don't plan to apply for computer-related majors."

On the contrary, Professor Liu understood, "With your talent and ability, just studying computer science is too narrow. It would be better to apply for a science major."

"I haven't thought about it yet, but thank you."

Zhao Yi understood the meaning.

Science and technology, to be specific, are not the same thing. Science is science, technology is technology, computers are technology, and only those who study theories are called science.

Science is the support of technology, and only with science can we have technology.

If you just study computers alone, you will only be able to study technology in the future. You may become an algorithm master, inventor, etc., but it will be difficult to make breakthroughs in scientific theories.

on the contrary.

If you study science-related majors and use technology as a practical breakthrough, you will have more choices in the future.

In fact, the same is true for education itself. Most of the courses in universities are theoretical, while vocational technical schools teach technology and work ability. Maybe people who come from vocational technical schools will be more capable of working, but because their knowledge is limited, their future development prospects It may be relatively simple.

at the same time.

The number of downloads of the Rubik's Cube calculator on the website is increasing rapidly.

Zhao Yi did not do any special promotion, but because there is no similar software on the market, many people will want to download and use it when they see the name of ‘Rubik’s Cube Calculator’.


A lot of comments and complaints appeared——

"A tool software actually costs twenty yuan!"

"too dark!"

"You can calculate the solution to a Rubik's Cube. It's so awesome. Is it true? I'm not willing to pay for it!"

"I'm so sorry that I don't have online banking. Poor people don't deserve to know how to solve the Rubik's Cube, so they can only continue to do it themselves!"

"Don't you think this software is quite technical?"

When most people see a Rubik's Cube calculator, they just watch it and download it if they find it interesting. Most people will not spend twenty yuan to unlock an unused software.

But there are still people who understand its technical content.

Li Ming is a professional news writer who works for an online media company. When he saw the 'Rubik's Cube Calculator', he subconsciously thought it was a 'scammer'.

What is the minimum number of steps to solve a Rubik's Cube?


That’s a world problem!

Li Ming downloaded it and spent 20 yuan to unlock it. He began to try it out and entered several Rubik's Cube states continuously. He found that he could not find any problems.

The Rubik's Cube Calculator has figured it out!

According to the calculated results, he restored the Rubik's Cube in a few or more than a dozen steps!

In surprise, Li Ming carefully examined the Rubik's Cube calculator and found a very valuable piece of information in the details.

Software producer: Zhao Yi.

Software copyright belongs to: Zhao Yi.

This software was not developed by a certain company, but by a person named Zhao Yi?

Zhao Yi?

It seems very familiar!

Li Ming typed the word "Zhao Yi" on the search website and immediately found a large number of reports about Zhao Yi.

Genius hacker!

Crack the fruit operating system!

Rubik's cube restoration video!

Posted in response to Jia Hongning, revealing the minimum steps of the Rubik's Cube!

Combining several pieces of information together, it is almost possible to determine that Zhao Yi on the Internet is Zhao Yi, the producer of the Rubik's Cube Calculator.

This is big news!

With excitement and excitement, Li Ming immediately took the time to write a report with a very attractive title - "A Rubik's Cube computer appeared on the Internet, and the world's difficult problems were solved by Chinese high school students!" 》

Li Ming, more than one.

There are many people who are aware of key issues. Some of them are media people, ordinary college students, some are computer professionals, and so on.

They all post and publish online.

Various media reports have also appeared on the Internet, with various headlines: "Starting from today, home computers can crack the third-order Rubik's Cube!" 》

"Rubik's Cube Calculator: Black Technology Algorithm Software!" 》

"Hacker genius Zhao Yi cracked the world's algorithm problem! 》

All of the above are considered normal and are told the truth, and simply, "Chinese genius high school student cracked the number of God!" 》

"The Rubik's Cube Calculator brings algorithms to a new era!" 》

"Shocking: A genius hacker actually hacked netizens' money!" 》

"The actress cried in the hotel late at night because of a software tool!" 》

In just one night, the Rubik's Cube calculator became popular.

When Zhao Yi woke up in the morning, he opened the website for downloading the software and was surprised to find that the number of downloads had exceeded 30,000 and was still increasing rapidly?

There are also many ‘pirated’ downloads available online.

Additionally, pay-to-crypto sites were overwhelmed to the point of collapse.

what happened?

Zhao Yi searched and found a lot of reports. He was prepared for the new algorithm to attract attention, but most of the attention came from the computer industry, but he did not expect to attract media attention.

The website crash must be caused by insufficient server carrying capacity.

Zhao Yi could only go to school depressed, but when he arrived at the school gate, he realized something was wrong.

More than a dozen reporters!

A reporter saw Zhao Yi and pointed in this direction to say something. Several reporters came running over shouting, "Classmate Zhao Yi, can I conduct an interview with you!"

"Tell me about your Rubik's Cube calculator!"

"You made the Rubik's Cube calculator on the Internet, right?"

"Some people say that the algorithm in it can solve the world's problems. What do you think?"


Zhao Yi stopped and nodded. He found that reporters kept asking questions and more and more people gathered around him. He didn't even care about bicycles and hurriedly ran into the school gate.

Kent State University, Ohio, USA.

Morey-Davidson is a tenured professor employed by the university. He has been committed to research related to mathematical models and calculations. The number of God in cracking the Rubik's Cube is one of his research topics.


Davidson made a cup of coffee, sat in front of the computer and was getting ready to work, when he saw a message from his colleague Thomas Rocky in the group, "Look at today's overseas news, the Chinese media actually said that they have a high school Genius hacker, can you use your home computer to crack a three-level Rubik's Cube?"

The message was accompanied by a screenshot of a Rubik's Cube calculator.

"I downloaded this software, but I can't use it at all. I have to go to a website to pay before I can get the unlocking password."

"This is obviously a scam!"

"What a genius scam idea... The funniest thing is that the Chinese media actually believed it!"

Davidson also laughed when he saw the news. He has been studying the Rubik's Cube and the Number of God for fifteen years.

If a Chinese high school student writes an algorithm that allows a home computer to crack a third-order Rubik's Cube, it's almost like pointing at his nose and scolding, "Your fifteen years of research are bullshit!"

That's obviously impossible.


Some American media have noticed the news, and news from countries across the ocean always has a selling point.

A reporter came over to interview Davidson and wanted to hear what this 'Rubik's Cube algorithm expert' had to say. Davidson lay on a chair and said, "It is impossible to crack the Rubik's Cube with a home computer."

"Even for a fixed-form third-order Rubik's Cube, the amount of calculations required to solve the minimum steps is astronomical. Of course, there are some mathematical methods, such as 'group theory', that can greatly simplify the amount of calculations, but for home computers, it is still impossible."

"My colleague Thomas thinks it's a new type of fraud."

"It's funny that some media in China believe it and even report it..."

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