Genius of the Rules-Style System

Chapter 89 This guy is fooling me!

Uncle Lin's name is Lin Xudong, and he is the captain of the Criminal Investigation Section of the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

As a people's police officer and a police officer of the Criminal Investigation Division, my work is very busy. Not to mention normal holidays, it is common to work overtime every three days. When there is a mission, it is normal not to go home for a week. .

Lin Xudong rarely lived at home, and his daughter was raised by Zhao Hongjuan. He felt a little guilty. He said that his daughter was his father's caring little cotton-padded jacket. You can imagine his doting on Lin Xiaoqing.

When he heard that his daughter had invited her classmates to visit her home and finally had a day off, he simply drove to the school gate to pick her up.

Lin Xudong knew Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi appeared on TV several times and became a celebrity in Zheng Yang's "high school circle". He was also a classmate of Lin Xiaoqing. He had also heard his wife Zhao Hongjuan talk about it.

Recently, Lin Xiaoqing went back to talk about school affairs, and occasionally mentioned Zhao Yi's name.

After Lin Xudong pulled Zhao Yi into the car, he asked about the time of the English test. He was surprised that he handed in the paper early, "Is there more than half an hour left?"

"The exam will be finished at four o'clock."

Lin Xudong looked at Zhao Yi curiously, "Did you hand in the paper early enough? I heard that your grades are not bad, why don't you take the exam well?"

He didn't know much about high school exams, but it was still a bit unimaginable to hand in the paper an hour early. He just felt that the answers were filled in casually.

Zhao Yi shook his head, "Have I finished everything?"

"How many points can I get on the test?"

"More than one hundred and forty points."

Lin Xudong opened his mouth and didn't know what to say. The other party handed in the paper an hour early and said he got 140 points?

This is too awesome.

Lin Xudong simply stopped talking and took out a book to read.

Zhao Yi turned around and glanced, and couldn't help but ask, "Criminal Psychology? Is this kind of book useful?"

"Any book is useful."

Lin Xudong raised his head and patted the cover of the book and said with a smile, "Even though I am over forty years old, I still have to read books regularly. Reading more books can help me gain more knowledge and insights. I learned a lot from this book "Criminal Psychology" .”

"What did you learn?"

"For example, you."

Lin Xudong stared at Zhao Yi, his expression suddenly turned serious, "When you saw me just now, you were obviously surprised, a little scared and worried, right?"

Zhao Yi nodded insincerely.

Isn't this nonsense?

There is a policeman on the side of the road asking you to get into the police car. Who can let you go without worrying at all?

Lin Xudong continued, "Also, you just answered that when you scored more than 140 points, not only the expression did not change, but the frequency of blinking did not change, so it can be inferred that you do not care about the test scores."

"But this is normal. People on the Internet say you are a genius hacker. It shouldn't be difficult to go to college."

Zhao Yi used all his strength to even nod, "Uncle Lin, your deduction is really good."

Lin Xudong was laughed at.

Zhao Yi said seriously, "Actually, I also know a little bit about psychology."

"You understand too?"

With a smile on his face, Lin Xudong followed the words and said, "Then tell me, and I'll listen to what you, a genius hacker, have to say."

Zhao Yi thought about it carefully and said, "Let's do this. I'll talk about a person, and then you think about this person in your mind, and then think of a number within ten."


Lin Xudong became interested, "You tell me."

"Just Lin Xiaoqing!"

Zhao Yi said as he picked up the pen and paper next to the car seat, handed it to Lin Xudong and continued, "Write the number you want on the paper, and don't let me read it."


Lin Xudong smiled and took the pen and paper and wrote the numbers.

Zhao Yi raised his head high and said that he didn't read it. He took the paper with the numbers written on it and folded it several times. Then he looked up at Lin Xudong's eyes and said, "The number you just wrote is three..."

Before Lin Xudong could answer, he immediately continued, "No, it's seven! Right! It must be seven!"

Zhao Yi opened the paper confidently. The number on it was indeed seven.

Lin Xudong was completely stunned. He asked with great interest, "How did you guess it?"

"I told you, I understand psychology!"

"You can tell by looking at my eyes?"

Lin Xudong began to reason, "You said three at first, and then suddenly it became seven. My eyes, expression... do it again."


Zhao Yi handed the paper over again, smiled and said a name, "Let's just say...Aunt Zhao, they are all people close to you."

Lin Xudong did not take the paper, but took out a notebook, tore out a new one, and wrote down the numbers behind his back.

This time he folded the paper himself and handed it to Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi stared into Lin Xudong's eyes and said with a smile, "It's, it's two, right? It's two!"

The more he spoke, the more certain he became.

Lin Xudong took a deep breath and continued to think about the reasoning, muttering in a low voice, "Could it be related to understanding? Seven is Xiaoqing's birth month, and second is Hongjuan's birth month... How does he know Hongjuan's birth month? ?”

"How about this!"

"Can I think of myself alone?"

Zhao Yi said with a smile, "Yes, but you have to give a brief introduction, such as his age, occupation, etc."


Lin Xudong mentioned a colleague from the criminal police brigade. He was sure that Zhao Yi didn't know him, but Zhao Yi still guessed the number easily.




"How did you guess it? Tell me!" Lin Xudong's curiosity was completely aroused.

Zhao Yi replied in one sentence, "I said it all, psychology."


"no problem!"

When Lin Xiaoqing, Gao Yuan and Sun Liang walked to the car together, they saw Lin Xudong chasing Zhao Yiwen curiously.

"How on earth did you guess that!"

"Talk about it!"

"Classmate Zhao Yi, tell me, you and our Xiaoqing are in the same class, or at the same desk, right?"

"Stop trying to make a relationship!"

Zhao Yi waved his hand indifferently, "This is psychological learning, knowledge, and knowledge. You can't learn it even if you have a relationship."

Lin Xiaoqing looked at the car window and asked with a confused face, "Dad, what are you doing!"

"Xiaoqing, the exam is over!"

Lin Xudong was too embarrassed to ask any more questions. He got out of the car, put the bicycle on the back of the car, and sat in the cab full of doubts.

Drive and leave.

The back of the car.

Lin Xiaoqing moved her body closer to Zhao Yi in the passenger seat, and said sourly, "Zhao Yi, you handed in the paper so quickly again. This time, don't get a perfect score!"

Sun Liang's words were all lamentations, "Zhao Yi is forty points ahead of me in English!"

Gao Yuan said with some envy, "I don't even want to stay with you. You all study so well."


Sun Liang was praised and touched the back of his head.

Lin Xudong, who was sitting in the front driver's seat, suddenly realized what he was saying and glared at Zhao Yi fiercely.

This brat also said that I was right in inferring that he was...

Fudge me!

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