Genius Sword Immortal

Vol 3 Chapter 1126: Crime against humanity

When Ye Feng and Lin Shiqing appeared together in the central hall of the most defensive military base in China, everyone in the conference hall was shocked.

This is the whole of China, or even the most defensive place on the whole planet, let alone two people, that is, two bacteria can not run.

But now, Ye Feng and Lin Shiqing suddenly appeared in front of them.

This made them feel incredible. Several people also wiped their eyes and wondered if they were wrong. After a while, they were sure that Ye Feng appeared in the central hall with Lin Shiqing.

A total of seven people present, each of which is now a Chinese grand prince, in addition to Lin Detian of the Lin family, there are Yanjing family, Shen family and Wang family.

In addition, in the face of this common sense, the General Director of the National Security Bureau is naturally among them. In addition, there are two military academies who are discussing this matter together.

"Ye... Ye Feng, how can you appear here!"

The middle-aged man of Yanjing’s family stood up straight and shivered with a finger at Ye Feng.

"How can I not appear here?"

Ye Feng is strange. Is it a taboo that he appears here?

Once upon a time, when Ye Feng was just born again on the earth, he was bullied by Yanjing’s family, but now, the entire family has not been seen by Ye Feng.

If Ye Feng is willing, a city like Yanjing can destroy it with the fingertips, and its destructive power is no less than a finest nuclear bomb.

"Cough, everyone is a little safe."

After Lin Detian stunned, he coughed twice and stood up and waved his hand, letting the other people standing up sit down: "Since Ye Feng is coming, my daughter is coming, and everyone can continue to discuss the problem. ”

“What else is there to discuss?”

The middle-aged man of Yanjing’s family has a gloomy color: “Ye Feng’s stinky boy, although discovering a transmission array to other worlds, is reluctant to hand over the core technology to the country, resulting in delays in technology. Unable to go up to the next level. Now, he has attracted a powerful civilization from other worlds, pointing out that he is going to be exiled, then we have only one choice - to exile Ye Feng!"

"Yes, this thing is caused by Ye Feng, of course, he is responsible for him alone."

Another military unit of the Yijia faction nodded and agreed: "The technology of the extraterrestrial civilization is very developed. So far away, our nuclear bombs are not bombarded, and it is impossible to confront them."

"If that's the case, why do they still threaten us to banish Ye Feng? If you rush straight up, you won't be!"

Lin Detian’s words were fiercely opposed, and then he looked at Ye Feng: “Ye Feng, this thing is still the most you know. Wouldn’t it be better for you to explain the details to you?”

When the words came out, some people on the scene nodded their consent. The middle-aged man of the family and the military department were not very happy, but when they saw everyone, they could only nod.

Yeah, let’s hear what this kid is saying...

On the big screen of the conference room, there are many leaders of the two major military powers of the United States and Russia. When they saw the Chinese side, they actually let Ye Feng and Lin Shiqing come in, and they were stunned.

However, when it comes to the parties, they stop talking, but choose to listen to what Ye Feng said.

Ye Feng nodded to Lin Detian. This father-in-law, even in the moment of the survival of the whole earth, still protects him. It is obvious that Lin Detian said nothing to him.

Just because of the transmission of the array, Lin Detian can give him so long, it must have done enough, but this certainly makes Lin Detian cause a lot of people's dissatisfaction.

"In this case, I went to other high-tech worlds to buy some technology, bring it back to Earth, and develop earth technology."

Ye Feng saw Lin Detian, and finally made up his mind to have a second line.

At the moment, he looked up and swept the scene and took a glance. He said straight away: "This time there will be people in the sky world coming to the door. I am also very surprised. After all, I have never had an intersection with them before... Frankly, Now, now, the earth is definitely not the opponent of the Tianjia world."


When the word appeared from Ye Fengkou, it immediately caused a lot of people to pay attention, and did not know whether Ye Feng was a nonsense, or really called such a name.

Ye Feng ignored them and continued: "They offered you to exile me. I don't know why, but what is certain is that they don't dare to rush to the earth. It must be because the earth makes them jealous. There are also foreign aids who are willing to help me, so if you repel these enemies, you don't have to panic."

Yes, Ye Feng certainly will not be willing to be expelled from the earth, leaving this world where his loved ones are!

Since the Tianjia world is coming to trouble, Ye Feng will die with them. Although Ye Feng is not enough, he has friends and backstage!

More importantly, the Earth itself seems a bit strange, making people in the Tianjia world scrupulous.

"Oh, a nonsense!"

The middle-aged man jumped out directly and pointed to Ye Feng’s nose and said: “What can the earth have to make such a powerful alien civilization jealous? Let us exile you, it is because you have provoked them, and they also I don't want to kill the whole earth! If you insist on saying something special about the earth, then you can say clearly, where does the earth make them afraid?"

It’s ridiculous!

The middle-aged man snorted and thought that the military power of the Chinese nation on the earth, together with the military power of the country of rice and Russia, is already very strong, but together they are not opponents of others. What makes the other party afraid?

"I don't know it yet, but I will investigate later."

Ye Feng looks cold: "I am thinking that you are the leader of the Chinese nation and contribute a lot to the country. I will not embarrass you, but if you decide to exile me, then I can only say sorry. You want to Let me go, then come and drive me away?"

His words are a bit rogue.

With the power of the earth now, let alone drive away Ye Feng, even it is very difficult to make him injured! The repair of 750 years is equivalent to the actual combat power of 2,450 years. Even if all the bombs in the world explode in Ye Feng, they will not be able to hurt him.

However, to deal with the guy like the middle-aged man, Ye Feng only used rogue methods.

Such people usually bully others to bully, and must be bullied to bully him.

As soon as I heard Ye Feng, the middle-aged man of the family immediately had the urge to vomit blood, but the fierce color in his eyes flashed: "Come, bring this kid to me! In this country, the crisis is deliberate Provoking guilt, this is treason, no, this is crime against humanity!"

A group of soldiers instantly entered the conference hall and surrounded the conference hall.

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