Genius Sword Immortal

Vol 3 Chapter 1010: Sinensis

The trouble in repairing the fairy world can be expected.

With the power of the space of practicing the dragon sword and the maid, Su Shiying can avoid these troubles, but it will never be too easy.

"Master, since you are back, you will first condense the Yangshen. This is a matter of spiritual repair. I will handle it."

Ye Feng said with concern.

"Well, then give it to you."

Su Shiying threw the insanely frightened soul of the soul to Ye Feng, and then threw a series of storage rings together: "Two hundred storage rings are here, in addition, these There are also some treasures in the storage ring that I bought in the celestial world. You should have not absorbed them, and you can improve your cultivation for about ten years..."

In the Xiuxian world, due to the problem of cultivation environment, the price of Tiancai Dibao is very expensive. Even if Su Shiying sold so many Tianfeng Dibao that Ye Feng got back, he could not buy two hundred storage rings. How many treasures are bought in the case?

What's more, the Tiancai Dibao in the Xiuxian world has always been priceless.

Ye Feng took over the string of storage rings, and God looked into one of them and found that there were not many treasures in the sky. In total, they only added more than forty pieces, and Ye Feng got back from the wilderness. No way to compare.

However, in the Xiuxian world, it is very rare to buy more than 40 pieces of Tiandi Dibao. Although most of the more than forty pieces of Tiandibao are repetitive, they can only be upgraded for ten years. Yes, but it is also very useful for Ye Feng.

You must know that even if Ye Feng is now a cultivating speed, he wants to naturally improve his ten years of cultivation, and it will take more than a year!

If there is enough natural treasure, Ye Feng can save all of this time.

One year is crucial for the current Ye Feng.

"In addition, I am now in the Nanling of Xiu Xianjie, I gave it to the demon shadow."

Su Yuying immediately said the situation on the Nanling side: "The woman has a set, and I asked the people of the Beitianjianyuan to help, and soon the situation of the Nanling was completely controlled, and the surrounding area. The forces of the sects have also done a good relationship..."

"That shadow, Master, are you sure she will listen to us?"

Ye Feng heard the meaning of Su Yingying, probably the development of the demon shadow into her men, and became the leader of the Nanling area.

Three years ago, Su Yingying could only succumb to the forces of Nanling Mojia. However, nowadays, it is easy to control the situation in the entire Nanling area. This is the change that power has brought to her.

The most fundamental help, of course, is Ye Feng. If Ye Feng did not accidentally obtain the Dragon Sword inheritance, it is impossible for Su Shiying to deal with the Mo family ancestors.

"Of course I will listen. I bought a poison in Qinglan City. It is called the sinister poison. It has already forced her to take it. The antidote is in the hands of Beitianyao."

Su Yuying explained: "Every other month, Beitian Yao will give the demon a drug, so that her life can be extended. If she is not obedient, then she will only be poisoned."

Ye Feng heard the words, suddenly realized, right, there are many ways to control one person. The most simple one is to use poison!

When he first came to Earth, he controlled the poison of the scorpion gang, but compared with the sinister poison, the poison he gave to the knife was not poisonous.

How bad is the venom?

One sentence will understand, anyone who swallowed the sinful poison, immediately will be broken, the Dan nuclear burst and died!

If it is repaired to a certain extent, of course, it can fight against the immortality with infuriating, but it is absolutely impossible to achieve the current strength of the demon shadow.

Therefore, the demon shadow can only be swallowed before the antidote, in order to ensure that it does not die.

Su Yuying, also first to give the demon shadow to take the antidote, and then let her swallow the sinful poison, otherwise she will be killed in the moment of swallowing the immortality.

Every other month, the antidote effect in her body will expire. If she does not get a new antidote, she will be poisoned.

Under such circumstances, the charming female demon who has been cultivated for three hundred years will naturally be obedient.

As for Beitianyao, since Su Yingying taught the drug to Nainizi, he must have applied some means, or at least he can be sure that Beitianyao is on her side.

Not to mention that Su Yingying saved Bei Tian Yao, just the strength that Ye Feng can destroy the Nanling Mo family is enough to obey Bei Tianya.

"It turns out that... But, Master, don't you know that there are no extra parts and antidote?"

Ye Feng turned to ask, and God thought about the soul of the soul in the hands of the soul.

"There is just a sinister poison, and a 10-month-old antidote. You can handle it yourself. I will go to practice first."

Su Yuying threw a pack of poison powder to Ye Feng, then saw Ye Feng nod and turned and left.

Ye Feng Shen looked at the hands, there are some black powder and white powder, black powder is absolutely venomous, and the white powder should be antidote.

Although the soul is invisible and can't swallow poison, it doesn't mean they won't be poisoned!

Ye Feng is trying to use this sinful poison to force the guy to say the magical practice of the horror.

The specific operation is also very good, as long as Ye Feng extracts the medicinal power of the sinister poison or its antidote, and then breaks it into the soul of the whole body with the infuriating, it can easily poison them.

Standing in the central square of Peach Blossom Island, Ye Feng first took out one tenth of the white powder, urging the body to be infuriating, ready to turn this small pile of white powder into pure potency.

But at this time, the soul repaired by him in his hands suddenly woke up!

"The heroes are forgiving!"

When the soul of the Valley of the Souls explored the gods, they noticed the black and white powder in the hands of Ye Feng, and the time flickered and the gods heard.

He grew up in the Xiuxian world from a young age, and it is not easy to have three hundred years of cultivation. He naturally recognizes the sinful poison!

The young man in front of him wants to use him to deal with him!

That's all right?

Still hurrying for mercy!

Nowadays, the whole process of repairing the immortal world rejects the soul repair. It is not easy to repair a soul repair into three hundred years. He is naturally cherished for his own life.

The person who has died once knows the preciousness of life, so the soul repair is more afraid of death than the average cultivator.

"Heroes, what are your requirements, though, I will satisfy you, don't let me be a poison!"

The gods sent by the soul repaired with horror and pleading.

"Tell me the magical method of the sorcerer's cultivation, and I will take away this sinful poison."

Ye Feng blinked his eyes and passed away his thoughts straightforwardly.

"Okay, I said! Never lie!"

The soul repair seems very timid, and immediately agreed to Ye Feng's request, so that Ye Feng is a little dumbfounding.

This guy is too rude, right?

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