Genius Sword Immortal

Vol 3 Chapter 1154: Dark blood altar

Because it was suppressed in the Dan nucleus for too long, the whole body was eroded by the power of dark blood, and the consciousness of the wind itself was already very weak, but it was persisted with a willpower.

If Ye Feng does not come, wait for this time to call for the success of the blood curse, and the ancient power after the evolution is enough to obliterate the consciousness of the wind itself.

"It's me, I am here to save you."

Ye Feng said quietly.

Because he had a careless negligence, he even let the wind fall into such a field, which undoubtedly made Ye Feng blame himself. Fortunately, there is still a chance to save. Ye Feng will definitely do his best.

" can find... my..."

The consciousness of the wind is intermittent, but fortunately, Ye Feng can understand her meaning.

"When you talk long, I will dispel all the dark blood in your body. After you recover, I will tell you in detail, but you must cooperate with me during this period."

Ye Feng’s fascinating thoughts.

"it is good……"

The consciousness of the wind is very weak.

Ye Feng did not stay in it for too long, but immediately began to mobilize the power of real water, began to dispel the power of dark blood near the flow of the Dan nuclear.

The dark blood power in her body has evolved several times through the call of the blood curse. Its intensity is ten times more powerful than the dark blood in the patriarchal body. Even Ye Feng’s real water force wants to disperse it. very difficult.

Fortunately, Ye Feng’s true water power can be restored all the time, but the dark blood power in the windy body will not naturally recover after leaving the dark blood forest.

The forest of dark blood is the foundation of the existence of dark blood ancients.

The dark blood power they used was obtained from an ancient altar in the Dark Blood Forest, and it was only added to the ancient altar.

I want to come, this time the golden ancient patriarch, will definitely try to destroy the ancient dark blood altar, otherwise these dark blood forces will harm others sooner or later.

In the whole wasteland, it is not only the two ethnic groups of the golden and dark blood, but even the number of creatures in the wilderness is much more than other worlds. After all, this is more ancient. First class world.

In the dark-blooded forest, there was a fierce slaughter, one after another, the dark-blooded giant, who fell to the ground under the siege of the golden five-member squad.

Even if there are several dark blood giants escaping together, they are also strangled by several gold giant squads.

It is the easiest thing to beat the dog, but the dark blood giant's dying and counterattack can not be ignored. Many gold giants were seriously injured and even stalked by several dark blood giants.

This war is the biggest loss of the golden ancients, but the relative dark blood ancients lost more!

This is a deadly battle, not that you are dead, that is, I am dying, rather than the tentative mutual attacks of the two.

As long as you can annihilate the dark blood ancients, even if you die, how about?

In history, the total number of gold giants who died in the hands of the Dark Blood Giants is much larger than the number of gold giants who died in this battle today!

Every golden giant has smashed his eyes, and the golden power has erupted with the strongest power, killing one dark blood giant after another.

Outside the dark blood forest, Ye Feng finally spent a day and a night to dispel the dark blood power of the Dan nuclear in the wind.

Danfeng, the windy wind, returns to Qingming!

In this way, the consciousness of the wind itself can be gradually restored over time, so as not to be weakened by the power of dark blood.

The dark blood power in her body was severely damaged and she finally fell asleep.

Ye Feng will squat and squat, and he will look back. Behind him, seven or eight dark blood giants have fallen to the ground, and they have dark red blood, which is mixed with some golden blood.

The five-person squad led by the giant scorpion was also injured, but the blood in the golden giant's body was golden yellow and perfused by the golden power.


The giant looked at the sky and estimated the time in his heart.

One day and one night, the 150-member combat squad he led has annihilated more than 250 dark-blooded giants and lost no more than ten.

All sacrifices are heroes.

The giants are sorry for the heroes, but they also cheer for the heroes. If there are not these fighters fighting for death, how can they completely annihilate the dark-blooded people?

At this time, the moon was empty, a huge golden figure, walking out from the dark blood forest.

That is the patriarch!

His body has been filled with the dark red blood of the dark blood giant, and the head of a dark blood giant is still in his hand. It is the patriarch of the dark blood ancient generation, which has been killed.

"The dark blood ancients are gone."

The patriarch squatted out of the dark blood forest and said to the giant, he couldn't help but cough up a golden yellow blood.

"The patriarch, what happened to you?"

The giant's face changed, and it is reasonable to say that a dark blood ancient family is annihilated, and the patriarch of the realm of the fairy king cannot be injured!

"I tried to attack the dark blood altar, but it was hurt by the power of its rebound."

The patriarch sighed and looked dignified: "The matter is postponed again, everyone will go back to the village to rest!"

Ye Feng looked at him, not brows, but even repaired for 100,000 years. The patriarch of the realm of Xian Wang, couldn't make the dark blood altar?

It seems that the dark blood altar is definitely not built by the people of the next heaven.

Many warriors of the ancient tribes packed up the dark blood forest to ensure that no dark blood giant fled, and finally with the corpse of his comrades, many wounded people have returned to the tribe of the golden ancient tribe.

"This time I punched five dark blood giants, haha!"

A gold giant stood by Hong’s side and showed off.

"I killed sixteen."

The face was calm and slightly smiling.

"Oh, it’s amazing!"

Someone said: "Hong, you drank that golden spring. The level of strength in the body is stronger than ours. Although it is not as good as us, the combat power is much stronger than ours."

"It's not bad. It's a pity that the Golden Spring has only produced one drop in 100,000 years. Otherwise, will our golden ancients be afraid of the dark blood?"

Gold Holy Spring?

Ye Feng heard that, looking to the side of the flood, the past should be the level that can enhance the level of their golden power in the body?

Just like calling a blood curse, you can increase the level of dark blood power to the power of ancient times.

And what about the golden spring, which can raise the golden power?

Ye Feng did not know that the seven-year-old ancient wood was not very clear. He did not see any power in the heavens that was similar to the golden power.

"Hey, do you know if there is a higher world than the sky?"

Ye Feng asked the seven-year-old ancient wood.

"What do you ask for this? Young people, don't be too far away..."

Qiqiu Gumu seems to want to teach Ye Feng.

"Oh, you don't even know it yourself, but also come to teach me."

Ye Feng directly retorted and went back to let the seven-year-old ancient wood shut up, but his heart was doubtful.

If this piece of heaven and earth is divided into the next day and the upper heavens, is there really a higher level of existence? Otherwise, the dragon sword body, the earth ancient super strong, their existence, why do not know the seven ancient trees?

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