Genius Sword Immortal

Vol 3 Chapter 1143: The practice of the realm of the fairy king

Ye Feng began to absorb the power of the orange time in the force of the Seven Commandments. If this time, the dragon sword body stayed for a long enough time, it would allow Ye Feng to comprehend the power of time at one time, which would benefit him a lot.

The difficulty of comprehension of the power of time is the force of the power of the real fire, the power of the real water, and so on, and the same difficulty as the power of silence.

If Ye Feng did not get the scabbard of silence, and it was a coincidence that the Princess of the Moon went to the seventh floor of the ruins to get him the condensed body of the power of silence. At this time, he could not comprehend the power of silence.

By relying on the bow of the super-god-level star crystal, Ye Feng can be comprehended by the force of persecution.

Ye Feng is a leisurely, but the scene is a flash!

Throughout the hall, the power of the refining star and the power of the dragon sword are confronted with each other, creating a burst of emptiness, with the weak existence of Ye Feng. If it is not the protection of the quaint dragon sword, there is absolutely no such a void storm. Live the road.

"You are strong and qualified to be my opponent!"

The spirit of the refining star screamed, and the right hand of the sky blue 璀璨 crystal suddenly burst out with a powerful tyrannical power, as if absorbing the power of the endless stars.

Then, the power of the refining star broke out, and finally the force of the dragon sword body was slightly repelled a half step, so that the soul of the refining star had a little peace of mind.

"In the next day, my strength will not play too much..."

The dragon sword body whispered softly, and then a burst of strength condensed into a point, turned into the world's sharpest sword light, and passed through the soul of the refining star!


The sky blue crystals covered by the spirits of the refining star began to be fragmented, and the crystallized blue face showed an incredible look.

Subsequently, the entire soul of the refining star is annihilated!

With the defeat of the soul of the refining star, Ye Feng felt that the entire crystal ball building began to shake and tremble, as if it was about to collapse.

"I will help you!"

The dragon sword body sighed softly, and the tyrannical force was compressed, and Ye Feng was sent to the crystal ball building in an instant.


After the loud noise, the body of a dragon appeared in front of Ye Feng, and the crystal ball building was actually bitten into the mouth by the dragon in the mouth.

"The temple that this star has passed down will belong to you in the future!"

The dragon sword body crushed the crystal ball structure, condensed its power, and sent it into the blood stone space of Ye Feng.

For the Dragon Sword body, there are many ways to help Ye Feng, but this method is obviously the most relaxed one. After all, giving the existing inheritance of others to Ye Feng can make Ye Feng There are a lot of detours in the process of cultivation, giving him a lot of help.

These help, if the Dragon Sword body has to give it personally, he does not have so much time.

Ye Feng opened his eyes and was shocked by the huge body of the dragon.

The body of the dragon sword is really the body of a dragon. The whole is like the breath of a long sword. It is fierce and overbearing, full of horrible power!

When the dragon appeared, it would occupy the entire ruins of the seabed. This dragon was as long as several kilometers, higher than the mountains and deeper than some seas.

The body of the Dragon Sword appeared in person, and the inheritance of the refining star was compressed and given to Ye Feng.

And this time, the wind of power blown from the upper bound is even more tenfold.

"The power of orange time, comprehend!"

Ye Feng looked at him with a sigh of relief and finally realized the power of time!

And then, the body of the Dragon Sword has disappeared from his face, leaving only a long history of strength and breath, showing that the body of the Dragon Sword has only come to this place.

"The harvest is good."

The thoughts of the seven old ancient woods came.


Ye Feng nodded and sank his mind into the **** stone space.

In the center of the **** stone space, there is a sky-blue crystal ball building, which is divided into twelve layers. However, with Ye Feng's current repair, only three layers can be detected.

However, he does not need to deal with the existence of the soul of the refining star, as long as the repair is achieved, you can always detect the contents of the layers below the crystal ball building.

The content of the second layer of the crystal ball is the track of the refining star fairy, which can be cultivated for two thousand years.

The content of the third layer is the second most important thing to record, and it can be cultivated for five thousand years, and it records the secret technique of refining the power of the stars and forming various treasures of heaven and earth.

This mystery, even the dragon sword body is amazing.

"The refining star fairy code, I have no cultivation, the power of the refining star can not comprehend... I want to refine the stars, turn it into a treasure of heaven, and only rely on Lin Shiqing."

Ye Feng shook his head and compared it with the starry heritage. For him, the bigger change still realized the power of orange time.

Once the power of time is realized, he can create his own meditation space, and accelerate the cultivation of time at any time and place, so that his cultivation can be improved quickly.

As a result, his life Yuan passed away much faster than the average person, but the cultivation will be extremely fast. At the speed of Ye Feng, the improvement of Shouyuan brought about by the growth is far more than the death of Shouyuan. .

Therefore, Ye Feng does not need to worry about the issue of Shouyuan.

However, after getting into the realm of immortality, practitioners will often face bottlenecks. If they cannot break through, the role of Shouyuan is very important.

There are many practitioners, the bottleneck can not be broken, the end of life is dead, and the drink is hate between heaven and earth.

"Really can refine the stars."

Ye Feng feels the power in the crystal ball building. He feels that although he can't use the power, he can refine it into a heavenly treasure if he directly throws the crystal ball building to a certain star. It only takes a certain amount of time.

I want to move freely in the universe, to survive in a vacuum, only to achieve a thousand years of cultivation, and to consolidate the fruit.

Ye Feng’s next goal is this.

"I can't think of the inheritance of the Stars of the Stars, so I got it."

The thoughts of the inheritance came, and there was a trace of sorrow, and then they failed to let Ye Feng react. The whole child was thrown into the crystal ball building of the **** stone!

Originally, the crystal ball building is the consciousness of possessing the soul of the refining star, but now the soul of the refining star is obliterated by the body of the dragon sword, and the force of inheritance is put into it, and it begins to merge with the crystal ball building.

Ye Feng is a bit strange, and then feels what seems to have changed in the crystal ball building. The force of the singer's fairy tales, which incorporates the crystal ball building, can detect all the twelve layers of mystery!

The mystery of the refining star fairy, appearing layer by layer in front of Ye Feng, let him open his mouth.

In the twelfth layer of the crystal ball, there is a record of the practice of cultivation after 100,000 years of cultivation. It is an incomparable mysterious figure that seems to represent the universe of heaven and earth. Ye Feng cannot understand it at all.

"The practice of cultivation after the kingdom of the fairy king... This is the same existence of God in the next heaven!"

Ye Feng was shocked. What would be amazing if he gave this star map to Zhenyue Emperor, or the peak of the sword, such as the Elder of the Sword, the Forest of Forgetting and the Immortal King?

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