Genius Sword Immortal

Vol 3 Chapter 1133: Ben Jamin's mission

The threat of the Tianjia world, Ye Feng can not ignore it.

Therefore, he is ready to send a person to the world of the sky, when undercover, and undercover things, Ben Jieming should be very experienced.

Originally, Ye Feng wanted Medusa to go with it, but since Mises and Medusa had this relationship, it would not be necessary for Medusa to venture into the world of Tianjia.

"Lying, undercover?"

Ben Jamin swallowed a mouthful of water and his eyes widened.

"Yes, the people in the world of Tianjia are a bit like Westerners, so if you are in the past, it is easy to mix in. The only thing to note is that you need to learn the language of the world of heaven."

Ye Feng said as he turned the information brought by the previous meteor.

That is all the information of the Tianjia world, which is kept in a jade slip. Ye Feng handed Yu Yu to Ben Jieming: "I will let you practice a Xiu Xian method, so that you can open this one. Yu Jian, you must look at the things in this jade slip in a month and learn the language of the heavenly world."


Ben Jaming took the jade Jane in a dilemma: "I don't think I can do it..."

How is it easy to learn the language of an alien planet?

Not to mention learning about their economy, politics, culture, history, technology, etc.!

Only by fully understanding the world of Tianjia can you truly invest in it.

"I believe in your ability, go."

Ye Feng patted the shoulders of the white man, smiled slightly, then turned his head and said to Zhang Yang, who was going to teach him to practice the tomb of the star, as long as there is a touch of infuriating, you can open this The jade is simple."


Zhang Yang nodded and took Ben Jieming down.

Let Ben Jamin blend into the world of Tianjia, and it is only a small measure of Ye Feng. Of course, he will not pin his hopes on this white man.

Ye Feng only hopes that in the future confrontation with the Tianjia world, there should be such a response, and many things should be simpler.

With the ability of Ben Jieming, as long as you understand the situation of the Tianjia world, it should be easy to mix in it.

The only difficulty is to send him silently to the world of Tianjia, and this depends on Ye Feng.

Of course, Ye Feng doesn't have to think about it now.

"Right, my grandfather?"

Ye Feng looked around and did not see Ye Wentian and several other old people, could not help but ask.

"They only realized some strength, they were resting, and Aunt Tang was taking care of them."

Shu Shu, who was on the side, replied immediately.

"Well, that doesn't bother them."

Ye Feng nodded and continued to talk to everyone: "Now I still have one thing to announce, that is, from today, each of you can have a magic weapon that transcends the fairy, that is, the Vineyard! ”

Void vine wood?

Whether it is a member of the War Soul Army, a member of the Dragon Blood Legion, or a group of people from the South and the Knife, they are somewhat surprised and confused. What is the Void Wood, which is a magic weapon that transcends the fairy?

Only the ladies who practiced the dragon swordsman know what the Void Vine is, but at the same time, how can Ye Feng give each of them a Void?

This is unscientific. Where is the magic weapon of the age of the earth?

"Seven ancient woods, I will see you now."

Ye Feng’s consciousness sank into the body and passed on the seven-year-old ancient wood.

Because it is the own branch of the seven-year-old ancient wood, it does not need to be handed over to the **** dragon to hand over to the alien space for cultivation.

The seven-year-old ancient wood uses its own power to combine the emptiness of the vine and the spirit of each person, and let the emptiness of the vines into their souls.

As a result, the Void Vine is integrated with them and grows slowly by absorbing the space in space.

Because the absorption of space is the power of space, not the power of the void, so the growth of the hollow Vineyard will certainly be much slower than that of Ye Feng at that time, but it is safe, and the power of the Void will not exceed the owner. Control.

Even if there are countless hollow vines and branches in the ancient sacred wood, it is still a bit uncomfortable to cut it down to the people of Peach Blossom Island.

However, since it is in the first place, it is naturally impossible to say anything.

"You can rest assured."

The sacred thoughts of the ancient sacred woods began to move.

One by one, the hollow vine seedlings came to him from the space inside Ye Feng, and then flew toward everyone in front of him.

In the stunned eyes of the crowd, the seedlings of hundreds of Void vines emerged from Ye Feng, and then broke into the body of each individual, and their respective spirits and gods merged into one.

A member of the War Soul Army, condensed out of the soul, feels that the hollow vine wood brings a powerful force, filling his whole body, if the empty vines grow up, you can foresee how terrible its power!

A dragon blood warrior, after the combination of the hollow vine seedlings, with a wave of hand, there is a force of the void as lightning, and the space in front of the body is defeated!

In the world where the earth is located, the power of space is very powerful. Even the space that is defeated by the power of the void is repaired in an instant, but it also shows how much potential they will have after obtaining the V. vine seedlings.

Even the daughters who practiced the dragon swords were stunned by the power of the Void.

Even now the strongest moon, after getting the Void Vine, her strength has also increased a lot, just like Ye Feng just got the seven-year-old ancient wood at that time.

There are more Void vine seedlings, which fly up and smash out towards other places in Peach Blossom Island.

Not only can people in front of Ye Feng get the seedlings of the Vineyard, but Ye Wentian, Tang Xuefeng, Tang Lingling, etc. who rest in other places in Taohua Island can also get the seedlings of V. vine.



The seven-year-old ancient wood was discharged, and everyone felt that the emptiness of the vines they had acquired seemed to have lost their source, and they completely became their own.

Ye Feng knows that this is the connection between the seven-year-old ancient wood and its so many V. vine seedlings.


It seems that I felt the power of such a strong and empty void on Peach Blossom Island. The Yan Yan Long Demon who was playing in the side screamed, and the huge body flew up to Ye Feng and others and hovered.

"Give it a seedling too?"

Ye Feng pointed to the Yan and Dragon Devils.


The seven-year-old ancient wood did not say anything, a hollow vinewood seedlings smashed out, and instantly merged with the spirits of the Yanlong dragon, even a beast can have a magic weapon of the age of the ages.

On the Peach Blossom Island, there are two little guys who are not very comfortable.

"Fire, these little rattans are too damn!"

A corner, turned into a little girl's thousand-year-old ice, clenched his fists, small face powder toot, and the hatred of the claws.

These small rattans have stolen her limelight, too unforgivable!

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