Genius Sword Immortal

Vol 3 Chapter 1043: White delivery

The royal family and the four elders of the elders came and suddenly let everyone around them stunned.

What is the situation, today's Shahai City, how can such a big man come? And once I was shouting the words "predecessors anger", what are the three young people in front of them who are not seniors?

After a little sighing, everyone around me reacted.

"My master and the sky are the same, overbearing the world!"

Everyone has collapsed and shouted such a line. There is no doubt that in the royal world, everyone sees that the royal family has to scream like this, which is equivalent to the long live of the ancient Chinese nation. Years old.

Including the two silver generals of the Royal Army, everyone went down to the royal family and did not dare to slack off.

Just screaming at Ye Feng’s big-browed big-eyed adjutant, it’s scared to be cold and sweaty. It’s unlucky. How can I bully three young people, even if it’s a royal family?

In their eyes, the front Ye Feng and the two women are estimated to be relatives of the royal family, and even the seniority is still very high, at least enough qualifications for the royal family to call their "predecessors".

However, I have never heard of the royal family having such three young ancestors?

Even if it is young because of cultivation, it is impossible, because these three people are obviously only two or three hundred years old!

All the children of the family in the capital of the city also bowed down, but apart from two people, one is Jin Xincheng and the other is Liu Yucheng.

Jin Xincheng and Liu Yu are both present, except for Ye Feng and others, the only two who know the true direction of the wind!

The royal family on the back of the letter, lost the wind and escaped at the crucial moment. After returning, he still announced the death of the wind, and then transferred the family of the wind to such a remote place.

This practice has long allowed Jin Xincheng and chilling.

Although they are strange, why the royal family will apologize to Ye Feng and call them "predecessors", but this is a good thing for them.

After all, they are also a group with Ye Feng.

All the practitioners and the people around the Shahai City, all of them also turned toward the royal family, and the four elders of the elders collapsed and did not dare to hesitate.

The gold armor in front of you is definitely the royal family, no doubt!

The audience still stood, except for the royal family and the four old elders, only Ye Feng three, and Liu Yu and Jin Xincheng.

At this time, the royal family, and the four elders, are cold and sweaty, facing Ye Feng, with a low head, as if they were really meeting with their predecessors.

This scene makes Ye Feng and the two women feel a bit inexplicable, and the ones on the side and Jin Xincheng are even more puzzled.

"Predecessors, my family did not know the heights of the earth, offended the predecessors, but also forgive the seniors!"

The sound of the royal family is very good, and it looks good. This sentence is quite decent, but Ye Feng is not good at watching this guy.

Others may think that this guy is a bully character, but in Ye Feng's eyes, this royal family is a key moment to abandon the coward who fled his own hands.

Ye Feng has just been preparing to condense the power of the mysterious space to run the road. Now that he sees it, there is no power to disperse the space. After all, he is not very clear about what the royal family is.

He can only guess the general reason. I am afraid that when he snatched the debris of the space rules, he showed up in front of several elders who observed the scene, and finally took away the debris of the space rules.

We must know that the smashing of the debris of the space rules at that time were incomparably horrible from the other world's strong, and the three wilderness people who had the strong roads were dying in minutes.

Ye Feng can grab the space rule fragments in such an environment, which shows that its strength is strong!

Therefore, it is not surprising that the royal family and the elders think that Ye Feng is quite terrible.

"No problem, don't bother us."

Ye Feng waved his hand, and the slow-moving and outgoing thoughts: "Let the people under your hands roll away, don't let me see them again. In addition, I will take away some people here, you have no opinion? ”

"No, of course, no opinion, I will follow the orders of my predecessors."

The royal family immediately said, but after a pause, he continued to say: "Is the predecessor, can you stay for a while after the event, and give us some advice on cultivation?"

After the millennium was cultivated, it was difficult to upgrade the upper limit. The royal family and several elders of the elders had long wanted to know how to cultivate.

Now I have a Ye Feng who seems to be very good. Of course, I want to keep the other person and ask for it.

Where do they know that Ye Feng is still far from reaching that level? For the cultivation after the millennium is cultivated, his eyes are black and he knows that they are not as good as they are.

However, Ye Feng is certainly not likely to show weakness now. The words are only faint: "When I feel better, I need some talents. You can let your people collect some for me."

"Yes, seniors."

The royal family promised to come down and sneak in the heart. It seems that this young man is still very good at speaking. It is hoped that the breakthrough will be made again!

Of course, he did not know that Ye Feng was completely fooling him.

However, if you deal with such people, you can use them. Ye Feng does not feel that he is excessive. On the contrary, he can give a sigh of relief to Jin Yu and Jin Xincheng.

Killing the royal family, Ye Feng still does not have that strength, but let the other party feel bad, angry, from the current situation, Ye Feng can still do it.

"When do you look at it, don't let it go, collect the treasures for the predecessors?"

The royal family sang a light drink, and suddenly the royal officers who wanted to come to the city's main house to fight the autumn wind, one by one, made a bird and a beast, and each went to prepare to find out the treasures they collected on weekdays.

Right now is a great opportunity to make meritorious deeds. Although they still don't know the specific identity of three young people like Ye Feng, they are obviously big people!

If you are pleased with them, will it be just around the corner?

Ye Feng looked at the scene in front of him, and smiled in his heart. It was really a heavenly treasure that was sent to the door. It seems that there will be a lot of gains later.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng did not go to the royal family on the side, but turned his eyes to the city seat.

At this time in the city government, everyone has been surprised and confused.

What did they see?

On the top of the royal family, one can make thousands of people fall to the ground. However, now, they respectfully respect the three young people, and even let people collect the heavenly treasures and send them to each other!

What are these three young people?

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